Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 309 Bloody abuse! ! Wala also collapsed first!

Chapter 309 Bloody abuse! ! Wala also collapsed first!

It was already getting dark, and it was also the darkest time of the day.

Wala also ran all night and arrived at Tumubao.

Looking at the brightly lit earthen fortress, Ye Xian's eyes showed a look of ecstasy.

It was just as I expected!

Through a series of means, two extremely stupid people, Wang Zhen and Zhu Qizhen, appeared.

The monarchs and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the many soldiers and horses they led, were driven into the trap that they had specially set before!

At this time, they are lambs to be slaughtered!

This time, let’s see where they can run!

If they were intercepted before, they could still cut off their tails to survive and take a circuitous route elsewhere.

But this time, they have already blocked it firmly, and they will have no way to escape!

It will become the richest food for you!

It can also be seen first that these soldiers and generals of the Ming Dynasty have learned the news that they are leading their troops.

It can also be seen that after learning the news, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were a little panicked.

This made the smile on his face grow even more.

He really enjoyed the process.

Everything he saw before his eyes made him feel really excited!

Who would have thought that Daming, who was originally so powerful that he could not breathe under the pressure of so many people on the grassland, would become so weak now!

You will create a myth by yourself!

He will definitely make his name spread in the grassland and even in the Ming Dynasty!

Under his gaze, he could see soldiers of the Ming Dynasty setting up camps and digging trenches overnight.

After receiving the news that he had led troops to pursue him, he moved even faster.

It seems that the people here in Daming Tumu Fort are very strong.

But looking carefully, he could see that most of these people were actually frightened and had no fighting spirit.

Moreover, because he caught up quickly enough, it would take a long time for these people's camps to be repaired.

There are several flaws.

"Is there any news from Achi Zhiyuan?"

Suppress the raging fighting spirit, and the ardor that will allow you to slaughter the Ming monarchs and ministers wantonly.

Also first look to the people around you and ask.


However, the Ming Dynasty's soldiers and horses were like frightened rabbits, just running away.

I definitely didn't expect that this side of Tumu Fort was a huge trap.

Let alone seize the Guishui River.

If Achi Zhiyuan leads his troops, he will definitely be able to capture Guishui.

There will be no obstruction from the Ming army. "

After saying that, he smiled again: "Even if some Ming troops came to stop them, how could they resist Achi Zhiyuan?

The only way for those Ming soldiers to be killed is to kill them! "

After saying that, he laughed.

Many people nearby also laughed.

It was like hearing a great joke, something that made them very happy.

In the night, this laughter seemed very wild and wanton.

He looked arrogant and domineering, completely convinced of the Ming Dynasty's monarchs and ministers.

This laughter faintly reached the ears of the Ming army on the Tumu Fort side.

Many Ming soldiers had the flames of hatred burning in their eyes.

I wish I could kill these bitches right away!

Use the blood of these people to wash away the shame on yourself and others!

I just remembered the orders issued by Emperor Taizu Gao.

But he had no choice but to endure it.

Work here according to the orders conveyed by Emperor Taizu Gao.

And they pretended to be scared and at a loss to paralyze these people...

Hearing these words from the people around him first, and then hearing their laughter, he couldn't help but smile on his face, and laughed along with them.

The actual situation must be what they said.

There is nothing to worry about at all.

Boyan Timur, the Achi Academy, is still very reliable and has very good abilities.

I feel relieved to have him do this.

It will definitely succeed!

"Master, let's attack immediately!

Capture all these Ming emperors and ministers and hack them all to death!

Kill all these Ming soldiers one by one! "

Someone beside Ye Xian looked at Ye Xian and spoke out, with extreme impatience in his voice.

There was also a strong smell of killing and blood.

"Yes, Grand Master, please give the order immediately, let's kill all these Ming people!

Let them see how brave I, the Vala warrior, am!

Let out all the anger you suffered before! "

Many generals called for battle one after another, and if they wanted to, they quickly ordered to attack the Ming troops on the Tumu Fort.

With such a fat lamb waiting to be slaughtered right in front of them, many people couldn't wait to go forward and kill it wantonly and enjoy the delicious food.

The crowd was furious.

At this time, their fighting spirit reached its peak.

These Ming emperors and ministers were completely ignored.

Faced with the requests of the generals around him, he did not speak.

