Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 56

Asuka lay on the operating table in Viktor's clinic, the cold metal beneath her contrasting with the warmth of her father's presence. She trusted Vik more than anyone when it came to her chrome, and today was no different. The box Hanako had given her rested nearby, now empty—the spine and the Sandevistan within her, their installation completed after hours of precision work.

Viktor took a step back, letting out a low whistle as he wiped his hands, his eyes scanning the readouts on his monitor, his expression caught between awe and concern. He shook his head slightly, looking at Asuka, who was already sitting up, her fingers moving with a newfound, almost feline grace.

"Asuka," he said, his voice carrying a tone of seriousness that Asuka knew was rare for him. "This... this ain't just top-notch chrome. This is military, experimental kind of stuff. Never seen anything like it before."

Asuka raised an eyebrow, her lips quirking into a grin as she rolled her shoulders, the new spine humming with power, her movements smooth and almost effortless. "Yeah? Thought it might be something special. So, what’s the deal with it?"

Viktor nodded, leaning over to tap on the screen displaying her diagnostics, his eyes narrowed in concentration. "The Sandy—it's different. Most Sandevistans got a timer, right? You hit it, get your time dilation, and then there's a cooldown period. But this one?" He shook his head. "No timer. You can run it for as long as your body can handle. No waiting to recharge either—turn it on, turn it off, anytime. The only limit is you."

Asuka’s eyes widened slightly, her grin turning into something more predatory. "No timer, huh? That means I can move at full tilt whenever I need to. And the speed?"

Viktor met her eyes, his expression a mix of amazement and caution. "It's fast, Asuka. Real fast. Time doesn’t really slow down—you're just moving so damn quickly that it feels like it. Ninety percent, that’s how much it feels slowed down for everyone else. You’re practically a ghost, a blur that no one's gonna catch."

Asuka whistled low, her blue eyes glinting with excitement. "Damn. That’s... that’s something else." She could already feel the potential of it, the sheer power at her disposal—a power that made her hands itch to use it.

Viktor nodded, but his expression remained serious, his eyes flicking to her new spine. "And this spine you've got—it ain't just chrome, kid. This thing’s built like a fortress. The most advanced neural processor I've ever seen, no contest. It’s not just boosting your reflexes—it's optimizing everything, from your movement to how fast you can process threats. Made of some real heavy-duty metal, too. Stuff that makes titanium look like plastic."

He paused, his eyes locking onto hers, his voice softening slightly. "Whoever gave you this... they want you to be more than just fast. They want you to be a tank, a weapon. And with this kind of gear, you’ll be both."

Asuka nodded, her grin fading slightly, replaced by something more thoughtful. She knew what this meant—knew what Hanako had in mind when she gave her these upgrades. The power wasn't just a gift; it was a statement, a reminder of what she could become. A mix of beauty, precision, and unstoppable force.

Viktor leaned over, placing a hand on her shoulder, his gaze softening, a rare gentleness there. "Asuka, this chrome—it's a game changer. But it’s also risky. You push too far, you’re gonna hurt yourself. You’re walking a line now, a line a lot of people don’t come back from."

Asuka looked up at her father, her expression softening, her blue eyes meeting his. She reached up, placing her hand over his, her chrome fingers warm despite the metal. "I know, dad. But you know me—I don’t back down from a challenge. Besides," she added, her grin returning, full of mischief and determination, "I've got you to patch me up if I mess up, right?"

Viktor chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, kid. Always. Just try not to make it too often, alright?"

Asuka nodded, her eyes twinkling. She could feel the power thrumming beneath her skin—the new Sandevistan, the spine enhancing her every movement, every thought. She was faster, stronger, more connected to herself than she ever had been before. She got off the table, stretching her limbs, her entire body humming with potential.

"Thanks, old man," she said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I think I’m gonna take these babies for a spin."

Viktor shook his head, watching her head towards the clinic door. "Just... don’t get into too much trouble, alright? This city’s bad enough without you pushing the limits."

Asuka shot him a grin over her shoulder, her chrome fingers giving him a playful salute. "No promises, old man. But I’ll try not to burn the whole place down."

The streets of Heywood were alive with their usual hustle and chaos—vendors calling out to passersby, bikes roaring down the tight alleys, and the chatter of the locals echoing off the buildings. Asuka and Jackie leaned against a worn brick wall, a couple of beers in hand. Jackie was in his usual high spirits, and Asuka had just finished explaining her new upgrades—her voice dripping with excitement about the new Sandevistan and spine she'd had installed.

Jackie, his curiosity piqued, turned to her, an eager grin stretching across his face. "C’mon, chica, you talk a big game. But show me what this Sandy can really do, huh? I wanna see it in action."

Asuka smirked, her eyes scanning the busy street, her fingers drumming against the side of her chrome arm as she thought about how she could show it off. It had to be flashy, something that would make Jackie’s jaw drop—but also something fun. And then she spotted her target.

Just a few feet away stood a Valentino chick, her back to them. She was chatting with someone on call, oblivious to the world around her. Her figure was striking, her tight outfit leaving little to the imagination—particularly her ass, which was impossible for Asuka not to notice. She grinned, her eyes lighting up with mischief.

She looked back at Jackie, her grin widening as she leaned in. "You wanna see, Jack? Watch this."

Jackie blinked, his curiosity turning into confusion, but he didn't have time to ask any questions. Before he knew it, Asuka's eyes flashed, her Sandevistan kicking in. To Jackie, it was like she simply disappeared—one second she was leaning against the wall, and the next she was gone, a faint blur cutting across the distance between her and the Valentino chick.

