Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 31 – Short Banquet, pretty Dancers

The Princess was well dressed and Aiko sat on her shoulder. Aiko would be carried later by the Princess, but for now, she had a nice view of her surroundings.

She looked around as they rode onto the main road in the carriage. The outside was colourful, but not yet dark.

There was a long carpet coming from the main palace all the way to the huge fortress walls, it was a display of wealth not seen often.

The carpet looked quite expensive yet they let them ride all over it.

There were many paper lamps on the side of the road, all leading towards the main palace. The main palace didn't have any lighting as of yet, but that was only because it was late afternoon, once it became evening/night, they would light it with Cultivation Techniques and additional lamps/artefacts.

The main palace was lavishly decorated. Silk was hung on all the beams creating a nice and pleasant atmosphere. The carpets were almost everywhere, not letting the mortals freeze.

Once they entered the main hall it was even more lavish than before. Jade was paved inside the walls and support beams. Spider Silk was used as the main decoration and hanging. Paper lamps were beautifully painted, creating a nice mystical feeling. There were low tables everywhere and in the middle high above all of them was the King's seat. The King also had his own table with everything he might need.

The tables were made out of expensive spiritual wood. Another demonstration of their Sect/Kingdom's wealth.

People were announced before they entered and seated by the common rules.

The Princess was also seated, not too far, but also not really close. She was in an odd place, but she didn't really care. This would be the last banquet she would attend.

She sighed gently, all the concubines and their stupid daughters were almost right below the King, which was insulting to the many officials who were trying to keep the Kingdom running.

The servants brought her juice, surprisingly it was not poisoned, which was strange, but she didn't dwell on it.

She drank the juice and placed Aiko on her lap. Aiko was curious about this juice since it smelled nice, not as nice as meat, but nice enough to pique her curiosity.

The Princess let Aiko sniff it, but Aiko's face distorted once she was hit by that bitter smell.

She couldn't understand why that happened as it was sweet before, but now suddenly it's bitter?

The Princess giggled. "It's from a special fruit. As long as you don't get too close to that fruit it will smell sweet and delicious, but once you get close enough, it will smell bitter."

Aiko lay on her lap, no longer interested in that fruit juice.

'I don't like bitter things.' Aiko scrunched up her face. 'Sweet is somewhat alright, but I mostly like salty things. Which is strange since I'm an animal, but I still like salt?' Aiko thought about it for a moment. 'I don't know much about animals so it's useless to ponder on it.'

The Princess had a smile on her lips. She really liked this part of Aiko, nice, obedient and sweet.

The King arrived in the room and everyone bowed except the Princess, the bow was also a sign of respect, but she didn't have any respect towards her current father.

The King seated himself and beckoned others to do the same. He was bitter that his daughter didn't greet him and seated herself so far away...

A sigh escaped his lips.

'Everything changed when I tried to protect her. Everything is turning the wrong way.' King sighed. He was tired, unable to protect her love, letting her leave him and now even his daughter was like that...

The banquet was quiet waiting for the visitors.

The announcer called. The Water Flowing Sect is coming.

Those old fossils entered the hall and were seated. They lecherously looked around especially when the lightly dressed dancers entered the hall and danced to the tune. Aiko really liked them, they were almost perfectly in sync and it was a joy to watch them as they moved. She had experienced this once before she didn't know when or where, but she knew that the previous guys were not even half as good as these dancers.

The Princess glanced at Aiko who was watching them in curiosity. She almost looked like an NPC as she had her head move in sync with them.

The Princess giggled, tasting the food they brought to her, it was alright, but not as good as the other tables. It seems like the concubines didn't have enough, but she didn't care enough to do anything about it. She would soon leave with her Mom, which meant there would be carnage and she just had to wait a few days.

The dancers continued dancing and some Cultivators had a conversation with her Father, she noticed a few glancing her way, but she ignored them.

"King, how about giving us one beast as a sign of friendship?" One of the Cultivators asked shamelessly.

The Princess was stunned, her mind restless. It would be fine if they picked one of the King's beasts, but-

"It doesn't need to be anything big, just that little guy would be enough." The Cultivator smiled gently, gesturing towards Aiko.

The King paused looking at his daughter.

The Princess had her blood almost boiling over. 'How dare they suggest something like that.' She didn't let it see on her face, but she was waiting for her Father, will he do at least one thing right?

"I don't think that's a bad idea, dear. First Princess has many beasts, so giving one away for friendship isn't bad." The third concubine spoke.

Before the King could speak the Cultivator praised her wife.

"You have a wise wife, King." The Cultivator smiled. "Naturally it won't be for free and we will give you treasures in good faith."

The other Cultivators who were with him didn't speak, but they were already rubbing their hands and... other things. Licking their lips in anticipation. Of course, discreetly.

