Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 348 Kill! Dorgon was slapped hard and was stunned!

Chapter 348 Kill! Dorgon received a heavy slap in the face and was stunned!

Wu Sangui moved forward with his troops and horses, and went to rescue the capital on Chongzhen's order.

But the journey was slow.

It won't happen if you don't dawdle.

After all, at this time, the capital was in great danger.

There are almost no available troops!

If he goes all the way in a hurry, he will have to fight Li Zicheng if he fails!

Going shopping with Li Zicheng at this time is obviously extremely uneconomical!

Wu Sangui is very aware of his current status and how he can be so special.

The most important source is the tens of thousands of Guan Ning troops under his command.

This is the foundation for me to settle down and live my life today!

Once I go shopping with Li Zicheng and end up with this low family income, my future life will be particularly uncomfortable!

If Chongzhen, as the emperor, could come up with corresponding food and salary to reward his soldiers and horses.

There is also a more powerful Jiannu!

What his Guan Ning Army and the base camp of Guan Ning Army face are Jiannu.

There is a huge difference between surrendering to being a slave and surrendering to others!

But other Han forces.

Then on my side, I can also bring my soldiers and horses to do things.

This made Wu Sangui not know what to choose for a while.

If this is a slave, it is not such an identity.

There will be great rewards.

In addition, the situation in Ming Dynasty was so bad that Li Zicheng was not the only enemy he faced.

As he continued to talk, some of the balance in Wu Sangui's heart began to be gradually broken.

If things are done well, that's fine.

Use so many benefits to persuade him.

Accept these conditions set by Jiannu.

This man really knows how to speak and is eloquent.

I'm not sure what to do either.

But the identity of a slave was so disgraceful.

Don't know where my path is.

I couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Faced with such a situation, Wu Sangui was deeply entangled.

Not only will Guan Ningjun's life be particularly difficult, but so will he himself.

Many of his words poked directly into Wu Sangui's heart.

But once he fails to defeat him, Chongzhen will most likely not let him go in the future.

Moreover, Chongzhen's character was not good, and his past actions also showed that he went to rescue the capital and fought against Li Zicheng.

Even a huge reward like King Pingxi was given!

For a moment, it seemed like nothing he could do was right.

On the other hand, his power is getting bigger and bigger, he is strong in all aspects, and he is willing to give himself great benefits and sincerely invites himself to submit to Da Jiannu...

Maybe he doesn't have so many worries on his side and will surrender to Jiannu.

If he were to engage in a deadly battle with Li Zicheng, his strength would be greatly damaged.

What's even more terrible is that in this situation, there happened to be an envoy sent by Jiannu who kept talking to him.

Wu Sangui was really confused.

At that moment, he worked even harder to persuade Wu Sangui.

Various things to say.

It will tilt towards Jiannu's side...

The envoy who founded the slaves was keenly aware of Wu Sangui's change in mentality.

On the one hand, there is the declining Ming Dynasty, which is in danger, and there is also Chongzhen, a moody, incompetent, but extremely healthy monarch who makes people lose hope.

At this time, the envoy sent by Jiannu was still making various analyzes of Wu Sangui.

The situation was extremely fatal to him.

But the key point is that at this time, Chongzhen has no money, so it doesn't matter what he wants!

You have to lead people to fight for your life!

This matter is really difficult to handle!

Even if he could agree to it, the many soldiers under his command would not agree.

The foundation of Guan Ningjun is about to be shaken!

It's a foreign race.

Once this thing is done, it will be a great achievement after he returns.

The current situation is really fatal for Wu Sangui.

As a result, at this moment, several servants of the Wu family came galloping all the way from the direction of Beiping City.

He also brought a letter written by his father Wu Xiang.

After learning that his father actually sent him a handwritten letter at this time, Wu Sangui seemed very strange.

I don’t know why my father is writing this letter to me at this time?

I was puzzled at first, but then I couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in my heart.

He thought about a lot of things and felt that this was definitely not a good thing!

Chongzhen must have found his father through some means of coercion and inducement.

Let your father put pressure on you.

