Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 369- Wind & Flame

Heaven, about 10 minutes later since the battle had begun.



Fuuu~,” Cirrus breathes out. “Damn, that was pretty fun.”

He had danced across the battlefield in a flurry of strikes, punches, kicks, headbutts, and just about every form of attack one can do.


Cirrus swings the Sword of Thunder as if to remove the non-existent blood from it.

“U… Ugh…”

Before Cirrus lay the whole army, defeated.

“H-how can he be this overwhelming?” Said Fianna.

“T-the Balor… was more… merciful than him.” Said Finn.

“Damn… You Argonaut…” said Yuri.

“…” Argonaut laid face down on the ground.

“It seems he died again," said Garms.

“Honestly… He practically gave that spirit sword to him.” Said Elmina. “Even if it’s a copy, I didn’t think it would be this disadvantageous.”

“I am surprised the sword turned on its contractor," Finn said.

“That is true…” Fianna said. “Spirits honor their contracts.”

“Ah, that,” Cirrus spoke up. “Yeah, I sort of just kept a firm grip on it so it wouldn’t leave my hand.”

“I can see… now that you… are your era’s strongest.” Said Yuri.

“Ugh… We… should have brought them along.” Argonaut said weakly.

“Oh… we thought you… died, you clown,” Finn said, angry at him.

“How… very rude. But… How could he use it so naturally?”

"This is not the first time I have used a weapon that enhances the body. Besides, my body, or, I guess, my soul, is far stronger than yours.” Cirrus said, swinging the Sword of Thunder around. “But personally, I am not that good with the sword. The spear suits me better.”

Watching from the back, Ryuulu was awestruck.

“Uoo!! Utter beauty! Truly sublime! Amazing!! Extraordinary!! What are they feeding heroes down there on Gekai!” Ryuulu turned to Vesta with stars in her eyes.

“Falna. Cirrus is about a thousand or so times stronger than all the heroes put together. He faced many dangers in his life.”

“Well, I am glad my descendant managed to get with an interesting guy like him! Ahhh!!! I wish I was her! I wish to sing and spread his name far and wide! Can you imagine the hope he would bring!! Oh, all the lovely children and adults smiling ear-to-ear hearing of a fabled hero with such strength is alive! Tell me!! Please tell me the world knows of him!"

“Why are you asking a rhetorical question?”

Ryuulu smiled even more.

“Ahh!! I wish my face could stretch more to express the joy I have!"

“Alright,” Cirrus said, walking to them, having sheathed the Sword of Thunder by his hip. “Let’s get going unless I have to beat you as well."

“Oh, not at all! I already gave up!” Ryuulu said, waving a small white flag. “But there is a couple that remained back and watched you fight.”

“Oh? They must have stayed back enough that I can’t even feel their eyes on me.”

“They are taking care of Lady Athena’s home. I will bring them here as quickly as I can!”

“Sure thing. I’ll just make a stack of bodies to sit on.”

“It’s for aesthetics,” Vesta added. “He is a fan of aesthetics.”

“If you don’t look good, how can you convey what you want?”

“Hm! Hm! Very true! Very well, I’ll be back as soon as I can."

Ryuulu rode off in the distance.

Cirrus looked at the bodies he cut down.

“So, which one is going on the bottom?”

“The clown.” They all responded.

“Come on! Even without my sword, he would have still beaten us!” Argonaut shouted his plea.

“Bottom!!” They all shouted.

“Ugh!! I miss my sister.”

"Hmm, you do look rather soft.” Cirrus looked at Argonaut with keen eyes. “Besides, you held your own better than the other fodder, sorry.” He looked at the other soldiers.

“Ugh!!” they all groaned. Being labeled as weaker than Argonaut pained them very much.


When Ryuulu came back, she saw Cirrus on a giant stack of bodies. He had gathered everyone from the battlefield on it, with him sitting on Argonaut's back while Fianna was next to him.

“Why is Fianna not your cushion!?” Argonaut said, annoyed.

“Because I grew fond of her reincarnation,” Cirrus said with his legs crossed. “She was like an apprentice, of sorts.”

“What did you teach my reincarnation?” Fianna asked.

“Oh, I taught her how to survive on the streets—hustling, stealing, robbing, information gathering, how to use a dagger—real dirty stuff. Oh, she also knows how to play some musical instruments.”

"Is my next life worse than the one I had?”

“Uhhh… I mean… Kinda worse? But hey, you got married and have a kid!”

