Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 379 predicted all of Dorgon’s predictions!

“This servant pays homage to the regent.

Prince Regent, I have received a particularly good news..."

After Fan Wencheng saw Dorgon, he immediately patted his sleeves and knelt down to salute, nodded and bowed, looking like a slave.

It wasn't until Dorgon asked him to get up that he quickly got up from the ground.

A look of gratitude.

It seemed that Dorgon was a great favor to him by allowing him to stand up from the ground and speak.

He bowed, nodded, and stood in front of Dorgon, just like a pug wagging its tail to please its master.

He said these words to Dorgon, and at the same time took out a letter from his sleeve, held it in both hands and presented it to Dorgon.

Dorgon took it and held it in his hand to watch.

At first he didn't pay much attention, but after watching it for a while, Dorgon raised his eyebrows and his eyes lit up.

This Wu Zhongjun is an old acquaintance of this servant.

Many Han people no longer treat them with such awe.

Ready to get some more of them here. He was deceived and then buried.

Dorgon was very alert.

So he can do something else out of it..."

After reading it, hold the letter tightly in your hand.

Staring at the letter in his hand, he read it quickly.

Just like Li Zicheng.

At the same time, cracks appeared in the myth that their Qing warriors were invincible and invincible.

Of the ten Niulu people, only about one Niulu came back.

One day I will be bitten by a snake, and ten years I will be afraid of the well rope.

But after a moment, his brows couldn't help but frown again.

Warriors like Obai are dead.

Fan Wencheng said this with great certainty.

It was their Qing Dynasty that had not experienced a major defeat in many years!

This person was born in Juren and had extensive land. His family fortune in Changzhou was not small.

His expression became solemn, and his body became more comfortable.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang killed not only Obai, but also those Niu Lu.

“Reporting to the Regent, it is absolutely true.

After the results of Zhu Yuanzhang's victory were reported, many people who had been beaten by their Qing warriors were frightened.

If this is really the case, the blow to them will be really huge!
He suffered a loss once and was fooled once, but he cannot be fooled again!

At this critical moment, Dorgon had to think more about whether this was another strategy devised by Zhu Yuanzhang.

As a result, now, Zhu Yuanzhang's side has wiped out nine Niulu.

Looking at Fan Wencheng, he said: "I think this matter is still a bit untrue.

This is equivalent to losing one-thirtieth of his core strength almost all at once!
How could this make him not feel distressed or alert?

He looked at Fan Wencheng and said, "Are these true?"

After all, not long ago, he was tricked too hard by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Who is Zhu Yuanzhang?

"Prince Regent, you are indeed right in thinking, and this servant also thinks so.

As the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he had experienced a lot and would not have made such a low-level mistake.

You want to use this method to lure me into being fooled.

Dorgon also seemed very happy when he heard this.

This person would definitely not write such a letter to this slave.

Many of them dared to fight with them there...

He said he wanted to cooperate inside and outside to bring down Zhu Yuanzhang and subvert the Ming Dynasty..."

Relying on the many preferential treatment given to officials by the Ming Dynasty, his life was very comfortable.

You know, the foundation of the Qing Dynasty now only has a little more than 300 Niulu.

If Zhu Yuanzhang and others hadn't really gone crazy over there in Jiangnan and done such a thing.

These are the core strengths of their Qing Dynasty.

The loss is too heavy!

I think this is very likely to be another conspiracy by Zhu Yuanzhang.

However, Prince Regent, I think you can also think about it in other ways.

Just like people like Zhu Yuanzhang.

The slave has recently gained a deeper understanding of him by reading some books.

I know that this is a man with a hot temper, a lot of skills, and a very disrespectful attitude towards gentlemen and scholars.

During the Hongwu period, those gentry, officials, and many scholars did not have much respect with Zhu Yuanzhang.

Looking at the entire Hongwu Dynasty, there are countless officials who were confiscated and exterminated by Zhu Yuanzhang.

I don’t know how many people were involved in the four major Hongwu cases.

It was really killing heads and blood flowing like rivers.

I don’t know how many people were peeled from day lilies to serve as a warning to others!
When a person like Zhu Yuanzhang comes to this time and sees a lot of chaos, it would be strange for him to feel better.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was here, he had very strict control over the prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River.

The taxes collected are also higher.

Even people from Jiangnan were not allowed to serve as Minister of Household Affairs.

But as a result, at this time, many landlords, gentry and others in the south of the Yangtze River were very fat.

Controlling all kinds of money and power seems to have emptied the imperial court.

How could a person with Zhu Yuanzhang's character tolerate this when he came there?
It is very possible that he will actually do such a thing.

The things that happened in the south of the Yangtze River, such as the diversion of people into their own families, do sound a bit bizarre.

