Cute Baby from Heaven: Kiss Goodbye, Mr. Li

Chapter 657 The Sudden Marriage Proposal

In the blink of an eye, the blood from the man's arm stained a small piece of bed sheet red.

Annoyed, he withdrew his hands that were about to touch Qin Yiren, pulled down his sleeves and got out of bed impatiently to open the door, complaining as he walked: "Cousin, I'm busy now, what can you say tomorrow..."

While speaking, Liu Liang unpreparedly took off the chain lock on the door.

Before he could take the initiative to open the door, someone on the other side of the door suddenly used force. Standing behind the door, he was caught off guard and was photographed aside together with the door panel.

After the bang, Liu Liang was stunned.

He raised his hand to touch the forehead that was in close contact with the door panel just now, and raised his eyes inexplicably: "Cousin?"

In the next second, it wasn't his coquettishly dressed cousin that caught his eyes, but another strange and handsome man.

Liu Liang immediately widened his eyes, and in a fit of rage, he seemed to be fighting fiercely: "Who are you looking for..."

Before he finished speaking, the man had already kicked in the door and hit his temple with a punch.

The most vulnerable part of the human body was hit hard suddenly, and before Liu Liang could scream, he received another savage blow to his stomach. The severe pain without warning forced him to swallow the scream that was about to come out.

Immediately afterwards, endless fists and feet were exerted on him until he fell to his knees exhausted, crying and spitting out two broken teeth, begging for mercy.

But the devilish man still didn't let him go, trampled over his head, leaned over and picked up his collar, and punched him stubbornly and seriously, looking very unsatisfied.

Liu Liang's last memory before he fell into a coma was the half-dream and half-awake moan of the little woman on the bed, who seemed extremely innocent and naive amidst the pounding of fists and fists: "Chu Xi Nian?"

"I'm here."

After answering this sentence succinctly, the man kicked him out of the room with a blank face, left him covered in blood like a corpse in the corridor, and slammed his hand back against him. The tip of his nose slammed the door.

Liu Liang snorted in pain, although he was an ignorant bastard, now he understood what was going on.

His beating was not in vain... Who made him, the fake Li Gui, unlucky to start a teacher, and unexpectedly met the real Li Kui here.

"Liangzi, Liangzi, how are you?" Not far away, the cousin who had been huddling in the shadows and poking her head finally ran over, covering her mouth, wanting to help Liu Liang who fell on the ground, but also afraid of his bloody injuries. I don't know how to help him better, "Wake up, I can't call an ambulance for you, that man just met the big boss of this hotel, I, I can't lose this job."

Liu Liang used his last strength to roll his eyes at his ruthless cousin, tilted his head and completely lost consciousness.


In the room, Chu Xinian walked towards the bed with his long legs, and saw Qin Yiren's disheveled and drunken state, as well as the blood stains on the bed sheet that hadn't dried up.

His pupils narrowed into a line in an instant, his blood-stained fists were clenched, and he turned around unconsciously, preparing to send that half-dead scum to reincarnation.

As for how to deal with the follow-up issue, he would rather go to jail for murder than watch Qin Yiren being humiliated and remain indifferent.

At this moment, his thoughts were calm and clear, and he was completely enlightened like never before.

It turned out that Qin Yiren's position in his heart was far more important than he imagined.

"Chu Xinian..."

Murmuring the man's name in a low voice, Qin Yiren coughed uncomfortably.

The hotel's facilities were not very good, and her exposed skin was cold, and she shrank and wanted to hide under the quilt.

Chu Xianian's walking steps stopped instantly.

If he immediately killed that scum who took advantage of the situation, wouldn't it be the same as announcing that Qin Yiren was...

This kind of humiliation, not to mention Qin Yiren's simple temperament, I'm afraid no woman can bear it.

After pondering for a moment in a dilemma, Chu Xinian looked at the closed door with gloomy eyes, as if piercing through the thin wooden board, staring at that disgusting man to death.

Of course he will avenge Qin Yiren, but the only prerequisite is that he must adopt a method that will not hurt her.

As long as she doesn't remember everything that happened tonight, then he can also pretend that nothing happened.

How to deal with the next thing can only be decided in the morning when Qin Yiren sobers up.

After making up his mind in a moment, Chu Xinian stepped back to the bedside, looking down at her with distress and self-blame in his eyes, almost unable to breathe smoothly due to heartache.

It was all his fault that things would turn out like this.

When Qin Yiren wakes up, he will take on all the responsibilities as a man. Everything that happened tonight is well known, so there is no need to mention it.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Chu Xinian shook off the quilt and gently covered Qin Yiren, adjusting her to a more comfortable sleeping position.