After the voices of these people gradually stopped, he looked at the many generals who looked at him like a pack of hungry wolves and shook their heads.

"No, we are not going to attack the Ming army on Tumu Fort.

Quickly set up camp here and surround them! "

After hearing Ye Xian's words, these Oara generals were all shocked and looked very puzzled.

I don’t know why their heroic Grand Master issued such an order at this last critical moment.

You know, before this, he had led them in constant pursuit and fighting, crushing many Ming troops.

At this time, they were pursuing and attacking all night long.

Finally caught up with the large Ming army.

Ordinarily, judging from the Taishi's previous performance and the current situation.

Shouldn't we launch an attack now?

Why would he do this?

"Grand Master, if you wait any longer, those Ming Dynasty people will definitely make the earthen fort even stronger.

We will not plan to attack until then. But it’s too difficult.

These Ming soldiers, like rabbits, are very good at digging holes.

If they stay here for a long time, they will build up a lot of defenses, and it will be really difficult for us to fight here. "

"Yeah yeah!"

Many people hurriedly followed up and echoed.

He nodded repeatedly, indicating that he was right.

Ye first smiled and shook his head and said: "I know how you feel, but have you forgotten what I asked Achi Zhiyuan to do?

Did you forget that I asked him to cut off Guishui?

The only river on this side of the wooden castle is the Guishui River.

Apart from Guishui, there are only a few wells.

Once the river is cut off, these people will die of thirst!

If we send troops to fight them at this time, they will definitely be no match for our Wara warriors.

But they have no way out, and with the emperor here, they will definitely resist to the death!

The Han people have a saying that it is called the fight between trapped beasts, or the fish will die and the net will break.

That's the case.

I know you are all brave, but wouldn’t this make many people die in vain?

Although I, the warrior of Wala, am not afraid of death, I cannot die in vain! "

Ye Xian's words made many Wala people become quiet.

At this time, many people suddenly remembered what the Grand Master asked Achi Zhiyuan to do.

I also understood the deep meaning behind why he asked Achi Zhiyuan to do this.

Suddenly, the call for battle was not as strong as before.

“Also, people can’t survive without drinking water!

In less than three days, these Ming troops will be thirsty and anxious!

At this time, let them build the wall and dig trenches!

Let them toss hard!

The more they toss, the thirstier they become.

You will become even more anxious later!

By then, they will inevitably become extremely panicked.

Wouldn't it be easier for us to kill them when we get there? "

As he spoke, he reached out and patted the shoulder of a general next to him: "Altaïr, don't be anxious.

Although the lamb has been roasted, it is fragrant.

However, the inside is not completely cooked yet, so bake it for a while, brush it with some honey and eat it! "

Hearing what he said, the man laughed and seemed a little embarrassed.

Everyone praised their grand master as the wisest and bravest person in the world.

Then someone else asked: "It's just... Grand Master, if we continue to surround them, it will take too long, and they are too thirsty, won't they also fight for us?"

It will still be like what Taishi said, the fish will die and the net will break. "

One person looked at Ye first and asked.

Hearing what he said, many people laughed.

Call this man a coward.

We’ve reached that point, and we’re still so afraid of the Ming army!

So what if the fish is dead and the net is broken?

Can't they kill the Ming army without leaving a single piece of armor behind?

The Ming army is nothing!

But I saw that I had reached out my hand to stop these people first.

"This is a good question. By that time, everything will definitely be dead.

Those Ming troops who cannot survive will definitely fight us desperately.

The casualties on our side will definitely be quite high.

The most terrifying thing is when people are about to fight back.

It’s the same as when we kill wolves, tigers, and bears.

A beast that is injured and cannot escape is scary. "

These people all seemed a little confused when they heard what Ye Xian said.

What do they think about the Grand Master's words? Why don't they just go up and fight these Ming troops at this time?

Anyway, no matter how long you wait, the result will be the same.

Ye Xian looked at them with a smile and said, "We definitely can't fight them head-on.

Now, if we surround them without giving them water, it is of great use.

For example, after making them thirsty for two or three days, we will find an opportunity to retreat.

With people like us who can kill them, these Ming troops will feel like they are facing a formidable enemy.

Confronting us there, wanting to fight for us.

But by that time, once we retreat, they will no longer be in danger.

These people who have been thirsty for several days will start to go crazy looking for water.

