Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 68

Asuka, Sasha, Lucy, and Jackie were all gathered in the apartment, lounging comfortably in the cluttered but cozy living area. The girls were in various stages of relaxation—Sasha was sprawled out on the couch, a fizzy drink in hand, Lucy was cross-legged on the floor fiddling with her netrunner thing, that Asuka could not even understand even though Sasha and Lucy tried to teach her, and Asuka was leaning back in her chair, her feet propped up on the coffee table. Jackie sat on the arm of the couch, his arm resting casually across the back as he chatted with the group.

Sasha and Lucy shared a glance before turning their attention to Jackie, Sasha grinning as she leaned forward. “So, Jack... how’s it going with Misty?” she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

Lucy looked up as well, her interest clearly piqued. “Yeah, how's that going, Jackie? We need updates.”

Jackie let out a bashful laugh, a warm smile spreading across his face. “Actually, it's going pretty damn well, chicas. We’re gonna have our first real date after I get back from Mexico.” He scratched the back of his head, a hint of nervousness in his expression, but his grin remained. “Misty's just... different, you know? Real calm, real sweet. She’s got this vibe, like everything might just be okay if you’re with her.”

Asuka smiled, nodding. “Glad to hear it, Jack. You deserve someone like that.” She paused, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him more closely. “Mexico, though? What’s that about?”

Jackie’s eyes brightened, clearly excited. “Got a gig lined up. Corpo guy hired me for some work south of the border. Says it’s gonna be a huge score, pays amazing,” he said, his voice full of enthusiasm. He leaned forward, his grin growing wider. “I’m telling ya, this one's gonna be big, chica. Big eddies, big adventure, all of it.”

Sasha raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of skepticism and amusement. “A corpo, huh? You sure about that, Jack? You know how they can be.”

Jackie waved a hand, dismissing the concern. “Yeah, yeah, I know. But this one’s different. Got a good feeling about it. Besides, the pay's too good to pass up.” He looked at Asuka, his grin turning softer. “Don't worry, chica. I’ll be back before you know it. Just gotta take care of biz, then I'll be right back for that date with Misty.”

Asuka nodded, her smile still there but a hint of concern in her eyes. “Alright, Jack. Just promise me you’ll be careful, yeah? Come back fast. We’ve got things to do, and I don't want to hear about any trouble.”

Jackie laughed, giving her a wink. “Always, Asuka. You know me—I’m like a cat. Always land on my feet.”

Sasha snorted, shaking her head. “Yeah, well, just make sure not to land in a heap of trouble while you're at it, alright?”

Lucy looked up from her deck, giving Jackie a soft smile. “Good luck, Jackie. Bring back something cool from Mexico, yeah?”

Jackie gave them all a thumbs up, his grin full of confidence. “You got it, Lucy. I’ll bring something awesome. And don't let this place get too quiet while I’m gone, alright? Gotta keep the vibe alive.”

Asuka laughed, nudging his arm. “No chance of that, Jack. Just get back in one piece.”

After Jackie left to prepare for tommorow, the group decided to grab a bite to eat, the bustling streets of Night City providing the usual backdrop of neon chaos. As they walked, the conversation flowed casually, Asuka leading the way, her chrome arms glinting in the streetlights, her demeanor a mix of playful arrogance and genuine warmth.

Asuka glanced over at Lucy, giving her a sly grin. “You know, Lucy, if you really wanna win in life, you need yourself a hot, rich grandma,” she said, her tone full of mischief.

Lucy blinked, caught off guard, then looked at Asuka with a confused smile. “A... hot, rich grandma?” she repeated, a laugh escaping her. “Is that the secret to making it in Night City?”

Asuka shrugged, a playful smirk spreading across her face as she waved a hand dismissively. “Trust me, kid, it’s all about connections. And having a rich, hot grandma? That’s a pretty sweet connection,” she said, her voice dripping with self-satisfaction. She then paused, turning slightly as she accentuated her curves with a deliberate sway of her hips, giving her chest a light pat. “And, of course, being beautiful and sexy like me doesn’t hurt either.”

