Dangerous Fiancee

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Chapter 59


Marianne, who had been at the front, looked up when he called her. She fell down her hand that was touching her red diamond necklace.

“It’s going to be quite a long journey, so feel free to tell me when you feel discomfort anytime. Nothing is more important than your comfort.”

Eckart gently kissed the back of her hand in silk gloves. Those around him whispered and felt a bit relaxed at that. Marianne went one step further as he led her.

“What about my father?”

The moment the emperor’s lips touched her forehead, she whispered in a low voice.

“Your father will stay and defend the Imperial Palace.”

Eckart replied, removing his lips as slowly as possible. Soon the two were separated at a proper distance.

“…Thank you for your consideration. ”

She expressed her thanks with an innocent look. When she slightly lifted her rosy dress and greeted him, she looked gorgeous as if the flowers were budding. In the eyes of those who stood far away, their physical contact was enough to have them think that she responded to the emperor’s concern about her safety during the journey.

Eckart let go of her hands and turned around. Cordelli helped Marianne get back in the carriage. Lamont Duchess, Marquise Chester, and Lady Beatrice, who were standing behind her, bowed to him briefly and got back into the carriage.

“Grand Duke!”

The emperor called someone with a low voice.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Grand Duke Christopher, who was looking at this side while holding the white horse’s reins, approached. His long, brilliant golden hair, tightly tied together, fluttered in the wind.

Belying his age of over 40, his young face looked much like Eckart’s. His neat Eluang Knights uniform fitted him well as if it was designed for him. His strong shoulder and sword showed that he was a knight who was soft but never weak-hearted.

“Let me emphasize it again. Pay special attention to the safety of these noblewomen.”

“Of course, will do. I will make sure there should be no danger to them. Eluang’s elite unit is for Your Majesty.”

“Grand Duke!”

His heavy call sounded more urgent than any other earnest request.

Duke Christopher stared at his blue eyes quietly.

He was a prince born and raised in the Imperial Palace. Because he did not marry and accepted the position of the chief guard instead of spending the rest of his life in the estate, he was to be a living witness of all that happened in the imperial court. And naturally he came to know the behind stories of the imperial family. Examples included the bad relationship between his and the Hubble family, the collapse of Aslan’s ally, and the royal concubines who controlled the central government. Among them was the story about the lost country’s princess with beautiful blue eyes and her son.

“Got it.”

Duke Christopher bowed deeply to the emperor. That was his best goodwill and faith he could show to Eckart.

“Thank you. Please leave now.”

Having said that, Eckart got in his carriage. A servant ran quickly to the back of the wagon with the worn-out foot stand, and Deputy Chamberlain Kloud looked around and closed the door.

Duke Christopher jumped lightly and sat on the back of the horse. As the day was slightly cloudy, it was humid. He pulled the reins tightly as if he wanted to shake off his heavy heart.

“Eluang, have the whole ranks ready. We’re leaving now!”

He blew the silver whistle on his neck.

* * *

Roshan was a holy city located in the southwestern part of the Aslan Empire. This area, where the community of several temples including the main temple and priests were formed, served as the prime holy place overseeing the important rituals of the empire.

The Roshan Temple, made of pure white marble, was a holy temple shining day and night. Those who had been to the temple at least once called the temple of the gods as the temple of stars, comparing it to stars, saying that it was like starlight that never went out forever as it absorbed sunlight during the day while and reflected moonlight at night. The shrine shone white and blue between the dark forest and valley looked mystic and holy like stars. It almost looked like a crystal of divine nature.

Traditionally, temples were built in the area where priests could get closest to the gods, and the Roshan Temple followed that tradition. It wasn’t until they passed through sheer sharp mountaintops and rugged mountain paths and across Benoua Falls with dozens of tributaries that they could see the Roshan Temple.

“Cordelli. Are we not there yet? I think I’ll have a cramp on my ass.”

It was too far and too rough for an average human to reach there.

“We’ll be soon arriving at the mansion. You must be tired. I’ll prepare bath water as soon as you get off. Soaking in warm water will make you feel better.”

Cordelli soothed Marianne with a worried look. It was natural for her to come down with something as she had to sit in the carriage that ran for four hours each morning and evening, a total of eight hours per day.

Fortunately, they stopped by mansions in each region and stayed overnight, but they had to slow down as it took time to take good care of the long procession. Mountain ridges looked magnificent, but they were too tricky and dangerous to climb right away.

“It’s been three days already since we left, but I don’t even see the waterfall, let alone the temple. When I moved from Lennox to Milan, my travel was tougher than this. Why do I feel it’s harder now?”

“Well, you were impatient and in a hurry at that time. And your only goal was to get to the capital as soon as possible. Besides, the roads here seem to be much steeper. The streets were well paved from Lennox to the capital.”

“You’re right. My butt didn’t hurt as much as back then. It looks like my butt has already broken into 12 pieces.”

“Oh, really? Show me quickly. Let me stick them together.”

Marianne grinned at her cheerful joking.

“It is so fortunate that I didn’t take my father here! He can’t even stop by the mansion because he was so busy with state affairs. He would have had a hard time if he had come here.”

“But you’re going for the holy ceremony of engagement. I wish he had come. And it seemed that he wanted to come, too…”

“No. no way. It’s dangerous.”

Marianne resolutely replied, straining her eyebrows. Cordelli quickly gave in.

“I agree with you. Very tough roads here. He can attend your wedding and other ceremonies later anyway. Sir Iric is staying with him, so nothing will happen to him. Don’t worry.”

“Yeah, he should stay safe. He will,” said Marianne, as if she vowed.

Her dark lips were closed tightly. She looked out the slightly open window. Beautiful scenery quickly passed by.

It was because of the engagement ceremony that Eckart and Marianne went on a long and arduous road. Although a banquet that everyone enjoyed would be held in the imperial palace in Milan, the ceremony of them vowing their union before Airius had to take place at the Roshan Temple. No emperor in the history of the Aslan Empire skipped this process. As discussed at the last cabinet meeting, Duchess Lamont and Grand Duke Christopher accompanied them as they were was essential to the ceremony as the descendants of the Frey family. As their journey was difficult and important, those who would serve the emperor couple were selected strictly. This process was a bit complicated.

Originally, Countess Renault and Lady Beatrice would have cared for and helped Marianne, but the countess was unconscious until their procession left Milan.

Eckart allowed Jed to stand by and take care of her mother. Marianne also left Mrs. Charlotte in the mansion, so she could monitor her condition at all times. She hoped that Countess Renault could recover her consciousness, so she could apologize to the countess after she returned from Roshan.

In the end, Mrs. Chester was selected to replace Mrs. Renault. Due to the tight schedule, the emperor had no time to hold a cabinet meeting, and even if it were opened, there would be no other option. It was the worst and best decision.

On the other hand, Duke Kling, the chief palace minister, was regarded as the best candidate to accompany and serve the emperor at hand. Besides, he was the empress-to-be’s father, so it was certain he would be chosen accordingly. However, Duke Kling remained in the Imperial Palace, and instead Deputy Chamberlain Kloud was dispatched in his place. Colin, who worked primarily as the emperor’s personal secretary, was also sent as Duke Kling’s deputy.

There was only one reason he couldn’t join the emperor.

Marianne did not want him to come this time.

‘This time he should not move at all. I’ll make sure he won’t move away from the palace as much as possible. The carriage is too dangerous for him.’

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