But if Zhu Yuanzhang did it, then I think it would not be so surprising.

Zhu Yuanzhang is really capable of doing such things..."

After hearing what Fan Wencheng said, Dorgon thought about it carefully and realized that what Fan Wencheng said did make some sense.

If this thing is true, it is really a God-given opportunity.

A God-given opportunity that can make them feel more at ease to deal with Li Zicheng, integrate and accumulate strength, and then go south in a big way to destroy the Ming Dynasty!
After experiencing the death of Obai and the tragic defeat.

Dorgon no longer dared to look down upon the Ming Dynasty like that.

Although they were doing their best to destroy Li Zicheng, a large number of troops were also deployed in the confrontation with Ming Dynasty.

They were afraid that Ming Dynasty would launch an attack on them at this time and affect the overall situation.

At this time, Jiangnan was in such chaos, and many of Zhu Yuanzhang's forces were involved in Jiangnan.

There is no way to pay any attention to them.

This is naturally what Dorgon wants to see most.

Although on his side, he really wanted to see this matter be true.

However, because the matter was too important, I did not jump to conclusions lightly.

While making a lot of preparations, people were also speeding up to get the news from Jiangnan.

Determine whether this is true.

If it is true, then they are really going to make a fortune this time!
Next, you can rest assured and use all your strength to destroy Li Zicheng as quickly as possible!
Then take advantage of the turmoil in Jiangnan to completely destroy Ming Dynasty and replace it.

Once this is done, his name will be known to everyone in the world from now on!
It’s exciting just thinking about it!
And then, the news coming from the south really confirmed what Fan Wencheng said was true.

Now in the south, with the new emperor Zhu Cixi's accession to the throne, he announced and implemented these three fatal policies.

Over in Jiangnan, it can be said that it has become extremely turbulent.

Anti-Flags have been raised in many places.

There is a tendency for war to be everywhere.

At the same time, more and more letters were sent to them from the south, asking for the protection of the Qing Dynasty and inviting Master Wang to go south to destroy and replace the mediocre Ming Dynasty.

After Dorgon confirmed that the news was true, he couldn't help laughing.

The whole person's mood seemed extremely cheerful.

This is the first time Dorgon has smiled so happily since Obai died tragically and experienced such a big failure.

Zhu Yuanzhang is really stupid! Too arrogant!
How dare you do such a thing!

He has done these things, so how can the gentry over there in the south of the Yangtze River not fight against him?
Now Zhu Yuanzhang can only rely on Jiangnan.

Now that Jiangnan is in chaos, how should Zhu Yuanzhang and others fight against him?

The founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty was nothing more than that!

Next, watch how you lead your troops to chop off Li Zicheng's head after you kill him!
Dorgon once again gained confidence and felt that he could do it again!

Next, he withdrew a small part of his troops to support Duduo and others who were fighting Li Zicheng.

And issued an order to destroy Li Zicheng within three months!

And occupied all the places occupied by Li Zicheng!
Conquer that place and let them be your help.

Then go south in a big way and destroy the Ming Dynasty!
At the same time, he also ordered the people stationed in the south to confront the Ming Dynasty's soldiers and horses to make some moves from time to time.

It seems that there is going to be a fight with the Ming Dynasty in the south.

He wanted to use this method to contain the troops sent by Zhu Yuanzhang on the front line as much as possible and prevent them from returning to Jiangnan to aid.

Zhu Yuanzhang's troops were stretched thin and unable to deal with the rebellion in Jiangnan.

This will make Jiangnan and many other gentry more violent and make it more difficult for Zhu Yuanzhang.

At the same time, this method was also used to give some confidence to the many gentry in the south of the Yangtze River.

Let them fight against Zhu Yuanzhang even more desperately.

Fight to death!

Use these Han people to consume Zhu Yuanzhang's power.

Of course, there is a certain degree of control here.

It can involve many troops on Zhu Yuanzhang's side.

At the same time, he did not really engage in a deadly battle with Zhu Yuanzhang.

Just follow his lead.

Then Dorgon believes that victory will definitely belong to his side!

Little did he know that the countermeasures he took with great pride had actually been within Zhu Yuanzhang's expectations.

What he did was also what Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to see.

Compared with people like Zhu Yuanzhang who have fought for most of their lives, Dorgon is still far behind.

It seems that many of the choices he makes now are made by himself based on the situation and the situation.

But in fact, Zhu Yuanzhang specifically asked him to do those general directions.

An excellent commander is not only able to mobilize the forces on his own side.

Let your subordinates have the power to do things according to their own wishes.

You can also mobilize the enemy's power through some means.

Let those on the enemy's side follow their own will.

