Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 7 Born as a God

"A little god, nothing worth mentioning."

As Qiu Yan spoke, he took a closer look at the gods in front of him. Although he possessed the clay sculpture and was born as a god, he was trapped in a corner. This was the first time he saw other gods.

The land in front of him was dressed in earthy yellow silk and satin. Not only was he short in stature, his face was also very strange. His nose and mouth were protruding, and there was a big bulge, but Qiu Yan did not feel out of place.

In this world, Shinto is prosperous, and wherever there are some popular settlements, there will be land gods born.

The land is a piece of land. It ensures peace and tranquility. It is in charge of the household registration of the deceased. It seems ordinary. It is the basic level among the gods. Most of them are seventh-grade gods, but it is extremely important. The land in the countryside is also in charge of the fertility of the fields, the growth of all things, The prosperity of the grain is related to the survival and well-being of the people.

Generally speaking, the land can communicate with the underworld and is subordinate to the city god of the place.

Above the land gods, there are big lands, mostly in the big cities of Fuzhi. For example, the short land god in front of Qiu Yan is one of them. Although he is only in charge of the south of the city, he is ranked as a sixth-grade god.

Qiu Yan has been trapped in a mountain temple for decades. Although he has not seen other gods with the seal on his palm, the seal has its own mysteries, which can make the gods self-explanatory, so that they can know that the gods have different positions and each has their own level.

When the gods meet, apart from worshiping the wild gods, they can feel each other's divine character. That's why the earth god will easily show up and treat each other with courtesy.

Listening to Qiu Yan's vague words, the earth god frowned slightly and was about to say more, but suddenly he was stunned, his eyes widened, and he glanced at Qiu Yan from top to bottom, and took a breath: "Psychic crystal clear , Not stained by dust, is this brother a born god?”

He had a look of shock on his face, and regardless of his original intention, he asked eagerly.

"Born a god? What does this mean? The crow demon also mentioned it before. Could it be that there are different types of gods? Is this a rare species?"

Thinking in his mind, Qiu Yan asked the questions in his heart.

"Brother, you don't know? Then why do you follow this scholar?" said the land in the south of the city, pointing to the flesh and blood clone sleeping soundly on the bed beside him.

"This scholar..." Qiu Yan was startled for a moment, then changed his mind, "I was born in the mountains, and I gave this scholar a few words of advice, which saved him from the destruction of his flesh and blood. He remembered this and said he would repay his kindness. , enshrine it to me, and I just attached myself to its clothes..."

"That's right!" The land in the south of the city clapped his hands, "How can the body of an ordinary god leave the place where it was ordered?"

Seeing that Qiu Yan was still confused, he became more and more sure of his judgment and said with a smile: "Brother, I don't know. Our gods must receive an amnesty order before they can be enthroned as gods. However, these amnesty orders are different. Some of them are different. The human court and the heavenly court are divided into gods. In addition, there are two categories: those who lead the wishes of all people and those who inherit the principles of heaven and earth. Among these two, if they are born out of thin air, they are born. God!"

After the land in the south of the city recognized that Qiu Yan was a born god, its attitude changed drastically, and the original businesslike appearance disappeared: "Since brother doesn't know this, I guess he hasn't met other gods since he was born, but it doesn't matter, since we are here in Yuan Ning The city will be taken care of by Lord Cheng Huang from now on. If you have any questions, he will answer them for you."

"Um, is there such a good thing?" Qiu Yan was shocked when he heard this. He had prepared a set of words, but he didn't expect that before he even said a few words, just because of a "natural god", he let the person in front of him Attitudes towards the land have changed drastically.

Here, Qiu Yan was still thinking, but Tu Tuyu said a few words over there, "Brother, why don't you come with me to the City God's Temple now to meet the Lord?"

After hearing this, Qiu Yan shook his head: "To be honest, I was slightly injured a few days ago and my body is unstable. I have to rest for two days and it is inconvenient to go out."

After hearing this, the land in the south of the city nodded repeatedly: "That's right, I was reckless. You are out of the legal domain, and you will naturally be affected. No wonder I see that your divine light is dim, and you must have even damaged the stars of your divine power."

"Exactly." Qiu Yan nodded, sighing in his heart.

"This land god is really good. I didn't say much before he figured it out by himself. He's quite a wonderful person."

After his thoughts fell, Qiu Yan added, "Brother, I would like to ask you to report a crime to the City God on your behalf. I will definitely pay you a personal visit in two or three days."

"Don't worry, this matter will be taken care of by me." The land in the south of the city smiled and agreed, "In that case, the little god will not delay brother's rest, and will leave now. Brother, you can go to my temple to sit in when you have time. From now on, we may be colleagues, so we should be close to each other.”

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed, and a little starlight shot out from his fingertips and fell on Qiu Yan's hand.

"Of course." Qiu Yan nodded and watched as the earth god bent down, turned around, and then turned into a ray of green light and disappeared from the ground.

"Born a god? Become a colleague in the future? It seems that the mysteries in Shinto are really quite big."

After pondering slightly, Qiu Yan himself turned to look at the sleeping flesh and blood clone, and narrowed his eyes: "However, what surprises me the most is that the land god didn't realize that this physical body is my clone!"

As he spoke, two rays of light were projected from his eyes, shrouding the clone.

"However, it's no wonder. Those three vellus hairs are so mysterious that they can follow me into this world. I'm afraid that the reason why I have such a good fortune after death is related to these three vellus hairs. In the past few decades, in addition to researching vellus hairs, I have Apart from the ability to create clones, there is almost no other gain.”

In the light field of vision, the flesh and blood clones gradually changed, and the flesh and blood bones gradually disappeared, revealing several rays of light changing shadows, three rotating and seven floating.

