Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 345 Zhu Yuanzhang is too cruel! Too insidious! So cunning!

Chapter 345 Zhu Yuanzhang is too cruel! Too insidious! So cunning!

Suddenly there was new movement on the lover system.

Han Cheng quickly went to see what new changes had appeared in the lover's system.

I saw a message appearing on the lover's system.

Wait until Han Cheng finishes reading this new news carefully.

The whole person's mood suddenly became very good.

The lover system is really quite humane!

This new news is so timely!

[It is too difficult to detect Chongzhen time and space, so a special case is provided to the host - the host and the people brought by the host can stay in Chongzhen time and space for one more year this time. 】

Although the information provided by the lover system was not much, Han Cheng was overjoyed!

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, what did they lack most?

The most lacking thing is time!

Time is very tight in all aspects.

King Chuang carries the power of victory, and there are so many warriors who dare to fight.

But I want to open up the situation and stand firm at this time in the late Ming Dynasty.

Even many of the officials of the Ming Dynasty were like this.

I can have a good time with Li Zicheng and the Tatars outside the customs!

Especially Dorgon, Duduo, Azige, Obai... Every one of these people must be allowed to appreciate how abundant the martial virtues were during the Hongwu period of the early Ming Dynasty!

The joys and sorrows of each person are not the same.

Now I suddenly have an extra year, which will be easy to handle!

Even Zhu Yuanzhang was not sure that he would be able to reverse the difficult situation he was facing at this time.

He raised his head and looked far away in the direction of Shanhaiguan.

But now, after an extra year, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, suddenly gained confidence.

After arriving here, it can be said that it has been a continuous revolution.

Looking at Du Xun's head as he was being carried over, his mood at this time was as complicated as it could be!

How could this be?

How come after arriving in Beiping City, nothing I say works anymore?

There was Li Zicheng in front of him, and then there were the Tatars outside the pass who were eyeing him.

And this is the reason why everyone, including Zhu Yuanzhang, has always felt urgent and had a big stone in their hearts.

But if this time is extended to more than a year.

Informed Zhu Yuanzhang of the good news,

There are basically no available soldiers in the city!

And Chongzhen was very unpopular.

There is also the widely circulated slogan of welcoming King Chuang, and many people in the city will only want to welcome King Chuang early.

Now he and Zhu Yuanzhang can stay in this Chongzhen time and space for another year and twenty days.

That was really stressful.

One month is really not enough time.

In one month, Zhu Yuanzhang and his eleven people were able to create a new situation in the late Ming Dynasty and complete many things that needed to be done.

Then many things would be much easier to handle.

This year is enough for us to do a lot of things!

Our Ming Dynasty cannot be destroyed! "

Han Cheng briefly told Zhu Di what had happened, and Zhu Di suddenly became excited after hearing the words.

I couldn't say a word.

With an extra year, him personally in charge, and people from the Hongwu Dynasty here, the Ming Dynasty really cannot be destroyed!

In the imperial city, Zhu Yuanzhang was excited because of the unexpected and good news brought by Han Cheng.

Plus now, I can bring people here for a month.

Dorgon, who likes to raise his nephew, is waiting for him to cut off his head and play it as a ball!


The strategy of attacking the heart that he carried out was absolutely correct.

They have more time to prepare and will have more choices to make.

This shouldn't be the case!

Obviously judging from the intelligence obtained before, Beiping City is extremely empty.

Before, time was really tight.

Well now, now it's like having another year all of a sudden.

After Zhu Yuanzhang received this sudden good news, he breathed a sigh of relief, with a strong smile on his face.

Those Tatars outside the customs are waiting to die! !

"Hahaha...Okay! Han Cheng, your news came too timely!

We had been feeling heavy in our hearts before.

This is really timely for Han Cheng!

Even though Beiping City is an imperial city and the capital of the Ming Dynasty, many people there are already trembling with fear and have no intention of fighting.

It's better now!

Don’t worry about running out of time, you can let go and have a good time!

After Han Cheng said these words to Zhu Zhudi, he hurriedly asked people to escort him to see Zhu Yuanzhang.

Niu Jinxing outside the city had trembling lips at this time.

