Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 11 - The Quill is Mightier Than the Sword

”Power to enforce your will or knowledge to soothe your hunger? Take your time.” The cat lies down again watching my inner struggle as I try to find my answer.

I ponder on it for a minute, then two, then five, then a lot. In the end, I remember something Mom and Dad used to say to get me to read books and learn.

“Knowledge is strength,” I mutter. “well of course not all knowledge, but still. I think I’d rather have answers to my questions than live all my life just for the sake of getting strong. It sounds super basic and boring.” My confidence grows as I speak.

“An interesting decision.” The cat’s eyes flash yellow again. ”So be it. The question gnawing at your mind, say it, any question that intrigues you. However, be careful what you wish to know, knowledge can be dangerous and a single inquiry is all I can permit.”

Another dilemma, this time maybe even an even greater one. Every day and every answer just presents a new question so I have a buttload of them, mostly useless or weird ones of course. Who exactly is this cat? What happened to the bastards who robbed us? What do I have to do to become unbeatable? How could I befriend dragons or get a phoenix as a companion like in the founding tale of Valeria? There are just too many questions…

My wandering mind makes me remember the problem that’s been gnawing at me for some years now, a weird secret of the world that we should know by now yet is often overlooked. What exactly is fire? Not just fire, what about the other elements? What is lightning? What’s the earth made out of? Beside dirt. If there’s nothing in the air then what are the winds?

And so without thinking, without intent behind it, my mouth opens. “The world… how does it work? What exactly are the magical elements?” Before I can realize what I just said, the cat stands up and stretches its limbs.

I catch genuine mirth flicker across the cat’s face before it speaks. “Yes… finally some true curiosity. That was more than one question but the intention behind them is one, so I’ll allow it. Most are just interested in immortality, the way to unparalleled strength, hah, those greedy creatures. Your question, however,” The cat starts circling me. “is truly driven by curiosity and the desire for an answer.” The cat smiles, although I have no idea how I can tell feline facial expressions apart.

“There are places and beings who have found a solution to your dilemma after millennia of searching. Some wiser, others relying on brute strength or pure luck…” And with that, a long list appears with words. Countless rows of names. “These are the names of those who have found the answer to your question in their own unique way. You may choose one or leave the choice to fate and accept the result.”

I look at the long list, Malakar, Elleven, Avantheim, and so many more I can’t even remember the first few. Then… a weird one catches my attention. Earth? What a stupid name that is, like naming your cat Cat, or the village you live in Village.

The cat sees my gaze linger on the name. “Ah, a world with a truly unusual name. Who would name their world after the soil? Nevertheless, it's not my place to judge. They have a… different approach to the matter compared to the others.” Then it remains silent again, letting me look through the list, name after name.

Does it even matter which one I choose at this point? They are all answers to my question anyway, or so the cat said, so it’s not like I can mess this up. There is no wrong answer among only good ones, so… whatever.

“Just give me the weirdly named one. The Earth.” I can't be bothered with this, I’m too damn curious about the actual stuff.

“This was the third and last decision, I promise.” The cat chuckles while I roll my eyes. “An interesting choice I have to say, the knowledge of Earth.” Its eyes turn yellow once again and countless tiny stars flicker through it. “Hmmm, a scientific approach. Very detailed and it certainly fulfills the criteria but… I’m sorry I don’t think this one is suitable.”

Huh? And I give voice to that thought. “Huh? Why not, it has the answer, no?”

This is stupid, why provide it as a choice if it's not a good one? Wait, did I choose wrong?

“Calm your nerves Elyssia, none of the choices listed was in any way incorrect, it’s just… this one is a bit too much. To be precise, some knowledge here isn’t necessarily, correct or rather applicable to magic as we know it, since the world it derives from is quite different from ours. On the other side of the coin, Earth has some ideas and theories that we can not allow to ever fall into greedy mortal hands. It’s simply too much.” Now it's the cat that seems conflicted, but that expression disappears quickly.

And who is that ‘we’ it mentioned?

“I have a proposal for you.” It speaks up finally and I nod, signaling my interest. “I will place restrictions on your Blessing and in exchange provide a boon alongside the knowledge you asked for. This or let you choose another name.” It offers. “There have been many precedents for such measures when the question was too significant. It won't ruin what you gain just… limit its use.” The deal is on the table, now it’s just up to me whether I take it or not.

Okay, so I’m not the first to ask something from the cat… Man, I’d love to be a bit less clueless right now.

“Could you elaborate on that? On the restriction?” I try to learn more before making a decision, an important life lesson.

“The knowledge of Earth is unique and precise like no other with insights that could shake Aelion to its core.” The cat emphasizes the same thing again. “Therefore you would be forbidden from sharing the knowledge you receive.” Okay… “The other glaring problem is that the more complex elements are not grasped properly. There’s great wisdom here about them, don't get me wrong, but it might not be the correct approach.”

“So it is still the answer I’m looking for, mostly, and I just have to keep it to myself?” I make sure I understand it right.

“Indeed,” The cat nods. “In exchange, I’ll provide a sliver of power. As you said, knowledge is strength. I have something in mind that someone like you, with Celestial blood, would find great use of.” It lays back down, getting comfortable till I make my decision. “So what will it be? Choose a new answer or bear the restriction and receive a boon?”

I have to go over things again just to make sure I didn’t misunderstand anything.

“So you’re saying my question gets answered one way or the other but by choosing the second option I get some nice bonuses for keeping my knowledge secret. Like… I’d be stupid not to take option two. I’ll obviously shut my damn mouth about this whole debacle anyway, Mom taught me that some secrets are never meant to be shared.” I declare with confidence in my voice. “And could you please keep the incorrect parts too? Just out of curiosity.”

