Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 365 Zhu Yuanzhang flipped the table and there was a big earthquake in Jiangnan! Hong Chengch




The broadsword fell and the heads rolled.

Blood surges like a fountain! !

The person who was shouting just now lost his voice immediately.

The corpses were separated, and the smell of blood floated away.

The ground is full of headless corpses!
Many people are scared to death before they die.

Some people were crying in despair, and some were yelling angrily.

Some people cried and begged for mercy.

Some people can't say anything...

But no matter who it is or what reaction it is, death is inevitable!
Many people are filled with confusion when they are dying.

I don’t know if the emperor is crazy.

Are you holding on to the idea of ​​​​taking them as a backing, and don't want this Ming Dynasty?

No matter how you look at it, the things they did are not worthy of death!
Here, they just made some experiments.

I want to fight with the emperor's side without breaking through.

Under normal circumstances, after he and others took action, the emperor just used some similar methods to deal with it.

Or you can't fight and give in.

Or it could neutralize their offensive and overwhelm them.

In the future, we will not kill them.

At least he won't kill everyone.

There are many things that will be done in tacit understanding between each other.

The fight will be controlled within a certain range and will not involve everyone.

These people are all big shots in Jiangnan.

Many influences are significant.

The people's support refers to these people.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. Without people like them, what will the emperor do?
Jiangnan will definitely be in chaos!

What did the emperor think?

Isn't this random? !
How dare this dog emperor act so recklessly? !

Before this, no matter how they thought about it, they never thought that they would encounter such a scene after doing these things.

Some people even wait until the knife is cut on the head, and some people have illusions.

I wonder if the emperor is playing a joke on them and scaring them.

I didn't really want to kill them.

Just use this method to make them honest, that's all.

Some people are still filled with fear and extreme disbelief when they die...

Zhu Yuanzhang sat there and looked at these people coldly.

His expression didn't change at all.

Zhu Cixiang also sat next to Zhu Yuanzhang and watched this scene, his face looking a little pale.

After all, he is still a little young.

Before Zhu Yuanzhang came to the late Ming Dynasty, he was a well-behaved prince who was raised in a deep palace.

What he did most was go to school, listen to various teachers, talk about various things, and talk about various principles.

I have very little or no contact with these things now.

Although I have gone through a lot with Grandpa Taizu now.

But at this time, seeing such a bloody scene, I felt strong discomfort in my heart.

However, despite being uncomfortable, I was able to endure it and sit still.

I feel that these people deserve to die.

Chongzhen also felt relieved.

But while feeling relieved, I felt somewhat uneasy.

He has been emperor for a long time and knows how powerful these people are.

Now that they are retreating to the capital here, all they hope for is the large area of ​​​​Jiangnan.

If there is really chaos here in Jiangnan, things will be really difficult to handle!

The power of these people cannot be underestimated!

The words that the man whose head was beheaded by the great ancestor still echoed in his ears before he died.

Even with the great ancestor sitting in charge and the frightening methods used by the Han consort to deal with it.

Chongzhen is still somewhat unsure.

Worried that the situation will get out of control next.

"Youjian, Cixing, this is another lesson for you.

These are lessons that teachers cannot teach you.

We, the founding emperor, will teach you how to be an emperor.

There must be no mercy on anyone who dares to threaten the imperial court.

The solution must be solved!
Each and every one of these bitches has to push their limits and look forward to Shu.

After you take one step back, you will have to take countless steps back in the future.

They will lead you by the nose.

When facing these people, we must dare to flip the table!

Cut them all down, smash their conspiracy, and let the rest of the world see that their moves are useless!

The court and the emperor were not something they could threaten.

Only in this way will they gradually become honest in the future.

The same is true for the relationship between the emperor, courtiers, and localities.

Pay attention to one thing: If you don't advance, you will retreat.

If you are weak, they will surely take advantage of you!
When it’s time to flip the table on them, flip it!

Of course, you can't lift it randomly.

Before turning over the table, make corresponding preparations.

Have the ability to clean up the mess, stabilize the world and keep it from being too chaotic, and take corresponding measures.

Only in this case can the table be turned over.

Otherwise, blindly lifting the table will only make some things worse.

At the same time, when facing these courtiers and local people, we must be tough when we need to be tough.

Even if you often don't really lift the table.