After using it, the effect will be particularly good.

How come...now it has become like this? ?

The people who called for the city were beaten to death, and the prince was also shot!

Du Xun, who was now sent to the city to negotiate with Chongzhen, the anxious emperor who should have become an ant in the hot pot, was also beheaded!

How could this be?

"This Du Xun's head has been chopped off for some time.

I'm afraid Du Xun was chopped down not long after he arrived in the city! "

Li Zicheng's suppressed angry voice sounded.

He had seen a lot of corpses.

Therefore, at this time, just from the appearance of Du Xun's head, we can roughly estimate how long Du Xun has been dead.

Li Zicheng looked extremely angry.

Of course it's not because Du Xun died.

Du Xun is just a surrendered eunuch, and he will die if he dies.

But what lies behind Du Xun's death.

Although Du Xun was just an eunuch, he was sent to see Emperor Chongzhen by himself.

As a result, Chongzhen actually dared to behead the envoy he sent.

This is a huge humiliation for him!

Today, he is no longer the gangster who was driven around.

He is the majestic Emperor Dashun!

Chongzhen, the dog emperor, actually dared to treat him like this. It was really too much!

The two soldiers are fighting and they still haven't killed the envoy!

"Commander Niu, tell me what's going on?"

Li Zicheng held Du Xun's head, looked at Niu Jinxing and said angrily.

His face looked a little unkind.

Li Zicheng has always been relatively polite to his advisers.

But after arriving outside Peiping today, the accidents he encountered one after another finally made Li Zicheng feel angry, and he couldn't suppress it anymore.

"Your Majesty...this is my fault.

In this regard, I miscalculated and underestimated Emperor Chongzhen.

I thought that Emperor Zhu Ming was just a stupid pig who could only do random things.

Looking at what he has done before, there are many mistakes and loopholes.

Although diligent, he was an incompetent emperor.

Short-sighted and headstrong.

At this time, Your Majesty, your Majesty, arrived with your mighty army. Emperor Zhu Ming was naturally trembling.

I will definitely be overjoyed when I see the peacemaker sent by Your Majesty.

How could I have imagined...how could I have imagined that things would turn out like this.

This Zhu Ming emperor actually has a rare bloody spirit.

I don't even want to talk about it...

This Chongzhen's performance is a bit surprising.

Killing the prince first and then the envoy showed that Chongzhen wanted to rely on Beiping City to defend it to death.

We will fight a tough battle with our side and fight to the end..."

Niu Jinxing had some sweat on his forehead and said this to Li Zicheng.

By this time, Li Zicheng and others had naturally blamed Chongzhen, the emperor, for what Han Cheng and Zhu Di had done.

I felt that whether they had people shelling their camp or shooting Qin King Zhu Cunji and Jin King Zhu Shenxuan.

The order to kill Du Xun at this time was all issued by Chongzhen, the emperor.

They reasonably believed that the only one in the entire capital who dared to do this, especially to kill the prince, was the emperor Chongzhen.

Except for his orders, absolutely no one would dare to shoot the prince in public before the Ming Dynasty was destroyed!

No one would be so bold as to kill the envoys they sent without Chongzhen's consent!

After listening to Niu Jinxing's words, Li Zicheng no longer bothered to trouble him.

He took a breath unconsciously.

"This Zhu Ming emperor is really surprising.

I thought he was a softie, but I didn't expect him to be so bloody!

The soldiers surrounded the city, but he still didn't run away.

Not only did he not run away, he also killed the envoys he sent, including the prince!

He just wants to fight to the death! "

After finishing speaking, he looked towards the city in the distance.

I saw that above the city, the defenses everywhere were quite good.

During this period of time, Li Zicheng had already led people to inspect many places outside Peiping City.

I found that the defensive arrangements in many places in Beiping City were quite good.

Moreover, there were far more soldiers on the city wall than he imagined.

At least more than what you can get from people like Du Xun and Tang Tong.

This made Li Zicheng's heart feel a little heavier.

This situation was really not what he wanted to see.

The city of Beiping is so tall and majestic, and there are six to seven hundred thousand people in the city.

If only Chongzhen could make good use of these people and fight to the death.

