Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 324 Lan Yu kneeled down to Han Cheng!

Looking at the tall and majestic Yingtian Fucheng, Lan Yu's mood seemed a little agitated.

This expedition took so long, and now I finally returned to the familiar Yingtianfu City again!

When leaving from Southwest, Lan Yu felt very heavy.

Full of resentment accumulated.

But after this long march, he returned to Yingtianfu City at this time.

I still feel quite excited.

On the one hand, I finally came back after being away for so long.

On the other hand, it was because there was an extra person in Yingtianfu City.

A man named Han Cheng!

He was very interested in this person.

I can't wait to see Han Cheng!

"Haha, Marquis Yongchang! We sincerely welcome Marquis Yongchang to lead the victorious army back!"

The city gate had already become unusual at this time.

There are the prince's personal troops guarding here.

The road is temporarily closed to prevent wandering people from coming and going.

Prince Zhu Biao, along with some civil and military officials from the court, were waiting here in person.

After seeing Lan Yu from a distance, Zhu Biao immediately led people forward to greet Lan Yu.

He said with a smile.

Seeing Prince Zhu Biao, Lan Yu immediately rolled off his saddle and dismounted, and quickly walked towards Zhu Biao.

Some of the military generals following Lan Yu also dismounted and followed Lan Yu a few steps forward.

"Last General Lan Yu, pay homage to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Lan Yu knelt down on one knee and saluted Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao hurriedly stepped forward to help Lan Yu up, and then helped up the other generals who had followed Lan Yu back.

With a smile on his face, he said: "Yongchang Marquis and all of you have worked hard to fight for the country. You don't need to be so polite when you return from victory!"

Looking at Zhu Biao, Lan Yu's mood improved a lot.

I just feel kind and familiar, and I still have a lot of things I want to say.

But I couldn’t say it at this time.

Privately, Zhu Biao always calls Lan Yu his uncle.

But this is a formal occasion.

Zhu Biao and the others were naturally called formally.

He only calls Lan Yu the Marquis of Yongchang, but does not call him uncle.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Prince Zhu Biao personally took the pot and poured wine.

Pour wine for Lan Yu, the generals who returned with Lan Yu, and Lan Yu's personal guards.

Let them drink this glass of wine and temporarily wash away the dust.

Lan Yu and others took the wine and drank it one by one.

I just feel that the taste of this wine is so wonderful.

Some people even had red eyes.

I just feel that the hard work of this battle, as well as some dissatisfaction from returning from the southwest early, have been diluted a lot.

The courtesy given by the prince exceeded their expectations.

After Prince Zhu Biao poured wine for them one by one, officials from the DPRK who followed the prince came up to talk to Lan Yu and others with a smile.

Say some polite words.

When Lan Yu faced Prince Zhu Biao, he was very enthusiastic and obedient.

But when facing these people in the court again, there is not so much good looks.

His attitude was neither salty nor cool, and even a little arrogant.

Lan Yu himself has such a temperament. At this time, he went through another battle in the southwest and made a lot of achievements.

When I returned from victory, I had many things in my heart.

It would be strange to have a good face when dealing with unrelated people.

If this is the case, then he is no longer Lan Yu!

Some courtiers were naturally unhappy with Lan Yu's reaction.

But he didn't dare to say anything more.

How could Lan Yu be the uncle of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

Who made Lan Yu very good at fighting and made great achievements?

In today's Hongwu Dynasty, noble military ministers with military exploits can surpass civilian officials.

But there were also people who sneered secretly in their hearts and looked on with cold eyes.

Lan Yu has such a domineering temperament and doesn't know how to restrain herself.

The greater the merit he makes, the sooner he will die.

From now on, something will happen sooner or later!

Then he remembered that Lan Yu was the prince's wife's uncle.

Moreover, he was extremely obedient to Prince Zhu Biao and never dared to act recklessly.

He couldn't help but sigh again.