When she straightened her body, she realized that her slender fingers had somehow grabbed the corner of his clothes. In her sleep, she still frowned, whispering his name in a very uneasy voice: "Chu Xinian..."

"I'm here."

Sitting down beside the bed, he stretched out his hand to gently wipe off the thin sweat on Qin Yiren's snow-white forehead, and the long eyelashes covered the endless remorse and sadness in his eyes.

Immediately, the phone vibrated in his pocket.

Chu Xiannian didn't intend to answer the call, but changed his mind after looking at the caller ID.

"Mr. Chu, have you found Yiren? I'm at the door of that restaurant now, but it's closed."

"I found her, don't worry."

"Great!" Yan Xiaye was obviously relieved, sneezed several times in a row in the cold autumn night, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "It's just that she's fine."


With a simple answer, Chu Xinian's eyes were icy cold.

He hated himself and complained about Xia Ye.

If Yan Xiaye hadn't left Qin Yiren there alone, perhaps nothing would have happened tonight.

He knew that what he complained was unreasonable, but he could understand it intellectually, but he couldn't accept it emotionally.

So his tone was very cold and sounded very unfriendly: "That's it, goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, he turned off his phone, took off his clothes and lay beside Qin Yiren, quietly listening to her breathing in the dark.

Time flies overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Yiren opened his eyes with a splitting headache, and what caught his eyes was the man's magnified handsome face.

She opened her eyes wide in ignorance, looked at the man's chest with clear texture, and then lifted the quilt to look at herself in disheveled clothes, her expression gradually became complicated.

Judging from the state of the two of them, sharing the same bed this time is obviously no longer as simple as just chatting under the quilt in the past.

She didn't know how it would feel after the first night, but her body hurt like being run over by a car.

Swallowing timidly, she asked uncertainly, "Last night..."

"it's me."

Chu Xiannian looked at her with a smile, as if he finally got the long-awaited treasure.


Qin Yi's heartbeat was a little disordered, as if shy and at a loss, she hurriedly dodged her eyes.

She once fantasized about having a skin-to-skin date with Chu Xiannian, but the place in her fantasy is not a hotel, and the time should be after the two get their marriage certificates and accept the blessings of all their relatives and friends. Wedding rings for two...

But all fantasies related to it came to an abrupt end when she knew that sooner or later she would turn back to Huang Qian and leave Chu Xiannian.

"I drank too much wine yesterday, you don't need to feel any pressure, I will pretend that this has never happened." Qin Yiren babbled to himself, and Qin Yiren finally nodded cautiously: "Yes, you don't have to I'm worried that I will talk nonsense in front of Ji Manman, you and her..."

"I have nothing with her." Chu Xinian had a slight smile on his thin lips, held her small face with his slender fingers, stared at her eyes earnestly and affectionately, and said without hesitation: "Yi Ren, let's get married." .”


"I know this proposal is a bit hasty. There are no flowers, music and diamond rings. I will prepare all of these within today. You will get up and have breakfast in a while, then go home with me to meet your parents, and then my elders will go to your house together Formal proposal."

Qin Yi's heart beat faster and faster, and she felt dizzy like falling into a cloud.

At such a close distance, she clearly heard every word Chu Xinian said, but the meaning of the combination made her feel confused.

He said... he was proposing?
To her?

Instead of Ji Manman?

After spending a few minutes digesting everything in front of him, Qin Yiren's mood gradually changed from dubious to extremely pleasantly surprised, and finally to feeling lost.

If she had always been from Qin Yi and had no past and memories belonging to Huang Qian, then she would happily nod her head immediately.


Compared to her own happiness, she still owes Yan Xiaye a lively and lovely baby.

That was her sin. Before finding out where the child was, she didn't deserve happiness.

Chu Xiannian noticed Qin Yiren's subtle expression changes.

The man broke into a cold sweat with tense heartstrings, afraid that she would think of something she shouldn't have thought of, so he changed the subject with a chuckle: "What style of diamond ring do you like? It's better for the wedding dress to be trailed? There are also flowers for the wedding, How about the lily? Where's the little daisy?"

A series of questions fell from the sky, making Qin Yiren even more confused.

Blinking her eyes at the man for a moment, she still couldn't believe that what he said was true, "Chu Xinian, are you... proposing to me?"

"Yeah, didn't I understand enough?"

Chu Xiannian was overjoyed, he took Qin Yiren's small white hand and kissed it on the corner of his lips, he suddenly understood and teased her: "Be honest, do you want me to kneel down on one knee and say the same thing again?"

I can't help but imagine the scene where Chu Xiannian knelt down on one knee to propose to her. Qin Yiren's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she pursed her lips in a duplicity: "No, I just think your proposal is too sudden, can you give me a little more consideration?" time?"

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