Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 363 Awakening of consciousness, Zhu Biao Hancheng: The country is destroyed! My compatriots,

Nanjing City, before the Imperial City.

Han Cheng roared out the inspiring and inspiring "Army Song of Intellectual Youth".

Spanning hundreds of years of time and space, after he roared out this military song, it was quite shocking to people of this era.

The song of intellectual youth joining the army was born in the war years.

At that time, the situation faced by China was even worse and more humiliating than the situation faced by Ming Dynasty today!

The situation we faced at that time was even more desperate!

While feeling desperate, there are many people who are unyielding, working hard to save the nation and fight back!
Many things are interoperable!

For example, in Han Cheng's later generations, nearly a hundred years later, he would get goosebumps when he saw Ayi, the leader of the group, singing this song with everyone.

I was shocked by it, and many feelings arose in my heart.

Now, hundreds of years in advance, this military song was shouted out by him in the late Ming Dynasty.

Combined with what is happening to Daming at this time.

It also brought an extremely strong shock to people of this era!

It has dispelled the stubbornness and worries in many people’s hearts!

Under the national righteousness, the feelings of family and country, and in the crisis situation where the Han people's country is about to fall.

Many people are able to put aside their petty thoughts.

Stand tall and fight!
In front of the imperial city, more and more people shouted out, expressing their willingness to join the army.

More and more people stood up from the ground.

Although he is a scholar, he has an aura of righteousness at this moment!
At this moment, many people are awakened!
Above the imperial city, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at these people with admiration on his face and kept nodding.

At the same time, he was increasingly satisfied with Han Cheng, his son-in-law.

This kid can always give himself such a big surprise at critical moments!

He said he wanted to say a few words, so I asked him to say a few words.

As a result, he just made something so important!
Under this situation, what he said could be worth a hundred thousand soldiers and horses!
As for Chongzhen, his body was trembling slightly at this time and his fists were clenched.

His eyes were fixed on the scene in front of him.

At this moment, I don’t know what he was thinking about and what kind of thoughts he had...

Under the imperial city, riding on a tall horse with a gun in his hand, the unruly, cold and ruthless Marquis Lanyu of Yongchang.

The momentum also became very different.

The ones I looked down upon before were completely gone.

There was more appreciation and some shock.

Before this, he really didn't expect that these people who could only read could be so kind and bloody at some special times.

To be able to burst out with such momentum!
In a short period of time, all those who were originally pinned to the ground stood up.

Everyone's mood was agitated, and there seemed to be something rolling back and forth in their chests, burning!

Among these scholars, there must be some who fish in troubled waters.

But it is undeniable that the vast majority of people's thoughts at this moment are to kill the enemy for the country and save China!

Don’t let things like Wu Huan Hua happen again!
"Don't you see, the Han Dynasty's army, the weak crown and the prisoners, please grow the tassel!

See you, Ban Dingyuan, Jueyu Qingqi urges Zhanyun!
The man should be in serious danger. How can he let the Confucian crown miss this life?
The situation is that the country is in danger, and the eggs are exhausted, and the feathers are struggling to stop!
Abandon my pen of old and keep my pen of war..."

Above the imperial city, at Zhu Yuanzhang's signal, Han Cheng once again took up the loudspeaker and shouted out the intellectual youth's military song in public.

Three times in a row.

At the beginning, because no one was too familiar with it, he was the only one whose voice sounded.

By the time he read it for the second time, Zhu Biao, who had a good memory, was already reading aloud after him above the imperial city.

Below the imperial city, there are also many scholars who are talking.

By the time it was played for the third time, almost all the scholars followed Han Cheng and shouted out this military song!

The more you roar, the more powerful you become!

The more you roar, the more impassioned you feel!
The more you roar, the more you want people to pick up the three-foot sword and chop off the heads of thieves and chieftains!

Many voices mixed together, and the momentum went straight to the sky!

Like rolling thunder, shaking the surrounding areas!
For a time, the powerful aura and the emotion it generated shocked ruthless people like Lan Yu.

And couldn't help but roar with everyone on the horse.

At this moment, something that already existed in the hearts of many people awakened!

But what follows is how to arrange these people.

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang was really planning to send all these scholars who were incited to cause trouble to the front line.

Let them go there and kill the enemy.

In fact, to put it more purely, it is to let them die.

However, as Li Zicheng abandoned the defense of Beiping City, the news came that the Tatars entered the pass and occupied Beiping.

