Dao Fruit

Main text 813th picture The mist in the well is in front of the door, and the disloyalty in the hall

Following the sound, I saw two middle-aged officials standing in the courtyard, making arguments.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in various government offices in the capital, even the Hanlin Academy is no exception. Generally, officials of the same level or with equal authority will only speak when they are about to meet with the superior to state things, but their opinions are not unanimous. will happen.

However, when other government officials were arguing, the matters involved were not huge in luck, but the matter that these two officials were arguing about now was not simple.

With just a cursory glance, Qiu Yan could vaguely see the ups and downs of luck between the two of them, not only involving the courtyard of the Privy Council, but also the reversal of the fortune of Xingjing and the Dragon Qi.

"After all, it is a central agency, one of the two governments. It is where the prime ministers sit. Government and military orders are mixed together. It involves a lot and is related to the changes in the world. It also coincides with the national war. The Privy Council is in charge of the military. Isn't it just that? In charge of the destiny of the country for a while? And every move, word and deed of the officials constitutes the decision-making will of the entire Privy Council and indirectly affects the destiny of the entire dynasty..."

As soon as his thoughts changed in his mind, Qiu Yan could already see why the argument between the two officials would bring about such a huge change in luck, and at the same time, he became a little interested in what the two said.

"Enemy chief? Beheaded? It sounds like it must be related to the war in the north. Until now, the people of the Central Plains and ordinary officials only know that the war is not going well and the situation cannot be opened. The specific details are not known, and What these two officials discussed was obviously more in-depth..."

Qiu Yan was not surprised by this. This military and political matter was already under the control of the Privy Council. It would be terrible if even here the progress of the war was not known, indicating that the imperial court had lost control of the army.

"However. Such a military situation, such a grand quarrel here, is a bit artificial, as if it was done deliberately..." Looking at the appearance of the two people, Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes and already had a rough guess in his mind.

At this time, he also walked into the courtyard. The two people arguing seemed to hear the footsteps, so they stopped talking and showed a little caution. After seeing Qiu Yan's appearance, they all came forward to greet him and called him a lower official.

It turned out that this group of people were actually officials of the Chengzhi Department. One was named Zhang Hai, and the other was named Qi Jinchan. Their positions were Deputy Privy Chengzhi and Privy Councilor Chengzhi respectively, in terms of rank. The former one had the same rank as Qiu Yan's Privy Council, also from the fifth rank, while the other Privy Council had the sixth rank.

However, in a place like the Privy Council. What matters is power management, and the level of rank is not that important. As long as the difference is not too big, it is not uncommon to argue with each other based on reason. Even if the method fails, the people below will be ignored. Not a surprise.

"I've seen it all, Chengzhi..."

The two of them greeted Qiu Yan according to etiquette and led him to the Si Yamen. According to what they said, they were waiting here specially to welcome Qiu Yan.

The Privy Council occupies a large area. The three of them were walking, passing by a small garden, and talking. However, the words they had spoken about military matters were not mentioned at all, and they looked like they were doing business.

This kind of behavior is like saying half of your words and leaving the other half unsaid. Anyone who encounters it will feel like a cat's claws, and someone has invisibly taken the initiative.

But Qiu Yan never mentioned it, and occasionally asked questions about the yamen.

Regarding this, both Zhang Hai and Qi Jinchan sneered inwardly, but on the surface they were enthusiastic.

As he walked, Qiu Yan saw a well along the way. There seemed to be mist at the well's mouth, but he couldn't see it when he looked closely. He felt a little bit in his heart. When he got to the Yamen of Chengzhi Division, above the gate, the luck was like a futon. , floating and heavy, but not falling, like a castle in the air with an unstable foundation.


Qiu Yan muttered something silently in his mind, and then a subordinate official came out and saluted Liu and Qi first. After being introduced by them, they acted as if they knew Qiu Yan's identity and then saluted.

However, how could they hide their little thoughts from Qiu Yan? If nothing else, he was wearing this official uniform. Wouldn't a subordinate who was eating from the government recognize his boss's clothes?

"This is a deliberate act. It seems that Zhang Hai and Qi Jinchan wanted to evade me. As a result, the futon in front of the door has no roots. However, it is not surprising that I came by air. This Privy Councilor The two of them were supposed to be vying for the position of Du Chengzhi, but both of them failed. It was inevitable that they shared the same hatred and hatred. Matters involving specific power and treatment could not be offset by reputation and popularity alone. They had to do another one. Only then can you experience the mystery of central Qi.”

At present, Qiu Yan's reputation, popularity, power, and holy favor are all unparalleled. In the eyes of others, such a person should be invincible no matter where he goes. With a glance, everyone retreated, and their bodies shook. Be convinced.

But this can only be a fantasy in the heart. When it comes to reality, it is completely different.

If there was no interest involved and it was just pure academics, teachings, visits, etc., even if Zhang Hai and Qi Jinchan met Qiu Yan, they would treat each other with courtesy and try to make friends. However, what happened now involved interests.

