Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 552, True Scenery and Celestial Phenomenon

Nan Aolongjun has a dragon head, and it's not just a look.

But it does have a trace of true dragon blood!

At this moment, it is violently inciting demon power, and the heaven and earth are also responding to it.

In the blink of an eye, the sky that was clear just now turned gloomy.

Then the wind picked up.

Waves suddenly rose on the deserted sea.

This was accompanied by heavy downpours.

Thousands of miles around, there are clouds, strong winds, huge waves, and heavy rain.

Then thick bolts of lightning struck into the deserted sea, as if connecting the sky and the ocean.

"Rumble, rumble~~" Finally came the belated continuous thunder.

In just a moment, the sky turned from sunny to stormy.

Xu Fei looked up at the sky while suppressing the demon Liu Zhen.

This rain...he can't drive it away!

After you have reached a certain level of cultivation, it is not difficult to change the celestial phenomena.

After all, there are many spells such as praying for wind and rain.

But the dark clouds and heavy rain in front of me are not ordinary.

On the other side, Di Zhi Yihuang also quickly noticed the difference in this rain.

This made him chuckle, but he took a high look at the little loach.

It is not so easy to activate the true sky phenomenon with only a trace of the true dragon bloodline.

As Lord Nan Aolong triggered the heavy rain, the water vapor lingering on his body slowly dissipated.

A snake-like body was revealed.

It has a fish-like tail, but no claws or dorsal fin.

Of course, it doesn't seem impossible if Nan Aolongjun's two arm claws that resemble human arms are regarded as dragon claws.

With the activation of the True Scenery Celestial Phenomenon, Nan Ao Longjun no longer needs to activate the demon power to keep flying.

Because it is now naturally floating.

Feel the growth you get from being in the real sky.

Nan Aolongjun swam his body very freely.

But the next moment, the endless water of the desert sea rose into the sky, and the heavy rain poured down on Xu Fei and Yihuang.

Thunder and lightning, strong winds, and even dark clouds were all activated by Nan Aolongjun.

Use it!

The true celestial phenomenon is a talent that can only be possessed by some powerful spiritual species.

It can change the environment and greatly enhance itself.

If we say that Nan Aolong Lord before he activated the True Scenery Sky Phenomenon, he was quite weak among the current group of people and water monsters.

So now its strength has jumped to a very strong level.

Even Lord Beihui on the side now stepped aside, leaving the battlefield to his companions to avoid affecting Aolong's performance.

Being exposed to the continuous attacks of such violent rain, thunder and lightning, and strong winds.

Xu Fei kept urging the protective spells to resist Nan Aolongjun's attack.

At the same time, the carrying hand also provided a certain degree of protection for the demon Liu Zhen.

After all, it would be bad if Nan Aolongjun took the opportunity to rescue the demon Liu Zhen.

As for the other side, Earth Corpse Yihuang's body was condensed with earth energy, like an invisible protective shield, which perfectly protected it.

Even though thunder and lightning are dancing like dragons and snakes outside, huge amounts of sea water and rain are beating endlessly, and the wind is blowing violently like a knife.

But the corpse Yihuang is still safe and sound.

In other words, it was because Yihuang, the Earth Corpse, was the main force and attracted almost 80% of the offensive force that Xu Fei was able to watch easily from the sidelines.

Nan Aolongjun kept attacking fiercely.

Earth Corpse Yihuang only defends and does not attack at all.

If it were someone else, he might have thought that Yihuang, the Earth Corpse, didn't have the energy to fight back.

But Nan Aolongjun was sure in his heart that the other party was arrogant and allowed it to attack.

And then tease it with an unharmed attitude! Laugh at it!

This made Lord Nan Aolong use his demonic power even more violently.

The thunder and lightning became more violent, the attacks of sea water and rain became more violent, and the strong wind howled more violently!

Xu Fei couldn't help but add a few layers of protection to himself.

However, after about half a cup of tea, Nan Aolongjun's demonic power was greatly consumed, and he flourished and then declined.

Even the real sky scene could not be maintained, and in a blink of an eye the clouds dispersed and the rain stopped.

And looking at Yihuang, the earth corpse whose clothes were not even touched, Nan Aolongjun's expression was full of unwillingness.

It has obviously worked so hard! Obviously the strength is already very strong!

Why is the person in front of me still so out of reach? !

Looking at Nan Aolongjun who was close to exhaustion, the figure of Yihuang, the corpse of the earth, suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Nan Aolongjun's neck.

A little man over four feet looked like a grain of rice in front of a giant monster with a body over a thousand feet.

But this grain of rice brazenly attacked with fists!

Lord Nan Aolong was caught off guard and was about to be unable to escape.

However, he was rescued by Bei Hui Shangjun who was expecting something from the side.

Escaped the attack of Yihuang, the Earthly Corpse.

Zhi Yihuang was not surprised by this, and turned to look at Lord Beihui who had rescued his companion in the distance.

"You have been very smart since you were a child." Dishi Yihuang said.

"Thank you Lord Phoenix for the compliment." Bei Hui Shangjun said.

While the two sides were talking, Nan Aolongjun calmed down his anger, took out a bottle of elixir from his earring storage bag, threw them all into his mouth, closed his eyes and entangled his body and landed on the sea, and began to recover his demonic power.

Since our own side is at an advantage, it will undoubtedly be able to take things more calmly.

After the storm dissipated, Xu Fei sighed a little while tightening restrictions on Tianmo Liuzhen to prevent him from taking the opportunity to escape.

Isn’t it going to work just for a while?

He looks powerful, but is he actually an old, weak, sick person?

If it were him, Xu Fei felt that he could sustain this storm for more than a day!

Unfortunately, he does not have the special bloodline of Lord Nan Aolong, so it is difficult for him to secretly learn the spells used by the opponent.

Of course, if Xu Fei used various spells to urge it forward, he might be able to recreate about half of the power of this storm.

In the distance, the head of Juan Yi was fighting with the three-headed demon.

As the opponents of the head of Juanyi, Dongjiyuejun, Xigaotianjun, and Zhonglingfangjun, these three demons cannot be said to be weak.

At least Xu Fei felt that he should only be able to fight them to a draw.

These big monsters cannot be killed.

As for whether he could draw a tie with Heavenly Demon Liu Zhen, he could barely draw a tie with Earthly Corpse Yihuang, who defeated Heavenly Demon Liu Zhen in a blink of an eye.

Now the fight with these big monsters of the water tribe is probably a draw, which makes Xu Fei a little embarrassed.

In fact, speaking of it, it is not complicated for such a situation to occur.

Xu Fei's current cultivation level is considered to be the lowest among the people and water demons in the field, except for the old man and the demon Liu Zhen, who has had almost half of his demonic energy consumed.

But Xu Fei is proficient in various tactics, spells, formations, etc.

This makes Xu Fei not very strong compared to everyone present, at least compared to the rampaging fighting style of Zhizhi Yihuang, but it also allows him to deal with it very well with various skills. Various opponents.

In addition, the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation helped him restore his mana.

Xu Fei basically doesn't have to worry about the consumption of mana.

Therefore, Xu Fei inevitably became a "50-50" person.

As long as he encounters an opponent with a certain strength, Xu Fei will not be able to win, but he will not be defeated either.

Slightly embarrassed.

After sighing, Xu Fei looked at the old man.

"This demon has the blood of the Thorn Demon. If you want to kill it, it will be injured in return." Earth Corpse Yihuang said. (End of chapter)

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