Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 51

The sound of gunfire echoed across the range, the sharp pop of Judy’s Nue contrasting with the deep, resounding boom of Asuka’s newly upgraded Malorian. The gun, once Johnny Silverhand's iconic piece, had been transformed—a vibrant shade of chrome pink with delicate cherry blossom patterns etched along the barrel and grip. The blossoms were almost luminescent, catching the light in a way that made it look like the flowers were blooming every time Asuka fired. It was nothing short of a masterpiece, the kind of artistry that spoke volumes about Arasaka’s ability to twist sentimentality into corporate perfection.

“Nice!” Asuka exclaimed as she fired another shot, the recoil comfortably familiar in her enhanced arms. She could feel the power behind every pull of the trigger, the specialized propulsion system practically humming with energy. Every shot felt like a statement, a reminder that nothing, not even a relic from a dead rock star, was untouchable by the right hands. “Seriously, Judy, you gotta try this.”

Judy gave her an amused glance from behind her own pair of shooting goggles, her lips pulling into a half-smile. “Yeah? Because it sure sounds like it kicks like a fuckin’ mule,” she said, firing her Nue again. Her aim was steady, precise—each shot landing just slightly left of the bullseye. She gave an irritated huff, blowing a stray lock of hair out of her face.

Asuka grinned, stepping up behind her, her chrome hand resting on Judy’s shoulder. She leaned in, her breath tickling Judy’s ear. “That’s what makes it fun,” she said, her tone teasing, deliberately close. “C’mon, let me show you.”

Judy's cheeks flushed faintly under the low light of the range, and she glanced sideways at Asuka, rolling her eyes but with a hint of a smile. “Alright, alright, show me the goods,” she said, stepping back a little to make space.

Asuka handed the pink Malorian over, her fingers brushing against Judy’s in the exchange, lingering for just a moment longer than necessary. Judy shot her a sideways glance, her lips curving upwards in a small, coy smile. Asuka just shrugged innocently, though the grin on her lips spoke of anything but innocence.

Judy looked the weapon over, eyes widening slightly as she took in the craftsmanship, the etched cherry blossoms, the sheer weight and feel of it in her hand. "Holy shit," she murmured. "They really went all out on this thing, didn’t they? Not exactly subtle."

Asuka snickered, leaning her hip against the shooting lane’s divider, her gaze trailing over Judy. “Subtlety’s not exactly my thing, Judy. You know that. Plus, it matches my whole vibe, right?” She gestured at herself with her chrome limbs, which, as always, were accentuating her bright outfit—today it was cropped top and booty shorts, all neon pink with hints of silver.

“Yeah, yeah, your ‘vibe.’” Judy laughed softly, but her eyes were already focused, the edge of her mouth curling up as she took aim down the range. Her arms tensed, and then—bang.

The kickback almost threw her off-balance, her frame not used to handling the force behind it. Asuka was there immediately, her arm slipping around Judy’s waist, steadying her. “Whoa, whoa, gotcha!” Asuka said, her voice full of mock surprise. “Don’t want ya falling over, do we?”

Judy turned, arching an eyebrow at her, though her smile gave her away. “Yeah, yeah, thanks, hero,” she said, settling back into her stance. She took another shot, this time more prepared, her feet braced. The recoil was still something, but she managed, and the shot hit close to the center of the target.

“Nice!” Asuka exclaimed again, her excitement genuine. “See? Told ya this thing was a beauty.”

Judy smirked, glancing down at the pistol again. “Yeah, okay, you might’ve been onto something,” she admitted, her gaze softening slightly as she looked up at Asuka. “It suits you, y'know. Flashy, strong, full of surprises.”

Asuka couldn't help but smile, her heart skipping at the compliment. She stepped in closer, letting her hand drift up to Judy’s shoulder again, her fingers brushing against her neck for just a second. “Thanks, Judy. But I gotta say, you’re lookin’ pretty damn good with it too.” Her voice dropped a bit lower, just enough to make her meaning clear.

Judy’s cheeks flushed, and she huffed softly, but she didn’t pull away. Instead, she nudged Asuka playfully with her elbow. “You always gotta make it weird, don’t ya?” she teased, though her smile said she didn’t mind it at all.

“Hey, weird’s my specialty.” Asuka laughed, stepping back and taking the Malorian from Judy’s hands. She spun it smoothly, the cherry blossoms catching the light, and slipped it back into her thigh holster, where it seemed to belong naturally.

