Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Jin Yu was replaced by the opportunity of a strong boss to exchange the opportunity of peaceful coexistence between the young and the beasts. Although this kind of ‘peaceful coexistence’ is limited to eating half of the food of all the beasts like the younger brother, I also frowned while eating, and other strange animals looked at them with a sigh of sorrow, but how to say it was a big step forward. After all, no food was always spit, or was eaten. It’s good.

As the boss and supporter of these strange animals, Jin Yu naturally can’t bear to let their own beasts hungry, and glanced at the guy who was still uncomfortable eating there, Jin Yu sighed helplessly.

Forget it, well, this is also the first day of this boss. As the treasure of the biggest town store in the future, he will not be able to accept it.

“Hey, rice is hard to eat?” Jin Yu is known to know.

I have never eaten such a low-grade, so unsavory breakfast, and I don’t give a face to the face after I heard Jin Yu’s question: “I can’t swallow.

“So Jin Yulian brought all the beasts behind him all hair.” Then how do you still eat? ! And still grab the buns and eat them! ! “Yu Qinglin heard the expression of expressionless eyes and swallowed a meal: “I will not dislike you.”

Naturally what you eat, what do I eat.

“At this moment, Jin Yu quickly turned his head and never admitted that he had just been touched a little bit, and the beasts behind him were extremely hard to squat on the ground, and the buns even covered their eyes with their claws.” .

Well, I am committed to becoming the master of the first thing, and the result is now blocked by this ferocious boss! Hey, how can you spoil and sell Meng? You can’t say so naturally! ! Xx you are oo, you want to be a person! ! When the buns were incomparably sullen, Jin Yu had already slowed down. He looked at the guy who screwed his eyebrows and ate a bite of fried meat and fried rice. He suddenly felt that the boss was not very annoying at all times, although still very Overbearing, but… “Cough, well, if you feel unpalatable, don’t eat.”

Jin Yu reached out and took the spoon in the hands of Yan Qinglin.

However, he was robbed back in the middle, and the boss is still a handsome cold face. The words are quite formulaic: “If you don’t eat, I don’t have enough physical strength to protect you.”

“And he still has a big deal about life and death, and his surroundings are not necessarily that safe.”

Jin Yu’s mouth was now unconsciously getting higher and higher, and then after turning around to see the look of the collective contempt in the eyes of the buns, white and white snow, he wiped his face and returned his normal face: Since you want to protect me perfectly, then the boss can’t be kind, I will lead you to eat a good meal!! After a few days, the house is built, let’s eat it ourselves!” Although the buns are white, etc. The beasts expressed dissatisfaction and contempt for their bosses in a short period of time because they couldn’t eat a few words. But the so-called objects are like masters, and the wooden exercises are as good as they are. Yu said that after eating a big meal, all the beasts have forgotten the existence of the boss of the class enemy, forgetting that they have just despised their own bosses, one by one, and even Jin Yu still sees the corner of his mouth. Dabai and the buns hold their headaches. It seems that they have been released from prison for hundreds of years. The Jin Yu is a bit itchy.

“Give me a shut up for Xiaoye!! Look at your good fortune!! Haven’t eaten meat for hundreds of years?!” Hey… Hey… (we never eat meat, let’s I want to eat snow rice.

) “” Wipe, did not say that you are vegetarian poultry! The boss does not know how to fight?!” Jin Yuzhen, who was dismantled, the momentum made Xiao Qinglin slightly raise his eyebrows.

“Oh, well, don’t waste time here. Since you are going out to eat well, you will wash me out and line up.”

Except for the newly jumped grasshopper last night, the other should not be seriously injured? “Hey Baozi nodded and screamed.”

“Well, let the colorful pheasant and the down duck stay and look at it. When we come back, we will bring you snow rice. Xiaobai asks the grasshopper, what does it eat?” After looking at the grasshopper for a while, he turned his head and jumped to Jin Yu’s shoulder and screamed.

“Oh, is it snowy? This thing looks like many exotic animals like to eat it. In the future, it should be used as a regular ration for pet shops…” Jin Yuwen nodded to himself, and those who loved snow The insect beasts and animals (orz) lit their eyes at this time.

Yan Qinglin watched the interaction between Jin Yu and these strange animals all over the place, and suddenly felt very good.