But you must also let those people believe that you are also a person who will flip the table when forced!

Only in this way can these people not dare to go too far when doing things!

Don't dare to take things too far.

Don't dare to really test your bottom line. "

After listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Chongzhen and Zhu Cixiang nodded seriously.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "After I go back, I will think about it carefully.

What kind of efforts did we make before using forceful means to capture those students and capture these people and behead them?

What preparations have been made?
Think through all of this and understand it in your heart.

You all walked the whole journey with us and witnessed everything.

We think that after you understand this, you should gain something. "

Zhu Cihong and Chongzhen agreed one after another.

To be honest, what happened this time really had a big impact on them.

The impact is quite large.

In fact, even before Emperor Taizu Gao decided to personally oversee the execution and chop off the heads of these people.

Both of them had been wondering whether Grandfather Taizu was trying to scare these people.

They are using this method to scare the shit out of them.

Then at the last moment, some more people were arranged, some reasons were found, and these people were released.

Use this method to keep them in line.

It will be easier to use them in the future.

But who would have thought that Grandpa Taizu was serious about this matter!
Really killed so many people!
"None of these people can be used anymore."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at them and said.

“Everyone has ulterior motives and wants to challenge the imperial court.

If we are in normal times, maybe if we are in a mood here, we can slowly play with them.

But certainly not now.

In troubled times, important codes should be used.

Sometimes, it is necessary to cut through the mess quickly.

When doing something, you can consider all aspects before doing it.

But once you do it, you must do it resolutely!

A fatal blow!
The more dangerous and difficult the time, the more so.

The less hesitant.

Don't let it be shaken by some unexpected circumstances.

As a king, the most taboo thing is to be vacillating.

They think that we cannot govern the world without them.

Daming cannot be stabilized.

But next, we just want to show them that they think too much!

Without these bitches like them, we wouldn’t be able to eat pigs with hair on them!
There will be no chaos in this world!
The world would only be a better place without worms like them!

We just want to use their heads to warn the remaining people in Jiangnan.

Let them all be honest! "

Zhu Yuanzhang really devoted his efforts to Chongzhen and Zhu Cixiang, teaching them how to be emperors.

How to do things.

The things he did with the help of him can be said to be broken into pieces and told to them bit by bit.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's Hongwu Dynasty, only Prince Zhu Biao had this kind of treatment.

The remaining Jin King Zhu Fan and Yan King Zhu Di did not receive such treatment...

As these people were confiscated and beheaded, their land was taken over and returned to the imperial court.

The news that some of them were rewarded to meritorious soldiers spread.

That simply caused huge waves with Nanjing City as the center!
Just like the ripples produced by throwing a huge boulder into a lake, they move outward in circles.

The whole Jiangnan was shocked!
Many people were stunned and stunned.

Many people were so frightened that their precious teacups fell to the ground and shattered into pieces!
This incident affects many people's hearts.

Many people outside Suzhou, Kunshan and other places are also paying close attention to the development of this matter.

At the beginning, even some people who were well-informed and knew about the imperial court suddenly used means to arrest all those who were hiding behind the scenes.

Those who dared to resist were killed on the spot.

Still not too worried.

In their opinion, since the emperor is here, he must act according to the rules.

Now they are strong and the emperor is weak.

Then naturally we have to follow their rules.

The emperor must reuse these people and respect them.

The emperor didn't dare to really do anything to them.

It's just that they have the upper hand, or the court has the upper hand and overwhelms them.

They just need to be more careful in what they do in the future.

But who could have imagined that the final result would be like this!

How could the imperial court be so unruly?
How do you treat the gentry and officials like this?
Treat them like the pillars of Jiangnan like this?
The imperial court doesn’t want to live anymore!
What did the emperor think?

Such a result really made countless people panic!
Because they discovered that their previous methods of dealing with the imperial court seemed to no longer work.

Before that, don't look at the clamor of many people.

Talk about how cruel and unkind the imperial court is, how it imposes excessive taxes...

In fact, here in Jiangnan, many officials and gentry live a very unrestrained life.

In the Ming Dynasty, the rise of civil servants again and again resulted in the expansion of their local power and preferential treatment step by step...

But now, they suddenly realized that the imperial court had become unpredictable!

If you say kill, kill!

Don't give them any face at all! So much so that those who have been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai can no longer sit down at this time!
Suddenly Jiangnan was shocked!
There was an uproar over it!