Those Ming army generals, especially the two idiots Wang Zhen and Zhu Qizhen, were absolutely unable to stop their troops.

The Ming army will definitely be in chaos.

Once they are in chaos, our opportunity will come.

If we turn the horse's head and kill it again, it will definitely be the same as a tiger entering a flock of sheep and killing a group of sheep that only know how to run around without any idea.

By then, it’s time for us to enjoy a sumptuous lunch!

We can kill however we want and fight however we want!

These Ming troops are nothing! "

After he finished talking about his plan first, there was a smile on his face, but also deep pride and pride.

Except for a few of the smarter generals around him, the rest of them fully understood their Grand Master's final plan.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but shine brightly.

Imagine the scene described by their master. Many people could not help but tremble with excitement.

The Grand Master is indeed the smartest, most cunning, and bravest person on the grassland!

He is like a cunning and insidious lone wolf that has matured with age!

He could actually come up with such a way to deal with the Ming army.

After making a comparison like this, I felt that the method mentioned by their grand master was the best.

Only in this way can you really pay the minimum price and eat the richest meat.

At that moment, everyone was here to praise Ye Xian from the bottom of their hearts.

After being praised like this by them first, I couldn't help but raise my head.

With the aura of looking down on the world and controlling everything.

At this moment, he just felt that everything was under his control!

He is the reincarnation of the God of War!

Not only can they control the trends on their side, but they can also make these Ming troops follow their own ideas for fighting through some changes on their side.

This feeling is really enjoyable!

And Ye Xian is convinced that the next development of the battle will definitely be as he thinks!

Next, he also issued an order to let some of his soldiers and horses set up camp and some bury pots to make rice.

Some of them quickly took the time to rest.

This earthen fortress was surrounded in an orderly manner.

Seeing these things being done here, not even one of the Ming troops in the Tumu Fort dared to come out to stop them.

As he continued to build defenses there, the smile on his face became even stronger.

I feel that this time, victory must belong to him!

I'm afraid that at this time, Wang Zhen and Zhu Qizhen have already been frightened like headless flies by his operation, which is like being possessed by a military god. They don't know what to do!

While he was chewing dried meat and drinking mare's milk, he was enjoying the joy of playing with the prey between his hands like a cat playing with a mouse.

Someone was riding a war horse and came in a hurry.

There were five or six people in the group, all looking panicked and desperate.

The armor is crooked, as if he has traveled a long distance and suffered a huge defeat.

These people were quickly dispersed far away, and were stopped by the people here first...

Not long after, someone led them to find Ye Xian in a hurry.

Seeing their appearance, I couldn't help but feel shocked.

However, he can still maintain the majesty of the Grand Master.

He asked calmly what happened.

At this moment, this person sent Boyan Timur to control Guishui, and then encountered the Ming army and was beaten to a pulp by the Ming army.

The story of the death of Boyan Timur and many of his generals was told.


After hearing this man tell what happened, he could no longer remain calm.

The dried meat in his hand and the half-empty bag of mare's milk were all thrown to the ground by him!

"What did you say? Tell me carefully!!"

He grabbed the man's shoulders and shouted sternly. The previous indifference was gone.

The person who came to report the news quickly repeated what he had just said.

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

He also shook his head vigorously first,

"The Ming army was driven away like a lost dog along the way, and they didn't have any extra time to do this!

Because no one can think about this!

And even if someone takes this into consideration and sends people to fight for Guishui, they will definitely not be the opponent of Achi Zhiyuan when they meet Achi Zhiyuan!

Not to mention, as you said, there was such a brave person who directly killed Achi Zhiyuan and others!

You must be lying!

There are no such brave generals in the Ming army! "

As he spoke, he also pulled out the knife from his waist, as if he was going to kill this man.

The man was so panicked that he hurriedly said: "Master! Master! Everything I said is true, everything we said is true!

There is just such a person! "

"Then who do you think he is?!"

He also stared at his eyes and asked loudly.

"He... he seemed to have shouted, saying that he was King Qin Zhu Chong, yes, it was Zhu Cang!!"

"King of Qin Zhu Xiang?!"

He was also stunned for a moment.

Try to think about who King Qin Zhu is.

There was a King of Qin in the Ming Dynasty, but the King of Qin at this time was not named Zhu Ping!