Let yourself bring troops and horses to the capital at a faster speed to rescue the capital.

With a heavy heart, Wu Sangui began to open the letter sent by Wu Xiang and read it quickly.

After looking at it for a while, I couldn't help but be stunned.

The content of this letter was really beyond his expectation!

It's like a dream, full of unreality!

What does it mean that Emperor Taizu Gao appeared?

Chongzhen and Emperor Taizu Gao went crazy in the capital and ransacked their homes and beheaded many people including Wei Zaode and Cheng Guogong Zhu Chunchen.

Made a lot of money?

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Chongzhen actually turned his sister into a crown princess under the manipulation of Emperor Taizu Gao!

Moreover, Emperor Taizu Gao seemed to be interested in cultivating Crown Prince Zhu Cihong!

Wu Sangui could not help but be dumbfounded when he saw the news.

It was so sudden!

what's the situation?

what is happening?

How come such a big thing happened in the capital in such a short period of time?

How could he become the prince's second uncle in the blink of an eye?

Moreover, my sister will become a queen in the future!

My own Wu family wants to become a serious relative!

Holding back the shock in his heart, Wu Sangui continued to read Wu Xiang's letter.

The more you read down, the more shocked you are!

What did he see? !

Chongzhen actually wanted to abandon the capital and move south? !

And he was asked to quickly bring his people with him, abandon his foundation, and escort the emperor southward.

Completed the move south.

He also promised that when the officers and soldiers of the Guan Ning Army moved south, they would each be given twenty acres of good farmland in the south of the Yangtze River.

What a concept!

Chongzhen, this stubborn person, actually figured it out and wanted to give up the capital?

If we give up the capital, this chess game that has fallen into a deadlock will suddenly come back to life!

Although it won't be a complete revitalization, at least half of it can be saved!

It won’t be like losing everything before!

The conditions given by Chongzhen are really acceptable!

He was actually willing to give everyone twenty acres of good farmland in the south of the Yangtze River!

Although just looking at the number, it is far inferior to the fields that Guan Ningjun owns here.

But now the climate is abnormal, and it’s terrifyingly cold here in the north.

Guan Ningjun's place is located in the north, and the harvest of many fields is not very good.

For paddy fields in the south, the harvest from those twenty acres is almost quadrupled compared to the land they own here!

This is definitely a great thing.

There was too much good news, and it was too sudden.

Wu Sangui was at a loss for a moment!

The whole person looked very stunned!

If these are true, then this time, the dead end he faces seems to have suddenly opened up!

The situation suddenly became much clearer!

You don't have to fall into the same entanglement as before.

I followed the emperor south, and from now on my sister became the crown princess again.

Then the status will become extremely respected.

The key is that he still holds heavy troops.

My Wu family will have a bright future in the future!

It's just... is this really true?

Why does Chongzhen seem like a different person?

The appearance of Emperor Taizu Gao also sounds very bizarre.

Why...why does it sound less and less true the more I hear it?

Wu Sangui suppressed all the doubts in his heart.

After reading the letter his father wrote to him carefully again, he carefully put the letter away.

He began to inquire carefully about the various situations in Beiping City with the servants of the Wu family who came to deliver the letter.

These are all the confidants chosen by Wu Xiang.

Wu Sangui also knows them all.

There is one person among them who is quite important.

"Is everything my dad said true?

Is it true that Emperor Taizu Gao has manifested his spirit? Is Your Majesty really going crazy? "

Wu Sangui looked a little serious as he looked at these people and asked.

"Reporting to uncle, it is indeed the case.

A shocking change occurred in Beiping City!

Your Majesty raised money from those courtiers and planned to use it to reward the soldiers who defended the city of Beiping.

As a result, the many courtiers cried out in various ways...

In total, not even 300,000 taels were raised.

After his Majesty came to court, he went to the Ancestral Temple.

Then eleven people were brought out from the Ancestral Temple, saying that Emperor Taizu Gao had appeared!

Under the leadership of the son-in-law of Prince Gao who came from hundreds of years ago, Emperor Taizu Gao, as well as King Qin, King Jin, King Yan of Hongwu Dynasty, as well as Prince Zhu Biao, Lan Yu, Guo Ying, Geng Bingwen and others , came here.