Sapphire is a bitch, even though his character is very flawed.

But he happened to have such a relationship with Prince Zhu Biao, and had such an attitude when facing Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao is also a kind-hearted person.

From now on, nothing may happen.

As long as Prince Zhu Biaoren is still there, nothing will happen to Lan Yu.

If something happens to Lan Yu, unless the prince is gone.

But the likelihood of this happening is slim.

Zhu Biao is so young, even younger than Lan Yu.

Another person who doesn't go to the battlefield.

The possibility of walking in front of Lan Yu, the man who leads the troops to fight, is too small.

Sapphire, this piece of shit is really lucky!

I don’t know that there are many people who don’t like the blue jade, and their teeth are itching with hatred.

But there was nothing we could do to him...

After the welcoming ceremony, Zhu Biao took Lan Yu and others back to the palace.

Next, as the emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang would also meet with Lan Yu and others.

Although Lan Yu couldn't wait to see Han Cheng who suddenly appeared at this time.

But you can also tell which one is more important.

Know what is the most important thing to do at this time.

So I could only hold back the urgency in my heart and follow Zhu Biao to the palace to see Zhu Yuanzhang.

"His Royal Highness, Han Cheng..."

When approaching the palace, Lan Yu quickened her pace, found an opportunity to get close to Zhu Biao, and asked in a low voice.

Zhu Biao said: "Uncle, do you also know the second brother-in-law?"

Lan Yu nodded: "Is he here this time? Can I see him when I go to the palace?"

Zhu Biao shook his head and said: "No, the second sister is at home at the moment.

He is a laid-back person. If he has nothing to do, he will not participate in court meetings and many other things. "

After listening to Zhu Biao's words, Lan Yu was a little disappointed?

He really couldn't wait for a moment, he just wanted to see Han Cheng as soon as possible...


"Chen Lanyu, pay homage to Your Majesty!"

Lan Yu watched Zhu Yuanzhang salute respectfully, as obediently as he wanted.

Where is the half-point of arrogance when facing those courtiers?

Sapphire can still distinguish between big and small kings.

Especially at this time, Xu Da, Feng Sheng and other famous people from the older generation in the army are still there.

However, Lan Yu's achievements have not yet reached the heights in history, and he has not yet become the most powerful general of the Ming Dynasty alive.

Still quite humble.

Especially when facing Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Get up."

As Zhu Yuanzhang said, he also stood up from the dragon chair, came to Lan Yu, and looked at Lan Yu looking up and down.

Then she smiled and patted him hard on the shoulder.

"Marquis Yongchang, you did a good job in the southwest this time!

We have demonstrated our Ming Dynasty’s majesty without any shame!

All in all, from the end of the Tang Dynasty until now, the large areas of land in the southwest have been separated from our Han Dynasty for more than 600 years.

Now, after all, it has been taken back.

King Liang and many other Northern Yuan Tatars were wiped out, and the surviving Northern Yuan Tatar court was severely damaged again!

This time you have made a great contribution.

From now on, you will be remembered in the history books..."

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's high praise, Lan Yu became even more excited.

Even in his heart, because he was also a rising star in the army, Mu Ying was overshadowed by him.

In the future, His Majesty is very likely to let Mu Ying guard the southwest for generations. Some of the discomfort will be diluted a lot...


"Where is Xingguohou's Mansion? Take me to Xingguohou's Mansion!"

In the afternoon, after a series of events, Lan Yu finally had some free time.

He didn't even have time to take off his clothes and armor, and he didn't even return home, so he asked the people around him.

Can't wait to go to Xingguo Hou Mansion to see Han Cheng.

From here we can see how eager Lan Yu is to see Han Cheng.

"Xingguo Hou Mansion is the original Prince Wu Mansion, where His Majesty lived back then."

Someone who knows told Lan Yu.

Upon hearing this, Lan Yu immediately knew where the Xingguo Hou Mansion was.