“Alright,” Asuka said, picking up her own Nue and offering it to Judy, “back to your baby, yeah? We still gotta work on getting those shots dead center.” She gave Judy a playful wink, her fingers brushing Judy’s as she passed the gun back. Judy took it, shaking her head with a smile that was equal parts exasperation and affection.

“Fine, fine. But next time, I get to pick the range,” Judy said, moving back into her stance. Asuka moved closer, subtly brushing her side against Judy’s, helping her adjust her aim just right.

“Next time,” Asuka whispered, her lips close to Judy’s ear, “how ‘bout we make it a bet? Winner picks... anything they want.” Her voice was playful, a challenge hidden beneath the words.

Judy shot her a sidelong glance, her lips quirking. “You’re on,”

As the sun dipped below the jagged skyline of Night City, Asuka and Judy headed out of the shooting range, the cacophony of gunfire replaced by the hum of traffic in the distance. Asuka led the way to where her beloved Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X was parked—a sleek, aggressive beast of a bike, now sporting a fresh makeover courtesy of Hanako’s Arasaka engineers.

The bike gleamed under the setting sun, chrome pink with intricate cherry blossom patterns tracing along its frame, similar to the Malorian she wielded. The petals seemed to flow along the contours of the bike, as if carried by an invisible breeze. The entire look was flashy and powerful—undeniably Asuka.

“Damn, that bike’s looking fine as hell, Asuka,” Judy said, her hand resting on Asuka's waist as they walked up to it, her fingers playing at the waistband of her shorts. Judy’s eyes roved over the Yaiba, her expression impressed, her lips curling into a smile. She leaned in, her shoulder pressing against Asuka’s side, her fingers tracing the blossoms along the bike’s tank. “Cherry blossoms really suit ya, y'know?”

Asuka smirked, feeling the heat of Judy’s body close against hers, her chrome hand resting on the bike’s handlebar. “Yeah, you think so?” She grinned, glancing over at Judy, her eyes glinting with mischief. “I figured if I was getting Johnny’s pistol turned into a work of art, why not the bike too? Hanako’s engineers didn’t seem to mind.” She patted the bike with her chrome hand, the metal cool under her touch. “And, y’know, never hurts to add a bit of flair to make sure everyone knows who’s coming, right?”

Judy laughed softly, her fingers now drawing idle patterns on Asuka's hip, leaning in a little closer. “Never was any doubt about who was coming, Asuka. But hey, this definitely makes an impression,” she said, her voice warm. Her fingers trailed from Asuka’s waist to her back, lingering there as if she wasn't ready to let go.

Asuka’s eyes flicked down to Judy’s hands, the boldness not lost on her. Judy was all over her today, in a way she wasn’t usually. It was sweet, but also... surprising.

“Damn, Judes,” Asuka said with a chuckle, her tone a mix of teasing and genuine surprise. “Where’d the shy Judy go, huh? I swear, couple weeks ago you’d blush just from me lookin’ at ya.”

Judy snorted softly, a wry smile playing on her lips. “Oh, she’s still here, don’t get me wrong. But maybe... maybe I just got tired of being shy, y’know?” Her eyes met Asuka’s, and there was a glint of something fierce there—determination, maybe, or just a touch of courage she’d found somewhere along the way. “Plus, it's hard to stay shy when someone like you keeps pushin' my buttons every damn time.”

Asuka blinked, her grin widening as she studied Judy’s face, the pink rings in her eyes soft under the evening light. “You really do got somethin’ else in you today, Judes. But I like it. Guess I better watch my own back now, huh?” she said, her voice playful.

Judy just smirked, her fingers drumming once more on Asuka’s waist before she pulled back, letting her gaze linger on Asuka for just a moment longer. “Yeah, maybe you should,” she said, her voice low and with a hint of a challenge. “Now come on, hotshot, let’s see if that bike of yours rides as good as it looks.”

Asuka let out a laugh, her chrome fingers adjusting the throttle before swinging her leg over the bike, the cherry blossoms catching the fading sunlight one last time. She patted the seat behind her, giving Judy a wink.

“Hop on, Judes. And hold on tight,” Asuka said, revving the bike to life. It roared beneath her, the powerful hum vibrating through her chrome limbs—a feeling she loved every time she hit the streets. Judy climbed on behind her, her arms slipping easily around Asuka's waist, her chin coming to rest on Asuka's shoulder.

“Tight enough?” Judy murmured, her voice tinged with amusement. Asuka could feel her smile against her neck.

Asuka grinned, twisting the throttle. “Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” she said, her eyes glinting. The bike shot forward, the streetlights blurring into lines of neon as they cut through the night. Judy held on tight, her laughter mixing with the roar of the Yaiba, echoing against the cold steel walls of Night City.