To save the crisis that occurred in Ming Dynasty.

That Emperor Taizu Gao was really powerful!

In a short period of time, waves of huge waves were set off in the city of Beiping!

In a short period of time, countless amounts of money and food were made!

At the same time, they also reorganized their troops and horses...

Those people are really good.

All of them are experienced and brave in their work.

At first, the master suspected that His Majesty had found someone to pretend to be someone else.

Just an excuse.

But later, as more and more things happened, the master felt that this matter was true.

Although it sounds outrageous, this is the real answer.

Because the level of those people is too high and their combat power is too strong.

If there are one or two people like this, it can be regarded as the back-up that His Majesty had left before.

However, if those people are like this, there is no way they are the emperor’s back-up man!

Each of these eleven people is so strange.

No one knows them.

According to their abilities, it is absolutely impossible for them to have no reputation at all before this.

Especially Emperor Taizu Gao, his methods were really extremely fierce.

For those who deserve to be killed, kill them.

And he does things very methodically.

In a short period of time, the situation over there was broken..."

Listening to this man's story, Wu Sangui's heart surged.

I never expected that this most unbelievable thing would actually be true! !

"By the way, uncle, there are two more things. After you read them, you will know that many things in Beiping City are true."

As he spoke, he took out something wrapped in silk cloth with great care from his arms.

After taking it out, it was opened layer by layer, and the contents inside were revealed.

One is an imperial edict, and the other is a marriage certificate!

He held it with both hands and gave it to Wu Sangui.

"Uncle, please take a look. This is the imperial edict issued by His Majesty.

This is the marriage contract. "

Wu Sangui took the two things and looked at them in his hands.

I found out that the marriage certificate was genuine.

Moreover, the imperial edict to marry his sister as the crown princess was also a legitimate edict!

It’s not just a decree written by the emperor!

There are cabinet procedures above...

After reading it, Wu Sangui looked a little surprised and said: "According to the power of our family, the daughter of the family is not suitable to be a princess. All those people in the cabinet are stubborn and stubborn.

How could you agree to this easily? "

"Reporting to my uncle, Emperor Taizu Gao gave no room for discussion to those in the cabinet at all.

He scolded them directly and told them that calling them here was just to inform them of the matter, not to discuss it with them.

Just let them just do what he asks..."

Following what the Wu family member said and knowing the specific things, Wu Sangui seemed to be in a complicated mood for a moment.

At the same time, I also felt emotional and relieved.

This is what an emperor should look like!

This is how it should be for those in the Cabinet!

I read the imperial edict and the marriage certificate carefully, and finally confirmed that there was nothing.

These are the truth.

Normally, this thing was sent by his father's confidant.

Wu Sangui would definitely not doubt it, nor would he check it so many times.

In fact, what happened this time was too bizarre and too unexpected.

Wu Sangui had to be careful.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the relationship will be huge!

After some careful questioning and reading the letter written by his father again, Wu Sangui's whole mood suddenly became particularly good.

There really is no end to the road!

When he was faced with such a difficult choice, there was such a sudden enlightenment!

Why does he hesitate now?

Then of course he is firmly on Daming's side!

If he had a choice, he would definitely not surrender and become a slave.

Besides, what happened this time also had a big impact on him.

That is Emperor Gao, Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, who has appeared.

Across hundreds of years, we have come to the present to save the Ming Dynasty.

This shows that the Ming Dynasty is blessed by its ancestors and its luck should not be cut off!

In this case, he must submit to the Ming Dynasty!


Wu Sangui has always been the most loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty!

When did you ever think about rebelling against the Ming Dynasty?

The word surrender is not accurate at all!

Regardless of whether it was before, now or in the future, Wu Sangui is the most loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty!

The conditions offered by the Tatars are indeed good.

But compared with what Ming Dynasty has given now, it is not worth mentioning.

Tatars are Tatars!

How can it be compared with the Han people?

After carefully putting away the imperial edict and the marriage certificate, Wu Sangui took a deep breath.