"Grand Master, the first King of Qin in the Ming Dynasty was called Zhu Xi, and he was the second son of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty."

If there is someone nearby, please replenish it first.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s son? ?

Hasn't it been dead for decades?

"Fuck you! You said you weren't lying!

No lie, why did Zhu Yuanzhang’s sons come out?

Could it be that he still survived from decades ago? ! Why didn’t you say that it was Zhu Yuanzhang who came back to life and that the person who defeated you was Zhu Yuanzhang? ! "

Ye Xian was so angry that he kicked the man to the ground and cursed loudly.

The person who delivered the news couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

It turns out that the King of Qin, Zhu Xi, actually has such a great reputation.

He is Zhu Yuanzhang’s son!

But...but that man really said that he was King Zhu Xi of Qin!

It can really be beaten!

Ye Xian, who was furious, felt that what this man said was outrageous.

But I also know that there must be a big problem with Boyan Timur!

That person was definitely not King Zhu Ping of Qin, but he could not think of anyone else in the Ming army who could be so brave.

There were many distinguished military ministers in the Ming army who held high positions, but they had not fought in many battles for many years.

It is only through the merits of our ancestors that we are able to achieve this status.

There are only a few who can really fight.

But at this time, it is not the time to consider this.

His face was extremely gloomy.

Someone next to me wanted to ask, but didn't dare to disturb him.

At this time, he was in no mood to eat dried meat and drink mare's milk.

The whole person looks like a violent lion.

Who would have thought that he has already considered all kinds of things very well.

Just waiting to devour this fat meat in one bite after teasing it for a few days.

Suddenly such a big surprise happened!

Who is it? !

"Master, what should we do now?"

Someone asked out loud.

He was silent for a while and said: "Kadar, you lead ten thousand warriors to go to Guishui immediately to fight the Ming army there.

We must take back Guishui! "

He also gave the order with a serious look on his face first.

Someone immediately took the order and left.

Wait until this person prepares his troops and prepares to set off.

Ye Xian's face regained its calm confidence.

"It's just a little accident."

He looked at his generals and said?

“Don’t worry, the lambs may bump into the shepherd sometimes.

But it is impossible to escape the shepherd's whip.

These Ming troops, as well as the monarchs and ministers of Ming Dynasty, are just destined to be killed by us! "

These words seemed to be spoken to the generals, and also to himself.

The soldiers beside him also nodded and laughed, indicating that the grand master was right.

The lamb that has gored a man will be killed and eaten by the shepherd immediately!

For once the atmosphere lightened.

As a result, at this moment, a scout ran back on horseback.

Someone else blew a deep horn.

The sound was urgent.

After hearing the rhythm of the horns clearly.

His face also changed drastically!

The Ora people generals who were laughing wildly also had smiles on their faces.

They heard clearly that the message conveyed in this horn was that a large group of enemies was coming!

They were all stunned!

How could a large group of enemies attack at this time? !

Aren't all the enemies in this earthen fort?

They were firmly trapped in it.

The rest of the Ming army that was not in Tumubao had been wiped out by them.

He still keeps the head of Duke Cheng, Zhu Yong.

Could it be that...there are a large number of soldiers and horses in the pass, coming out to rescue their emperor? !

However, that shouldn’t be the case!

Huailai City was still under the control of the people on my side. How could those people cross Huailai City silently and carry out rescue?

At this moment, endless confusion and panic appeared in Ye Xian's heart.

A layer of haze appeared in his heart.

Without having time to think more about what happened, he immediately sent someone the order to form a formation to meet the enemy.

He was very panicked at this time, and it was impossible not to panic.

Because as early as the beginning, he had already determined that these emperors and others of the Ming Dynasty would be surrounded here.

There are no Ming soldiers and horses outside.

Therefore, when people lined up to camp and surrounded them, they were always facing the Tumu Fort.

The main defensive forces are facing the Tumu Fort.

As for the rear, although it is well defended, it is not too tight.

There are a large number of enemies at this time. If they attack from behind, it will be really fatal for them!

What he had to consider was not just the sudden enemy coming from behind.

We also need to consider the many Ming troops in Tumu Fort!

Although these Ming troops were frightened before, if there are Ming troops outside to support them at this time.

Here in Tumubao, there will most likely be a large number of Ming troops attacking.

As a result, they were faced with enemies from both sides!

This was a critical scene that he had never expected before!