No one was allowed to lead the way. After leaving the palace, he got on his horse.

He hit the horse and ran straight towards the Xingguo Hou Mansion. He couldn't wait for a moment!

When someone saw Lan Yu's reaction, they couldn't help but have some expectations in their hearts.

Lan Yu is the most reckless person.

In many things, we are not afraid of anything.

He has been in the southwest for a long time, and he doesn't know much about many things in Beijing.

Now as soon as he came back, he couldn't wait to go to the Xingguo Hou Mansion to see Han Cheng.

It would be great if there was some conflict with that Han Cheng!

Lan Yu has always been arrogant and arrogant, and many people do not look down upon him.

I went to see Han Cheng at this time. If some troubles were caused, it would be fun!

Don't think that just because he has accomplished many military exploits, he can do whatever he wants.

I really offended that Han Cheng, judging from the reactions of His Majesty, the Queen, His Royal Highness and others when Han Cheng was assassinated.

If you can’t eat and walk around, it’s definitely Sapphire!

Then it will be fun.

Just the right amount of power to kill this piece of shit Lan Yu!

Let him be self-righteous and know that among the strong, there is even a strong one!

Today's Ming Dynasty is no longer the Ming Dynasty before!


"Did Marquis Yongchang go to see his second brother-in-law?"

After Zhu Biao learned the news, he immediately stood up.

"Let's go! Come with me to the Xingguo Hou Mansion!"

With that said, the person quickly walked out of the Wenhua Palace...


"Master Hou, Yongchang Hou Lanyu wants to see you."

Someone came to Han Cheng to report.

Lan Yu came to see him?

Han Cheng, who was fishing in the back garden, was stunned for a moment after hearing the news.

As he lived in Ming Dynasty longer, Han Cheng gradually learned some rules.

For example, among high-ranking families, when one person goes to visit another person, he or she needs to send a greeting note in advance.

Especially for people who are not very familiar with each other, it is a bit rude to rush there without sending a greeting.

According to the news Han Cheng learned, Lan Yu only returned to Beijing today.

At this time, shouldn't Lan Yu be dealing with something?

Even if you settle some things, you should go home and see your wife, children, and children first.

Why did you come here to see yourself?

With this thought in his mind, he had already put down his fishing rod.

Walk towards the front.

I want to meet Yongchang Hou Lanyu.

After all, Sapphire is quite famous.

Not only can he fight, but more importantly, the Blue Jade Case is too famous.

After the death of Prince Zhu Biao due to illness, the situation was already embarrassing. Lan Yu, who was very eye-catching, not only did not know how to restrain himself.

Instead, he got even worse and became more arrogant!

He even dared to send troops to attack the Ming pass because the general guarding the pass was slow to open the door.

What followed was all kinds of arrogance and domineering, taking credit and being arrogant.

So much so that it led to death and implicated many people.

As a result, the military generals of the Ming Dynasty, as well as many officers, suffered a disaster!

When such a legendary figure comes to visit, Han Cheng naturally wants to meet him.

"Master Marquis, please be careful. What can I say about Marquis Yongchang? He has a weird temper.

After returning to Beijing at this time, I came here as soon as possible, fearing that there would be some inappropriate behavior. "

A guard looked at Han Cheng and said loudly.

Han Cheng's guards were also personally selected by Zhu Yuanzhang.

That's a first-class, first-class player.

Han Cheng smiled and said, "Okay, I understand.

It wasn't a big deal, and I didn't seem to have offended him.

He shouldn't have any trouble with me. "

Having said that, Han Cheng added with a smile.

"But you have to be more cautious later. If Lan Yu really wants to do something bad to me, you have to take action as soon as possible.

But you can't let me get beaten. "

"Okay, Lord Marquis, don't worry!"

The guards nodded seriously.

At the same time, I also thought it was quite fun.

