Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 326: When in doubt, ask Han Cheng, Chongzhen time and space opens

"Biao'er, what do you think of the southwest side, how to manage it next?"

In Wuying Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Prince Zhu Biao and asked.

When asking this question, Zhu Yuanzhang frowned slightly.

It can be seen that Zhu Yuanzhang has been thinking about this matter for a long time.

And as of now, we haven't come up with a particularly good and effective method.

The situation in the southwest is complicated.

First, it is too far from the heart of the Central Plains.

Secondly, the road is rugged and difficult to travel from the heart of the Central Plains.

Whether it is transporting food or troops, it is not easy.

Thirdly, the climate is too hot and muggy, and there are too few Han people there.

Barbarians are everywhere and are particularly difficult to govern.

The fourth is...

Now the army has just defeated the southwest and stabilized the overall situation.

It seems that the southwest has become the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

But actually it's still too far off.

There is still a long way to go before we can establish effective rule on that land.

There is still so much to do.

Zhu Yuanzhang still has a clear understanding of this.

He doesn't think that as long as the southwest is captured, it will become the place of the Ming Dynasty.

This idea is too naive.

The most important thing is to use some methods to make the many foreigners over there identify with the Ming Dynasty and obey the Ming Dynasty's orders.

Agree with the Ming Dynasty’s system.

Where can the Ming Dynasty's policies be implemented and where can taxes be collected?

When Ming Dynasty encounters any danger, it can get the support of soldiers, horses, food and grass from there.

As soon as the Ming Dynasty fell into a weak position, many natives there began to rebel and break away from the Ming Dynasty.

He even started to attack the Ming Dynasty...

Only when these standards are met can the vast area in the southwest be truly transformed into the land of the Ming Dynasty.

But it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to do this.

Zhu Yuanzhang has been thinking about these things for a long time and has some thoughts in his mind.

But I still feel it’s not perfect enough.

Many things in the Southwest cannot be completely cured.

For someone like him who wants to settle many things once and for all, do things thoroughly and leave no trouble for future generations, this is obviously very painful.

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's inquiry, Prince Zhu Biao also fell into deep thought.

Obviously, Zhu Biao is also very familiar with various problems in the southwest.

I know it's not easy to solve there.

So he didn't say anything immediately. After thinking for a while, he looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said:

"Father, I heard from my second brother-in-law that in the original history, Brother Wenying was appointed by my father to guard the southwest for generations.

This move played a great role in stabilizing the southwest.

In this case, then we might as well seal Brother Wenying there as in the original history.

Let him rule the southwest forever.

Wenying is a good hand in leading troops in war.

The southwest has just been subdued. If there is no large army and generals who are good at conquering and fighting, trouble will easily happen.

Many policies in the future will not be implemented.

The most important thing is that Brother Wenying is very humble and knows how to behave.

He does things in an orderly manner and doesn't like to massacre.

To conquer the southwest, you can't just use force blindly, but also need to use some gentle methods.

The southwest side needs to be guarded by trustworthy people and managed for a long time.

Brother Wenying is undoubtedly the best candidate..."

Zhu Biao slowly stood up and spoke out his suggestion.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded when he heard this and said:

"You think the same thing as us.

Indeed, we have thought about it again and again, and there is no more reliable candidate than Wenying to guard there.

We can rest assured that he will be placed there.

This is why we continue to let him lead the troops there this time. "

After Zhu Biao heard this, he continued: "Besides these, there is another important thing.

That is to immigrate.

Immigrate people from some places to the southwest.

Increase the number of our Han people there.

Only when the number of Han people there is large enough, will the southwest become stable.

In the long run, the people over there can be assimilated.

Let them identify with Ming Dynasty and China.

As long as these identities are generated, you won’t be able to let go of them even if you want to! "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said: "Biao'er, you are right about this, we do want to immigrate.

If we don’t immigrate there, and if we don’t get more Han people there, it’s impossible to have long-term submission and long-term peace there..."

As for how to immigrate, there is no need to say too much about it.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang has been immigrating frequently since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

For example, they move from densely populated Jiangxi and other places to other places that have experienced long-term wars and have become sparsely populated.

And many preferential policies have been formulated for this purpose.

It can be said that it is already a familiar road.