He said again that if the country is destroyed, the world will be destroyed. Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

After what happened, the situation has become very different.

How to arrange these people already needs to be reconsidered.

We can't simply bring them to the front line like before.

When it comes to killing enemies, many of them are really not good at it.

"Father, I think we can send these people to the army and arrange some positions such as auxiliary officers.

For example, let them help with accounting and ensure logistics...

Many of them are good at arithmetic.

It's much better for them to do these things. "

Returning to Wuying Hall, Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and gave his opinion.

Zhu Biao's idea not only confirmed what his father told these people before, asking them to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

At the same time, it also satisfies the wishes of these popular people to join the army.

At the same time, we can also arrange these people into positions that suit them as much as possible.

Try to play a greater role.

At the same time, it can also save many of them from dying.

After all, in Zhu Biao's view, those who can come to the group of scholars outside are not ordinary scholars.

There are quite a few of them, and they even have some degree of fame.

Reading and writing articles are all fine.

Such people are worth more than ordinary people.

It would be a pity if they were allowed to die easily.

After listening to Zhu Biao's words, Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while and nodded.

He had the same idea as Zhu Biao on this.

Before those people, he could push them to the front line without blinking an eye and punish them.

Deterrence the world!

Let those who have evil intentions and try to gather people to put pressure on the court be honest.

But now, the situation has changed.

Naturally, the way to treat these people is different.

Chongzhen and the others also agreed with Prince Zhu Biao's method.

I think this is indeed a very good method.

Taking into account many aspects.

But at this time, Han Cheng, who had been sitting there silently, spoke.

"Big brother."

Han Cheng looked at Zhu Biao and said, "Brother's method is indeed good, and it takes into account many aspects.

However, I also have some different views on this. "

Hearing Han Cheng speak, the eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, Chongzhen and others all fell on Han Cheng.

Everyone became very solemn.

Needless to say, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and other people who came from the Hongwu Dynasty understood how capable Han Cheng was.

How much is beyond ordinary people's understanding.

He has effective and amazing views on many things.

As for Chongzhen, Zhu Cixiang was also impressed by Han Cheng, who had a transcendent status.

If we say that at the beginning, their respect for the Han consort was because of his mysterious origins.

And he also has immortal-like methods.

We can bring Taizu Emperor Gao and other ancestors of the Ming Dynasty here.

So at this time, after getting along with each other along the way and seeing Han Cheng's methods, they became more respectful to Han Cheng.

Because they know that this person is really talented and knowledgeable.

Many things can often be pointed out sharply.

And give a particularly good solution.

At this time, if he opens his mouth, he might come up with a very brilliant idea.

“There are some people here who can join the army.

For example, some people who are strong and strong and have practiced or experienced similar aspects.

But most people still don't want to join the army. "

As soon as Han Cheng opened his mouth, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others were stunned.

This statement was really beyond their expectations.

If you do this, wouldn't it go against what you said before?
It also goes against the wishes of those who read.

But at this time, no one asked.

Just waiting to hear Han Cheng's next words.

They knew that Han Cheng would never talk nonsense on such important matters.

Now that he has spoken, there must be a reason for him to do so.

“These people have their greater uses.

What they need to fight is another battlefield.

This battlefield is to promote public opinion! "

"Promote public opinion?"

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao both looked thoughtful.

Han Cheng's voice continued: "Think carefully about what happened this time, why did these scholars change so much between before and after?

It is because these scholars were guided and instigated by people with ulterior motives using wrong information.

After arriving here, I discovered the truth of the matter.

And he also knew that when the Tatars went south, the mountains and rivers would fall.

Then I heard the words that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, so I woke up.

Only then would you make this choice.

From here we can see how powerful propaganda and public opinion are!
If used well, it can change many people's minds.

It can awaken more people like these scholars.

It can make everyone think in one place, work hard in one place, and unite as one to deal with those Tatars in this critical moment.

Save the country from crisis.

We, China, will no longer suffer disaster!
Propaganda and public opinion are a sharp tool. If used well, it will surely produce infinite power in the future!

As long as the Ming Dynasty is still there, as long as China is still there, and as long as people continue to die, there will always be people who dare to fight and fight to the death!
You won't be defeated!

Even if it fails once, twice, ten times, or hundreds of times, it will never collapse!
Will only stand up again and again!
Become more united and stronger! "

After hearing what Han Cheng said, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others all looked thoughtful.

Thinking about the situation described by Han Cheng, Zhu Yuanzhang agreed very much.

