Chapter 30: I Wonder.........
{Current Location: 50th floor_ On a top of Plateau/Highest ground on this floor}
{Time: 1:30 PM_ Half an hour after our battle at 49th floor}
The 50th floor....Its very similar to the large tree labyrinth, just it has stone walls instead of wooden ones and very big almost as big as Orario, with some rivers and a large forest. And similar to 18th floor this floor also have day and night cycle with the help of the crystals on the ceiling which light up or dim according to time of sun. Quite fascinating isn't it!
This floor don't have any special treasure of short and every thing here you can also find on the upper floors.
But this floor have one thing that other don't provides you with something other floors can't, a heaven away from the chaos of constant battle, a resting place for us exhausted travelers and a safe sanctuary where we can relax for a bit, letting our bodies and souls rest.
Sometimes I wonder, how this place even work. Who made such a incredible place.
Such a wonderful place but at the same time full of horrors. A perfect balance between horror and beauty. Its not perfect thing but still a beauty unlike any other, just like us a being who like to cover and surround itself with beautiful things to hide the chaos and malice inside.
"Ya keep that there."
"Be carful with that hammer you dumbass."
"If your smartass thinks its that easy than do it yourself."
"Hey, someone help me carry there logs over there!"
Currently both Loki and Hephaestus members were clearing the area and making the camp site on the highest plain platform on this floor to stay for a while.
Somewhere a bit away from this organized chaos...
"It was quite lively over here don't you think, Shades." I ask my friend and partner beside me.
"I would call it annoying. Too much noise." Shades replied in his deep but this time a bit lazy voice.
Currently we were sitting under a tree a bit away from the camp site, semi-merged with its shadow, just enough to see us if you focus on us but easily overlooked if just casually looking around similar to camouflage of normal animals.
"As always, not much talkative aren't we. HA HA HA" I tried to tease him.
"..." but no response. He completely ignored my existence, ouch that hurt my fragile heart.
See him not in mood to talk I too just closed my eyes and took a nap.
Its been a month since I came into this world. At the beginning I thought this was one of those dreams which manifest from the last wishes and regrets at the end of your time, But..... this world feels too real just to be a dream.
I wonder... what is this place....
Is this just a game of my mind or a game or a prank played on me by some ROB. I always wanted to be isakaied and I just got my wish fulfilled but is that it? Just like that?
Looking around at the camp, at the people busy in their respective work and at Shades, my first friend and partner in crime in this world I had some complicated feelings.
I still remember when I came to this world. I was confused but excited as well. I took this world as a game, doing what we do in games. Completing quests, grinding resource, building a base etc. but I felt hollow inside, something was missing. I was just following a basic gaming guide, even going as far as adjusting my system display to look like RPG VR display to see if the feel of game is what I was missing but no that wasn't it.
But I soon realize what I was missing while I was grinding alone in the dungeon.
I miss my people with whom I spend my whole life. I miss my parents although they were a bit harsh sometimes but loving other times. I miss my boys (friends) although they were assholes and annoying as hell but always with me, sharing each others secrets and inner feelings we couldn't share with others.
I felt lonely.... but it go away after Crystal come into my life. She is like my big sis now, mature and beautiful filling the gap for my family. Than one day later Shades came, my first and best friend always with me filling the gap for my friends.
Now I wonder is this really just a game.
No it isn't. It is my new reality, my adventure and I will see through it. It doesn't matter how I got here but what matters is I AM here.
While thinking all this I fall asleep.
After one hour of sleep I woke up right at time for lunch. Some had already done their lunch and second batch was eating now, I and Shades who apparently also had a nap with me came to the camp site where others were eating.
Most were girls here who came after a long bath in near by streams and some boys or gramps who were either having a nap like us or doing some work.
"Ohh, boy so you decided to show up. Here I thought you shied away from us. HAHAHA..." said a rough looking dwarf teasingly to which everyone laughed. Man dwarfs are a fun bunch to hang around.
"Nothing old man. Just me and my partner were having some nap. All that fighting did a number on this poor unblessed fellow of yours." I teased him in return to which he just laughed even more and tap at the place beside him telling others to make some space for us.
Truly a fun a fun bunch....
After that we just sit and eat at peace while joking around and telling some stories making the atmosphere lively.
And just like that we spend the rest of the day goofing around or doing some other work. I also did some repairing on our group's gears and lend a hand here and there so I won't be a free loader.
This continued till night time comes....
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Author here- I am new at writing so tell me where I am lacking. Its not easy to write a story even if its a fanfic.
I realize some of my mistakes while reading some other other fanfics of Danmachi and in this chapter I am tried to correct some of my mistakes as well as experimenting with some stuff.
Tell me what else I can do to make this story a bit less hollow, more interesting and more interactive.
And finally thank you for supporting dumb story of mine.