Immigrating to the southwest is a bit troublesome and the situation is a little different.

But overall it's pretty much the same.

Just make changes in some details.

But at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang still had a toothache when he mentioned immigration.

It's not that he doesn't know how to immigrate, but it's because it's an extremely expensive job.

If you want people to migrate there, you must properly resettle the people who move there.

And they should also be taken care of accordingly.

Only in this way, many people will not resist, endure the pain of leaving their hometown, and travel over mountains and rivers to the misty land over there.

There is no doubt that it takes a lot of money to accomplish these things.

Up to now, Ming Dynasty is not said to be full of waste, but there are still many places where money is needed.

It costs money to set up a navy, and it costs money to build water conservancy projects.

Stabilizing border defense requires money...

Money is needed in every aspect.

The word money cannot be avoided in many things.

If he encountered this situation in the past, Zhu Yuanzhang would not have much hesitation.

Immediately, the treasure banknote collection department will be asked to print the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes.

Soon enough treasure money will be obtained to solve this problem.

But now, after Han Cheng's many popular sciences, he no longer dared to print treasure banknotes like this.

This made him very melancholy.

Naval construction must be accelerated!

The pirates outside must be dealt with quickly!

Then quickly go to sea to make money!

Only when you earn enough money will you have the confidence to do many things.

This feeling of being short of money everywhere and being stuck for money is really uncomfortable!

What is even more uncomfortable is that he obviously knows that there is a lot of money overseas, but it is because there are many pirates outside.

I have to slow down and cannot go overseas to make money immediately.

This feeling is really terrible!

Zhu Yuanzhang could only wait for the Longjiang Bao Shipyard to build twenty more large-scale ships worth two thousand materials in an instant.

Han Cheng and his men quickly built the red cannon and loaded it on the ship to blast the pirates!

Kill all the pirates and leave them to feed the fish.

These pirates blocked his way to make a fortune, causing so many things to be implemented slowly. Zhu Yuanzhang really wanted to cut those people into pieces!

“In addition, we also need to make roads in various places smooth.

The vast area in the southwest has very little contact with us.

In many places, there are no serious roads to walk on.

If we want long-term peace and stability in the Southwest, road construction is a must-do.

Only by repairing the road can the connection between the southwest region and the Ming Dynasty be strengthened.

In the future, whether it is communication between the two places, dispatching troops or generals, or transporting grain, grass and other supplies.

Much faster...

In addition, children feel that education is also very important.

If possible, more teachers should be sent there in the future to set up schools and recruit those barbarian children to study and write in the schools.

Teach them to speak Chinese, teach them our Han knowledge and our Han ideas.

Let them learn our Han culture.

Let our culture replace some of their traditional customs and even some beliefs.

In this way, over a long period of time they will think that he is one of us Han people.

We have the same language and the same thoughts.

I sincerely agree with their identity and our rule.

This kind of education is much easier to use than using a knife to kill..."

Hearing Zhu Biao say this, Zhu Yuanzhang showed a smile on his face.

I think what Biaoer said is really good.

Next, Zhu Biao put forward many opinions on the southwest affairs.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded even after hearing this.

I feel that my standards are very insightful when I mention these.

If you really start to implement it, there will definitely be very good results.

But unfortunately, many methods will be stuck because of the word money.

Either it cannot be implemented for the time being, or even if it can be implemented, the scale will not be too large to be carried out in a drastic way.

This made Zhu Yuanzhang extremely depressed.

They even wanted to go over and see if the red cannon that Han Cheng and Tao Chengdao had tinkered with was ready.

However, although I agree with many of the methods proposed by Zhu Biao, I also feel that my Biao'er is really excellent.

Especially after Han Cheng's arrival, Biao'er's knowledge increased, his horizons broadened, and he gained a new understanding of many things.

When dealing with affairs, he becomes more mature and steady.

But Zhu Yuanzhang still felt that these methods alone were not enough.

It's not that the methods proposed by Zhu Biao are not useful, but that when these methods are implemented comprehensively, the effect achieved is still far from the effect he wants to achieve.

But what specific method should be used to achieve the desired effect.

Zhu Yuanzhang also had no clue.

After Zhu Biao discussed it for a long time, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to take the matter to the court.

