Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 12 Could it be that he really came from a few years later?

Chapter 12 Could it be that he really came from hundreds of years later?

Under the light, Zhu Yuanzhang carefully studied the things in front of him.

This thing is Han Cheng's clothes.

In order to make Han Cheng not so out of place, Zhu Yuanzhang changed Han Cheng into a Ming Dynasty costume as early as in the daytime.

As for Han Cheng's clothes, they were logically taken away by the people sent by Zhu Yuanzhang.

It was said that it was taken away for cleaning, but in fact Zhu Yuanzhang asked someone to take Han Cheng's clothes and investigate silently.

"Sneak, sneer..."

In the quiet Hall of Martial Arts, there was the sound of a zipper being pulled.

The famous Emperor Hongwu was here at this time, earnestly pulling the zipper on Han Cheng's jacket back and forth.

A look of curiosity and inquiry.

He never expected that with such a pull, the two rows of small teeth of this little thing could bite together and be so strong.

You can't pull it apart with your hands!

More importantly, this thing is not gold, wood, or stone, but brand new, a material that has never been seen before!

Zhu Yuanzhang could see the purpose of this thing. This strange thing played the same role on this weird clothes as the buttons on their normal clothes.

In fact, it's not just this strange thing, what Han Cheng called the zipper, but also the whole dress, is full of novelty everywhere.

He has sent people to investigate secretly, even the most professional, knowledgeable and knowledgeable people on his side said that they have never seen this style of clothes.

As for the material used in this dress, it has also never been seen before.

Not linen, cotton, or silk, of any known material.

It's a brand new fabric...

On Zhu Yuanzhang's table, besides Han Cheng's clothes, there are some papers.

On the paper was written the detailed investigation results about Han Cheng.

After another extremely rigorous investigation, I can be sure that there were no omissions in yesterday's city defense and palace defense!
It is impossible to run in such a big living person out of thin air without any awareness.

As for the person named Han Cheng, quite a few have been found, but they are all decent Ming people.

The name is Han Cheng, and there are also missing ones, but none of these people match up with the Han Cheng in the palace.

Thinking back on all the information he had obtained, Zhu Yuanzhang's head was a little messed up.

"Could it be that you really came here from hundreds of years later?"

Zhu Yuanzhang whispered to himself.

This matter sounds nonsense, but now all kinds of things are pointing to the most nonsense result!
Prove to him that this is real!

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was messed up by Han Cheng's appearance.

He didn't want to admit that Han Cheng came from the future, but he also hoped that Han Cheng came from the future.

Because if the other party is really from the future, then maybe he really has a magical method that can heal his sister! !
Zhu Yuanzhang was in a complicated mood. After sitting here thinking for a while, his heart suddenly moved, and a bold idea popped up in his mind.

Since the kid claimed to be from the future, he also said that many things were read from history books.

Doesn't that mean that this kid knows a lot about himself, about himself, Da Ming?

Can I ask him to find out something about my Ming's future?

I am so diligent and set up all kinds of rules.

His own standard is also so outstanding, even though Yun Wen's child is still young, he already looks extraordinary.

The most important thing is benevolence and filial piety, treating relatives very well.

With a good prince, and this grandson, as well as the many ancestral precepts I have set down, and the eternal dharma that I have set down for future generations, if I want to come to my own Ming Dynasty, it will definitely last for a long time!

Zhu Yuanzhang still has this confidence.

It was precisely because of this self-confidence that at this moment, he suddenly wanted to ask Han Cheng about his future.

After such a thought rolled in Zhu Yuanzhang's chest for a while, Zhu Yuanzhang finally held back it.

On the one hand, although at present, all the obtained points point to Han Chengcheng being a time traveler who appeared out of thin air, but Zhu Yuanzhang still instinctively does not believe it.

On the other hand, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that it was too early to ask Han Cheng this question.

It's better to wait for him to cure his sister's illness before talking about other things.

If it can't be cured, just rely on that guy's arrogant attitude towards himself and what he has done, no matter whether he is a time traveler or not, he will peel it off!

In this way, there is no need to ask about the rest.

After Zhu Yuanzhang sat here and thought about things for a while, he burned the investigation about Han Cheng.

After solemnly putting away Han Cheng's very common street clothes in later generations, he got up and walked towards Queen Ma's bedroom.


In Kunning Palace, Empress Ma would burst into a heart-piercing cough.

There was an uncomfortable 'hissing' sound in the throat, which made people feel suffocated.

Even so, Queen Ma still refused to go to sleep.

He also made shoes for Zhu Yuanzhang by sitting beside the bed, holding the soles with his rough hands.

Even if Zhu Yuanzhang became the emperor, his favorite shoes were still the shoes made for him by Empress Ma herself.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's words, the shoes are still made by girls, and they are comfortable to wear.

Whether it is walking or sitting there processing the memorial, it makes people feel at ease.

Except for some extremely formal occasions, where crown clothes are required, Zhu Yuanzhang wears shoes made by Empress Ma.

Queen Ma knew that her time was running out, so she was doing her best to make shoes.

I want to make more shoes before I die, so that Shigeba can wear them.

Otherwise, after she died, Shigehachi would not be able to wear the shoes she made if she wanted to wear them again.

"Queen, you... have a rest, it's late at night."

Some palace people came to see Empress Ma worriedly urging her.

Empress Ma smiled and said, "I'm not sleepy, I can't sleep because of a cough.

I can't sleep on the left and right, so I might as well make a few pairs of shoes. "

After the sound fell, there was another heart-piercing cough...

After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang came here.

After realizing Zhu Yuanzhang's arrival, Empress Ma immediately hid the shoes she was making in her hands under the bed.

I am afraid that Zhu Yuanzhang will see it.

"Chongba, it's so late, why are you here again?
Don't get too old, tuberculosis is a thing that can surpass people, and it won't be good if it spreads to you..."

Although Empress Ma wanted to see Zhu Yuanzhang very much, but at this time, she was urging him to leave quickly.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Hey!
We have let go of cattle, asked for food, been monks, and experienced plague several times. Which time did we not come over well?
No matter how severe this tuberculosis is, it can still compare to the plague that has killed countless people! "

As he spoke, he walked forward, sat on the edge of Queen Ma's bed, and reached out to hold Queen Ma's hand.

"Sister, there is no need to worry about making more shoes, the days will be long in the future.

We want you to make new shoes for us every year!
Sister, we met a strange person this time. Sister, your illness can definitely be cured! "

Can it be cured?
Can tuberculosis really be cured?

Or my severe tuberculosis...

(End of this chapter)

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