But he couldn't ignore the large incoming troops.

We can only issue some orders and face the enemy on both sides!

Some bad feelings emerged in Ye Xian's mind.

It made him feel very passive.

This has never happened to me in a long time...

Here in Tumu Fort, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was always paying attention to the movements of the Wala people outside, immediately knew after seeing their reactions that these were the third, fourth, and other men he had arranged to go out in advance, and they began to appear with their troops!

He also immediately ordered the soldiers and horses on Tumu Fort to make some response.

Pretend to be ready to go out and fight at any time.

This was done so that Wala would not dare to separate too many people to deal with the third and fourth children.

Contain their large number of troops.

In combat, what Zhu Yuanzhang was best at was to trick his enemies around.

Let the enemy follow his battle plan and fall into his rhythm.

Sure enough, Zhu Yuanzhang's actions were very effective.

This made many Wala people nervous, and they were always on guard against the possibility of troops being sent out here in Tumubao!

Not long after, a large number of soldiers and horses appeared from the northwest and northeast sides, heading straight for them.

Looking at the flags and costumes of these soldiers and horses, they are indeed Ming troops.

However, they are not the existing soldiers of the Ming Dynasty that Ye Xian is familiar with!

As they got closer, some people gradually saw clearly the somewhat scrawled banner that represented the identity of the general.

Coming from the northwest is Jin King Zhu Fan.

Coming from the northeast is King Zhu Di of Yan.

After learning what the banners of the two suddenly attacking Ming armies were.

I couldn't help being stunned at first.

What are these people doing here? !

Aren’t the Jin King Zhu Fan and the Yan King Zhu Di the sons of Zhu Yuanzhang?

In addition to the previous Qin King Zhu Xi, the three great Sai kings in the early Ming Dynasty are all here? !

Also, wasn't the King of Yan, Zhu Di, the Yongle Emperor who later became the emperor and personally conquered Mobei several times? !

This...why did they suddenly raise their flag? !

"Don't panic!"

He shouted loudly.

"These Ming army thieves couldn't defeat us, so they started to use conspiracy!

Use some dead people to pretend to be gods and ghosts!

Why didn't he get Zhu Yuanzhang out?

If he were Zhu Yuanzhang, I would be Kublai Khan! ! "

While boosting morale, he ordered people to fight.

But this Wala people are indeed elite.

More importantly, in these days of fighting against the Ming army, they have always had the upper hand.

Press the Ming army to fight.

Moreover, there was this person who could be called their soul figure, so they quickly stabilized the morale of the army.

However, the incident happened so suddenly that it was impossible to make the general formation as tidy as possible and to make the defense as good as possible.

The two attacking Ming armies each numbered no less than 5,000 men.

It was also different from the Ming army they had encountered before.

All of them are as powerful as a rainbow.

Following the two fluttering flags, they were like two sharp knives, thrust hard at them!

The fierce battle has started right away!

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a roar on the battlefield.

Soon a piece of gunpowder smoke rose up.

Many projectiles flew forward.

But it was the Shenji Battalion commanded by Zhu Fan who used fire blunderbuss to attack the enemy!

After a volley of fire cannons, many Wala people were shot and fell to the ground.

After a volley of firearms was fired, Jin King Zhu Fan personally led his troops and began to charge into the formation.

Take advantage of the chaos to kill the Wala people!


"Kill! Kill these dog Tatars!

Reshape the military power of the Ming Dynasty, take revenge, and avenge your previous disgrace today! ! "

On the other hand, Zhu Di was riding on a horse, holding a gun in one hand and a small shield in the other, and shouted loudly.

Leading people to rush forward, so brave!

Some Oara people took this opportunity to shoot arrows at them.

But because Zhu Di and the others came suddenly.

A large number of Qiewala people's crossbowmen were arranged on the side facing the Tumu Fort.

So only a few dozen arrows flew out.

Only a few shot at Yan King Zhu Di.

Most of them were blocked by him with the round shield in his hand.

Only cum came all the way to him.

But he was also fooled by the armor that Gun wore under his dragon robe.

Zhu Di was not hurt at all.

And Zhu Di didn't give them a chance to continue shooting arrows.

After a round of arrows, people and horses rushed forward.

The round shield with arrows in his hand was thrown violently.

He directly knocked to the ground a Wala man who was holding a spear in front and pointing at the horse he was sitting on!

