Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 329: An upright and impoverished official of the Chongzhen Dynasty. Chongzhen: They are all

March, the seventeenth year of Chongzhen.

It is the time when spring returns to the earth and the grass grows and the orioles fly.

All things should be competing and full of vitality.

But now the city of Beiping is extremely desolate, and people are panicked.

There was no hint of early spring at all.

Although there is a warm sun in the sky, many people don't feel any warmth and only feel cold all over their bodies...

Li Zicheng led his troops and marched all the way towards the capital.

Wherever it passes, the momentum is like breaking bamboo, and countless people switch to surrender.

Chuang Wang Li Zicheng brought many elite troops and horses, and came with great momentum, threatening to sweep the world.

In 'Eat his mother, drink his mother, eat and drink without worrying about Chuang Wang. "Don't be poor, don't pay for food..." among the slogans.

Li Zicheng, the former postman of the Ming Dynasty, was a man who wanted to serve as an iron rice bowl but failed.

It has been completely over.

Carrying many excited soldiers and civilians, breaking through the barriers and surrendering the generals, there will be a great opportunity for the coordinated power of heaven and earth!

But at this time, for Emperor Chongzhen, it was just a matter of transporting the hero away without freedom.

Until now, he still didn't understand why the intruder could advance all the way towards the capital at such a fast speed.

With so many soldiers and horses, so many defenders, how come they all turned into rebels?

There is no loyalty at all!

On the city of Beiping, some flags are waving.

There are soldiers guarding the city.

But the garrison on the city wall was far from the vast and tall city.

These few soldiers are not worthy of such a majestic, tall and strong city wall.

At this time, there were nearly 10,000 garrison guards in the capital.

That’s a lot to say.

But with so many people, there are other things to do.

There is really not much left to go up to this vast city.

Even so, many soldiers were still listless.

Even though many people are already saying that the rebel Li Zicheng is going to kill him soon.

Most of them still couldn't lift their spirits.

It's not that they don't want to cheer up, but they are too hungry.

There is not enough food to eat, let alone salary.

In this situation, even if they try their best to get some energy, most people can't do it.

As for how to fight after the intruder's troops arrive.

Many people simply didn’t think much about this matter.

Working as an errand for the emperor, if you don’t even have enough to eat, why should you fight for your life?

Just adapt to the times...

The huge city of Beiping is in chaos at this time.

King Chuang's troops haven't arrived yet, and order is already out of order in many places.

Some people who are well-informed and well-connected have already begun to seize the time, pack up their belongings and take their belongings with them, and prepare to run away.

Leaving Beiping City, this is said to be the most sacred place in the entire Ming Dynasty.

There are also defenders guarding every city gate, preventing people from leaving the city.

The regulations are so stipulated. In fact, many people are very well-connected.

Some people have connections and high status.

Once something is flashed out, the people guarding the gate don't dare to really stop it.

There were also some people who secretly stuffed some prepared money and some food.

The gatekeeper just turned a blind eye and let it go.

Not only these people, but also many officials in Beiping City are cleaning up their belongings at this time...

In this moment of panic, there is naturally no shortage of courageous people who take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters and do things that they would not normally dare to do.

Some local ruffians also took action.

Some take the opportunity to make some money.

Some people, while taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, will also do some things that are worse than animals.

How can the Ming Dynasty's capital city look solemn and majestic in front of us?

There is chaos and panic everywhere.

It is difficult for people to associate it with the capital city of a country...


Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian, who is wearing a dragon robe, has already received a lot of news.

He knew that Li Zicheng was coming fiercely, and he also knew about some of the chaos in the city.

But he didn't have much energy to pay attention to these at this time.

Now he just wants to make money quickly!

Make more money!

So that the soldiers who guard the city can be paid.

So that the soldiers can defend the city and fight...

"Your Majesty, I am willing to donate thirteen thousand taels of silver!"

The main hall was now overcrowded.

Except for some people who hold special positions, the rest of the officials from the capital gathered here at this time.

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian was sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes constantly drifting towards his father-in-law Zhou Kui.

After being looked at by Chongzhen several times, Zhou Kui had already changed into a patched court uniform.

He secretly gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his heart, took a step forward, and spoke the amount of his donation in a loud voice.

Chongzhen, who was originally full of expectations, was stunned for a moment after hearing what Zhou Kui said.

Why is it only thirteen thousand taels?

This guy...why did he only donate so much? !

I asked someone to ventilate Zhou Kui in advance, hoping that he would spend at least 50,000 taels of silver to set an example for all the ministers in the court.

He didn't let him donate the money in vain, and he was even willing to make him a marquis.

But Zhou Kui, as the head of the country, doesn't care about serving the country at all.

Killed with one bite and no money.

