Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 43

The next morning was one of those hazy ones, the sun barely pushing through the layers of haze and the omnipresent, blinking neon lights of Night City. Asuka was feeling the usual buzz of excitement—another day in the city, another day to make a name for herself. She was about to mount her pink Yaiba Kusanagi parked just outside her building when everything turned to hell in a second.

Out of nowhere, she felt the force, a powerful impact from behind that took her by surprise, knocking her to the ground. Before she could react, someone tackled her, pinning her down. The guy was built like a damn tank—his weight was massive, his strength almost overwhelming, the glint of cyberware visible beneath his skin.

"Get off me!" Asuka shouted, her reflexes kicking in as her body fought back. She struggled beneath the guy, her cybernetic arms attempting to push back, but whoever he was, he wasn't some amateur. She recognized the movement—this guy had Gorilla Arms, and their raw power was hard to match without leverage.

The street around them was empty. She couldn’t get a proper grip; every time she tried to activate her Mantis Blades, the guy managed to press her back down. Then, just when she thought it would be a prolonged struggle, she heard the crack of a gunshot—a sound different from the usual lighter caliber fire she was used to. This shot was heavy, powerful, followed immediately by the sensation of the weight on her chest disappearing.

The guy slumped forward, his body collapsing to the side with a thud. Asuka blinked, looking up, her breathing heavy, trying to make sense of what just happened. Her eyes widened when she saw Misty, standing a few meters away, holding a massive revolver in both her hands—Techtronika RT-46 Burya, its barrel still smoking. The gun itself was almost as big as Misty's arm, her delicate fingers looking strange holding such a beast of a weapon.

"Misty..." Asuka breathed, slowly getting to her feet, her legs a bit shaky from the adrenaline. She stared at Misty, who was clearly struggling with the weight of the revolver, her arm trembling slightly. Misty's face was pale, her usually gentle eyes wide with a mix of shock and determination.

"Are... are you okay?" Asuka asked, taking a step forward before rushing over, enveloping Misty in a hug, her pink limbs wrapping protectively around her.

Misty took a deep breath, leaning into Asuka for a second, then slowly nodded. "I... yeah, I think so. You?" she replied, her voice soft, but there was a hint of steel beneath the usual calmness.

Asuka pulled back, looking Misty over before glancing at the now-dead guy on the ground. She tilted her head, a curious smile forming. "What the hell are you doing with that cannon, Misty?" she asked, gesturing towards the Burya, her tone half-joking despite the tension.

Misty glanced down at the revolver, her mouth curving slightly in response. "Vik always said... that the lower calibers aren’t great against chromed-up types," she replied. Her voice still shook a little from the recoil, and she flexed her arm, clearly feeling the effect of firing the massive gun.

Asuka gave her a crooked grin, shaking her head. "Well, I’m damn glad you had it today. You saved my ass." She ruffled Misty’s hair lightly, her usual playful demeanor returning as the adrenaline started to settle down.

Once she was sure Misty was okay, Asuka turned her attention to the attacker. She knelt by the body, her Kiroshi optics flickering as she scanned over him, taking note of his setup. "Gorilla Arms... Lynx Paws," she muttered, examining the biomechanical limbs. They made him stronger and quieter. The subdermal armor was thick too—this guy had the works, his setup almost tailor-made for ambushes and kidnappings. He had the silent movement, the brute strength, and even subdermal armor to protect him against shots. He wasn't just some thug.

She looked up at Misty, who had lowered the revolver and was still glancing around, as if making sure no one else was coming. Asuka placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks again, Misty. I owe you one." Asuka's tone was softer, appreciative. "Do me a favor—call Vik, let him know about the body. Looks like there's some valuable chrome here. He could repurpose it or sell it. No sense letting it go to waste."

Misty gave a nod, a small, almost tired smile crossing her face. "Yeah, I'll do that. Just... be careful, Asuka. Whoever this was, they clearly knew what they were doing." There was worry in her voice, the same kind of worry Misty often had for Vik, and now for Asuka, especially after all the trouble she'd been getting into recently.

Asuka flashed her a thumbs-up, her usual confidence back in place. "Don't worry, I will. Thanks for having my back, Misty." She squeezed Misty’s shoulder gently before turning back to her bike, her eyes scanning the street one last time. Whoever was after her was stepping up their game. First those two gonks yesterday, and now this? Someone clearly wanted her, and they were willing to spend good eddies to make it happen.

Arriving at Joe's, Asuka pushed through the door, the usual buzz of the small diner barely registering in her mind. Her eyes scanned the room quickly, spotting Jackie and Sasha sitting in their usual booth, Sasha nursing a coffee while Jackie worked through a plate of waffles. Asuka moved towards them, her pink chrome limbs glinting in the dim light of the diner.

"Yo, chica!" Jackie called out, raising a fork in greeting, his broad smile faltering slightly when he noticed the tense expression on Asuka’s face. "You good? You look like you’ve seen a ghost."