Out of fear and anger, some people began to engage in secret activities.

Prepare to do some things and discuss some corresponding methods.

If the imperial court is allowed to continue like this, how can people like them survive?
It’s unacceptable for the court to disrespect people like them!
Some people are already preparing to stop production and work.

Or they secretly funded some people to rebel, causing headaches for the court.

Since the imperial court does not respect martial ethics and does not act according to the rules.

Well, they also don't follow the rules here.

We must let them understand who owns the world here in Jiangnan!
Of course, there are more people who are frightened by the court's methods.

I decided to hibernate for a while and then wait and see.

And it was under this situation that propaganda backbones formed through emergency training began to set off from Nanjing one after another.

Scattered to various places in Jiangnan.

He began to publicize the righteousness of his family and country, the Tatars' entry into the country, their imminent subjugation of the world, and the defeat of Li Zicheng.

While promoting these, the brutality of the Tatars is also simultaneously promoted.

Inform the people of the world that after the Tatars entered the customs, they burned, killed, looted and other things.

Call on everyone to work together to defend the mountains and rivers and resist the Tatars...

As the number of propagandists increases, more and more methods are used.

The impact is also growing.

At the beginning, for these methods used by the court.

In many places, the gentry and officials, landlords, wealthy businessmen, and wealthy businessmen all scorned this.

I feel that what the court said is all nonsense and deceiving people!

But as time goes by, more and more people join the propaganda team.

Promote these things in various ways.

Many people gradually discovered that things seemed to be different.

Many people originally decided to put pressure on the emperor by suspending work and production, and supporting people to rebel and cause trouble.

A testament to the energy of these people.

Let the court become more honest.

This kind of thing originally went smoothly.

But then I slowly discovered that things were different...

"What are you doing here? Didn't we agree to stop work?
Who asked you to come to work again?
Get back now! "

Some people stared at the people who came here to weave and shouted angrily.

"Master Li, things are different now.

The Tatars entered the pass and occupied the city of Beiping.

The capital fell.

Many places were occupied by Tatars.

The Tatars are very cruel. They burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil wherever they go!
Many people's wives and daughters have been ruined.

All money was robbed and people were killed randomly.

Humans are inferior to dogs.

We can’t have chaos here! "

Someone had the courage to speak out to the steward.

"Fuck you! I think you're too full!"

He's just a fool, why do he care about these big things?
If the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up, so if the emperor is not anxious, why are you waiting for a dog to be anxious?
Do you really think this world belongs to you? ! "

"Master Li, you are wrong. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

If it's something else, maybe it has nothing to do with us mud-legged people.

But now the world is about to be destroyed!
Since the world is destroyed, it is closely related to everyone in the Ming Dynasty!
Although I am a weakling, I don’t understand any big principles.

But at this time, I also know not to cause trouble to the court! "

Hearing this, Mr. Li, who was cursing loudly, couldn't help but be stunned.

I really didn't expect that a person who couldn't beat a fart with these three sticks would actually say such a thing!

He was deeply surprised.

Then he became a little angry.

"Fuck your mother!

Where did you hear all this nonsense?
Do you really think of yourself as a dish?

It’s just some shit!

You idiots like you don't even take a pee to look after yourselves.

Everyone is still thinking about the rise and fall of the world. Is everyone responsible?
There's no one to blame!
Just live your life well!
The emperor doesn't care about the world, why are you making such a fuss here? "

"Master Li, this is really not the case.

These are what Mr. Liu said.

Mr. Liu said that Emperor Taizu Gao has now appeared.

The Tatars enter the pass and want to destroy our Han people!
At this moment, you must have a good time with the Tatars! "

"Yes, Mr. Li, you are wrong to say that.

We are all Han people, and the Tatars are here to destroy the world!
If the world dies, neither you nor I will end well.

I don’t want my wife, children, and children to suffer! "

"Master Li, at this moment, let's not cause trouble for the court.

You are also Han Chinese and live here.

It’s better to start work quickly and don’t cause trouble for the court..."

Many other weavers spoke out to persuade him.

When Master Li heard this, he was stunned and angry.

These mud-legged people are all rebelling against each other. They really don’t know how high the sky is!

In the past, these people were very easy to fool, and whatever they said was what they said.
Why did it become like this today?