Many ministers in the court were asked what method should be used to completely pacify the southwest.

Eliminate hidden dangers and make the southwest completely the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's question, the courtiers seemed quite surprised.

Then many people were eager to try it.

After all, the question still sounds simple.

Anyone with a little knowledge can come up with at least three or four solutions.

Soon someone started talking.

You tell me a countermeasure, and I tell you a way.

After a while, five or six came up.

The court hall of Hongwu Dynasty has not been so lively for a long time.

Zhu Yuanzhang sat high on the dragon throne and listened to everyone talking about countermeasures.

They did not evaluate the countermeasures they mentioned.

Just nodding from time to time.

After a while, the court gradually became quiet.

Because basically all the countermeasures that can be mentioned have been mentioned.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the crowd and said, "Is there any more?"

There was silence in the court.

After waiting for a while, someone who had never spoken before came out with some pride in his heart and asked about Zhu Yuanzhang's luggage.

Under the attention of everyone, tell him his method.

As a result, after he said what he thought was a brilliant idea, Zhu Yuanzhang only reacted mediocrely.

The same reaction as when other people mentioned countermeasures before.

He nodded and then asked if there was anything else.

This kind of reaction makes those who stand up and propose countermeasures feel somewhat uncomfortable.

I feel that Zhu Yuanzhang's requirements are too high.

But he didn't dare to say anything.

Then several people came out one after another and told their methods.

But Zhu Yuanzhang's reaction was still the same, he didn't agree or say no.

Just asking if there is any more.

After a while of this, there was no sound at all in the court.

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed and said: "Looking at the methods you have mentioned, many of them sound pretty good to us.

It can indeed be used in the southwest.

But in our opinion, if we want to completely solve the problems in the southwest, relying on these alone is still not enough.

It lacks a one-hit kill method.

Hey everyone, think carefully about the next step.

We give you three days to brainstorm ideas.

After three days, come up with all the ideas you can think of.

Let us take a look.

There is no need to say more about what I have said today.

What we need is an effective method. Whoever can come up with it will be rewarded. "

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, everyone responded and took this matter to heart.

In the Hongwu Dynasty, Wu Guiwen was young.

Their civil servants don't show their faces much.

This time seemed like a rare opportunity. If anyone can come up with a good idea, judging from His Majesty's reaction today, I'm afraid he will be favored.

If you can be favored by the emperor, you will naturally rise to the top!

This is an opportunity that many people dream of getting.

After leaving the court, many people began to rack their brains to think about it.

Some people are smarter and go directly to seek advice from knowledgeable people.

Everyone wants to come out on top in this matter!


"Father, do you think they can come up with a good idea?"

In Wuying Palace, Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and asked.

With some uncertainty.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "We don't know very well either.

But there might be some unexpected surprises.

Isn’t it said that the Three Stooges are the equal of Zhuge Liang?

Let them think more and maybe there will be some unexpected gains. "

Zhu Biao nodded, expressing his approval of Zhu Yuanzhang's words.

Then he said: "Father, why don't you...ask your second brother-in-law about this matter? See if he has any good ideas?"

If everything is uncertain, ask Han Cheng.

Zhu Biao moved Han Cheng out again.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while and shook his head: "Wait a minute, Han Cheng is working on the red cannon.

This matter is more important.

It's better not to disturb him yet.

Then let him seize the time to build the red cannon and install it on the ship.

We are going crazy now.

Looking at overseas, there are mountains of gold and silver, money everywhere.

But damn it, because those bitches are entrenched outside and blocking our way of making money.

We feel really sad.

I just wish I could kill all these bitches right away!

After hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang said, Zhu Biao gave up temporarily and went to ask Han Cheng about his thoughts.

I think what my father said is right.

Officials who are able to get through to the early dynasty have two skills.

How many knowledgeable people from the Ming Dynasty have gathered here in Yingtianfu City?

This matter allows them to brainstorm, and maybe they can actually come up with a good solution.

Thinking like this, Zhu Biao thought of Liu Bowen, the uncle of sincerity.

If Uncle Chengyi was still around, you might be able to get a good answer by asking him about this.

Unfortunately, he has been dead for many years...


Arms Bureau.

Han Cheng and the craftsmen are busy making red cannons here.