Asuka moved like a ghost, her body a blur of pink and chrome. She approached the Valentino chick, her chrome arm reaching out, the Sandevistan making everything around her feel almost frozen. With a flick of her wrist, she gave the Valentino’s ample backside a firm, playful slap—SMACK. The sound of her hand meeting flesh echoed for a split second, even in her speed-altered world.

Before the Valentino could even react, Asuka had already sped back to her spot beside Jackie, her Sandevistan shutting off, the world speeding back to normal. She leaned back against the wall, her face a picture of innocence, her fingers now lazily tapping against the beer bottle in her hand.

Jackie blinked, trying to process what had just happened, his eyes flicking between Asuka and the Valentino chick, who had now turned around, her expression shifting from confusion to irritation. She looked directly at them—her eyes narrowing, though there was no real anger behind them, just the resigned look of someone who'd been caught in one of Asuka’s antics too many times.

“Really, Asuka?” she called out, her tone halfway between annoyance and reluctant amusement. She folded her arms over her chest, looking between them, her mouth twitching as she fought to keep a straight face.

Asuka couldn’t hold it in any longer. She burst into laughter, her head tilting back as she let the laughter bubble up. Jackie, seeing the Valentino's expression and then Asuka's laugh, joined in, his own booming laughter echoing through the street.

The Valentino chick sighed dramatically, shaking her head, though her lips curved into a faint smile. "You two, I swear. Still the same troublemakers, even after all these years." Her gaze settled on Asuka, her head shaking slightly. "You especially, chica. Always pushing the limits."

Asuka grinned, giving her a playful wink, still catching her breath from laughing. “You know me. Can’t resist pushing a few buttons. Or slapping a few asses, apparently.”

Jackie clapped Asuka on the shoulder, still chuckling. “Damn, Asuka, that was something else. Fast as hell. And that Sandevistan—that's gonna make life interesting, huh?”

The Valentino shook her head, her sigh more amused now. “Just don’t make too much trouble, alright?”

Asuka flashed her a thumbs-up, her grin never fading. "No promises," she said, her tone light, though there was a spark of thrill in her eyes. She raised her beer, tipping it towards the Valentino. “Next round’s on me, yeah?”

The Valentino rolled her eyes, turning back to her conversation, though Asuka could still see the hint of a smile. Jackie turned back to her, shaking his head, his grin wide and proud. “You really don’t change, do ya, chica?”

Asuka shrugged, her grin widening as she took another swig of her beer. “Why mess with perfection, Jack? Besides, we’re just getting started. Gotta test the limits, see how far we can push.”

Jackie laughed, raising his own beer in a toast. “To pushing limits, then. And to whatever the hell comes next.”

The streets of Heywood were alive, as usual, a vibrant mix of sounds, colors, and energy. Asuka and Jackie walked side by side, taking it all in. Kids laughed as they played with half-broken soccer balls, their cheerful shouts echoing down the alleyways. Groups of Valentinos leaned against walls or straddled their bikes, their gold-accented clothes gleaming in the sun, their tattoos proudly displayed as they laughed and smoked, their voices full of bravado. Nearby, a group of guys played basketball in the court, the rhythmic pounding of the ball on asphalt providing a steady backdrop. The smell of street food mingled with the faint metallic tang of the city.

Jackie looked around, his eyes softening as he watched a boxing match taking place in a makeshift ring—just some kids, gloves too big for their hands, but throwing punches with real fire. He sighed, his gaze moving across the district, his expression thoughtful.

“You know, this place is nice,” he said, his voice carrying that warmth he always seemed to have when he spoke about Heywood. “Got its good parts, y'know? But there's a lot of bad, too. Used to be caught in that myself.”

Asuka glanced at him, her brow raised, curious. She let him continue.

“Remember back when I was nineteen, took a shot that nearly did me in,” Jackie asked, shaking his head, the memory making his voice tighten slightly. “Was with the Valentinos back then, thinking that was gonna be my life, be the big guy on the block. But after that bullet, lying there thinking that was it… It made me realize something.” He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked ahead. “I was doing it all wrong. My mom, she deserved better than having to bury her only son. So, I walked away. Not because I didn’t care, but 'cause I cared too much.”

He turned to Asuka, giving her a small grin. “Plus, you know me—I wanted more. Didn’t wanna just be some Valentino tough guy forever. I wanna leave my mark, be remembered, y'know? Do something big. Be somebody.”

Asuka gave him a look, her lips curling into a smile, her tone teasing but carrying genuine affection. “Damn, Jackie. You’re one ambitious gonk, aren’t ya?”

Jackie chuckled, nodding. “Guess I am. Ain't nothing wrong with wanting to be remembered, right?”

Asuka shrugged, her sky-blue eyes glinting as she looked around. “I mean, it’s cool and all, but that’s not really my thing. Legends come and go, you know? All I want is to live a good life, an exciting one. Get my thrills, make my eddies, then when I’m done, burn out on my terms and retire somewhere nice. Luxury, baby. I just wanna enjoy the ride until I decide to stop it.”

Jackie paused, looking at her, and then he burst out laughing, his voice echoing across the alley, drawing some curious looks from the nearby Valentinos. He turned to Asuka, his grin wide and full of amusement. “Damn, chica, I think I finally figured it out,” he said, wiping a tear from his eye as he laughed. “You’re a gold digger at heart, that’s why you like Hanako so much, huh?”

Asuka's eyes widened, and she let out an incredulous laugh, giving him a playful shove. “Pendejo! I’m not a gold digger!” she said, her tone half-offended, half-amused. But Jackie’s laughter was infectious, and before long, she found herself laughing too.

“Nah, nah, hear me out,” Jackie said, still grinning. “You got this whole ‘living in luxury’ dream, and Hanako’s got all that Arasaka money and power. Makes sense, doesn’t it?”

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