Lucy burst into laughter, shaking her head as she looked away, trying to hold back more giggles. “Oh, come on, Asuka! You’re too much sometimes,” she said, still chuckling.

Sasha, who was walking just behind them, rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips despite herself. She looked at Asuka, raising an eyebrow. “Stop corrupting the kid, Asuka. She’s supposed to be a netrunner, not Night City’s top doll,” she said, her tone teasing but with a bit of genuine concern.

Asuka looked back at Sasha, her grin only widening. “Hey, I’m just telling her the facts, Sasha. No harm in knowing how the game works around here.” She winked at Lucy. “Besides, doesn’t hurt to keep your options open. Netrunning’s cool, but a backup plan’s never a bad thing.”

Lucy snorted, shaking her head, her smile still bright. “I think I’ll stick to the netrunning for now, Asuka. But thanks for the... advice,” she said, her tone dripping with amusement.

Sasha gave Asuka a light slap on the shoulder. “There’s only one Asuka in Night City, and honestly, I think that’s enough for the rest of us.”

Asuka laughed, flipping her hair back dramatically. “Yeah, yeah, but you know you love me,” she said, her voice full of mock arrogance.

Sasha gave her a smirk. “Sure thing, diva. Now, how about you pick the place we're eating, since you're the one with all the ‘connections’?”

Asuka just grinned, pointing ahead. “Best food in Little China, on me. You chooms are in for a treat,” she said, her voice full of confidence as they continued down the neon-lit street.

The group had settled into a small Chinese food stall in Little China, a cozy spot with the warm, familiar smell of sizzling meat and spicy noodles filling the air. Asuka, Sasha, and Lucy were digging into their bowls, the steam rising from their plates as they shared quiet laughs about their day. It was peaceful—a rare moment in Night City when they could just exist without worrying about the next job or the next enemy around the corner.

But peace in Night City was always fleeting.

A group of Tyger Claws swaggered up to the stall, their voices loud, their presence demanding attention. They knocked into the stools, shoving some customers out of the way, clearly looking to make trouble. The stall owner looked nervous, backing away slightly as the group closed in, their jackets emblazoned with the bright Tyger Claw emblem.

Asuka looked up from her bowl, her blue eyes narrowing as she watched them. Without even standing, she called out, her voice calm but carrying an edge. "Oi, why don't you boys move along, huh? We're eating here. No one wants your drama."

One of the Tyger Claws turned, his gaze locking onto Asuka, and he sneered. “Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? Big talk from someone sitting down,” he spat back, clearly not interested in de-escalating.

Another of them stepped forward, his hand moving towards his jacket, and Asuka saw the glint of metal—the flash of a gun handle being drawn. She could see the situation turning bad, and her eyes narrowed, her body instinctively tensing. The moment he pulled the weapon fully out, she activated her Sandevistan.

The world slowed to a crawl.

The Tyger Claw who had his gun drawn moved almost in slow motion, the expression of anger etched on his face. Asuka moved like lightning, pushing herself off her stool and crossing the distance to the Tyger Claws in the blink of an eye. She delivered a hard punch to the gut of the first one, his breath leaving his lungs as he crumpled.

She turned her attention to the one with the gun, her Mantis Blades ejecting, but instead of a lethal strike, she swung them low, destroying the barrel of his gun with a clean slice and then—because why not—slammed her knee directly into his groin. The Tyger Claw's eyes went wide, his mouth opening in a silent scream as he doubled over.

She disengaged the Sandevistan as the two fell to the ground, their bodies crumpling with a lack of control. The other Tyger Claws, seeing their two chooms knocked out in what seemed like an instant, hesitated, looking between each other, then at Asuka.

“Wanna stick around?” Asuka asked, her voice calm, but the menace clear in her eyes as she glared at the remaining members.

One of them gulped, then hastily motioned for the others to leave. “Nah, nah, we’re good,” he muttered, clearly understanding they’d messed with the wrong person. They dragged their unconscious friends off, quickly disappearing into the chaos of Watson.

Asuka dusted off her hands, her chrome gleaming under the stall's light. She pulled out her holo, quickly navigating the HUD with her mind before making a call. It rang only once before Wakako’s voice came through, the sharp, calm tone as familiar as ever.

