Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 343 Zhu Di went crazy! The Prince of Ming Dynasty called the city, but no one dared to kill

Chapter 343 Zhu Di went crazy! The Prince of Ming Dynasty called the city, but no one dared to kill him? I'll kill!

Above the head of Beiping City, loud noises like muffled thunder were rolling continuously.

One after another, they connected into one piece, like a mountain falling apart and the ground splitting in half!

The smoke was thick and the smell was a bit pungent.

In this earth-shattering sound, the projectiles, carrying a huge force, blasted towards Li Zicheng's camp in Diaoyutai.

Han Cheng, Zhu Di, Tang Ruowang and many others were all extremely excited at this time, and at the same time filled with infinite expectations and nervousness.

Many people clenched their fists. His eyes were fixed on those more than 20 shells that were shot out in just four or five breaths.

Looking forward to a miracle happening.

"Go on and reload!!"

"Go on and reload!!"

"Hurry up and give them another shot!!"

In addition, there is a more important reason.

And when entering Beiping City, too much blood will not be shed.

Everyone agreed.

He said, "Military advisor, what do you think of this matter?"

Song Xiance, who had been sitting there with his eyes slightly closed and twirling his fingers constantly, looking inscrutable, opened his eyes after hearing Li Zicheng's inquiry.

Although it looks sturdy, it is nothing to worry about.

I know that today's Ming Dynasty has reached the point of exhaustion.

The city of Peiping should be opened from the inside.

Just like when the emperor comes this time, you obey the heaven and welcome the people. Wherever you go along the way, many grand passes and many fortified cities are opened to welcome the emperor.

There will be many people who follow the dragon..."

Zhu Ming's dragon energy is already dying and is completely suppressed by your majesty's dragon energy.

The same is true now in Beiping City.

No matter how strong a city is, it can only be defended by people.

In Li Zicheng's handsome tent, counselor Niu Jinxing looked at Li Zicheng and said this.

“In a siege, the most important thing is to attack the heart.

If he acted rashly and provoked the people in the city to defend, the damage to them would not be too great.

Your Majesty, you will be able to enter Beiping City within three days.

This is partly because they learned about the situation in Beiping City through Tang Tong who surrendered and other Ming generals.

Han Cheng shouted.

Beiping City is now empty, and there are not many people who can fight.

"Good good!"

He stopped what he was doing and said, "Report to Your Majesty, this is indeed correct.

Next, Your Majesty, please don't rush into a head-on fight with the other party. Make some arrangements first, and then have someone go call the city. It will definitely work wonders!

Someone started getting busy right away...

It's just an empty shelf.

If there is no one to garrison it, it will just be a larger city.

It would be too difficult to attack this fortified city.

Not enough to be afraid of.

I have already calculated that the city of Beiping looks difficult to defeat, but in fact it is nothing more than that.

After Li Zicheng nodded, he turned to look at Song Xiance, the chief military advisor, who was sitting on the side.

Emperor Chongzhen lost the hearts of the people.

It has come to this time. If it is not necessary, few people are willing to risk their own lives and the lives of many soldiers under their command.

As soon as Your Majesty arrives, as long as you use some means, many people will come to seek refuge.

It is very likely that Beiping City will collapse without an attack..."


There will inevitably be loyal ministers and righteous men coming from the city to come to your Majesty to assist you.

Those who gain the way help more, those who lose the way help few.

The city of Beiping looks very broad and strong, but there are not many available people.

After saying this, many people nodded.

Get those guys moving quickly and reloading.

That is, not many of them are willing to attack a strong city like Beiping City.

If you can't attack the city, don't attack it.

Li Zicheng liked Song Xiance's tactics the most.

After hearing this, I immediately felt relieved and my face was full of joy.

"The military advisor is right!

Since Song's military advisor has said so, it is safe to take down Beiping City this time.