Asuka slid into the booth across from them, letting out a sigh, her shoulders dropping slightly as she relaxed. "Not exactly a ghost," she said, leaning forward on the table. "But something happened. Some gonk tried to attack me this morning. Looked like he wanted to kidnap me."

Sasha, who had been quiet, put her coffee cup down and looked at Asuka, her brow furrowing. "Kidnap? Seriously?" She exchanged a look with Jackie, who also seemed taken aback. "Are you alright?"

Asuka nodded, a small, tired smile crossing her face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Got lucky, really. Misty showed up just in time and popped the guy with a goddamn Techtronika Burya," she said, her voice tinged with disbelief. "I swear, I thought my ribs were gonna crack under that guy's weight. He had Gorilla Arms and was practically silent—he had Lynx Paws too."

Jackie’s fork paused halfway to his mouth, and his eyes widened. "Lynx Paws? Gorilla Arms? This guy wasn't just some punk off the street," he said, the gears in his head visibly turning. He put his fork down, his expression turning serious. "Sounds like someone was willing to spend big eddies to grab you."

Sasha tapped a finger against her cup, her eyes narrowing as she thought. "Yesterday it was those two gonks in Watson trying to blast you both, right?" she said, her gaze flicking between Jackie and Asuka. "And now this? Something doesn't add up. Too many people targeting us all of a sudden."

Asuka frowned, leaning back in the booth, her optics zooming in on the small clock hanging over the counter as she thought. "Yeah, exactly," she said. "But it wasn't just some random attack—this guy was too well-equipped for that. It felt like... like they were prepared. And the way he tackled me, it wasn't to kill. It was to subdue." She paused, her eyes flicking back to her crew, her gaze steady. "I think they wanted to kidnap me."

Jackie and Sasha both went quiet at that, exchanging a glance. Jackie’s jaw clenched slightly, his easy smile gone, replaced by something more calculating, protective. He finally leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Kidnap, huh? That’s a whole different kind of deal. So, it's not just a hit—they want you alive."

Sasha nodded, her fingers still tapping in thought. "If they wanted you alive, that means they need you for something. Either leverage, or there’s something specific about you they need," she said, her voice low, almost as if she was thinking out loud.

"Leverage," Jackie echoed, his brows knitting together as he thought. "But leverage against who? Vik? Us? I mean, we’ve pissed off a fair number of people, but this seems... different."

Asuka let out a sigh, her eyes narrowing slightly as she stared at the table. "Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same. I don’t know who would be that interested in me—enough to try something like this. I mean, sure, we’ve hit some high-level targets, and we’ve done gigs against corpos and Militech, but nothing that personal." She paused, her mind drifting briefly to her more recent... entanglement. "At least, nothing I can think of off the top of my head."

Sasha looked at her closely, her eyes narrowing. "Is there anything—any job, anyone—that might’ve put you on the radar like this? It doesn’t sound like just some random corpo pissed about losing some eddies."

Asuka shrugged, though a small frown tugged at her lips. "I mean, nothing out of the ordinary," she said, her voice trailing off slightly. Her mind flashed for a moment to Hanako, but she dismissed it just as quickly. The princess was powerful, but not the type to send someone after her—especially not like this. If it were something to do with Hanako, it’d be more direct.

Jackie noticed the hesitation, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You sure, Asuka? Ain’t nothing outta the ordinary?" His voice held a gentle prod, the kind that knew Asuka well enough to notice when she was holding back.

Asuka sighed, giving him a crooked smile. "Okay, maybe not nothing out of the ordinary. Just... been in touch with some high-level people, alright?" She didn't elaborate further, but the look on her face was enough for Jackie to get the picture—he didn’t push further.

Sasha clicked her tongue, leaning back in her seat. "Whatever it is, we need to watch our backs," she said, her voice firm. "This wasn’t just a scare. Whoever wants you is playing for keeps. We need to stay ahead of them. Figure out who’s behind this, and fast."

Jackie nodded, his expression serious. "Damn right, chica. No one’s taking you anywhere. They want a fight, they’ll get one." He gave her a reassuring smile, though there was a hardness in his eyes—an unspoken promise that no one was getting to Asuka without going through him first.

Asuka nodded, her eyes steady as she looked at her crew—Jackie and Sasha, the two people she trusted more than anyone in this chaotic, ruthless city. She felt the unease, the way her heart beat just a bit faster at the thought of someone trying to snatch her away. But there was something else too—something far more important.

She had them. And as long as she had them, she was ready for whatever Night City threw at her.

"Alright," she finally said, her grin returning, a fire lighting in her eyes. "We play smart, keep our heads up, and make whoever this is regret ever trying to mess with us. They think they can just take me? They’re about to learn exactly what kind of hell that brings down on them.