Even ordinary people may have a good impression and admiration for some well-known big figures who have ability, background and contributions, but if this big man suddenly comes to you, takes over your house, and robs you of your If your relatives have embezzled your property, even if you are a commoner, your attitude towards this person will inevitably change and you will have extreme thoughts, regardless of other things.

This is the case for Zhang Hai and Qi Jinchan. In the officialdom, power, connections, rank, political achievements, etc. are the foundation of establishing oneself. Human life is limited. If you work hard for many years just to get further, you are about to get what you want. However, when Cheng Yaojin showed up, they would definitely be furious. How could a little fame make them retreat in spite of the difficulties?

To take a step back, what the two of them are doing now is not to cut off Qiu Yan's career. On the contrary, if they succeed in evading Qiu Yan's power, they will definitely enshrine Qiu Yan. There is no mistake in etiquette. .

The power of officials is actually reflected in the power to command others. Regardless of whether Qiu Yan is sidelined or not, the people who handle affairs in the Department of Chengzhi are not the officials themselves. They are just the ones who make up their minds and issue orders. It is the officials who really do the work.

However, there is a lot of truth behind who issued this order. In the eyes of outsiders, if Qiu Yan is ignored, it can only be said that his knowledge and military ability are amazing, but his ability to control people is not good. Promotion will also develop in the academic field. Otherwise, it will not be a good thing for the country to have a person who is unfavorable in controlling others in a high position.

This is actually the result of self-purification and competition in the officialdom. Even if you master the promotion of your subordinates, if your evaluation and image are low, you may not be able to exert your advantages.

There is a folk saying that "the three things a new official should do when he takes office". Most people think that it is to establish authority. In fact, the main thing is to demonstrate power and means to intimidate subordinate officials and subordinates below. Only by showing certain abilities can people be allowed to do so. Know how powerful you are, get the power that comes with your position, and be recognized.

There is a process for becoming a leader and for your subordinates to believe that you are a leader.

Once completed, you will be able to enter certain circles if you enjoy the official fortune you deserve.

Don't underestimate circles. The officialdom is made up of circles, and there are various subdivisions: one circle for civilian officials, one for military officers, and one for officials.

There are also subdivisions in this circle, such as the civil service circle, the Jinshi circle, the Enyin circle, the special call circle, the royal family circle, the princeling circle, the academic circle, the literary circle, etc.

Officials in various circles have different origins, abilities, and characters, and their status is also different. There are even class antagonisms between them. If they accidentally go into the wrong circle, it may even affect their entire official career.

On the other hand, this kind of circle that gathers officials with similar qualities is itself a manifestation of power and authority. If a single official tries to contribute to a matter, he may encounter layers of obstacles and mutual constraints, but if it is an official If the circle exerts its strength, everything will be possible.

From this perspective, the old party and the new party themselves are two huge circles. As the leaders of the two parties, Ma Yang and Wang Fu often make decisions that are not their own choices, but reflect the will of the entire circle.

Qiu Yan has the imprint of many circles on his body, and as he develops, he can be accepted by many circles. However, he used to live in seclusion in the Hanlin Academy, which gave people a sense of aristocracy. Later, he rampaged across the grasslands and attacked without success, making people think of him as a military strategist and a Confucian general. The establishment of such an image created a gap between him and the civil servant circle.

Although the Privy Council is in charge of the military and political affairs, the people in power are almost all civilian officials. Coupled with the power struggle coming from the air, it is naturally difficult for people to move forward.

"The emperor asked me to come here, and he must have the idea of ​​taking the exam. I come from outside, and it is not easy to integrate into the circle. According to the normal thinking, we should win over the different people, win over some specific clerks, and then Compete in separate chambers, then compromise with Zhang Hai and Qi Jinchan, buy time, and then slowly develop your power. When you have a firm foothold, you will strike with thunder to shock everyone in the office, but..."

At this moment, Qiu Yan, led by Liu and Qi, came to the main hall of the Si Yamen. He sat behind the hall table and looked down at the officials. Zhang Hai led the planners, editors, etc. People, let’s meet together.

With Qiu Yan's current state, he can know his heart by observing his qi. He could see that among the officials present, their qi had changed, and most of them were entangled with Zhang Hai and Qi Jinchan. , obviously related to the Privy Councilor, and even more uncertain. They are speculative and sitting on the fence, ready to watch the fire from the other side, please both sides, and obtain benefits.

Only one or two people have their hearts set on themselves.

According to the normal process, Qiu Yan should first win over those two people, then win over the fence-sitters, and then proceed step by step, but...

"I'm not here to play intrigues. I'm here in the world of flesh and blood, and I'm not here to fight for power. How can I worry so much? If it's not easy to integrate into any circle or power, I might as well smash it to pieces and rebuild it again. Then it will be a hidden danger. Nothing at all, the decree is smooth!”

After thinking about this, Qiu Yan stopped talking, looked at the officials and staff below, and said: "Bring all the official duties to me!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you "xiaofucheng" for your monthly vote!

The third update is over, go to bed, good night everyone.

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