You all tell me, how should we call the city next and ask the people in Beiping City to open the door for you? "

Hearing Li Zicheng say this, many people present became excited.

In the eyes of many of them, the city of Beiping at this time was just a ripe peach, a house that was so rotten that it would collapse with just one kick.

At this time, it might be an unusual behavior. It can have a miraculous effect.

Make the first contribution.

So not many people want to fall behind.

However, they did not know that at this time, some changes had already taken place in the city of Beiping.

In the Ming Dynasty, this rotten house that would collapse if kicked, already had some unbelievably fierce and fierce people living in it.

After a kick, the house might not collapse. Instead, a group of strong men would rush out from inside and beat them up.

Just as everyone was calling for a fight, they heard an earth-shattering sound.

Before I had time to think about what was going on, more than twenty artillery shells had already hit the camp!

The solid bullets fired by the red cannon are really powerful within the effective range.

They came roaring, some of them failed, but some of the tents became dilapidated in an instant.

Several of the people inside were beaten to death on the spot!

Others held their bloody legs and screamed miserably.

Even Li Zicheng's handsome tent was hit by a solid bullet.

Li Zicheng's handsome tent, which had just been put up not long ago, was knocked down.

There was a guard nearby, who was knocked down by a corner of the camp, and then a solid bullet rushed in, causing him to vomit blood and die.

Some blood spurted onto Li Zicheng's face!

This sudden scene immediately stunned Li Zicheng, as well as many civil and military personnel under Li Zicheng, as well as those generals who had surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

They really didn't expect that during their discussion just now, they could still control the city of Beiping at their fingertips.

He actually gave them such a big gift when they couldn't wait to take it down!

Panic flashed through Li Zicheng's one eye!

"It's the red cannon! It's the red cannon!"

Du Xun shouted quickly.

"Run quickly! Protect me quickly!!"

Being hit by this burst of artillery fire, Li Zicheng and the people under his command were no longer calm.

Song Xiance, who was pretending to be a ghost just now, almost sat down on the ground!

Too scary!

It was really scary and unexpected!

Who would have thought that as soon as they started to discuss taking Beiping City, they would be bombarded by a round of artillery fire from Beiping City!

Everyone was so panicked that they didn't care to say too much. They all ran out of the partially collapsed tent.

Quickly press back to retreat.

Stay as far away as possible.

I was worried that there would be another round of artillery fire on the city.

If some important figures were killed, especially Li Zicheng, who was the emperor, then this would be a big deal!

Everyone in Dashun Dynasty, who had shown off his power and confidence not long ago, now looked very embarrassed...

Many people are still cursing.


Han Cheng and Zhu Di both took telescopes and looked carefully at Li Zicheng's tent at Diaoyutai.

Seeing this cannon attack, Li Zicheng's place was knocked upside down, and naturally it felt boosted.

Then I saw another person wearing a scarlet cloak, being surrounded by people and running towards the back.

It is convenient to know that this person is Li Zicheng.

Li Zicheng is not dead!

Han Cheng felt quite regretful.

It would be great if Li Zicheng was killed by a bombardment.

His beheading operation seemed to have failed this time.

The main reason is that the shells of the red cannon at this time are all solid bullets, not explosive shells.

The power is limited.

The killing area is also limited.

And it’s not quite enough on the aiming head.

Many can hit a general range, but it is not that simple to achieve a precise target.

The most important thing is that you can’t fire continuously!

After firing one shot, if you want to fire a second shot later, it will take a lot of time and intense loading...

If only these problems could be solved. This time, Li Zicheng took the initiative to send him to be shot. It would be difficult to escape with his life...

Two more artillery volleys followed, although they also brought some results.

But not too many people were killed.

However, the shocking effect is quite impressive.

Li Zicheng, who came to show off his power, and the army under Li Zicheng, received a blow.

It knocked many people into confusion.

The defenders on the city, as well as some nobles who got the news, and some civil servants and generals in Beiping City were also excited about it...