This Marquis talks and does things without any airs, he is very easy-going and funny.

Han Cheng came to the door of his house and found a man with broad shoulders and a broad body, wearing armor and covered with dust, standing in front of his house.

It seemed that he was well behaved and did not forcefully break into his own palace. "Are you the Marquis of Xingguo?"

Before Han Cheng could speak, Lan Yu looked at Han Cheng and asked.

Han Cheng nodded and said, "Well, I am the one here, I don't know..."

Before Han Cheng finished speaking, he heard a thud.

But it turned out to be Lan Yu, who knelt on the ground in front of so many people!

Kowtow vigorously to Han Cheng.

He was knocking his head really hard.

His head hit the stone slab on the ground, making a thud.

It gives me a headache just listening to it.

Han Chengdu was a little worried whether Lan Yu would have a concussion.

At the same time, he was also very confused by Lan Yu's performance at this time.

He was stunned on the spot.

In other words, after learning that Lan Yu was coming, he had already thought a lot about Lan Yu's purpose of coming here at this time.

And I was thinking about what kind of style this legendary general was.

What would you say after seeing yourself?

What would it be like to meet yourself?

But no matter how he thought about it, he never expected that such a thing would happen the first time he saw Lan Yu.

After Lan Yu confirmed her identity, she knelt down directly without saying a single unnecessary word.

And kowtow, such a great gift!

The knocking is still so loud,

Even Han Cheng always felt that his mind was spinning very fast, and he couldn't even turn around in a moment.

I don’t know what Sapphire means.

After being knocked on the head by Lan Yu two or three times, he realized what he was doing. He quickly stepped forward, turned aside, and reached out to hold Lan Yu.

"General Lan, don't do this! Don't do this, General Lan!"

You... why are you kowtowing to me like this?

I dare not accept such a great gift from you! "

Not to mention Han Chengmeng at this time, even the guards at Han Chengmeng's house.

And those who came with Lan Yu were also confused.

No one expected that Lan Yu would be so eager to come here to see Han Cheng.

This is such a scene!

Especially the pro-military guards and others who had been with Lan Yu for a long time were even more confused.

They know Sapphire too well.

I know what kind of character Yongchang Hou Lanyu is.

He was definitely a man of fiery temperament and extremely proud.

Not many people can make him bow his head!

But now, he paid such a big courtesy to the newly emerged Marquis Xingguo whom he met for the first time.

What a surprise!

Even some of them already know some of the reasons.

But looking at his own Marquis who knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the young man who was much younger than him in public without saying a word, he still felt trembling.

Accident! What a surprise!

Is this still their Marquis?

Lan Yu originally wanted to kowtow to Han Cheng.

After being pulled by Han Cheng, he couldn't keep on knocking, so he finally gave up.

Kneeling on the ground, he raised his head and looked at Han Cheng, his eyes already red.

The forehead was red and bloodshot.

This was obtained by kowtowing hard just now.

"Lanyu thanks Marquis Xingguo for his great kindness!

I would like to thank the Marquis of Xingguo for making the crown princess a hero, and redressing the injustice!

Make things known to the world!

Let the world understand how the princess and the hero died!

It won't be so unclear that he will leave.

Thank you, Marquis Xingguo, for speaking up and exposing the truth.

Let that poisonous and slutty woman Lu be brought to justice!

Get the ending she deserves!

I avenged this bloody revenge for the Crown Princess and the hero! "

Lan Yu knelt on the ground, raised her head and looked at Han Chengman and said solemnly.

After saying these words, Lan Yu's eyes turned red.

Then he broke away from Han Cheng's hand and quickly kowtowed to Han Cheng several times.

After listening to Lan Yu's words, Han Chengcai suddenly understood why Lan Yu came to see him just after arriving in the capital today.

And as soon as he saw himself, he acted like this!

It turned out to be because of the affairs of Crown Princess Chang and the emperor's eldest grandson Zhu Xiongying.