No matter how hard it is, I am only willing to pay 10,000 taels.

He also came to the palace to cry out to the queen, saying that he really didn't have that much money.

The queen had no choice but to take out the money she had saved by scrimping on food and clothing and gave him five thousand taels.

Let him donate it together.

No matter what, Zhou Kui must donate fifteen thousand taels at this time!

Why now, there are only thirteen thousand taels?

Where did the remaining two thousand taels go?

This piece of shit!

At this time, he still dares to interfere with this matter?

How dare you deduct two thousand taels of silver!

Has anyone done this? !

Chongzhen quickly figured out what was going on.

Special anger in my heart.

The anger is about to break through the Tianling Cap.

However, in the end, he held back and didn't say much.

After all, he is a face-saving person.

As the emperor, he personally spoke to the courtiers and asked them to donate money.

This matter in itself is embarrassing enough, but now Zhou Kui is his father-in-law and a relative of the emperor.

At this time, if he got angry on the spot, he would question him about where the two thousand taels of silver went.

This fundraiser will inevitably be turned into a joke.

And it will also let many courtiers know the inside story.

Therefore, they are unwilling to donate more money.

At this time, no matter how angry you are, you have to suppress it.

"Okay! The father-in-law is upright and upright. He knows that the country is in danger and is willing to help.

With the money from the abbot, our capital's defense will become even stronger! "

Chongzhen suppressed the anger in his heart, tried his best to smile, and praised Zhou Kui who was the first to come forward to donate money.

And Zhou Kui felt his heart bleed after hearing Chongzhen's words!

If possible, he really doesn't want to donate the money!

I don’t even want to be such a loyal person.

While my heart was bleeding, I couldn't help but feel proud secretly.

He knew that since he withheld two thousand taels of silver, Chongzhen would definitely not embarrass him.

As a face-saving person like him, he would not make trouble for himself here just because of this matter.

Besides, even if two thousand taels of silver were deducted, after careful calculation, I still lost eight thousand taels!

Eight thousand taels of silver!

How much effort do you have to put in to get these eight thousand taels!

It is not easy to save eight thousand taels of silver by yourself!

It will take at least two months to get this money!

Do you really think that your money was blown away by the strong wind?

Do you really think being greedy for money is easy?

After Zhou Kui donated money, Chongzhen thought that with the head of the state, many people would come forward to donate money.

But the result was completely different from what he expected.

After Zhou Kui stepped forward, he was once again left in the cold.

Chongzhen had no choice but to look at the person again and again.

The other two people he looked at this time were also his father-in-law.

One is Yuan Guifei’s father, Yuan You.

The other one is Tian Guifei's father, Tian Hongyu.

Feeling Chongzhen's eyes on them, the two of them could only endure the pain in their hearts and stood up.

It means that one person donates ten thousand taels.

After donating ten thousand taels, everyone looked sad.

It was as if all their family's wealth had been emptied out.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to donate ten thousand taels of silver."

The man who spoke was Tai Kangbo.

This man is the father of Emperor Tianqi’s queen.

After these few beginnings, everyone knew that this donation was inevitable.

Wei Zaode, the chief minister of the cabinet, stood up.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to donate five hundred taels."

When Chongzhen heard Wei Zaode's words, his eyes immediately narrowed.

A dignified chief minister of the cabinet only donated five hundred taels? !

Are you here to send beggars away?

"Your Majesty, my family is poor and I really can't afford much money.

In order to collect these five hundred taels, after I returned home, I had to sell all the old hens that I fed and used to lay eggs.

Most of the land must be sold to get the five hundred taels.

Your Majesty, I... I really tried my best! "

He knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, looking extremely incorruptible and loyal to his country.

After Wei Zaode took the lead in speaking out, other officials also began to donate money.

This one donated fifty taels, that one donated a hundred taels, and some donated ten taels, five taels...

The scene suddenly seemed extremely lively.

But Chongzhen was so angry that he saw stars in his eyes.

These guys!

When did this happen?

You only donated so much?

There are so many people, but there are only a few eunuchs. Donate a lot!

Each of these great eunuchs took out 50,000 taels!

But these courtiers only did so much!

Who are you fooling?

The dignified officials of the Ming Dynasty were not as sensible as the eunuchs!

While being furious, Chongzhen couldn't help but wonder, are these eunuchs under him actually so rich?

Where did their money come from?

The money I gave them was not that much!

"Dear ladies!"

Chongzhen couldn't help it.

Sitting on the dragon throne, he spoke aloud.

Above the court, it suddenly became quiet.

"The intruders have led their troops all the way and will arrive in the capital soon.

If there is not enough food and salary for the soldiers, these soldiers will not do their best to defend the city.

This capital city will be destroyed if it is not done well.