There is also concern about Ning Jun Wu Sangui outside.

Wu Sangui didn't say anything about coming over to fight with him and others.

As long as he keeps harassing the grain road here, he will become very sad in the future.

I'm afraid that the city of Beiping can't be defeated either.

Once Beiping City cannot be conquered, he will inevitably suffer a lot of trauma here.

Many places in Beizhili have been destroyed.

Beiping City is the biggest piece of fat.

All his food and salary will fall on Beiping City!

The most fearful thing about using war to support war is that you will not be able to conquer the fertile areas.

At this moment, whether it was Li Zicheng, Song Xiance, Niu Jinxing, Liu Zongmin, Hao Yaoqi, Li Shuangxi and others, they all looked at Emperor Chongzhen with admiration.

This Zhu Ming emperor really surprised them!

It's not as bad as expected.

The defenders on the city wall were not as panicked as they imagined after seeing their arrival.

No matter how you think about it, this is surprising.

“Be prepared for a strong attack!

This Beiping City, it seems impossible to take it down without much effort.

In this case, let's have a good fight with them! "

Li Zicheng took a deep breath, reached out and threw Du Xun's head far away.

He looked at the people around him and gave orders.

Now, even Niu Jinxing, who had always said that the heart was the most important thing in the siege battle, could not say more.

The facts are here. Chongzhen has made it clear that he will defend the city and fight to the end!

In this case, the only option for them is to fight to the death!

Beiping City must be taken down!

If he really couldn't win it, this time it would be a failure for King Chuang, and the blow would be too big!

No matter how much the price is paid, the city of Beiping must be captured!

However, Niu Jinxing and others are still confident about whether they can capture Beiping City.

Although they are unwilling to attack the city, it does not mean that their ability to attack the city is poor.

We can't defeat the city of Beiping!

There are many soldiers and horses on their side, and their momentum is like a rainbow.

On the other hand, Chongzhen, except for the tall and majestic Beiping City, which was an advantage, was far inferior to them in other aspects.

As long as they carry out a strong attack regardless of the cost, it won't take long to take down the city of Beiping.

Following Li Zicheng's order, many people under his command began to get busy.

He went all night to prepare all kinds of things needed to attack the city.

Although Li Zicheng issued an order to forcibly attack the city, he did not immediately attack the city.

On the one hand, it was because it was already dusk and night would soon come.

Many people on his side had poor backgrounds in the past, and most of them had night blindness.

As soon as it gets dark, I will become blind.

Fighting at night would be detrimental to them.

On the other hand, it was because they came in a hurry this time and basically did not bring any siege equipment. Even simple ladders and other equipment need to be made quickly using local materials.

Therefore, there was no fierce fighting in Beiping City at this time...

It's just that even at night, the people Li Zicheng sent to call the city were not idle yet.

Shouting one after another.

They all yelled at Chuang Wang and told them how good their life was with Chuang Wang.

However, what Li Zicheng and the others under his command didn't know was this.

At this time, in Beiping City, which they thought they were going to defend, Zhu Yuanzhang, Chongzhen, and Chongzhen's concubines and children were all dressed up in disguise.

All the things that should be brought have been packed.

Under the escort of soldiers and horses that have been selected, they are ready to escape overnight.

Leave this city of Beiping.

And this was naturally the plan formulated by Zhu Yuanzhang.

It was at the beginning that some tough measures were used to send a wrong signal to Li Zicheng and others.

Let them misjudge that Chongzhen's side will hold on to the city and fight to the death.

thereby misleading them.

In this way, it will be helpful for them to run away next.

At this time, many places in Beiping City seemed particularly lively.

The reason for this is that Zhu Yuanzhang took Chongzhen, Zhu Biao, Prince Zhu Cixiang and others to act separately.

We are distributing money to those who are preparing to run away overnight, and each person is given ten taels!

At the same time, people were asked to open the granaries in Beiping City and distribute the grain that could not be taken away to many people in Beiping City.

Tell them this is a reward from the emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally had some intentions in making such a decision.

The main reason is that when they go there, they have to travel as lightly as possible.

Food and money are important.

However, if you carry too much with your army, it will easily slow down your marching speed.