You immediately know what to do!

Look at the messenger sent by Dorgon, who is not too far away, waiting for you.

Wu Sangui adjusted the knives around his waist and made some arrangements.

Take people to see him...


"Uncle Ping Xi, I wonder what you are thinking about?

The situation is urgent now, so please make a decision as soon as possible.

The side of Beiping City is now a mud pit, and anyone who goes there will have to fall into it!

Uncle Pingxi, this is all your possessions. Once you fall into it, it will be too difficult to get out in the future.

Once all of Ping Xibo's belongings are lost, Ping Xibo's future situation will become very difficult.

The reason why Ping Xibo has the opportunity to become the King of Ping Xi in the future is because you can make key choices at critical moments.

If we miss this critical moment, I'm afraid Uncle Pingxi, you, King Pingxi, will have a hard time..."

The envoy sent by Dorgon looked at Wu Sangui and said.

Although he was polite on the surface, there was a hint of threat in his words.

When Wu Sangui heard this, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked the messenger to the ground!

He cursed loudly: "Bitch thief! How dare you sow discord and show off your words here?

Are you trying to mess with my mind?

I, Wu Sangui, was born as a member of the Ming Dynasty, and died as a ghost of the Ming Dynasty!

My Wu family has been favored by the emperor for generations. It is precisely because of His Majesty and the Ming Dynasty that my Wu family is what it is today!

As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a moment to deploy it.

Now it's time for my Wu family to contribute.

So what if I, Wu Sangui, might have any hesitation?

A mere slave, a dog-like thing, dares to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail here?

How ridiculous!

Yelang is arrogant, and he is talking about you barbarians!

He really raised his tail to the sky!

Also, you piece of shit, if you don’t do good things, you just want to go to the Tatars and be a slave for them!

You are really shameless and have insulted your ancestors!

Do you think I will be like you? ! "

Wu Sangui's sudden operation immediately confused the envoy sent by Dorgon.

What's the situation?

Obviously not long ago, Wu Sangui was already moved by what he said.

Why did Wu Sangui suddenly change after Wu Xiang sent some people over?

It's like a different person!

How could this be?

What did the people sent by Wu Xiang say to Wu Sangui?

Is there anything terrible happening in Beiping City? !

Although he didn't know exactly what happened.

But he was keenly aware of the difference.

I'm afraid that something very big and very bad has happened to them!

Otherwise, Wu Sangui would not have changed his attitude so drastically in such a short period of time!

He wanted to say something right away, but how could Wu Sangui give him this chance?

After kicking him, he suddenly pulled out the knife from his waist.

He took a step forward, stepped on the man's chest, held the knife in both hands and slashed it down. With a pop, he cut off the man's head!

While the blood was gushing out, the envoy sent by Dorgon was filled with endless fear and confusion!

He really didn't expect that this trip, which in his opinion was obviously very safe and could accomplish great achievements, would actually turn out like this!

He would actually die because of this!

And this sudden change also led the seven or eight guards who followed Dorgon's waiter to draw their swords and fight for their lives.

Dorgon's side, in order to increase the weight of this messenger.

Eight Eight Banners soldiers were specially sent to follow this person.

There is a saying that the Manchurian soldiers can indeed fight at this time.

At least that was the case when facing the Ming army and the bandits in the Ming Dynasty.

But at this time, no matter how hard we fight, it won’t work.

There were only eight of them, but Wu Sangui came to the capital with 10,000 troops this time!

How could it be possible that these people could overturn the situation, either intentionally or not?

These seven or eight Eight Banners soldiers were quickly surrounded and beaten to death by Wu Sangui's people.

The reason why two people were left behind was so that they could go back and deliver the letter.

But these two people didn't fare well either. Wu Sangui ordered their noses and ears to be cut off.

Then chop off the heads of the remaining six people who were full of eight banners.

Their heads were tied together through rat tails.

Hanging around the necks of these two people.

Wu Sangui spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm in front of them as a sign of respect.

Then arrangements were made.

On the one hand, he first told all the things about the apparition of Emperor Taizu Gao to his soldiers.