If an intruder enters the capital, my Ming Dynasty will be in danger!

You are my ministers of the Ming Dynasty, and the intruder will definitely not let you go. You have so much money in your hands, why are you still reluctant to take it out now?

If you don’t take it out now, will you really have the chance to spend it again in the future?

Steel should be used on the edge!

At this time of crisis, you and I, the emperor and his ministers, should all work together to provide people and money to defend the capital. "

Upon hearing Chongzhen's words, all the officials in the capital fell to their knees.

Hundreds of people.

"Your Majesty, I really have no money!

These thirteen thousand taels are already my entire family property!

After taking out thirteen thousand taels, Chen's family couldn't even open the pot.

Even the rice we eat is moldy. "

Zhou Kui, the head of the state, cried out.

Taking out eight thousand taels of silver from him was already causing him great pain.

How could it be possible to continue to pay?

"Yes, Your Majesty! I have tried my best.

I really can’t take it out.

Not a bit left. "

I even sold all the furniture in my house..."

As soon as Chongzhen asked for money.

The civil and military personnel of the Manchu Dynasty immediately began their respective performances.

A meeting of crying about poverty and comparing misery began.

One is poorer than the other, one is more miserable than the other, and one is more honest than the other.

Even the man who donated five taels of silver said that he had given away all his family property.

Some people even took off their official boots directly, revealing their socks that were full of patches and had their toes exposed.

Others opened their official robes, revealing the tattered clothes underneath...

Although the actions are different, all the actions come together in one sentence - no money!

Seeing this scene, Chongzhen felt dizzy.

These pieces of shit!

How could these bitches be like this!

How could this be so!

Originally, according to his imagination, he, the emperor, came forward in person, without shame, and put down all the majesty of the emperor.

Open your mouth and ask them, the ministers, to donate money.

These people must be eager to contribute money.

Not to mention how much, it would not be a problem to donate a million taels, or even two to three million taels.

After all, he is the emperor!

Moreover, these people are also in the city.

If the city is destroyed, it will not be of any benefit to them.

But who would have expected that when we actually started donating, there would be so little!

Including the large donation from the eunuchs, it was only over 300,000 taels!

This number was really different from what he thought!

Chongzhen, the emperor, was angry and hit hard at the same time!

But facing so many Beijing officials, he didn't have much to do.

It can only be there, moving it with emotion and understanding it over and over again.

Tell them that the capital has fallen and it will be of no benefit to anyone!

Faced with these words of Chongzhen, these many courtiers had only one countermeasure.

That is - no money!

It’s not that they don’t want to donate, it’s that they are all very honest.

There is no surplus food in the official house of Beijing.

Can't donate anymore.

I've tried my best.

Faced with what Chongzhen said, after the city is broken, the Ming Dynasty will fall, and many people will be unlucky.

Many officials in the capital laughed secretly in their hearts.

Full of indifference.

Whether the city is broken or not, it has nothing to do with them, right?

As long as they surrender quickly enough next.

Maybe you can even take the opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune!

At this time, Li Zicheng was about to arrive in the capital, and the next step was to change the dynasty.

No matter who becomes the emperor, Li Zicheng must treat them well as officials in the capital.

Everyone has a good life.

After all, they are still needed in many places.

Seeing that Chongzhen was about to die, they kept the money in their hands.

After the situation stabilizes, isn't it possible to live a happy life with Emperor Dashun and continue spending money?

Why waste it at this time?

If the Ming Dynasty dies, it will die!

Who do these people follow who is not an official or gets a salary?

Why should we pursue Chongzhen to the death and follow the Ming Dynasty?

And Chongzhen is really not worth following him all the time.

This man is capricious and has no talent.

Even when he kills people, he shows no mercy.

More importantly, this man is extremely suspicious.

If you really spend a lot of money at this time, you will be remembered by Chongzhen.

When asked in the future where this money came from, how can we tell clearly?

Once they couldn't explain clearly, Chongzhen would take action to deal with them.

They will end up confiscating their homes and annihilating their entire clan.

Thinking about this makes me panic.

Don't think that Chongzhen can't do this kind of thing.

After so many years of getting along, many people have a very clear understanding of Chongzhen's temper.

He really has a high chance of doing this!

This guy is just a person who is incompetent, capricious, and unwilling to take any responsibility. He only wants to let his ministers stand up and take responsibility!

The key is that the minister really stands up and takes responsibility. This person who stands up and takes responsibility will most likely become extremely miserable!

Nothing good can be left behind!

Facing such an emperor, they naturally did not want to pay too much.

Whoever you love will go!

They just need to get through this period of time and spend it peacefully.

When King Chuang comes, they will take the opportunity to do something.

Then not only can the many properties in the family be saved, but they may also be favored by King Chuang.