Instead of leaving the money that cannot be taken away with Li Zicheng, it is better to give it out directly.

This can also make the soldiers who follow them more loyal and more energetic.

In fact, not only those who follow Nan Xing will be given money.

Even some people in Beiping City were given money.

As for the food, the same is true.

The food that cannot be taken away will be easier for the thieves than leaving it in the city of Beiping.

If you don't do it yourself, send it out first in the name of the royal family.

In this way, before leaving, he can win the goodwill of many people in Beiping City.

Earn reputation.

To lay the foundation and prepare for fighting back to Beiping City in the future.

As for whether the money and food will be taken away from these people after they leave and the intruders' troops enter the city.

This is beyond the control of Zhu Yuanzhang and others.

Naturally, they sincerely hope that those who can receive money and food can keep it well and not be snatched away by others.

But what if the thieves and soldiers entered the city and really did those bandit things.

They also have no control over it.

Once the intruders and soldiers do this, many people will be able to discover it by comparing the two.

How good is Emperor Zhu Ming, whom they hated before, to them!

As for the intruders, will they act recklessly after entering Beiping City?

Will it really be like what they shouted, no job, no pay...

This is obviously impossible.

In the past, when Li Zicheng had only a few people, he could still do this.

But there are too many people, and they don’t do business or receive food, so what do they eat and drink?

How should the food and salary be distributed to the soldiers under his command?

Therefore, after Li Zicheng entered the city, he definitely wanted to grab a wave.

Don't rely on grabbing a wave in Beiping City to get a big bite.

Many of Li Zicheng's things cannot be carried out.

No matter how much Li Zicheng's soldiers and horses did next, those who stayed in the city of Beiping would feel more and more grateful for the Ming emperor.

Even in the future, the Tatars outside the customs will enter Beiping City.

Peiping City changed hands again.

As for the Tatars outside the customs, will they be more friendly towards the people left in Peiping City...

This is even more impossible!

After experiencing these two incidents, I believe that many more people will miss Ming Dynasty.

In this case, when they come back with their troops and horses in the future, it will be much smoother.

Easier to get support from.

As for today's retreat, whether we can fight back in the future, push and fight from south to north.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very confident.

It is said that if you fight from south to north, the Northern Expedition will be difficult to succeed, but for him, it was just like that.

After all, he was the only emperor to break this taboo.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, he was able to conquer the north from the south and capture the entire world.

There’s no reason why we can’t do these things in the late Ming Dynasty…


In the night, the closed city gate opened silently.

The team that had been arranged by Zhu Yuanzhang and others began to open the door and walked into the vast night.

Heading towards the place originally planned...

Chongzhen was sitting on the carriage, already wearing ordinary people's clothes.

Looking at the city of Beiping, which looked very tall in the night.

I was filled with emotions and couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

Now that I'm gone, I don't know if I can come back again...


The next day, there were still a large number of soldiers and horses stationed in Beiping City.

Although it seems that there are not as many people as yesterday.

But it's not too little.

These soldiers and horses are naturally not real soldiers and horses.

Most of them were Zhu Biao, Tie Xuan, Geng Bingwen and others who paid a lot of money to the young men in Peiping City who were temporarily recruited.

Those real soldiers and horses who should leave at this time have already left.

But at this time, Beiping City was not that chaotic.

This is because Zhu Yuanzhang and others are fully prepared.

First of all, the news of the emperor's departure was kept secret, and not many people knew about it.

Secondly, they arranged for someone to stay here in Beiping City to preside over the situation.

Among them was Wang Zhixin, the eunuch who was trusted by Chongzhen.

And some others.

It would be impossible for these people to fight the intruders and defend the city.

However, the order they received was only to defend Beiping City as much as possible.

After the intruders attack the city, they can surrender here.

They are not required to stick to it.

Moreover, if they surrender to the intruders, neither Emperor Hongwu nor Emperor Chongzhen will blame them.

Instead, they will remember their contribution this time.

They were ordered to surrender, what a good thing it had happened to them.

Of course, among the big shots who were left to preside over the situation, they were all those who Zhu Yuanzhang used some methods to find out the evidence of the crime and get his hands on the pigtails.