The night air in Watson was thick and heavy, neon lights flickering and casting vibrant glows across the crowd at Lizzie's Bar. Music thumped, the kind that seemed to seep into your bones, and the buzz of conversation and laughter flowed out from the bar. Asuka stepped outside, leaning against the wall with a cigarette between her lips, the soft glow of the embers casting a warm light on her face.

Jackie and Sasha were positioned a bit further away, near the alley, trying to blend in. They were waiting, alert for anything off—another attempt on Asuka seemed almost inevitable at this point, and they were ready for it. Asuka, meanwhile, played the bait, her eyes flickering casually over the people walking by. The first drag of her cigarette relaxed her nerves slightly, the tension of the last few days easing, if only for a moment.

That’s when she noticed him—a sketchy-looking guy, hovering nearby. He had that nervous look, the kind of twitchy energy that screamed “trouble,” and Asuka raised an eyebrow, silently watching as he approached her.

"Got a light?" the guy asked, a small, almost too friendly smile on his face as he moved closer.

Asuka glanced at him, her fingers casually flicking ash off her cigarette. "Already smoking, choom. What do you need?" she said, her voice dripping with disinterest.

The guy hesitated for just a moment, then shifted closer, dropping his voice. "Hey, I, uh... heard you might be the one I need to talk to for a certain kind of deal."

Asuka narrowed her eyes slightly, her senses on edge. Something about this guy felt off, but she played along, trying to draw him in. "Oh yeah?" she said, her tone skeptical. "You heard wrong, but keep talking."

The guy leaned in closer, his hand moving towards his neck. Asuka barely had time to register the movement before it happened. A sharp electric pulse shot out from a small device strapped around his neck—a crude EMP that sent a jolt through her entire system. Asuka’s optics flickered, her limbs suddenly feeling heavy, her balance disappearing beneath her.

The cigarette fell from her fingers, and she collapsed to the ground, her body twitching slightly from the residual shock. The guy wasted no time, his hands grabbing under her arms, trying to lift her, the desperation clear in his movements. He was strong, using the leverage to start dragging Asuka, clearly hoping to get away before anyone noticed.

But what he hadn’t accounted for was the other two members of Asuka’s crew, watching and waiting just for this kind of moment.

The heavy thud of boots on concrete echoed behind the guy, the vibrations causing him to freeze for a split second. He turned his head, panic flashing in his eyes, just in time to see Jackie barreling toward him like a freight train.

Jackie’s eyes were filled with fury, the sight of Asuka being dragged away lighting a fire in his chest. "Hey, choom!" he bellowed, his voice booming, full of anger.

The guy's eyes widened, his free hand scrambling towards his neck, trying to activate the EMP device again. But Jackie was too fast, his big frame closing the distance in an instant. Before the guy could react, Jackie’s massive arm swung out, a haymaker powered by all the fury he could muster. His knuckles connected with the side of the kidnapper’s face, a sickening crack ringing out as the guy was sent sprawling to the ground, unconscious before he even landed.

Asuka, still on the ground, blinked as her optics tried to reset, the interference from the EMP slowly fading. She could make out Jackie’s blurry form towering over the fallen kidnapper, his chest heaving with anger.

Jackie immediately knelt down, grabbing Asuka gently, helping her up. "Hey, chica, you with me?" he asked, his voice softer now, concern written all over his face.

Asuka groaned, shaking her head to clear the fog. "Yeah... yeah, I'm good, just..." She blinked again, her vision clearing, focusing on Jackie’s worried eyes. She gave him a weak grin, her voice hoarse. "Just a bit of a shock, ya know?"

Jackie shook his head, his jaw clenched, a mix of relief and frustration on his face. "They’re getting bold," he muttered, looking back at the unconscious guy on the ground, his lip curling in disgust. "Trying to take you right in front of Lizzie’s. These gonks don’t know what kind of hell they’re signing up for."

Sasha appeared a moment later, rushing over from her spot near the alley. Her eyes went wide at the sight of Asuka, her gaze flicking to the guy on the ground before looking back at her friend. "Asuka, you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Asuka nodded, her systems finally coming back online fully, her strength returning. "Yeah, just got fried a bit, but I’m good," she said, rolling her shoulders as if to prove her point. She glanced down at the guy, giving him a disdainful look before looking at Jackie and Sasha. "Guess we’re gonna need some answers. This is getting real old, real fast."

Jackie nodded, his eyes hard. "Damn straight. Let’s see if we can wake this gonk up—he’s got some explaining to do."

With that, Jackie grabbed the guy by his collar, dragging him into the alley beside Lizzie's. Sasha knelt down beside Asuka, looking her over, her brows still furrowed with concern. "You sure you’re alright? That EMP could’ve done a lot more damage," she said.

Asuka gave her a reassuring smile, her hand coming to rest on Sasha’s arm briefly. "I’m alright, I promise. Just a little shaken. Let’s see what we can get out of this choom before the NCPD shows up and makes things complicated."

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