Their family and the other two top families on the planet will turn into different animals at certain moments because of the blood, and the more pure the blood, the longer it will last.

Although only a small number of people know about this situation because of their huge family power, and now their people know that the more pure blood, the stronger the strength, and the more respect they can shape.

But long before, when he first turned into a unicorn, his existence was the existence of fear and dislike by the people and even his father.

Because when he was born, it was the form of Kirin.

In a form that could not be turned into a human being, he was imprisoned for thousands of years as a mount and a strange animal. He did not have a place in the family until he was adult and killed all of them. And, ridiculously, after the millennium, the family has already accepted the existence of the humanized beast and regarded the younger brother who was born after him as a treasure, but collectively forgot that he was born Abusing grass that can also be shaped.

Until he appeared, his father had even forgotten that he still had such an older son.

“…” Those old things in the past flashed in the minds of Yan Qinglin, and gradually made his look more and more gloomy.

Just when the breath of his whole body began to violently rise, suddenly his cheeks were pulled from both sides, and when he returned to God, he was shocked to find that he was in a memory again, and the opposite was a pair of smiling peach eyes, black. Bright and gentle: “Hey, what do you think? Look at your bitter and deep hatred.”

Was it dead or was his wife robbed? Don’t know how to smile for ten years? “Zhu Qinglin looked at Jin Yu’s eyebrows with a smile, a flash of smile and a bit of helplessness in his eyes: “If it is dead, I will definitely laugh… In addition, if you look at my face again, I don’t Mind to let you take off for a while.

“Retracting his hands in an instant, Jin Yu rolled his mouth and turned his eyes: “I don’t just look at you to remind you.”

Really… I’m not finished yet? When I finished, I left, and Xiaoxue had already led the beasts to take a shower.

“You… I like those animals.”

“That is, I treat them as the pain of my son’s niece!” “Golden talks that is called a sorrow.”

“Because they are very useful?” Yan Qinglin continued to ask, but he got a cold eye of Jin Yu: “Don’t think that I don’t want the same as those of the **** owners. I just think they should be treated fairly, even though this The world is a weak meat, and I don’t hate this situation, but it does not mean that people can discard these aliens at will. In the existence of each other, we are equal to the aliens.

“Looking at Jin Yu’s cold eyes and indifferent tone, Yan Qinglin not only did not feel angry, but the more he looked, the more he felt pleasing to the eye… So the action abandoned the thought and directly reached out to bring the person walking in front to the arms.” .

Hold your hands up and down.

“……!! Little Master went!! What you are embarrassed is that the ears are not good or the brain is not 138. The net has not been attacked again!!” Jin Yu was shackled by Qing Lin, body and arms Can not move, simply take the ankle directly, the result was directly on the wall, almost did not hurt him.

“Hey!” “You just can’t kiss, you can’t hold it.”

Moreover, you are my partner, why can’t I hold it? “So a fish is angry,” you said not to force me! “So I let go now.”

“Take the chin again and lick the head of Jin Jin, and Qing Qinglin smiled and licked his face and let go.”

“#¥%……& I got there!” Hate and stepped on a black boss, Jin Yu decided not to use this cargo for the time being, otherwise the fried, unlucky must be he! He is going to eat now! Going to spend money and meat! ! It is best to order a unicorn meat! ! Then the imposing Jin Yu was sulking with a stomach, and the beasts with the same momentum and a mouthful of saliva killed the restaurant in the dark street. Because of the foolproof treatment, the huge bowl-like restaurant was too I recognize it.

It made a look to let the white go to the door, and Jin Yu sat on the body of the buns with green eyes.

Behind him is a boss facing the ice.

!! ! The huge tiger whistle caused the restaurant to shake three earthquakes, and then the chef who took out the kitchen knife and the boss who came out with the slippers saw the door being white, and after a bunch of different animals, the cook calmly squatted. The knife went back, and the boss put on the slippers, and walked to the front of the white, sneer: “Hey, you bring the younger brother to eat?” Hey! “Hua Ye asked you, discount?” Jin Yu’s voice sounded, and the boss looked at the pile of fangs of the beast, painfully turned and then turned back.

“Look, is the cost price not?” Hey! ! Dabai satisfied with nod.

Let’s not eat the king’s meal, we just need the cost price.

So, are we kind? The boss smiled hard and squatted into the restaurant.

Tem’s, this time I’m going to lose money! !

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