“Ooh!” she said, amazed. “Truly!!”

“What!?!” Finn shouted. “Who was it? I’ll kill them!"

Cirrus did not wish to answer and will always refuse to.

“…So.” Cirrus turned his gaze to the heroes. Ryuulu brought back cloaked figures. “Are these the heroes?”

"Hey, answer my question!"

“Yes, they are!" Ryuulu said, getting off her horse while climbing up the stack. Some of the finest warriors before you came along!”

“That is rather rude.” One of them got off their horse, and soon enough, all of them did.

“Well, the famed Argonaut and the Knights of Fianna didn’t really give me much of a fight,” Cirrus replied with a smirk.

“What did you expect from heroes without a Falna?" Said the one leading the others behind Ryuulu.

He removed his cloak to show himself.

Seeing the man, Cirrus's eyes widen as a big smile stretches across his face.

“…Heh… Heh-hahahahah!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!” Cirrus couldn’t help but laugh. “To think I would see you again! Epimetheus!!”

Before him stood Epimetheus, now sane and free from the Primordial Flame.

“I am glad I can face you once more when my mind is no longer cluttered by the flame. But it seems you have been touched by the flame as well?” Epimetheus spoke lightly, smiling. “I know you liked my story, but that is a bit too much to be like your hero.”

“Yeah, it kind of happened. So how did you get here? I thought you would be in Prometheus’s domain."

“I simply walked here with some guidance. I am not a copy.”

"Heh~" Cirrus’s smile turned into a grin. “You think you can give me a good run for my money?”

“Of course, but know that this fight will not be easy. Albert.”

“Al… bert?”

Cirrus's eyes widened as if right beside Epimetheus; Albert removed his cloak to show himself.

“That’s my name! It’s a great honor to meet the hero who killed the Black Dragon!” Albert said positively.

“!!” Everyone on the pile flinched upon hearing that.

Cirrus couldn’t really hear him. He was focused on his face.

‘He… He looks like Bell and Argonaut... He was one of Bell’s past lives. Why do I feel like I stole Bell’s story? It’s too late to worry about that anymore.’

“It is an honor to meet you, Albert!" Cirrus puts on a smile. “I met your daughter, Ais.”

“Oh? Is she doing well? Eating healthy and getting good exercise!!" He said, with such an innocent expression, that he thought he was Bell for a second.

“…She… is. Actually, you’re a grandfather now.”

“UOOOOO!!!!!” He suddenly screamed out in joy. “My lovely Ais found her hero, I see! Hahaha!! What did they name their child?"


“Ah, after Aria’s older brother!! Fantastic!!”

“That they are!! So, Epimetheus, do you have a weapon? I don’t see that divine weapon of yours."

Epimetheus didn’t even look as he kicked up a sword into his hands.

“This will be more than enough.”

“Nonsense.” Cirrus grabbed the red sword from Argonaut and tossed it to him.


“Hey!! That’s mine!! A friend of mine made it!!” Argonaut shouted, reaching out to grab it.

“It’ll be more useful in his hands anyway,” Cirrus said, walking down the stack. “So what of you, Albert? I hope the sword you have is strong enough to withstand my blows.”

“Hmm… I think the sword Lady Athena gifted me will be enough.”

He drew out his sword with a single motion and swiftly, like the wind. The sword itself was very odd in its design, which caught Cirrus’s eye.

“…You don’t mind if I see that sword, do you?” Cirrus asked.

“Not at all!" He tossed it to Cirrus with no hesitation.

“Always so trusting,” Epimetheus said, swinging his sword to get a feel for it.

“…” Cirrus, looking at the sword, was rather appalled. “This has to be the worst fucking sword I've ever seen. Hey!! Vesta!! Look!!” Cirrus holds out the sword.

“Hm? Is that…" Vesta’s eyes widen. "Athena did not do that!!”

Vesta learned very much about smithing from Cirrus, a great many things from her time with him, when he was forging the weapons to face the Black Beasts.

“Hm? Is something wrong with the sword?” Albert said, a bit perplexed.

“Yeah, something is wrong.” Cirrus tosses it back. “It’s not a sword. It’s a fucking weird shield in the shape of a sword.”

“Hm? What are you talking—Oh, I see.”

“Pffft—hahahaha!!!!” Epimetheus busted out laughing.

Up watching this, Ryuulu couldn’t help but smile ear to ear.