The morale was boosted a lot.

"This is what you said, after arriving here, if everything goes well, Beiping City will be destroyed?

There won't be much blood shed here? "

Li Zicheng, whose face was spattered with blood, reached out and wiped his face twice, looking very embarrassed.

Somewhat angrily, he looked at Song Xiance and asked.

At this time, Song Xiance's calves were still shaking a little, and his back was also sweating a little.

But after all, he is a magic stick who has seen the world.

Faced with Li Zicheng's words, he still tried hard to remain calm.

He opened his mouth and said: "Reporting to your majesty, this is just Zhu Ming's flashback, a fatal blow.

Although there are some accidents, they do not hinder the overall situation.

When a pig is killed, it still howls a few times, kicks its legs a few times, and makes some struggles.

Although the Zhu Ming Dynasty is already vulnerable, even when it collapses, there will be some movement.

Some minor accidents are quite normal..."

After listening to Song Xiance's words, Li Zicheng calmed down.

Didn't delve into this matter.

But there were also people who were very annoyed by Han Cheng and the others' artillery.

"Your Majesty! I am willing to lead people to attack Beiping City! Teach those dogs a lesson!

Let them understand that His Majesty cannot be bullied! "

The person who spoke had a loud voice and was extremely strong.

There was a big flag in his hand.

This person is none other than one of Li Zicheng's warriors.

I don’t know his name, but everyone habitually calls him Hao Yaoqi.

As Hao Yaoqi opened his mouth, many people also spoke up, saying that they wanted to show the people of Beiping City some color.

Niu Jinxing hurriedly stopped her and said, "No!

You can’t fight hard at this time!

As for Beiping City, we should only besiege but not attack. We should also besiege three and miss one.

The city was already filled with panic, and many people were happily waiting to welcome His Majesty into the city.

What should be shown most at this time is His Majesty's kindness and generosity.

But you can't do it forcefully.

Otherwise it will only increase casualties.

If you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, the city of Peiping will be like a cooked duck and can't fly.

You might as well be more patient..."

After listening to Niu Jinxing's words, Li Zicheng nodded in agreement. He himself had a certain resistance to the forcible attack on Beiping City.

Naturally, they would not listen to Hao Yaoqi and the others at this time and go to attack Beiping City.

"Your Majesty, why don't you send some people into the city to meet with Chongzhen for discussions.

Tell your Majesty that you are here to discuss the withdrawal of troops with Chongzhen.

It is said that you came here not with the intention of conquering the world, nor with the intention of breaking the capital.

As long as Chongzhen can agree to some conditions, your Majesty will withdraw his troops.

Use this method to confuse Chongzhen.

Let Chongzhen and those in the Chongzhen Dynasty feel relaxed.

In this way, many things will be easier to handle.

Morale can only be boosted but not deflated.

As long as Chongzhen meets His Majesty's envoy and considers His Majesty's conditions.

Then many things will change..."

When Li Zicheng heard this, he reached out and touched the beard on his chin.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Okay, let's do it like this.

It's just... I wonder which of you can go to see Chongzhen and say these things to Chongzhen on your behalf? "

Immediately there were several people scrambling to do this.

Finally, Li Zicheng asked the eunuch Du Xun to do this.

On the one hand, it was because Du Xun, compared to the rest of the people, took a longer time to surrender to him.

He has had more contact with Du Xun, so he feels relieved knowing that this person is easy to use.

On the other hand, Du Xun was originally a eunuch.

He still has a high status in the palace.

Otherwise, Emperor Chongzhen would not have sent him to a key location outside to supervise the army.

On the other hand, when he was under fire not long ago, Du Xun's performance made him quite satisfied.

Therefore, he also deliberately promoted Du Xun and left the matter of showing his face to him.

Du Xun was overjoyed when he saw Li Zicheng actually letting him go.

This is a good job!

Once it’s done, it will definitely be great!