Having said this, Han Chengdu had forgotten it and didn't think of it for a while.

Who would have thought that Lan Yu would pay such a grand tribute to him in public because of this!

After the accident, when I thought about it again, it seemed more reasonable.

Who does Lan Yu admire the most?

Needless to say, it was definitely his brother-in-law Chang Yuchun.

After Chang Yuchun passed away, Lan Yu gradually rose up and took on the important role.

The former Crown Princess Chang was Chang Yuchun's biological daughter and Lan Yu's biological niece.

Zhu Xiongying is his niece's biological son.

In the end, he was killed by Mr. Lu's underhanded tactics!

He revealed the truth of the matter and let Lu, a vicious woman, get the punishment she deserved.

It makes sense that Lan Yu would react like this.

But Han Cheng was still surprised.

Because after doing these things, he didn't think much about Lan Yu at all.

"Get up! Get up! Marquis Yongchang gets up and speaks.

A vicious woman like Lu did such a destructive thing.

I noticed some clues, which must not be tolerated.

Not to mention me, even some other people, as long as they have some conscience and know these things, they will definitely not let her go!

We must seek justice for the Crown Princess and the Emperor's eldest grandson. "

Lan Yu didn't get up.

Kneeling there with red eyes and tears in his eyes, he looked at Han Cheng and said:

"Marquis Xingguo, I, Lan Yu, will remember your great kindness and virtue in my heart and will never forget it!

From now on, this life of my Lan Yu belongs to you!

Anyone who wants to cause harm to you, Marquis Xingguo, or be disadvantageous to you, must first step over my Lan Yu's corpse!

Climbing the mountain of swords and descending into the sea of ​​fire, all I need is a word from you, Marquis Xingguo!

If I hesitated, it would not be Sapphire!

Then let me be struck by five thunders and struck by thousands of arrows, and die by piercing my heart! ! ! "

Lan Yu stared with blood-red eyes and swore such a poisonous oath directly in front of everyone.

After saying these words, he stood up from the ground.

“I can’t do it, I can’t do it!

General Lan can't do this!

I just did some things that I should do.

General Lan, you can't do this. "

Han Cheng kept talking.

Tell Lan Yu to stop saying that.

At the same time, I also gained a more comprehensive and new understanding of sapphire.

Before actually coming into contact with Sapphire, Han Cheng had this impression of Sapphire.

Lan Yu was a late star in the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty.

Chang Yuchun's brother-in-law was in a mess during the fierce battle.

He has some of the original demeanor of his brother-in-law Chang Yuchun.

He is also more protective of his officers and soldiers.

But at the same time, he has an arrogant personality and has nothing to say about using soldiers to fight.

But there are too many flaws in his character.

He knows nothing about the court and is extremely arrogant.

Especially in the later stages, after making great achievements, he became even more crazy.

Can't understand the situation at all.

I don’t even know my position clearly.

After being knocked down by Zhu Yuanzhang later, countless people were killed.

Became an immersive participant in the famous Sapphire Case.

But at this time, I really saw Lan Yu.

Lan Yu's kneeling, kowtowing, and words.

This gave Han Cheng some deeper understanding of Lan Yu that he had not realized before.

Lan Yu is arrogant and arrogant, but he also has a true temperament.

Many things are not artificial.


I really take Zhu Xiongying and his niece into my heart.

Once you have received great kindness from others, you will not hide it or say something hypocritically.

Or simply pretend not to know and use this method to cover it up...

"These are the things I should do.

Moreover, it was His Majesty, the Crown Prince and the others who really captured this poisonous woman named Lu.

They did it, it has nothing to do with me.

General Lan can't say those words again.

I can't bear these great gifts from you, General Lan, and I dare not let you, General Lan, kill me.

The person you want to die for is your Majesty, your eldest brother, and Yunxi.

