Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 contract

The key found from Leicester belongs to the exclusive key of a bank vault. There is a nameplate on it that shows the number of the safe and the identity information of Leicester. Only when I take this key to the bank in person can I open this insurance cabinet.

When Lester dies, theoretically the safe will be permanently sealed, even if someone finds the key, it is impossible to verify the identity information.

After returning home smoothly, Harvey finally relaxed. The feeling of killing for the first time made him very uncomfortable. He was a human for two lives, but he basically never killed a chicken by himself. Fortunately, he used weird means such as magic. Killing, the visual effect is much easier. After the shower, he lay on the bed in his bedroom to sort out the process and follow-up.

“Unexpectedly, the guy named Kathy would really kill him. If he appeared in front of people, he probably knew that the Leicester operation had failed. It would be unwise to confront the Elroy family with his current strength. It is ridiculous to want to borrow the power of the law. Although the court system is theoretically independent of the noble system and has the power to judge nobles, most of the people who control the court are themselves nobles.”

“It is necessary to find the contract Lester said. A bank in a small city should not be able to set up tools to detect signs of magic. Lester’s body has been eroded and clean, and no one will find the fact of his death in a short time.”

“After all, the strength is not enough.” Harvey thought helplessly. If he had strong strength, he would now be able to kill the Elroy family and reward Kathy with a fireball technique, the so-called nobility and the law. Faced with a powerful spellcaster, they don’t even dare to put a fart.

The standard for a strong caster is higher than the upper caster, and the actual combat effectiveness of the middle and lower casters may not be as good as a patrol team.

After thinking about it for a long time, Harvey got up from the bed, walked to the desk, took out a piece of letter paper, and wrote a letter in a nearly arrogant tone. The recipient is the Patriarch of the Elroy family. The contents of the envelope are probably if something similar happens again. In the attack, according to the rules of the Magic Association, he could protect himself. At that time, he would use magic to wipe out all members of the Elroy family.

is written in the third person throughout the text, fabricating the identity of a high-level spellcaster who has a good relationship with the Adrian family.

“Fictionalized the existence of a spellcaster who protects himself, and warns the earl as a spellcaster. The nobles generally tend to be conservative. Traditional nobles maintain a natural awe of the caster. They know that real spells are more than just It’s for performances.”

The role of the letter is to maintain a rigid relationship. If Harvey admits that he is the caster, the situation will only get worse. His age is obvious to all. It is difficult for others to believe that he is a high-level caster. Exposing this is basically equivalent to If the fish die and the net is broken, the risk is too great. It’s better to buy more time and wait until you have enough accumulation to become a high-level spellcaster before killing the Elroy family.

After writing the letter, Harvey called out the attribute panel in his mind to activate the second-order illusion spell [Illusion] obtained from Kenneth.

“【Phantom art】

Class: Second order

Magic system: illusion system

Spell Level: D

Description: Create a false illusion, the recognition of the illusion changes according to the effect of the spell, and it will be cancelled when it is interfered by the spell.

Status: Not activated (D-level proficiency activation conditions, spirit 18, intelligence, 13, energy consumption 16


The next day, Harvey came to the bank where the safe key was located. First, in an alley, he used [Illusion] to transform his appearance into the appearance of Leicester.

Harvey took out the prepared portable mirror and took a photo to make sure that there was nothing wrong with his appearance. He was wearing a black suit, and the mirror reflected a calm and solemn middle-aged gentleman.

“The appearance is similar to nine points, but the facial muscles are stiff, and the eyes are hollow, and the flaws can still be seen by close observation with the naked eye.”

Although Lester, which was transformed from his inner impression, has many loopholes, it should be enough to deceive unfamiliar people. He entered the bank. The layout of the bank was quite old-fashioned. The counters were separated by ordinary iron railings, and people in bright clothes entered and exited here. After showing the key to the bank staff, he was taken by the bank manager to a separate room to check a file and photos to confirm Harvey’s identity.

“Mr. Kirton Lester, please come with me.” The bank manager bowed respectfully and walked ahead to lead Harvey.

This business is probably not very important. The bank manager confirmed that Harvey looked almost like the person in the photo and took him to another room. He opened several isolation doors like prison iron doors. Several people can be seen in front of the door. A strong bodyguard, the manager used Harvey’s key to select one of the many safes and take out a leather suitcase and give it to him.

The whole process did not go smoothly. Harvey got the suitcase and walked out of the bank. The time he bowed his head was overwhelmed and relieved. [Illusion] This spell belongs to the second order. If the duration exceeds five minutes and wants to continue the effect of the spell, it needs to continue. Consumes the caster’s own mental power, and when he gets the suitcase, the [Illusion] has been cancelled. The continuous spell effect almost empties his mental power. Before the spell effect is cancelled, he estimates that his mental power will be emptied and lose consciousness. .

Harvey patted his forehead to adapt to the dizziness caused by excessive mental energy consumption, and his face was pale and whispered: “Damn, I hope this suitcase is so valuable.”

Back home, Harvey opened this mysterious suitcase to find something useful to him.

“Five thousand Balen pounds, but I am not short of money now.” Harvey took out a stack of Balen pounds and set it aside.

“Many IDs… Oh, I even have IDs from neighboring countries. The preparations are very thorough. It’s useless. I will burn them later.”

“This is the contract that Lester is talking about?” He found a contract with thick fingers. After turning it over, the first page reads Lester’s unknown transaction with other people.

“January 21st, 1315 I, Curton Lester, and Mr. Patrick Morley have reached a cooperation. I need to kill Mr. Terence Nelson, and Mr. Patrick Morley needs to pay Give me 6000 Balen pounds…”

“On April 11, 1315, I, Kirton Lester, sold five young children to Mr. Spring Nicole at a price of 1,000 Barrons each…”

“On September 5, 1316, I, Kirton Lester, and Ms. Sandra Nell reached a cooperation to sell the “Black Moonlight” extract at a price of 500 barrons per drop…”

Each page records all the information of a secret transaction, including time, place, and person. At the end of the contract, there are signatures and fingerprints of both parties. Harvey generally knows the usefulness of this thing, and it is estimated that some of the transactions concluded with Leicester The powerful and powerful, in order not to disappear suddenly one day, such evidence is very necessary.

“Wait, this is…” After turning a page, Harvey looked at the name on the contract in surprise.

“On May 4, 1317, I, Curton Lester, and Mr. Miles Adrian reached an agreement to provide three unidentified young slaves at a price of 800 barrons per person…”

Miles Adrian?

This is Harvey Adrian’s father’s name. Harvey continued to look down and found that this page of the contract also added a lot of information. In addition to the so-called statusless slaves, there are also some weird spell-casting materials. Why is the spell-casting material weird? At least Harvey has never heard that regular casting requires the placenta of pregnant women or the blood of pure women as casting materials. These things are generally only liked by demons.

“My God, as Mr. Randolph said, the Adrian family once studied forbidden magic or black magic!?”

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