From now on, my contribution will not be insignificant!

His status on King Chuang's side will not be too low.

As for him, the eunuch who originally belonged to Chongzhen Palace came to Peiping City to represent Li Zicheng and said these words to Chongzhen. Will he be cut off by the angry Chongzhen?

Du Xun was not worried at all.

If King Chuang's army had not come to the city, he would not be able to do anything if he was asked to do this.

But now, King Chuang's army came with an overwhelming force, which was very scary.

As an eunuch, Du Xun knew very well what was going on in Peiping City.

And I went there this time to negotiate.

Chongzhen was absolutely exhausted at this time.

Going to see Chongzhen this time is a good thing rather than a bad thing for Chongzhen.

Chongzhen will definitely be extremely excited.

I will never yell or kill myself.

Moreover, when the two armies are fighting, the envoys will not be killed.

Now he is no longer a eunuch under Chongzhen, but a person who has conquered the king!

This guy Chongzhen would never dare to do anything to him!

I am very safe this time!

Soon, Du Xun got ready and came to the gate of Peiping City, preparing to meet Chongzhen for negotiations...

"Your Majesty, the two captured Princes Zhu Ming can also be used.

No matter what you say, these two people are Zhu Ming's princes.

A serious prince.

The Zhu Ming defenders in Beiping City would never dare to mess around.

Let these two princes go to the front, and our people will follow them, calling the city close to Beiping City, and publicizing our policies.

No matter how courageous the people in Beiping City are, they will never dare to do anything to them!

I also don’t dare to do anything to those of us who call the city!

In this Ming Dynasty, there are no people who dare not care about the life and death of the prince! "

After Du Xun went, Niu Jinxing looked at Li Zicheng again and expressed his idea.

It can be seen that this Ox Venus has really worked hard and considered many things.

Li Zicheng laughed when he heard this and said: "Okay, okay, just do this!

Let me see how the defenders in Beiping City will respond to this plan of yours, Commander Niu!

Military Advisor, your idea is a good one. This is an upright conspiracy.

Even if those people see it, no matter what they are prepared to do, they can only suffer! ! "

These two princes of the Ming Dynasty are the King of Qin and the King of Jin respectively.

Of course, he is no longer the prince of the early Ming Dynasty.

But their descendants.

The two princes who were brought here were named Zhu Cunji and the other was named Zhu Shenxuan.

They were not killed after being caught by Li Zicheng before.

Instead, he was brought to Beiping City by Li Zicheng to be used as waste.

Li Zicheng gave an order, and someone immediately acted according to Niu Jinxing's idea...

"Your Majesty, why do I look at something weird on the city wall here?

Why is there a banner of King Yan erected here?

Wasn’t there no King Yan in the Ming Dynasty?

Didn’t King Yan rebel and become emperor?

Why is King Yan's flag raised again at this time? "

Liu Zongmin sounded confused and handed the monocular telescope to Li Zicheng.

When Li Zicheng heard this, he took it and looked at it, and found it puzzling.

The flag of King Yan actually appeared.

After a moment of silence, he asked Song Xiance, Niu Jinxing and others next to him what was going on.

His people couldn't give a reasonable explanation.

"Perhaps... it's because Chongzhen, who was sick, rushed to seek medical treatment, has been confused by this situation, and his mind is dizzy.

I want to scare people with this flag..."

Even Niu Jinxing, who had great ideas before, didn't know what was going on.

After some thought, I gave this answer.

After hearing what he said, Li Zicheng nodded.

I feel that apart from this explanation, I really can’t think of a good explanation.

It's not a big deal, it doesn't matter...


"Our family wants to see the Emperor!"

"Our family is Du Xun! You all shine your eyes on our family!

Our family represents Emperor Dashun and is here to discuss important matters with him! ! "

After Du Xun came outside the city wall, he shouted loudly and made his identity clear.