If many forces can be twisted into a rope, not to mention driving away the invaders, they will directly overturn the lair of the slaves.

Kill all the rogue bandits in the Ming Dynasty. There will be absolutely no problem in rebuilding the Ming Dynasty and making it prosperous again!
“My Ming Dynasty is not without loyal people, and our China has never lacked people who dare to take responsibility and dare to work hard to make our China continue and carry forward!

There are many people who have this sense of historical mission.

What many of them lack is just an introduction.

He lacks others to tell him what to do and what is the right thing to do.

Disagreement among people has always been a taboo.

At this time, publicity and public opinion are particularly important.

And these people who read have a natural say in this.

There are many of them, and their influence is not small.

More importantly, in their respective hometowns and other places, because of their status as scholars, they are easily convinced by many people.

And these scholars, judging from their performance this time, are already quite good.

Then bring them together to study accordingly.

Then send them to various places to do things.

Promote the salvation of the nation and the predicament our Ming Dynasty encountered at this time.

What will happen if we don't fight back in the future?

Since then, the situation in the court will inevitably be greatly different.

The will of the people has always been related to the current situation of the world.

And the real power has always been among the people!
If we can do a good job in publicity and public opinion, the corresponding policies in the future can keep up.

Ming Dynasty will definitely take on a new look!
Become very different!

And Ming Dynasty was able to quickly gather powerful power that could be used in times of crisis like today.

Those bastards, those who lie on the body of Ming Dynasty to suck blood and try to overthrow Ming Dynasty, will surely be crushed in front of this power!

While doing this, something needs to be done.

For example, traitors among scholars accept money and other gifts from people with bad intentions.

Those who gathered and encouraged so many scholars to make trouble.

They must all be beheaded!
Punished to death!

At the same time, they also publicize what they have done.

Publicize what the people standing behind them have done!
The best thing is known to the whole country!
Let them be infamy for eternity!
Through this practical example, I will tell everyone in the world what can be done and what cannot be done.

What things you do can be admired by outsiders, and what things you do will leave a lasting infamy! "

"Okay! Second brother-in-law, your method is good!

This is what should be done!
This is how these people should be used!

You are right, it is indeed a pity to let many of them go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Their true strengths were not brought out. "

After Han Cheng's voice fell, Zhu Biao immediately expressed his agreement.

There was no estrangement or displeasure because what Han Cheng said was equivalent to completely rejecting the method he proposed.

Some of it was just joy from the bottom of my heart, and admiration for my second brother-in-law.

With such a method, if these people can be used well, it will really have a great effect in the future.

It will be different in many ways.

"Han Cheng, this is indeed a good idea.

Your idea is good, and this is how these people should use it.

From now on, let alone achieve the effects you mentioned, only 10% or 20% will be enough!

Many things are easy to do here.

We must overthrow the lair of the dog Tatars!
Just do what you said!
Let's discuss more about how to do it specifically and come up with a charter.

You and Biao'er are mainly responsible for this matter.

Let’s just ask more questions. "

Zhu Yuanzhang made the final decision, agreed to Han Cheng's proposal, and arranged a big task for Han Cheng.

Similarly, as Zhu Yuanzhang's words fell silent, it was said that four to five thousand people immediately changed their destiny because of Han Cheng's words.

And in the future, more people will become very different because of this incident.

Han Cheng originally didn't want to do these things.

After all, many times, he feels that he is just fine with his words but really does it in practice, but he is really not good at many things.

I don’t want to be too tired.

But now at the end of the Ming Dynasty, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

The military song was shouted again.

In such an environment, the people who are affected are not just the scholars.

He, who came hundreds of years later, was also greatly touched in his heart.
I also want to contribute and do something to make this Ming Dynasty and China better!
Able to rewrite the original destiny!

Without any hesitation, he agreed and said that he would do it well.

After discussing some more here, Zhu Biao and Han Cheng left from Wuying Hall. We arrived at the Wenhua Hall and continued to discuss the various steps to do so.

and corresponding measures.

This thing must come up with a charter.

Otherwise, it will be easy to get confused when doing it next.

This was the first time for Han Cheng to do these things himself. Fortunately, he had a lot of knowledge from later generations, so he could follow suit.

In addition, there is Zhu Biao, his uncle, sitting next to him.

He handles many things poorly and lacks practical experience.

But don't forget Zhu Biao, his uncle, who had been ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang to handle government affairs a long time ago.

Especially after the Zhongshu Province was abolished along with the prime minister system.