Especially the numerous rewards are highlighted.

Twenty acres of paddy fields in the south of the Yangtze River are the top priority...

After some narration, Wu Sangui chopped off the head of the envoy sent by Dorgon neatly.

It also shows that there is no room for relaxation between them and Jiannu.

As for many people in the Guan Ning Army, although they have no money and food, it is difficult to command them.

But Wu Sangui still has great prestige after all.

So after some operations, Wu Sangui led 10,000 people to turn around and roll forward.

He no longer went to the capital, but went to Tianjin as Wu Xiang had told him in his letter.

Welcome the emperor who abandoned the city.

This time going to Tianjin, Wu Sangui led the people to move at a very fast speed.

Compared with before, there is a huge difference.

At the same time, people were sent back to mobilize the remaining Guan Ning troops and asked them to leave quickly in batches.

They also began to go south and escorted their families...

As for the Eight Banners soldiers who had their noses and ears cut off, they were temporarily under control by the slave-building Eight Banners soldiers.

Wait until they leave and then put them back.

Let Dorgon know about this surprise.

Otherwise, if this happens, they will be taken to Dorgon.

Dorgon would definitely be furious.

If you don't do it right, you may suffer a lot of losses here.

Naturally Wu Sangui would not do such an unwise thing!

At this time, Wu Sangui was really loyal.

In the entire Ming Dynasty, there is no one more loyal than him!



"Report! Regent!

There is something strange happening over there with Guan Ningjun! !

A large number of Guan Ning's troops left, and even their family members were taken away..."

A few days later, someone came to Dorgon and reported on Pegasus.

Dorgon was shocked when he heard this!

Then people were quickly sent to conduct verification.

Found it to be true!

This made Dorgon look extremely ugly!

Wu Sangui suddenly made such a move, which can only explain one problem.

That was Chongzhen, the emperor, who decided to move south!

Wu Sangui also decided to flee with the emperor.

He was not subdued by his side!

After being surprised, Dorgon was about to make some arrangements to bite off the meat from Guan Ningjun.

But someone came in a hurry again!

They brought the two Eight Banners soldiers who had their noses and ears cut off and were now no longer human!

Also brought at the same time were the seven heads that were already black and blue from the cold...

When Dorgon saw this scene, he was furious! My heart is on fire!

I just felt like my whole body had been slapped hard!

That bitch Wu Sangui actually dared to kill his messenger!

You still insult the Eight Banners disciples like this! Damn it!

When had he, Dorgon, been so humiliated?

After carefully asking about the situation of the two living people at that time, Dorgon became even more furious!

At the same time, I was very curious and surprised about what happened in Peiping.

How could Wu Sangui undergo such a big change!

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the overwhelming anger in his heart, Dorgon asked someone to bring Fan Wencheng to him...

Fan Wencheng was particularly confused after learning the news.

He was about to say something, but before he could say anything, Dorgon slapped him in the face!

He was beaten until he fell to the ground and his mouth was bleeding!

"Slave dog, this is what you said, Wu Sangui will definitely surrender?

Are you still saying it so confidently?

Do you want me to be happy too?

But now your actions have turned me into a complete joke! ! "

Fan Wencheng didn't dare to say anything. He just kept begging for mercy and admitting his mistake.

In order to let the furious Dorgon calm down, he found an opportunity to go out and quickly had his wife picked up.

When it comes to putting out fires, he's not good at it.

This matter needs to be done by his wife...

Sure enough, his strategy was quite right.

After his wife appeared in person, Dorgon quickly became much calmer...


Hao Yaoqi led his men to pursue him all the way.

At this time, Hao Yaoqi was full of excitement.

Because at this time, after a chase, he had already caught up with some people who had fallen behind.

He learned from their mouths that His Highness the Crown Prince was on the road he was chasing.

There are also many senior officials.

This made him very excited.

He can eat something fat next!

In his opinion, the many people in front of him were all lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

He had never heard of King Qin and Lan Yu who were accompanying the army in front.

What kind of unknown person is this?

No matter who he is, they are all on his plate! !

(End of this chapter)

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