Even if they are not favored by King Chuang, with so much money, they can still live very freely under the rule of Emperor Dashun after the new dynasty is established.

Very rich.

At this time, if the donation is too much, Emperor Dashun will come to Beijing to investigate these matters.

Will he blame himself and others for donating too much money, and thus be caught as a typical example?

Therefore, the best way now is to donate a little less.

Stabilize Chongzhen and retain a useful body for the future!

Chongzhen said something again here, which was moved by emotion and explained by reason.

In his opinion, he had completely lost face today.

But these rebellious officials and traitors completely ignored his emperor's face.

He didn't care about Daming's safety.

Still refused to pay!

Thinking about this kind of thing makes him angry!

All the courtiers in the dynasty have no loyalty at all!

"Retreat from the court! Retreat from the court!"

After seeing that there was no effect, Chongzhen waved his hands irritably and announced his withdrawal.

Following his order, many people were relieved and felt relaxed.

Leaving the palace at an extremely fast speed.

I don’t want to stay here any longer.

They knew that this time the difficulty was over.

Of course, in order to weather this crisis more stably.

After returning, they will definitely do something else.

For example, after Zhou Kui, the head of the state, returned home, he ordered someone to buy the moldy rice.

Let it dry at the gate.

Many people have also begun to move tables, chairs, benches, calligraphy and paintings out of their homes.

They were all set up on the street for sale.

Some people even put up signs on their houses for sale...

From this rare and rare sight, it can be seen that these officials of the Ming Dynasty were really honest.

All of them are as clear as water, as bright as a mirror, and good officials who are neither greedy nor occupying.

They are all noble and honest people.

Many people in the capital were stunned by the operations of these people.

Later, some people in the capital also knew what happened.

Some people became more panicked, and some people hid their family's money more tightly.

But there are also some people who have begun to take the initiative to spend money.

Go to the palace to collect donations.

There are thousands of people in the world, and there are all kinds of people.

In times of crisis, there are traitors and all kinds of people with small calculations.

But there is never a shortage of people who bravely stand up and go against the current.

But now, these people who are going against the current are all complete fools in the eyes of many people.

Some officials, after returning home, in addition to making these arrangements, have also begun to think about how to write down the table.

Sitting there, I couldn't stop thinking about it, chewing on words, trying to write the lower table more beautifully and with great literary talent.

He praised Li Zicheng vigorously.

Let yourself become more visible and register with Li Zicheng...


Chongzhen looked at the more than 200,000 taels of silver and felt angry.

The reason is that there is only more than 200,000 taels, which is very different from the more than 300,000 yuan raised.

It's because there are many people who donated money.

But they were all donated verbally.

Keep accounts first.

The rest of the money still needs to be sold off, so that they can collect it and give it all...

Chongzhen stood here, stunned for a while, and finally came to the Ancestral Temple.

Looking at the many portraits of the late emperor hanging in the Ancestral Temple.

Especially after seeing the portrait of Emperor Taizu Gao in the center and the portrait of his brother on the edge.

Chongzhen couldn't help but burst into tears.

"My ancestors, our Ming Dynasty has suffered a disaster.

There are disasters everywhere and unruly people everywhere.

Throughout the civil and military dynasties, there were few loyal people.

Now that these thieves are coming with great force, I, the emperor, will sacrifice my dignity and solicit donations from them.

Every one of them cried hard.

I only got a small amount of money, just like sending a beggar away.

These thieves are so short-sighted!

Since I registered, I have worked hard and diligently every day, sleeping hard and sleeping late at night, without daring to relax in the slightest.

Occasionally when I feel tired, I often use Emperor Taizu Gao and Emperor Chengzu to encourage me.

No matter how hard or tired you are, you have to persevere.

Since I took the throne, I have never slacked off for seventeen years!

I have been racking my brains and doing all kinds of things.

For no other reason than to make Ming Dynasty better.

Let all the chaos be settled.

However, this world is already rotten!

There are too few loyal people in the court!

He always deceives the superiors and conceals the truth from the inferiors.

Most of the civil and military officials in the dynasty were mediocre and inactive people.

There are many treacherous and evil people!

Even the many soldiers and horses in the place are all extremely hateful!

As a soldier, he did not dare to fight to the death.

Most of them will only fight with the wind!

Most of the time, it's all about looking at the wind.

Looking at the world, our Ming Dynasty, which lasted for more than two hundred years, has few loyal ministers and righteous people!

How pathetic! What a shame! "

Chongzhen looked at the portraits of many ancestors and expressed his depression.

After talking about it, I couldn't help but burst into tears and felt extremely depressed.

Like a child of several decades who has suffered many grievances.

And it was also when Chongzhen was crying loudly.

Eleven figures appeared quietly behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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