What kind of ecstasy soup did Liu Xiucai give them? !

"Mr. Zhang, I don't want this money anymore, I'll give it all back to you!"

In a hidden place, a tall man and two people put down two heavy boxes.

He looked at a very rich middle-aged man in fine clothes with a solemn expression and said.

There was determination in his voice.

"What's wrong? Do you think I gave you too little?"

The man glanced at him lightly and said aloud.

"No, Mr. Zhang, you gave me a lot. I have never seen so much money in my life.

This money is supposed to be enough for me to take my people and work for you, Mr. Zhang.

Greet a few more people, and the big guys will make a scene!
But...I can't do that now. "

"What's wrong? Why did you suddenly change your temper?"

Mr. Zhang looked a little strange and looked at this man.

"Mr. Zhang, the situation is different now.
Now the capital has been abandoned by this piece of shit Li Zicheng!

The Tatars have occupied the Ming Dynasty and will attack us soon.

Our Ming Dynasty is going to destroy the world!

If it were normal times, it would be okay for me to bring people here to cause trouble.

But now, the situation is urgent.

Nothing I say here can cause trouble at this time.

This is the time to be consistent with the outside world.

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible.

Although I don't know any words, I don't understand any big principles.

But I still know this. "

"Ha ha……"

Mr. Zhang heard this.

"Your idea is indeed okay.

However, we still have a piece of advice.

The court was not so kind.

They tricked the rest of us into dying. "

As he spoke, he clapped his hands.

Another person struggled to carry out a similar box.

It's also heavy.

It is also filled with silver ingots.

He pointed at this and said with a smile: "Tieniu, take these back together.

From now on, we will find ways to get money and military supplies for you. "

As he said this, he couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart.

This bitch has quite an appetite this time!

How dare you ask for so much money from yourself! "

The strong man swallowed hard as he looked at the box.

But he was still determined and looked away, looking at this man and saying:
"That's not what I really meant.

I really don’t think that Mr. Zhang gave me too little money.

I really can't do this.

At this time, we all should join the army enthusiastically and kill the enemy to protect the country.

We cannot hold back the imperial court here.

If I really do this, I will be a sinner! "

"Li Tieniu! Just stop when enough is enough!

Don't let the lion open your mouth!
Master, I have given you enough! ! "

The smiling Master Zhang's face darkened.

"There's only so much, any more will be gone!"

At this time, Mr. Zhang still felt that this piece of shit Li Tieniu was taking the opportunity to increase the price.

Get more money from yourself.

As for what he said about the rise and fall of the world and that everyone is responsible, these are just excuses.

Whoever believes it is stupid!
I didn't expect that this piece of shit like Li Tieniu looked okay on weekdays.

He is also such a treacherous person.

Li Tieniu stood up, hugged his fists and said, "Mr. Zhang, I didn't mean that.

I really can't do such a thing!
If I do this, it will be a waste of time!

I am a Han Chinese, and now I have to kill the Tatars and defend the country!

These dog Tatars want to destroy our Ming Dynasty, what they want is beautiful!
It is simply impossible to destroy China!
Even if I am a bastard, I still know that I can't do such a bastard thing at this time! "

After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

There is no trace of sloppiness.

Now, it was Mr. Zhang's turn to be stunned.

Looking at Li Tieniu's leaving figure, he opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.

This piece of shit, is he actually serious? !
He actually believed it, so what nonsense is that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world? !

Are you really not taking this opportunity to ask yourself for more money? !
After sitting here for a long time, he suddenly dropped the tea cup he was holding in his hand and threw it heavily to the ground!

He cursed loudly: "This idiot really doesn't know how much he weighs!
What happened that day has nothing to do with you, an idiot!
Don't waste such a good opportunity to make a fortune, just wait to be tricked by the court! "

While scolding him like this, some panic also arose in my heart...

It's not like he hasn't heard these fallacies these days.

But he never paid attention to it.

I just feel that these are all bullshit and lies.

Whoever believes it is a fool.

But now, I suddenly realized that things had become so different.

Those words that he usually ignored have actually had such a big impact invisibly!
Many people he was familiar with have become somewhat different!
Similar scenes happened in many places in Jiangnan...


At this time, there was an extra person in front of Hong Chengchou in Beiping City.

Brought him unexpected news...

(End of this chapter)

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