Asuka and Judy stood near a vending machine, the artificial light flickering above them as they waited for the drinks to drop. The machine gave a metallic clunk, spitting out a couple of synthetic sodas. Asuka grabbed them, handing one over to Judy while she leaned against the machine, her chrome leg propped casually.

"Cheers," Asuka said, popping the can open, and they tapped their drinks together with a soft clink. The fizzing noise of the carbonated drinks was soon drowned out by the chatter from a nearby group gathered around a portable radio, its tiny speaker crackling as it broadcasted the news.

"—and following Arasaka's intervention, a peace treaty has been proposed," the announcer's voice was crisp, and they both turned slightly to catch more. "President Myers has agreed to the terms, as the New United States cannot afford further escalation of this conflict. Signed in Arvin, Southern California, the Treaty of Unification has ended the ongoing disputes. The treaty allows the Free States to remain autonomous, while also participating in federal governance. Notably, Night City will maintain its status as an international free city, outside the laws of the NUSA. Texas, however, has refused to participate, maintaining its stance as a fully autonomous and hostile state to the NUSA."

Asuka raised an eyebrow, her lips pulling into a lopsided grin as she listened. “Huh. They’re really tryin' to paint this like everyone’s a winner, huh?” she said, taking a long drink, her eyes glancing over to Judy, who was frowning slightly at the broadcast.

“Yeah, but no one’s really happy about it, I bet,” Judy replied, shaking her head. “All this, just so corpos like Arasaka could flex. Now they get to come back into North America, just like that.” She sighed, her eyes narrowing, her distaste for the megacorp clear. “Feels like whatever we fight for, they always find a way to worm back in, y’know?”

Asuka snorted, her eyes rolling. “Of course they do. They always do.” She let out a sigh, tapping her chrome fingers against her can. “The whole ‘Free States’ deal—yeah, they’re free, but now they gotta ‘extensively cooperate’ with the NUSA. Sounds like bullshit wrapped in freedom-colored packaging to me.”

Judy smiled wryly, nodding in agreement. “And Night City staying autonomous, huh? Guess that’s the one upside in all this. Means we can keep doing our thing, without Uncle Sam breathing down our necks.”

“Yeah,” Asuka said, her eyes taking on a far-off glint. “And without some corpo thinking they get to play king of the hill with us down here.” She took another sip, then let out a dry laugh. “But, y’know, if a hot Arasaka princess wants me in her court, I guess I’m okay with that.” She gave Judy a sideways look, her grin turning playful.

Judy scoffed, shaking her head, her fingers tapping against her own can. “You’re impossible, Asuka. One minute you’re ranting about corpos and how they ruin everything, and the next you’re all heart-eyes over Hanako. If she asks you to jump, you’d probably ask ‘how high,’ wouldn’t you?”

Asuka laughed, a full, genuine laugh that echoed in the quiet alleyway. She turned her head towards Judy, giving her a teasing smirk. “Hey, Judes, you say that like it’s a bad thing. Besides, I don’t jump for just anyone—gotta be someone worth it, y’know? And she is beautiful, rich and powerful 70 year old babe.” She reached out, her fingers lightly brushing Judy's shoulder, lingering there.

Judy rolled her eyes, but the smile on her lips softened, her gaze meeting Asuka’s. “Yeah, yeah. Guess I can’t blame you. Just don’t let her pull you too deep, alright? She’s still an Arasaka at the end of the day.”

Asuka nodded, her expression turning just a bit more serious. “I know, Judes. Trust me, I do.” She lifted her drink in a mock toast, her smile returning. “To freedom, or whatever close enough version we can get in this fucked up city.”

Judy snorted softly, lifting her can to meet Asuka’s. “To whatever close enough version we can get.” She took a sip, stepping closer, her arm brushing against Asuka’s, her touch lingering.

Asuka glanced down at her, a smile tugging at her lips. “By the way, still can’t believe how bold you’re being lately. Where’d shy little Judes go, huh?”

Judy just smirked, bumping her hip against Asuka’s playfully. “Maybe shy Judy’s on vacation. Decided it’s time to show you how it's done, Vektor.”

Asuka laughed again, shaking her head. “Alright, alright. Consider me impressed.” She leaned in, her lips brushing close to Judy’s ear. “But if this is you showing me, then you better keep it up, 'cause I’m enjoying the hell out of it.”

Judy blushed, her smile widening, but she didn’t move away. Instead, she looked up at Asuka, her eyes full of warmth. “Guess I’ll just have to, huh?

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