They can come wherever they want.

This is an extremely difficult thing to do, but there is no doubt that Zhu Yuanzhang can do it. What he mobilized was Dorgon, the most outstanding commander in Qing Dynasty today.

Dorgon, who in today's Manchu Qing Dynasty is like a divine needle, is far behind Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang also did not want to confront Dorgon head-on at this time.

I want to concentrate my efforts and sort out Jiangnan as quickly as possible in the shortest possible time.

Integrate it.

Get rid of all the numerous moths and clean them up at this time.

On Zhu Yuanzhang's side, in addition to letting Jin King Zhu Fan, Qin King Zhu Fang, Huang Degong and others accompany Dorgon's people in acting.

He also did other things.

For example, he issued a call in the name of the resurrected emperor Zhu Cixiang, calling on people from all over the world to jointly fight against the Tatars.

An edict was issued to Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng, telling them that the Tatars had invaded and invaded the Han people.

The two of them were ordered to immediately stop doing evil and concentrate their strength to fight against the Tatars together.

Drive out the Tatars and defend China!
At the same time, he also ordered Qin King Zhu Ping and Jin King Zhu Ping to mobilize their troops and make some moves from time to time.

Put more pressure on Dorgon.

Use these methods to cheer up Li Zicheng.

Changing tactics to support Li Zicheng from a distance.

Let Li Zicheng last a little longer.

In order to be able to let Li Zicheng stay there, he had to wait a little longer.

He also gave the order to King Qin Zhu Fang, King Qin Zhu Fan and others.

Let them seize the opportunity at some necessary moments to hit the Tatar soldiers and horses that are confronting them and inflict pain on them.

Only in this way can more Dorgon's power be contained.

So that Li Zichen can share the pressure and let him linger for a little longer.

Buy some more development time for Ming Dynasty.

This can be regarded as allowing Li Zicheng to use another way to be loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

As an excellent chess player, he naturally has an eye on the world and controls the overall situation.

Not only must you consider yourself, but you must also consider many external conditions and make use of them all...

As for Zhu Yuanzhang, in the name of resurrecting the emperor Zhu Cixiang, he proposed to expel the Tatars, defend China, and work together to deal with the Tatars.

Zhang Xianzhong scoffed.

In his opinion, the Ming Emperor was just talking nonsense!

How is this possible!

He already has people here, and he has been fighting against Daming for how many years?
That was definitely a top-notch rebel.

Before that, there had been narrow escapes from death several times.

There has already been a real fight between him and Daming.

I just wish that the Ming Dynasty would perish immediately, and I would be happy in my heart.

How can we put aside our prejudices and jointly deal with the slaves who entered the customs, as the Ming Emperor said?
Dealing with the establishment of slaves is a matter for the Ming Dynasty emperor and that son of a bitch Li Zicheng.

What does it have to do with Zhang Xianzhong?
Zhang Xianzhong just wants to live a good life in Sichuan and Chongqing.

In troubled times, the land of Bashu has always been the best place for separatist rule.

There are only a few roads into Sichuan, and they are all dangerously blocked.

As long as he seals it here, he can become a world of his own.

The key is that there is also the Chengdu Plain here, a land of abundance, with thousands of miles of fertile land.

And there are good things like Dujiangyan.

Whether it is various minerals or grain production, the people are not short of it.

Now, it can be said that he has the upper hand.

At this time, how could he be so stupid as to take the initiative to fight against the Tatars with the Dog Emperor?
It’s just a dream!

On his side, he was just doing his own thing and taking the opportunity to develop his power.

As much as possible, the Bashu side was assessed.

It's best to kill Qin Liangyu, that damn woman!

In this way, you can be completely stable and have no worries.

You can sit in the land of Bashu, guard all the important passes, and watch the world rise and fall.

He just needs to sit tight on the Diaoyutai and watch the changes in the current situation in the world.

He had finally waited for this situation, so how could he take the initiative to help the imperial court and fight against the Tatars together?
What a joke!

Zhang Xianzhong is not stupid!
Besides, the imperial edict obtained from this dog emperor only asked him to follow the imperial court and fight against the Tatars.

But there was no mention at all of what rewards the court would give them after they did this.

Isn't this just a pure white wolf wearing empty gloves?
It would also be good if the imperial court could confer a king.

He is also somewhat interested and may be able to do something.

But now, the imperial court is doing something about the rise and fall of the world, and everyone is responsible for it, such as expelling the Tartars and guarding China.

He was fooled by empty words such as wanting to destroy the world and fighting back.

How can it be!

He is not one of those stupid people who will be fooled by a few words.

The court wanted to use this method to fool Zhang Xianzhong, but they were blind.