Wanhu Tao Chengdao and his disciples also participated in it and kept busy.

Even so, I didn't quite believe in the red cannon that Marquis Xingguo planned to build.

It's not that they don't believe in Xingguohou's ability.

In fact, the red cannon mentioned by Marquis Xingguo was so amazing that it completely exceeded their imagination.

Whether it's the caliber, the length, or the super power and super long shooting distance that Xing Guohou said.

It far exceeded their imagination.

The ideas put forward by Marquis Xingguo simply exceeded their knowledge of firearms.

Even though Marquis Xingguo had proved his talent by flying into the sky before.

And also impressed many of them.

But Feitian is Feitian, and making artillery is still making artillery.

These people don't know much about Feitian, but they are very familiar with firearms.

Many have been immersed in it for ten or twenty years.

Especially Tao Chengdao, who has been studying here for a longer time.

Many of the current firearms of the Ming Dynasty were improved or even invented by him.

Han Cheng can naturally know how Tao Chengdao and his disciples feel.

What do you think of this red cannon?

He was not prepared to explain more about this.

This kind of cannon, which was a hundred or two hundred years in advance and spanned time and space, had a really great impact on people like them.

It is reasonable for them to have such thoughts.

However, because of the previous incident of the hot air balloon flying into the sky, Tao Chengdao and Tao Chengdao's disciples were concerned about the matter of making the red cannon.

Although I have some doubts, I feel that Han Cheng's methods will not work.

But no one spoke rashly or objected.

There is no one who would not participate in it because they think it is whimsical.

Whatever Han Cheng asked them to do, they would do their best.

Regarding Tao Chengdao's reaction, Han Cheng was not panicked at all.

In the future, after the red cannon is made and fired, Tao Chengdao and the others will understand.

The facts are in front of you, you have to believe them even if you don’t believe them.

When casting cannons, Han Cheng sometimes couldn't help but think about it.

When we are here, we will cast these red cannons in Duoduo and install them on the warships.

I met the two arrogant, domineering and arrogant pirates.

Will these people and pirates be stunned?

From now on, if I drive a warship to bring warmth to Xiaoli, will Xiaoli be scared to death...

Don't think too much about such things.

Just thinking about it a little makes people feel that the future is promising.

Although Tao Chengdao and Tao Chengdao's disciples had never come into contact with the red cannon before.

And he was still skeptical about the red cannon mentioned by Han Cheng.

But as soon as the expert takes action, he will know whether it is there or not.

The cannon-casting skills of Tao Chengdao and his disciples like Tao Chengdao are absolutely real.

With their participation, Han Cheng's speed in casting red cannons began to increase rapidly.

Many other people who made cannons, and even Han Cheng, who had obtained corresponding knowledge from the system, found it somewhat difficult.

In the hands of Tao Chengdao and the others, everything seems to be going smoothly.

According to Han Cheng's estimation, it will take at most two or three days.

The first batch, one long and one short, two red cannons can be cast.

At that time, the test cannon can be fired.

Thinking about this, Han Chengcheng felt very excited.

This red cannon can definitely give a strong shock to many people in the Ming Dynasty.

Especially those opponents of Ming Dynasty will faint from happiness...

However, the people in Jiangnan who are smuggling and doing overseas business are not aware of these changes.

The old god is still there, waiting to see the jokes of Zhu Yuanzhang and the Ming Navy.

Look at how Zhu Yuanzhang's navy was beaten to death by Chen Fang's two pirates.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to reopen the shipping market, the sexton was forced to interrupt...


On the island, the leaders of the two pirates from Chen Fang gathered together at this time.

Originally, there were many competitive relationships between the two pirates.

Sometimes there will be fights.

But now, in order to withstand the pressure from the Ming court, the two pirates have temporarily reached an intention to cooperate.

Prepare to join forces next time to eat the navy in the Ming Dynasty.

"Let Zhu Chongba struggle hard!

Only his people dare to come to the sea and fight with us.

As much as he comes, we will eat him!

We were just trying to make money and profit, and we were not willing to fight Zhu Chongba's navy.

In addition, there are sensible people like Wu Zhen and Wu Liang here, so they can just turn a blind eye to each other and live a tolerable life.