That's not who I am. "

Lan Yu shook her head and said, "I understand what you said.

Your Majesty and the others, I, Lan Yu, will naturally die, but I, Lan Yu, am not the kind of person who hides and tucks in. I must avenge any enemy, and I must repay any kindness!

Don’t care what others think or what you say.

Regardless of whether you admit this or not, I, Lan Yu, do.

Everything I said today is valid.

Anyone who dares to harm you from now on will have a mortal enemy with me, Lan Yu.

I, Lan Yu, will definitely use all my strength to fight him to death!

Even if I can't fight to the death, I still have to walk in front of you!

Let alone standing here, even if I say these words in front of His Majesty, in front of His Royal Highness, in front of everyone in the world, I, Lan Yu, still say these words!

Still dare to say it! "

Originally, Lan Yu was quite hostile to Han Cheng.

After all, when he left from the southwest, what he knew about Han Cheng was that their food and grass had been delayed for some time.

It was because of some of the words Han Cheng said that affected him.

In addition, I was a little angry in the southwest, and my mind was filled with the idea of ​​making Han Cheng look good when I came back.

But in the end, who would have expected that after walking back for a while, we would find out more new things that happened in Yingtian Mansion.

He learned the truth about his niece's death in childbirth.

I also learned the truth about the emperor’s grandson, Zhu Xiongying, who died of smallpox.

And we also learned that Lu's father, daughter and others were tortured by the nine tribes, skinned and day lilies were skinned, and their crimes were made public.

I know even more, why the secret things that no one else was aware of were exposed, and the Lu family, father and daughter, and others got the punishment they deserved.

The Crown Princess, the Emperor's eldest grandson Zhu Xiongying and others can redress the injustice and avenge this blood revenge, so as not to die for unknown reasons.

It turned out that it was Han Cheng who wanted to deal with him after he returned and noticed the clues.

Lan Yu was stunned on the spot.

Then he set up a temporary memorial tablet and had a good cry in front of the memorial tablets of his sister and brother-in-law Chang Yuchun.

The pain was excruciating.

He said that as an uncle, he failed to take good care of his niece.

Later, he slapped his face hard several times.

On the one hand, I blame myself, and on the other hand, I feel that I missed Han Cheng, my great benefactor, so much before this!

It really shouldn't be!

You really deserve to die!

It was only after knowing these things that Lan Yu galloped towards Yingtianfu City at an extremely fast speed.

And after arriving in Yingtianfu City, I kept thinking about the reason why I wanted to see Han Cheng as soon as possible.

After learning this, I was not happy because the food and grass were misappropriated, and disappeared without a trace long ago...

"Yongchang Hou, please don't say that as soon as possible, I can't bear it.

Go, go, go home.

Marquis Yongchang returned after a long journey, but he hadn't eaten much yet.

I will take care of you, Marquis Yongchang.

With that said, he pulled Lan Yu towards the mansion.

At the same time, he turned to greet those who followed Lan Yu and asked them to come in together.

And let everyone in his house take good care of them.

They are all soldiers fighting for the country, so they must be treated well.

This time Lan Yu came and did something like this, so it was naturally impossible for Han Cheng to push Lan Yu out of the door.

There must be something expressed.

After hearing what Han Cheng said, Lan Yu stopped talking about Han Cheng becoming Zhu Xiongying and avenging Crown Princess Chang.

It doesn't say how he will repay him in the future.

Just keep these in mind.

His blue jade is full of spit and pits.

In this matter, since these words have been said.

I will definitely do this in the future.

Han Cheng might not care about this, but he, Lan Yu, couldn't care less.

He must not pretend to be confused about this matter!

If he really does that, he will look down on himself!


Prince Zhu Biao was riding on a horse, and with some people, he galloped towards Han Cheng.

Some are anxious.

I'm afraid that Lan Yu will cause some unpleasantness when she comes to see Han Cheng...

(End of this chapter)

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