He, Zhang Xianzhong, is not that kind of person.

There must be some tangible benefits.

Besides, he can sit back and watch the world rise and fall, and he is already in an invincible position.

Why work so hard?

Let the Dog Emperor and Li Zicheng fight with Jiannu.

Let the three of them beat the dog's brains out.

He is recharging his energy here, waiting to reap the benefits in the future.

Even if you can't conquer the world, you can still enjoy glory and wealth by occupying such a place.

He also knew that at this critical moment, the imperial court was unwilling to make any promises to him.

After they really send troops to take away Jian Nu, the imperial court will definitely turn their attention to him and attack him.

He worked hard, but in the end he was dealt with by the court, and he had no choice but to quit the business at a loss.

Therefore, Zhang Xianzhong directly tore up the edict obtained from Emperor Zhu Cixiang in public.

Too lazy to pay any attention to it.

Only a fool would respond to an edict!
However, what Zhang Xianzhong didn't know was that what he tore up was not just the edict.

What was torn off at the same time was also his last way to survive.

The reason why Zhu Cihong sent the edict according to Zhu Yuanzhang's wishes did not mention various conditions for preferential treatment.

In fact, this was a test Zhu Yuanzhang put to Zhang Xianzhong.

Let’s see how Zhang Xianzhong would choose.

If Zhang Xianzhong was in such a situation where the country was destroyed and the barbarians invaded, he could put the world first.

He also mobilized his forces to resist the Tatar invasion. After he freed up his hands in the future, he would be able to retain some hands on Zhang Xianzhong.

At least Zhang Xianzhong would not be killed.

Will leave him a way to survive.

Don't worry about being an ordinary citizen, being exiled overseas, or doing something else.

He could finally survive.

But now, Zhang Xianzhong directly tore his last way of survival into pieces...

At the same time, Zhang Xianzhong did not hesitate and arrogantly tore up the edict sent by the court in public, which had another result.

That is to say, many people on Zhang Xianzhong's side, as well as many people in Bashu, had a lot of bad impressions on Zhang Xianzhong.

In the past, there was nothing wrong with Zhang Xianzhong doing this.

After all, he had already rebelled, and it was perfectly normal for him to go against the imperial court.

But things are different now.

Now that the Tatars have entered the customs and Li Zicheng has handed over many places in Peking to others, the main contradiction has changed.

It was no longer a conflict between them and the imperial court, but a conflict between many Han people and the invading barbarians.

At this moment, an edict came from the imperial court, calling on Zhang Xianzhong to join hands in guarding the rivers and mountains.

Zhang Xianzhong directly tore the imperial edict into pieces.

He also laughed at the court's stupidity in public.

And he said something that he thought was very smart.

Many people's views on Zhang Xianzhong have changed.

I feel that Zhang Xianzhong is just a bandit after all, and it is unlikely that he will become a big deal.

The vision is too short-sighted and there is no big picture.

For people like him, if they want to occupy Bashu and other places in the future and rely on natural dangers to segregate them, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it.

Not that piece of material.

Many people's thoughts have changed because of Zhang Xianzhong's move.

However, Zhang Xianzhong didn't know anything about this.

I just felt that the act of tearing up the edict sent by the court and smashing it to pieces in public was really refreshing.

It can be regarded as one of his highlight moments...

Different from Zhang Xianzhong's reaction, Li Zicheng received the edict from Zhu Cihong.

I just feel overjoyed.

If it weren't for Niu Jinxing's persuasion, Li Zicheng would have even wanted to give him the title of emperor and surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

I had no choice but to be beaten too badly by Jiannu.

Now, the Qing Dynasty was concentrating all their strength on him and beating him wildly.

He was beaten until he couldn't breathe.

Under such circumstances, when faced with the edict sent from Zhu Cixiang, he naturally raised his hands and feet in agreement.

An edict from Emperor Dashun was immediately issued.

It means that the first priority now is for all Han people to unite to defend the country.

As for the rest, kill the invading barbarians, drive them out, and then deal with it on your own...

Li Zicheng was actually a little worried at first that the Ming emperors and ministers would even unite with the slaves to deal with him.

After all, he knew that in the eyes of many Ming officials, he was the one who really destroyed the Ming Dynasty.

He was more gnashing his teeth towards him than Jiannu, and he hated him deeply.

I want to remove it quickly.

Who would have thought that Daming would actually give him such a big surprise?
It really made him ecstatic!

It was also in Qufu, Shandong Province, where the world was in turmoil, that a man with a shaved rat tail stood up.

He saw the opportunity and prepared to show the power of the Kong family to the regent of the Qing Dynasty.

This person is none other than Kong Yinzhi, Duke Yansheng...

(End of this chapter)

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