"I wonder if other people's clones also have independent three souls and seven spirits!"

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan blinked his eyes, and the light suddenly disappeared.

"However, in this way, this clone should be able to practice normally. The sex cultivation and life cultivation mentioned by the crow demon should correspond to the soul cultivation and spirit cultivation."

People have sex and life. The creation of sex depends on the heart, and the creation of life depends on the body.

Sex refers to the heart, thought, soul, and spirit, while spirit refers to life, flesh, body, and matter.

Sex and life are the mind and body, which can be called the spirit form.

"It's not unexpected that the land god came this time. Although I don't know how the distribution of the gods in this world is divided, when I entered the city, I felt like I was jumping into the water. It was clearly entering someone else's domain. It should be from the city god of this city. Since I can sense it, he must have been pulled in. It's not surprising that he sent someone to ask."

The gods of the gods have their own positions and duties. They command a domain. If there are foreign gods crossing the domain, they will sense it at the first time.

"The city god wants to see me, which is an opportunity. From the words of the land god, the natural gods seem to be a little special, so the change in attitude, combined with the two, may open up the situation and let me quickly gather some incense and wish power and condense the stars of divine power! However, how to implement it specifically depends on the results of the investigation in the next two days. In addition, I don't know if the city god can see the connection between the original body and the clone."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan's original god looked at the flesh and blood clone again, and then shook slightly, disintegrated in the air, and turned into a picture of a Confucian scholar again, pasted on the green shirt.

On the other side, after passing through, the Chengnan land god who had already arrived outside the Chenghuang Temple slapped his head.

"Yes, I was so anxious that I forgot to ask what the man's position was and where he came from." He was thinking about how to report, and then he remembered that he had forgotten his original intention because he had discovered a natural god. "However, the position of a natural god changes with the environment. If I report this matter, the City God will definitely not blame me. Anyway, in two or three days, the man will come and I will know it by asking."

Thinking like this, he stepped into the temple.


No words were spoken all night.

The next morning, Qiu Yan got up early, first did some simple exercises in the yard, and after breakfast, he sent Liu Huai and his son away, and then found an excuse to leave, and did not come back until the evening.

At dinner at home in the evening, Liu Huai heard about this and said a few words, which roughly meant that Qiu Yan should pay attention to the recent limelight and it would be better not to go out casually.

But Qiu Yan persuaded Liu Huai by saying that he was going out to look for books, and he went out early and came back late the next day, and this continued until the third day.

On the third night, after dinner, Qiu Yan returned to the room early, took out a scroll from the bedside, opened it and spread it on the table. The painting inside was a man in Confucian clothes, who was Qiu Yan's deity.

During these three days, he found a scroll and transferred his deity from the blue shirt to the drawing paper. After all, carrying a roll of rags with him was too conspicuous.

After spreading the scroll, Qiu Yan lay on the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

After the hour of Xu passed, just at the hour of Hai, white light flashed on the drawing paper, and the deity showed up.

When the deity raised his hand, a little starlight appeared, and the starlight shook, scattered, and turned into lines of characters.

"What a good method, what a magical power."

Looking at the lines of characters in front of him, Qiu Yan was moved.

This starlight was left behind by the land of the south city before he left that day. There are thoughts emerging from it. As long as you have a slight contact with it, you can know the content information without knowing the characters at all.

This is also a means of using divine power, but it is more clever. Qiu Yan himself cannot do the skills contained in it. He can only use divine power to do some subtle operations at most, but there is no rule.

Divine power is mysterious and different, but at its core, it is actually a set of transformation methods. At the level of the seventh-grade god, it mainly consumes divine power and changes between existence and non-existence.

Like Qiu Yan letting the wild beasts in the mountains carry their own smell that day, or letting Wang Qiaoer forget her name three days ago, it is the operation of existence and non-existence.

"It is imperative to contact other gods, at least to learn how to strengthen the control of divine power. However, this time, the first thing to ask is the practice of life and death. I think the land god and the city god should know something. Once you know it, the flesh body can also be considered to have a way to advance."

The starlight characters gave two addresses and a set of methods. The addresses recorded the locations of the City God Temple and the Land God Temple in the south of the city. Needless to say, Qiu Yan has been wandering in the city for three days and has a general understanding of the layout of the city. The locations of the City God Temple and the Land God Temple are already clear in his mind.

On the contrary, the set of methods is more important. The temples in the world worship gods, and anyone can enter and exit, but the place where the gods are located contains the power of the underworld. Not to mention people, even other gods cannot easily step in. They must be led by someone or have a corresponding method to approach. This method is presented in front of Qiu Yan.

Reciting the Dharma in his heart, Qiu Yan threw himself to the ground, white light seeped into the ground, and the scene in his vision changed, and soon it became a solemn temple.

Leaving the range of Minyuan Mountain, although Qiu Yan lost his connection with the mountains and forests and could no longer gather divine power, he was also freed from his shackles and would no longer be confined to the temple, and could travel and move.


At the same time, a large mansion in the city was brightly lit, and the owner of the mansion was holding a banquet to entertain everyone.

In the main hall, the prefect of Yuanning, dressed in casual clothes, sat in the first seat. On the first seat to his right, sat a sturdy man with a stern face and a serious expression, which was out of tune with the lively atmosphere around him.

"General Lang," Yuanning prefect Wen Anguo said to the big man, holding a wine glass, "General Lang, you came here suddenly and I am not well prepared. Please forgive me."

General Lang shook his head: "Master Wen, you are worrying too much. The food is good, but it is not to my taste."

Wen Anguo smiled and said: "Oh? I don't know what the general loves. Tell me and I will ask the chef to make up for it."

General Lang's mouth moved, revealing his white teeth, and said: "Human flesh."

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