“A weird one.” The cat’s eyes flash yellow again. “Whether your choice is the correct one or not remains shrouded in the veil of fate but I like your attitude. Very well, your Blessing has been decided upon.” The cat looks toward the incoming waves where a clam is washed ashore.

I pick up on the obvious cue and walk up to the shell only for it to shimmer and open, revealing words inside:

[Crimson's Blessed - Arcane]

You were born under the Comet of Change. It is a curse upon every living being in the world yet you receive its blessing. In exchange for the hardship, a boon is due. You were born in desperate times when mana surged, nature raged and the living trembled. As one of the youngest of the survivors of the calamity, your future is to rebuild, grow and prosper. May you bring balance to the world, or shake it to its core once more. May the Crimson's blessing be upon you.

[+6 Free Points per level]

The meaning behind the words slowly sinks in as I stare ahead of me, a little overwhelmed by everything that happened in the last… since I arrived in this dream.

So I was born under the Crimson Comet and that's it. Then I reread it. Survivors? Does that mean that every person who came out of their mothers when the sky was red gets the same stuff?

“No, not the same, just similar. The Blessing is built around one’s personality. And don’t misinterpret it, it’s not just people.” The cat pauses and it dawns on me. “That’s right everything born under the Comet gets the same chance, its light does not discriminate.”

“Wow, I mean this is huge but how does my Blessing work?” I ask as I don't notice anything different and don't know anything new.

“Oh, you’ll have to wait until you wake up.” The cat’s tone turns casual all of a sudden. “For now, I think our time here has come to an end, this occasion was a special one, as we won't see each other again now that balance’s been restored. Farewell, little one.”

As the cat starts to walk away something important comes to mind. I forgot my manners. “Wait, what’s your name?”

The cat turns its little head, amusement flickering through its eyes again, for a second it just stands there as if considering something before giving me an answer. “Librea, my name is Librea.” And it continues walking away.

“Thanks for everything Librea!” I shout after her as I begin to feel lightheaded and collapse the next second.


As I open my eyes like any other morning a shiver runs down my spine and I notice my whole bed soaked in my sweat. Yuck. I quickly throw off my blanket and sit up searching through my memories…

Blessing where? Did I really dream all that…

Just as I’m about to hop out of my bed and drink the outrage juice it hits me. Pain like a thousand headaches assaults my mind and I fall back with a silent scream and no control over my body. Every second more and more knowledge settles into my mind and pushes it toward the bursting point where the pressure is nearly unbearable. I’ve had bad headaches before and hit that pointy inner part of my elbow many times, and let’s not forget about my leg being crushed but this… this takes it all.

Unable to make any sound I just curl up on my bed and try my best to weather this harrowing experience that seemingly lasts forever. After the pain slowly retreats down like the dying embers in a campfire a new world opens up for me. A whole new world, invisible to the naked eye, in constant motion.

Fire, that damn fire is so much more than just red mana. The heat, the fuel, the oxygen whatever that is… oh, found it, it’s in the air, like many other elements and… water? Oh yes, there’s water in the air, that whacky liquid that can’t decide how its density should change depending on the temperature and is found in almost everything. Earth is… many things.

Actually, none of these elements are as simple or clear as they seem, and the way mana exists in them can be just as undefined. So what shape is mana, does it look like a ball or a string or a cloud of fart? Yes. All of them depending on the purpose.

“Then the rest is…” I search through my mind, looking for the juicy bits about the other eleven elements. “Where’s the rest? Did I get scammed?”

No matter how much I search the only thing I find about any of those things are dumb theories I read in some books and the tricks of some street performers. Only four out of the fifteen!

“I demand a refund!” I shake my fist toward the ceiling. “This is so mammoth crap, totally not what I was promised! Explanation, now!

[Congratulations, you’ve changed your Class to [Crimson's Blessed - Arcane].]

[Your Class [Crimson's Blessed] has reached lvl 1, +6 Free Points]

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the skill [Savant lvl 1], slotting skill forcefully.]

Oh wait, this means…

“Status.” I mutter despite the continuous comments from my parents to call the name in my head.


Age: 9

Celestial Elf

Mana: 110

Free Points: 6


Might: 7

Intelligence: 11

Mana: 11

Speed: 11

Focus: 12(+0)

Willpower: 12

Endurance: 8

Dexterity: 10

Fortitude: 8

General Skills:

Savant lvl 1

I. Class: Crimson's Blessed - Arcane lvl 1

II. Class: *Locked*

III. Class: *Locked*

Wow, I finally have it. I finally have a Skill and attributes and everything.

I’m so overjoyed I almost totally forget about the frustration and the previous excruciating experience before wincing slightly as I jump out of bed, still not fully recovered. Instead, I plop back down and take a look at the only Skill I have.

Savant: You understand the invisible principles guiding everything, the cogs of reality working tirelessly to keep the world in motion. Mana becomes docile in the presence of the one seeing through its great game and follows your lead as you grasp its nature. (Focus +0.3% per level.) Disclosing the contents of the Skill will draw repercussions.

This still does not answer my question of why the fuck I can’t scrape together anything about elements besides fire air water and earth. Even when I try to go down the lead of these four I bump into a wall as if something…

“Something is holding me back.” I mutter. “Of course, that dumb Skill is only level 1.” I facepalm. “That’s a petty move.”

All that headache and the charade about choosing something great only for it to be withheld by the Journey Guide…

“Man that sucks…” I grumble because that’s all I can do about it.

Moping aside, I’m still full of beans so without wasting any more time I burst out of my room and holler at the top of my lungs. “Mom Dad, I’m nine, I finally got a Skill!”

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