“Ah, Asuka,” Wakako said, her voice smooth, but with that hint of curiosity. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Asuka leaned against the stall’s counter, her eyes watching as the Tyger Claws dragged their friends away. “Some Tyger Claw gonks showed up in Little China, decided to try and stir shit with me at a food stall,” she said, her tone half-annoyed, half-amused. “Thought you’d want to know.”

There was a slight pause before Wakako replied, a sigh on the other end. “These young fools... always too eager to prove something. I’ll inform their boss to retrieve his subordinates. I assure you, they will learn not to cross someone of your caliber again.”

Asuka grinned, her eyes glinting. “Appreciate it, Wakako. It’s always a pleasure doing business with someone who knows how to keep things in line.”

Wakako chuckled, the sound as cold and amused as ever. “Indeed. Try to stay out of trouble, Asuka. Though, I know that’s hardly possible for you.”

With that, the call ended. Asuka put her holo away, turning back to Sasha and Lucy, who had watched the whole thing, their eyes wide. Sasha gave her a grin, shaking her head. “Only you, Asuka. Seriously, only you could turn a simple meal into a street brawl.”

Lucy laughed, a mix of disbelief and admiration in her eyes. “Yeah, I think I’m still getting used to how fast you move.”

Asuka shrugged, sitting back down, picking up her chopsticks again, and giving them both a wink. “Hey, this is Night City, girls. You either move fast, or you end up eating lead.”

After finishing their meal, Asuka wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, her eyes still glinting with the satisfaction of having handled the Tyger Claws earlier. Just as she was about to stand, her HUD flashed—an incoming call from an unknown contact. She raised an eyebrow, exchanging a curious glance with Sasha before accepting it.

A man's voice came through, smooth and trying to sound calm but with an underlying edge of irritation. "Asuka Vektor?" he asked, confirming if it was really her.

Asuka leaned back against the stall, her expression already shifting to a half-smirk, half-glare. "That depends. Who’s asking?" she replied, her tone cautious but with an undertone of authority.

The man on the other end cleared his throat, his voice a bit hesitant. “I am the superior of the Tyger Claws you had a... disagreement with earlier. Not the boss, mind you, but their direct superior. My boss specifically told me to call and apologize on their behalf.”

Asuka’s smirk widened a bit, her fingers tapping lightly on the counter. “Oh? Go on, then. I’m listening.”

The man sighed, clearly not thrilled about having to do this. “They’re new recruits, green and overconfident. They think they’re hot shit just because they’ve got the Tyger Claw ink, and they weren’t informed about who’s who in Night City—especially about important mercs like you.”

Asuka chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Well, sounds like someone needs to teach their newbies a lesson in respect, doesn’t it?” Her tone was playful, but the warning was clear.

The superior sighed again, this time more resigned. “Yeah, no argument there. They’ll be disciplined. The boss was... not pleased when he heard about this incident. He wanted me to assure you it won’t happen again.”

Asuka paused, her gaze flicking over to Lucy and Sasha, both of whom were watching her with curious expressions. She rolled her eyes playfully before speaking again, her tone softening just a little. “Alright, message received. Just keep your guys in line. I don't want to have to deal with them again—and next time, I won’t be so nice.”

The superior’s voice took on a hurried tone, almost grateful. “Understood, Miss Vektor. Again, our apologies. It won’t happen again.”

Asuka ended the call without another word, slipping her holo back into her pocket as she looked back at Sasha and Lucy, a grin breaking out across her face.

Sasha shook her head, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Someone had to make a personal apology call to you? Damn, Asuka, you've really got these gonks on edge.”

Lucy laughed, nudging Asuka with her elbow. “They’re scared of you, you know that?”

Asuka just grinned, shrugging. “Good. They should be. Keeps the streets a little bit quieter when people know not to mess with me or mine.”

Sasha raised her cup of fizzy drink, her eyes glinting with amusement. “To our fearless merc queen—may the Tyger Claws always remember to run the other way.”

Asuka laughed, picking up her own drink and clinking it against Sasha's. “Cheers to that.”

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