But Zhu Chongba, that bitch, actually wanted to do something cruel.

Want to cut off our financial path.

If that's the case, don't blame us for being ruthless!

Do you really think that Zhu Chongba, who can walk sideways on land, can still do it on the sea?

We must teach him how to behave and let him understand who has the final say at sea! "

A man with a scar on his face spoke out with a sneer on his face.

After the words fell, many people laughed.

The atmosphere suddenly seemed particularly cheerful.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Yuanzhang's navy were not taken seriously at all.


Yingtianfu City.

As Zhu Yuanzhang came to the court early to ask for advice, things suddenly became unusual.

It was as if a huge stone had been thrown into a calm lake, creating ripples.

During these three days, many people racked their brains and showed their talents, trying to find a feasible strategy to govern the southwest.

Thus coming out on top.

Some noble generals were not willing to be outdone.

After three days of this, another early morning session began.

Zhu Yuanzhang sat high on the dragon chair, and a eunuch collected all the memorials from the courtiers one by one and placed them in front of Zhu Yuanzhang's imperial case.

This time, basically all the courtiers attended the memorial.

Even if some people know that the method they propose is not very reliable, they may still write it.


What if a method that I think is not very reliable turns out to be very reliable and His Majesty chooses it?

Wouldn't this make a lot of money?

After collecting all the memorials of these people, I said some things.

Zhu Yuanzhang announced his withdrawal from the court.

He said that he would be here and would seriously look at the methods proposed by these people.

Let’s see whose method is better.

It can really play a huge role in matters in the Southwest.

After the courtiers dispersed, their reactions varied.

Some people have little hope for the strategies they propose.

Some people are worried.

There are also some people who think they have come up with a brilliant plan and are full of confidence.

Even some overconfident people are beginning to imagine that their strategies will be favored by the emperor and that they will rise to the top from now on...

After all these people left, Zhu Yuanzhang returned to Wuying Palace with these memorials.

Start taking a look at the methods these people have come up with.

At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang went to see it with strong expectations.

But after reading seven or eight books in a row, my interest suddenly dropped.

Some of the methods were so nonsense that he wanted to scold him.

I read one book after another, and read all the memorials, but I still couldn't find one that I liked.

While Zhu Yuanzhang was watching, Zhu Biao was also watching the memorial here.

Also disappointed.

That’s not to say that there isn’t an insightful approach in these memorials.

There are three or four that stand out.

But how can I put it, although he is more eye-catching, he is still a general among the dwarves.

It's still far from what they thought...

"Damn it! A bunch of drunkards and ricebags.

I can’t even think of a good solution! "

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but scolded angrily.

Zhu Biao rubbed his forehead, smiled helplessly, and said: "Father, we can't blame them. It's really our requirements that are too high..."

Amid the waiting and expectations of many courtiers, news soon spread from the Wuying Palace.

The emperor read all the methods they proposed.

Except for a few that are quite satisfactory, the rest are not good.

And those few who are satisfied can only look at it.

It is still far from the effect that His Majesty wants to achieve.

After these news came out, many courtiers were immediately stunned.

This result was really beyond the expectations of many of them.

No one thought that it would be such a result!

Isn't His Majesty's request too high?

So many people have brainstormed and offered many solutions, but he didn't even like them!

Is there really a better way than these strategies?

Some people are puzzled by this.

Those who thought they had come up with good solutions were even more indignant.

I feel that Zhu Yuanzhang deliberately made things difficult for others here.

If he doesn't like this method, what else does he want?

Does the method he wants really exist in this world?

It doesn’t exist at all!

Who has the ability to figure it out?

The emperor is just having his own whims and wants to eat shit?

"Let's go, Biao'er, let's take a look at Han Cheng.

Originally, we didn't want to bother him with this matter, we just wanted him to get the red cannon out quickly.

Now it seems that it is not possible not to ask him. "

In the Wuying Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang stood up after looking at the memorial that he threw on the ground as trash.

I stepped on it and looked at Zhu Biao and said...


[Chongzhen time and space is about to open, host please be prepared...]

In the Arms Bureau, Han Cheng, who was watching the forging of cannons, noticed the changes in the lover system and opened it to read the news.

After seeing what the news was, I was immediately stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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