Zhu Biao, my uncle, was a serious man and the executive deputy emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

The number of government affairs handled every day is more than one.

Under this situation, with him around, Han Cheng wouldn't be in a hurry.

After some discussion, some regulations were worked out.

Then Zhu Biao had Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, Wang Fuzhi, and more than 20 other people come here.

These people, after hearing Zhu Yuanzhang say that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, couldn't help but stand up and speak out, expressing their willingness to join the army.

Since they were the first to stand up and say these things and do these things at that time.

Naturally, Han Cheng had to recruit them first.

Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi and others were led into the imperial city and came to the Wenhua Palace.

Many people are still in extremely agitated moods.

Many people were also very excited.

After all, there are many people among them. Although they have fame and fame, their official positions can basically be ignored.

If he really climbed to a certain position, he would not join those many scholars to instigate trouble.

It can be said that this time is the first time for many people to enter the palace.

And next, I have to meet a distinguished and special person...


"Students pay their respects to Prince Yiwen and Prince Consort Han!"

After everyone arrived at the Wenhua Hall, they saluted Zhu Biao and Han Cheng.

Zhu Biao and Han Cheng told them not to be polite.

Han Cheng respected Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi and Wang Fuzhi very much.

He came to the three of them and bowed to them one after another.

Han Cheng's behavior. All three of them were stunned and flattered at once.

He hurriedly returned the courtesy and said that he couldn't do it, so he killed them.

After all, they had been told the identities of Han Cheng and Zhu Biao before they came here.

It's not easy to know that this is Han's consort.

Moreover, because of the military song, I also admired this prince-in-law.

The eyes are shining!

Han Cheng said sternly: "You can fully bear this gift from me.

I come from later generations and have great respect for these three gentlemen.

You three are all famously tough..."

As Han Cheng said this, he briefly recounted what the three of them had done in history.

After listening to what Han Cheng said, Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, Wang Fuzhi, and the twenty or so people who came with them.

They are all in shock!

One is knowing their ending in the original history.

The two learned that according to the original history, the Ming Dynasty would actually become like this.

It turned out that the country was destroyed and the family was destroyed.

The Han family was wiped out by the slaves, and the Chinese land was sinking!
After the shock, my mood became more determined.

They really don't want this to happen!

And absolutely cannot let it happen!
“Prince, Consort Han, please give us a mission!
Students and others are willing to join the army immediately, go to the military camp, and kill the enemy for the country!
Kill the Tatars with your hands and kill the Jian slaves! "

After Wang Fuzhi calmed down, he looked at Zhu Biao and Han Cheng to ask for a fight.

Han Cheng said: "Of course there is an important task for you to do, but it is not on the battlefield."

When they heard that they were not going to the battlefield, these people suddenly became anxious.

Han Cheng waved his hand and told them not to worry.
“What I’m going to put you on is not a battlefield where you will fight with real swords and guns.

But in my opinion, it is also another extremely important battlefield, even comparable to the previous battlefield where we fought with real swords and guns.

This battlefield is also extremely dangerous.

More importantly, on this battlefield, we have basically no soldiers and horses here..."

As Han Cheng spoke, he told these people his thoughts on public opinion and propaganda and other matters, emphasizing the importance.

After some thinking, Han Cheng wanted to be more perfect when talking about this matter.

"Consort Han, you are right! This matter is indeed very important!

There are indeed too many people who have been fooled by those with ulterior motives.

Just like when I waited before this, I just didn’t understand the truth and was used by those people to do such stupid things.

We here really need to tell more people the truth and let them know what to do.

Students believe that we are Ming Dynasty and China, and there are many loyal people!
There are so many people who are willing to fight for the country and for the survival of China!

It's just that many people don't realize how serious the situation is at this time.

Many people have been deceived by people with ulterior motives.

We really need to tell more people the truth and what to do next.

The more people understand, the better things will be done next! "

Gu Yanwu said aloud.

The others all agreed.

Things went surprisingly smoothly.

Next, Han Chengcheng told them some of the regulations he had discussed with Zhu Biao.

Let them know what to do.

After making some corresponding arrangements, Zhu Biao took out a large piece of paper with words written on it.

Zhu Biao recited aloud: "...the intruders gave up the country, and the slaves invaded and wanted to destroy China...

Not an inch of China's land must be lost!
The people of the Ming Dynasty can die in battle, but they must not become cowardly slaves to the subjugation of the country!

The country is dead! My compatriots, stand up! "

(End of this chapter)

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