Dangerous Fiancee

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Chapter 50


“I will do my best to help you not to cause any trouble,” said Beatrice, bowing deeply to her.

Beatrice had red eyes with pink hair, as if to prove that she was Colin’s sister. They were well known as all famous bookworms, so they were wearing glasses because they had poor eyesight. They looked neat and intelligent. But her tone was rather harsh, so she seemed a bit indifferent.

“Causing trouble? Never say that. You’re too humble. I hear that among Sir Simon’s four siblings, Lady Beatrice is famous as a wise woman who has inherited wisdom.”

“I’m flattered.”

They exchanged pleasantries out of courtesy for a moment, and it was time to change the topic. Marianne suddenly shined her eyes and turned her eyes to the side.

“Countess Anelles, I heard that you were the chief maid for the previous empress, right?” Marianne grabbed her hand with an exaggerated gesture. As she heard only a rumor about her, nobody believed her feigned welcome.

Probably they would assume she welcomed the countess for one of the following three reasons.

First, she was trying to curry favor with the countess as she was forced to marry. Secondly, as some said, she would try to control the close aides of the marquis and the emperor after she got married, and lastly, she was just happy as a childish spoiled daughter from the north. But in fact, her attitude was the most prudent and sincere.

“Yes, you’re right. I was.”

“Oh, what I heard about you was true! I’m happy to hear that. If an experienced lady like you helps me at hand, I won’t have to worry at all.”

“Thanks. I owe it to the wise emperor’s warm considerations.”

Countess Renault, the mother of Jed, was calm and modest, unlike her son.

But she felt estranged from her when she heard the countess’s replies. She sensed a distance growing in her replies. She felt the countess had been holding back her bad feelings about her, even though she was trying to be polite. She felt sorry for her vigilant attitude. But at the same time, she was burning with more competition against the countess. According to Mrs. Charlotte, no one was more familiar with the history of the court than Countess Renault. Charlotte said once she became a close friend of the countess’s, the latter would be the one who would swear allegiance to her.

“Please come on in. I have some sweet hydrangea tea for you. Let’s talk while sipping tea.”

At her prodding, Ms. Beatrice and Mrs. Renault moved to their seats.

“I think the tea will get cold if you stay here longer. Please greet the rest of the guests after tea time.”

The quick-witted Mrs. Charlotte kindly encouraged her to move inside the party hall and supported her arm. Marianne nodded gently and turned around to walk to the head table.


Someone burst out a sarcastic lament from behind the guests, as if he thought her behavior was ridiculous. Marianne could guess who he was even without looking back. She felt embarrassed while she was walking, pretending not to have noticed it, but she didn’t look back.

* * *

The beginning of tea time was calm.

The principal guests and general guests were all seated. Fragrant flower tea and rich black tea were served in the gold-plated teapots. Pure white trays were filled with desserts, which were pleasant to look at. The chef of the mansion was a master of baking and confectionery. Tender pink pudding contained candied rose petals, and the clam-made madeleine smelled of fresh lemon and rich butter. There were also colored macaroons with fruit jam and buttercream, and eclair with plenty of milk chocolate and vanilla. The souffle in a beautiful porcelain bowl was still hot.

“It’s really delicious. It’s not too sweet but it just melts in my mouth.”

“Gosh! Look at this pudding. Cute! Can’t you lend me the chef just one day?”

As they were in a special place serving all kinds of delicious dishes today, they were eating more with their eyes than their mouths. In particular, only Rane sitting at the inner table emptied the plate like a hungry man.

Marianne pushed her dessert plate to her. Other young ladies would have refused it out of courtesy, but Rane gratefully appreciated it, holding a freshly refilled dish.

“Is it so delicious? You had lots of snacks this morning.”

“Try it, Mom. If you go back home, you might want to fire the chef right away.”

“I didn’t expect you would take away the host’s plate.”

“Marie, is it okay with you?”

Rane looked up at Marianne, raising her head from the plate. Though she called her pet name without her permission, Marianne didn’t hate it.

“Of course. Please eat as much as you like.”

“See! She said okay. All the food here is for eating, you know. I think all the young ladies sitting behind me want to eat like me. If I hadn’t put on a corset, I would have already emptied three plates.”

“I’m wearing a corset too, but I just keep eating before I know it. This is awesome!”

“Well, I asked Nancy to do me a favor when I was getting dressed this morning. I asked her to loosen my dress so I can eat as much as I can.”

Duchess Lamont grinned at that. She was very generous about her daughter. Typically, any noblewoman would have scolded her daughter for such behavior to save their face.

Rane seemed to be well accustomed to her mother’s generosity. It was good to see them grinning at each other.

Marianne looked at the routine and warm scenes unfolding before her eyes. Suddenly she recalled an old name. Estelle. Her mother who passed away when she was so young that she couldn’t remember her face. If she had been alive now, who Marianne could see only through her portrait, she would have smiled at her as kindly as the two women.

“I guess you’re missing your mother.”

At that moment, Mrs. Chester spoke to Marianne as if she had read her mind.

Marianne was embarrassed at the moment, thinking to herself, ‘Does my longing for Mom show up on my face? How can she read my mind? Is she good at mind-reading?’

“If Estelle had been alive, she would have doted on you much more than the duchess cared for Rane.”

Marianne heard her putting down the teacup roughly.

“Your mother already received the title of a duchess before she died. It is not polite to mention the name of the duchess recklessly,” said someone suddenly.

Marianne looked at the source of that sudden voice.

It was Countess Renault, who was staring at Mrs. Chester, holding her teacup. Anger was lingering on her face, so her facial change was more dramatic.

“Oh, you’re right. I should have used honorific language as she was a duchess. I think I made the mistake of calling her pet name since I was so close to her.”


“I was in big trouble when I called the first name of the late empress last time. I made the same mistake again. I forgot it again! What should I do?”

“Oh my goodness! Madame!”

As soon as Mrs. Chester was done talking, a maid standing near Mrs. Renault screamed.

The teacup with butterfly patterns already fell on her in an instant. Hot tea drenched Mrs. Renault’s hand and the front of her dress.

Nevertheless, Mrs. Renault was looking straight at Mrs. Chester.

“Oh, I wish you were more careful,” said Mrs. Renault.

Mrs. Chester frowned at that furtively.

“Madam, are you okay?” Marianne asked.

“…Fine,” Mrs. Renault said.

Only after Marianne asked her did Mrs. Renault turn her eyes from Mrs. Chester.

“Madame, if you allow me, Iet me escort her to a private room so I can help her change clothes,” said Mrs. Charlotte who was quietly observing the situation.

Marianne nodded hurriedly.

“Yes, please go ahead. She may have been injured, so please call the family doctor to see if she feels any discomfort.”

“Sure, will do.”

Bowing to her, Mrs. Charlotte helped Mrs. Renault leave the room.

“There’s nobody like like marquise who can ruin the atmosphere.”

This time, Duchess Lamont stepped in. The atmosphere quickly became more chilly.

If the marquise had a quarrel with the countess, the stronger side would prevail.

But it would be a different story if a duchess, higher than them in rank, stepped in.

“I think you’re speaking too harshly. How can you say I’m ruining the atmosphere?”

“It’s you who is speaking rudely. Why did you go through the trouble of recalling the old stories to harass the countess at the party to celebrate His Majesty’s engagement?”

“Do you think the episodes about the late empress and duchess could be an excuse to harass others? If anyone hears this, they will misunderstand me. ”

“Really? Why don’t you start talking about the late marquis Chester or Baron Bayer from now on?”

Marquise Chester snorted at her sarcastic remarks. But anger was boiling in her narrow eyes.

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