He had seemed cautious when he was with Li Zicheng before, but now he was frightened.

Very powerful.

Seeing this, Zhu Di took out an arrow from the quiver on his waist, put it on a strong bow, and prepared to kill this guy with one arrow.

But he was stopped by Han Cheng.

"Fourth brother, don't worry, let this guy come up first.

We play a lot with them.

Before leaving, give them some gifts.

Take away as many people from Li Zicheng's side as possible. "

Hearing what Han Cheng said, Zhu Di put away his bow and asked someone to put down a basket from the city wall to pull Du Xun up.

Seeing this, Du Xun climbed into the basket.

After being pulled up, he climbed out of the basket, not forgetting to tidy up his clothes.

He looked at these Ming soldiers on the city wall, they were very impressive.

"Some people are here to escort our family to see the Emperor.

Our family has an important mission! "

He ordered without hesitation.

Han Cheng winked at Zhu Di and said: "Okay, okay, come, come and escort him to see His Majesty!"

Zhu Di personally led seven or eight people to escort Du Xun to the city.

He quickly left the sight of Li Zicheng's subordinates outside.

Du Xun was so happy in his heart that he had indeed come to the right place!

This is really a good job!

Although he surrendered to Li Zicheng, when he came to Beiping City at this time, no one dared to touch him!

Everyone has to respect themselves.

My identity is so tight!

Just as he was thinking this, someone suddenly said: "Are you Du Xun?"

Du Xun was unhappy when he heard this. Who dared to call him by his first name? !

Turning around, he saw a general looking at him and speaking like this.

"That's our family! You must be respectful when you speak! You must know the inferiority of dignity!"

Du Xun put on a lot of airs.

When Zhu Di heard this, he spat at him.

"Fuck your mother's legs! Die!"

He cursed and suddenly shot out, stabbing Du Xun to the core!

"It's you Du Xun that I killed!"

Du Xun's eyes widened instantly, and he looked extremely incredulous.

He really didn't expect that these people would suddenly attack him like this at this time!

Didn't I agree that I would be safe here and everyone should respect me?

Doesn't even Chongzhen dare to kill himself?

Now...what's going on?

Is this person...a stupid young man?

He wanted to say something, but he was out of breath.

Died with deep reluctance and doubt...

Zhu Di wiped the blood from the gun and walked back to Han Cheng's side.

Continue to watch what's going on outside.

Not long after, there was new news over Chuang Ni.

A group of one hundred soldiers came towards the Beiping city wall.

These soldiers all have loud voices, specially used to shout to the city.

This is not what attracts the most attention. What attracts the most attention is that in front of them, there are two people wearing Gon dragon robes.

"Don't fire arrows! These are the King Qin and King Jin of the Ming Dynasty! You must not be rude!

Who dares to hurt King Qin and King Jin! Those are all major crimes committed by the Nine Clans!

The whole family is waiting to die!

You cannot afford to hurt such a noble person! "

Before they even got within range, someone with a loud voice was already shouting at the top of their lungs.

The people in the city were informed of the identities of the two amulets in front of them.

When Zhu Di in the city heard what they said, he looked at the two men wearing Gonglong robes and was stunned for a moment.

King Qin and King Jin?

Aren't these the bitches of the second brother and the third brother?

How did they get there?

As soon as the thought arises, I react immediately.

This is the offspring of both of them.

The two kings of Qin and Jin who were driven away were also shouting to indicate their identities.

Don't let the people on the wall shoot arrows to hurt them.

He even started calling the city...

Behind them, Li Zicheng, Niu Jinxing and others, who were watching this scene from a distance, were quite proud.

Especially Li Zicheng, he felt that the idea Niu Jinxing gave him was simply too good!

Look at these people, who dares to take action against people like me who are calling the city!

These are the King of Qin and the King of Jin!

On the city wall, Zhu Di's eyes were red!

He fired his bow directly at the two princes...

(End of this chapter)

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