It's not that easy to get some people to stay and do these things without using both kindness and power.

However, these are very difficult means for Chongzhen.

For Zhu Yuanzhang, it came at his fingertips without any effort.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was doing these things, Chongzhen and Zhu Cixiang were both taken by Zhu Yuanzhang.

After this viewing, both Chongzhen and Zhu Cixiang felt that their eyes had been opened.

Especially Chongzhen, he discovered that the emperor could still do this!

The power in your hands can still be used like this!

It turns out that Grandfather Taizu was so cunning and shameless when doing many things!

So cunning!

Zhu Cixiang was also shocked and eye-opening!

And he kept many things firmly in mind.

Follow Taizu and learn how to use power and use your skills to do things in this critical moment.

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it!


"Report! Your Majesty! Some traces were found!

Many people fled from Beiping City last night.

The troops were divided into two groups, heading all the way to Tianjin.

The other way is to the direction of Shanhaiguan! "

Early the next morning, someone came to report to Li Zicheng.

After Li Zicheng got the news, he quickly summoned his men for discussion.

After some deliberation, the final result was that the emperor Chongzhen had decided to fight to the death.

Before that, if he wanted to run away, he had countless opportunities to do so calmly.

There is absolutely no need to wait until their army arrives at this time and then leave under such dangerous conditions.

This is obviously unreasonable.

Therefore, this can only be some people in Beiping City, or going out to bring in reinforcements.

Or do other things!

The most likely thing was that the prince and some other people were sent out.

Just in case something unexpected happens!

Chongzhen, who was the emperor, would definitely stay here and fight to the death!

It is normal for them to come to such a judgment.

Because Li Zicheng and others also carefully watched the defenders on the top of the city.

The number of defenders was discovered, although not as many as yesterday.

But there are still quite a few.

Coupled with the preconceived notion that Chongzhen would defend Beiping City, it was natural to come to such a judgment.

"Hao Yaoqi, you lead our troops and go to pursue them all the way to Tianjin.

Try to take them down! "

"Shuangxi, you lead the troops to catch up, all the way to Shanhaiguan!"

After Li Zicheng pondered for a while, he made arrangements.

Only these two people were sent to pursue them with their troops and horses.

As for the remaining people, he did not move.

They were still asked to urgently make siege equipment according to the previous arrangements.

Prepare to attack Beiping City by force!

In the eyes of Li Zicheng and the advisers and generals under Li Zicheng, taking the city of Beiping is now the top priority!

As for running away a prince, that would be more troublesome.

But it's not too troublesome.

Chongzhen, a tough emperor, was determined to lead his people to defend the city of Beiping.

In this case, it is really not appropriate for him to dedicate too many troops here to do other things.

Everything must be done with attacking Beiping City as the top priority!

After some intense preparations, in the afternoon, the first batch of ladders for siege were finally completed.

The people from Tang Tong's side who surrendered took the lead in attacking the city.

The cannon fodder goes first!

After Tang Tong and the cannon fodder had consumed a certain amount of troops, Li Zicheng's old battalion troops began to attack the city.

Whether it was Li Zicheng, Niu Jinxing, Song Xiance, or Liu Zongmin and other important people, they all felt heavy.

Waiting to receive the extremely heavy casualties.

But who could have imagined that a miracle would happen next! !

Tang Tong, who was in a heavier mood, commanded the troops and horses, and had just carried out some tentative attacks.

There is no real means yet.

The soldiers guarding the city suddenly raised the white flag! !

Even in the next moment, even the closed city gate opened!

Some officials, gentry, and some common people in Beiping City beat gongs and drums and set off firecrackers to welcome King Chuang happily.

The scene was very lively!

But this sudden scene suddenly confused Li Zicheng and many of his subordinates!

You look at me, I look at you, I don’t know what’s going on.

And those who happily welcomed King Chuang were really happy too!

They can finally welcome King Chuang openly and openly!

When King Chuang comes, don't pay for the food without paying for it!

Next, they people will be blessed!

Being able to follow King Chuang and enjoy the hot drinks!

Beiping City will welcome their wise king! !

(End of this chapter)

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