“Oooh!! Epimetheus!! The first hero of humanity! Albert Waldstein!! The Mercenary King! Then there is Cirrus Zephyr! The Uncrowned Emperor!"

“He has a new title now, Bard. He was gifted the name of Heavenly Crown.”

“Uoooo!!! And we get to see it all go down! The fight of three of the most powerful heroes to have existed! I will call this ballad... Oh, drat!! What can even be given for an event such as this!!”

“Why not call it Three Heroes?”

“Ooh! I like that very much! Maybe you can help give names to a few songs!”

“You should ask Cirrus. He is a musician, after all.”

“Lady Vesta, you are hurting my heart from so much joy! I feel so elated to have such a—”


Present day.

Yeah, you kinda get where this is going, right?” Elysium said, looking around.

“Yup.” They all said, nodding.

“Uwah… I feel so embarrassed.” Ryuu said it in the corner, covering her face. “I did not think my past life, my ancestor, was that emotive.”

“Don’t worry.” Malion patted her on the shoulder. “You are still plenty emotive and cute.

“Stop!! You're embarrassing me more!"

“So what happened next?” Ai said on the edge of her seat.

What do you think? I won, of course!


Ten days later, in a battle-riddled field of burns, cuts, and scorch marks, Cirrus stands victorious.

Huff!! Huff!! Huff!! AHHHHHH!!!! I WON AGAIN!!!!” Cirrus shouted, with several deep gashes in the openings of his armor. They quickly begin to heal. “WOOOOOO!!!”

“Dammit. Cough!! Cough!!” Epimetheus said this with his right arm and leg sliced off and massive chunks of his body split open.

Cough!! Cough!! Man… I never had such fun!" Albert said on his back with his left fingers sliced and his leg’s tendons sliced as well, with the Sword of Thunder in one of his lungs.

“It’s that damn armor of his,” Epimetheus said, trying to get up with Argonaut's Fire Magic Sword.

“I have to cough!! Cough!! Admit. In a duel, I am sure he could deal with us easily.”

“I know that. Cough!! Cough!! He is even more of a monster with his armor on. I am just angry about how versatile it is. It’s game over the moment he puts it on.”

“We should have Cough!! Cough!! Cough!! Gone for the throat.”

“Well, it’s been nice knowing you both,” Cirrus said as his armor faded away and he was back to full health. “Shame Albert is a copy.”

“Very,” Epimetheus said, standing back up. “In fact, the goddess who guided me here asked me to tell you this if you came and won. Ahem! She said, ‘Head to Hestia’s domain. There I shall wait.’.”

“…Well neat. That was where we were heading, anyway.”

“You should be careful. The next domain should be Hephaestus. From what these guys told me, it’s riddled with a lot of traps and machines.”

“Yup!” Albert said. “Lady Athena kept trying to get some of those giant machines to her domain. She said something along the lines of, ‘I want to have a Gundam battle! I wanna!! I wanna!! It would be so cool and fun! Imagine a fight in 3-dimensional combat! Like in space! Zipping around and stuff! Trust me, it’ll be cool and fun!'. But I must admit it has been a long time, and we don’t know if it’s north, east, or south."

“…I’m taking the swords.” Cirrus held out his hand. “(Sing)!” the fire magic sword returns to his hand.

“Hey!! Those are mine!" Argonaut shouted.

“I’ll fucking give them to you back later! Besides, it’s not like you need them! Vesta!! Let’s go!!”

“It was nice speaking with you, bard,” Vesta said, coming down the stack.

“If only I could follow haa… I wish I wasn’t a copy!” Ryuulu lamented not being able to follow Cirrus and Vesta.

“It was nice to see you all,” Cirrus said. “I haven’t had this much fun since... Well, I guess since I fought you, Epimetheus.”

“Come again, Cirrus. Next time, I’ll be sure to win. If I don’t, I’ll give you my autograph. I am still your favorite hero, right?” Epimetheus asked.

“Of course. Far better than anyone here. After all, you helped fill in a part of my story.”

“Little shit. You at least did what I asked of you, yes?”

“Of course, I had a happy life, one that I do not—well, there was one thing, but... all in all, I had done all that I wanted, and I am happy with that.”

Epimetheus smiled wholeheartedly.

“That is good. I am proud that one hero had a good life. Whatever you are heading for, I hope it is what you want.”

“Thank you, and I hope it is. If not... well, I guess I still have one last fight to finish.”

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