Holding a spear in both hands, the spear came out like a dragon, sweeping across the army!

After swinging back and forth twice, he knocked aside the spear that stood in front of him and pointed at his horse.

People have already rushed in.

The spear danced in his hand, like a brilliant pear blossom, and soon it started to rain blood all over the sky!

In an instant, three or four Walas were stabbed to death by Zhu Di!

The many Ming soldiers following behind were stimulated by Zhu Yuanzhang's operations and their fighting spirit soared!

Seeing Zhu Di so brave again, he couldn't help but feel the fighting spirit.

They followed Zhu Di and fought desperately.

At this time, these Ming troops were no longer as weak and bullied as before, and were at the mercy of others.

One by one, they risked their lives and fought bravely to be the first.

Fight to the death with these people!

First, they had had enough of the previous humiliation.

Secondly, Emperor Taizu Gao also came.

They, the descendants of the Ming Dynasty, must also prove to Taizu Emperor Gao that they are not weaklings, cowards, or low in combat power!

It was only because he met these two unlucky people, Zhu Qizhen and Wang Zhen, that he was dragged down to that state!

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the Wala people suffered a big loss due to mental calculations or unintentional calculations!

Zhu Fen, Zhu Di, with their many soldiers and horses, were like two extremely sharp knives, and they just thrust in!

And quickly go to the middle.

Cut them into several parts.

The Wala people were beaten to the point of panic.

The more the Wara people fought, the more frightened they became, while the Ming army's morale grew higher and higher!

Even the British Duke Zhang Fu, a gray-haired veteran, charged in the army with a gun!

Looking at the young and invincible King of Yan Zhu Di, his cloudy eyes once again burst into intense light!

It seems as if I have seen the scene when King Yan charged during the crisis...

At the same time, over at Tumu Fort, Zhu Yuanzhang also ordered that many soldiers and horses here go out to fight.

First, he was attacked from three sides, which made him confused and anxious. At the same time, he also had some doubts about life.

This Ming army...why did it suddenly become so powerful? !

It shouldn’t be!

How could this be?

It has always been his side who has been plotting against Ming Dynasty's soldiers and horses.

How come at the last step, these people actually want to make a comeback? !

The roasted sheep is going to run away? !

This is not the result you want first!

At that moment, he desperately commanded his troops and wanted to fight back.

As a result, after fighting like this for a while, another Ming army soldier came from a distance!

But it turned out to be Qin King Zhu Ping who returned with troops after defeating Boyan Timur on the other side of Guishui River.

Originally, the Wara people were having a hard time fighting, and they were already paying attention to their heads rather than their backs.

As Zhu Ping led his troops and joined the battlefield, he immediately gave them another heavy blow!

Beat these many Wala people until they cry for their fathers and mothers, and the morale of the army will be in chaos!

"Grand Master, let's... let's leave quickly, we are invincible..."

Someone looked at it and spoke first, with anxiety and some panic.


Where to go?

Looking around first, they were already at an absolute disadvantage.

The Ming army, which suddenly seemed to have taken some kind of medicine, was beaten extremely miserably!

How can it be so easy to leave?

Moreover, he doesn’t want to leave!

This step has resulted in too much loss and all the previous efforts have been wasted!

Gritting his teeth, he made a decision.

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

He immediately summoned the elite soldiers and horses around him and followed him straight to the Tumu Fort.

Since there are Ming troops everywhere, he will personally lead the army to attack Tumu Fort!

Kill the emperor of the Ming Dynasty and some of the important officials of the Ming Dynasty, and this will break the situation!

Tumu Fort looks dangerous, but at this time, a large number of Ming troops came out to fight along with Tumu Fort.

Weaker than other places.

At least that's what I thought at first.

At this time, I want to make a comeback, reverse the situation, and regain victory in this battle.

This is the only way to do it!

As for whether you can win by doing this.

Ye Xian still has strong confidence.

He knew very well who Wang Zhen and Zhu Qizhen were.

Wherever they are, that's the best place to hit.

He, an invincible, heroic and skilled Grand Master, personally led the troops to charge.

The Tumu Fort can be captured quickly by him taking advantage of the chaos.

After all, it is Zhu Qizhen, the useless emperor, who is stationed here, not Zhu Yuanzhang!

(End of this chapter)

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