The King looked at his daughter. 'She doesn't seem too affected nor is she glaring... is she fine with it?'

The Princess stared at her Father. 'Don't you dare to suggest anything or I'm no longer your daughter.'

The Princess didn't glare since that's how she was taught. Her father was in high position not by default, but he fought his way from commoner to the King thanks to the help her mother provided. That meant that he didn't get an education about Royal etiquette, at least not the complete version.

"I don't think that's a bad idea-" The King was cut short by the Princess.

"FATHER!" She screamed at him, but couldn't move. Her Guards were nearby and ready to kill those Cultivators if they dared to touch the Princess.

The Princess was suppressed by one of the Cultivators. She couldn't move and her Guards moved in front of her to protect her.

"Thank you for this favour, your Majesty." The Cultivator smiled and stood up, he needed to act quickly unless the king changed his mind.

Aiko observed everything. 'This girl is nice, but also a fool.' She shook her head. The Princess was trying desperately to move against the restriction to hug her.

Aiko jumped on the table eating here and there, since soon there would be chaos.

"What a smart beast." The Cultivator praised and the King groaned. He messed up again.

The Cultivator had already prepared the Beast Enslavement rune on his hand, just a little touch, no a brush on her body and that little beauty would be his.

He smiled from ear to ear. Aiko was observing him, she didn't mind him coming closer since she noticed a ring on his finger. The same ring that the Stinky Fox used and what she also 'found' on the desert battlefield.

"You are mine~!" The Cultivator hummed with a perverted expression. King didn't realize that it was a Fox, otherwise, he would never agree with it, but alas.

[Someone is trying to forcibly Contract you.]
[User doesn't wish to be Contracted.]
[[Blessing of the Ancestral Nine-Tailed Fox] frowned and Activated. Contract Nullified.]
[[Blessing of the Ancestral Phoenix] roared in anger and Activated! Contract abuser will burn in Phoenix Flames!]


"AAAAAAA" The Cultivator lit up like a candle burning.

The people inside the room were shocked. Especially the King, Princess and visiting Cultivators.

The King, because he never saw this sight where people would spontaneously combust.

The Princess, because while she did hear that they died during the Contract. She never imagined it was this violent.

The Cultivators, because they didn't expect someone at the Peak of Golden Core to so easily fall.

Aiko didn't dilly-dally and used her [Quick Jump] to get near the Cultivator's head.

She then used [Laceration] and easily cut off his head, silencing the room in the process.

[Gained Level]

There was no resistance since he was already weakened by the flames. He was already a Mortal.

When she was falling she used [Laceration] yet again and cut off his fingers. Picking up the ring.

She turned around, nodding at the Princess with the ring around her small teeth. She looked cute and terrifying at the same time. This beast easily took down a Cultivator!

The mortals didn't move, lest they would be targetted by the beast, but the Cultivators snapped out of it as Aiko had their precious [Storage Ring] with all the wealth they brought.

"Give it back!" The Cultivator, releasing the restraints on the Princess and chasing after the little beast.

Aiko shook her butt with a tail at him, enraging him.

She then slipped inside shadows doubling her speed, escaping them quite easily.

After Aiko escaped the Princess got up. "I HATE YOU!"

She stormed back to her Palace where she would wait till everything calmed down... or not. 'I hope she is safe...' She was really tempted to pursue them, but she was also scared she would get in the way.

She was a Cultivator, but she was still in the Body Refinement(Preparation) Stage. She needed to adjust her body to a mortal peak before she could start gathering Qi.

The Princess looked towards the chasing Cultivators. 'There is also that way, but... Mum would scold me if I used it for this.' She sighed abandoning that thought. "Send one Guard after them, if the little beast is in too much danger you are allowed to intervene." The Princess commanded.

At first, they hesitated, but knew the Princess's antics so they nodded at each other and one left... The rest was guided back to the Princess Palace where they activated the Defensive Formation just in case those Cultivators wanted to go after them.

'This will keep them at bay for a few days maybe even weeks, but by that time Mother would already be here, we have enough food in our rings that we don't need to open this Formation, so everything will be alright.' The Princess thought still looking towards those Cultivators trying to search for Aiko.

'Wait, did they lose her?!' The Princess was speechless. 'How useless are those Cultivators?!' She pinched her bridge and frowned towards the main Palace. 'Father... you are a fool.'


Now I know what I forgot. I wanted to tell you guys that I will shift the morning chapter by 2 hours so I have enough time to settle my thoughts and not forget anything, especially since now I have an unfortunate situation with my cat. My apologies, I will try not to make this mistake again.

On another note, I did gloss over most of the etiquette and stuff, since it's... difficult. Many sources claim different things so I just picked the simplest way out as my brain was overheated by the differences, but~

In the next chapter, we will finally have only our thieving little Aiko for ourselves~ <3

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