Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 1

Chen Qi’s life is as ordinary as his name, so he never thought that he would encounter such a thing one day after living for nearly 30 years.

He has been standing in this vast snowy field for more than ten minutes, but he doesn’t know what he should do now. He has been in a city with all kinds of noise all the year round, and suddenly came to the desolate and quiet suburbs, even if there seems to be some vague mind in his mind Information is emerging, and for Chen Qi, who is almost frozen now, he only hopes that it is just a dream.

The last moment it was still in the dry and cool September, and the next moment I suddenly stepped on the snow a few feet thick. Chen Qi is now extremely fortunate that his friends poured a few more glasses of wine at the party. Whose black coat is it, at least it will prevent him from being directly frozen to death.

But it’s not far from freezing to death, right? Chen Qi thought silently, looked around, the half-person-high withered yellow grass was bent over by the snow, and the sight was boundless white, except for a few tall trees that were sparsely located not far away. any trace of human activity.

Chen Qi closed his jacket, the cold from the outside to the inside made his movements stiff, but what made him more uncomfortable was the constant stream of information in his mind, vague and unclear, like annoying mosquitoes It’s like flying non-stop in your ears.

Chen Qi didn’t dare to move his position anywhere. This place was too unfamiliar. He didn’t know if there might be dangerous creatures hiding under the half-person-high grass, but he also knew that he couldn’t stand in the same place all the time. There is no other way out than being frozen to death.

I encouraged myself in my heart, shook my head, bent over to find a relatively hard straw from my feet, folded it down, and slapped the grass in front of me with the straw while walking towards the tallest acacia not far away. tree walk.

Even in such a desperate environment, you have to set a small goal for yourself. Maybe you can climb to the top of the tree to see the surrounding situation, and at least know which way you should go to survive.

The white-haired orc squatted on the tall branches of the acacia tree. On the first day of the first snow, he was half-beast with hair. Except for his facial features, he was covered with thick fur from the neck down, which made him feel even in the first snow. Not any chill.

He has been squatting here all night, and he is waiting for Mao Xuexiong. The younger brother’s partner, his only friend Akko, is three months pregnant and their baby will be born this winter.

For babies, the winter in Dora Plains is too cold, especially for delicate males. Males born in winter have a hard time living their first year. For a child born, the fur of a fur snow bear is the softest and warmest even if it is not tanned. Every orc with a child at home wants a fur of a fur snow bear. Unfortunately, fur of a fur snow bear is not so easy to obtain, except for its own strength. In addition to being strong, it depends on luck.

Not any fur of snow bears has this effect. Snow bears will come out to find a mate within three days of the first snow. Their males will grow the softest and warmest fur of the year at this time to attract the attention of females. The first snow is over. Afterwards, they will hide in the cave and wait for the arrival of summer. In summer, the fur of the fur snow bear will become hard and short. At this time, the fur is not as good as the fur of the hyena dragon, so if you miss the first snow, you want to hunt again. It will take another year to arrive at Mao Xuexiong.

The white-haired orc named Aze didn’t want to miss the first snow this year, so he waited here early, paying attention to the situation around him. As long as Mao Xuexiong appeared, he would never escape his eyes.

Suddenly, A Ze’s body tensed, his breathing slowed for half a beat, and his body leaned forward slightly, God, what did he see. A male, even walking alone in the snow.

The body moved faster than the mind, the slender fingers grabbed the branches, and jumped off the tree after a few ups and downs.

Chen Qi was almost unconscious at this moment. If there was a mirror in front of him at this time, he would definitely be able to see himself with a pale face and purple lips. He didn’t even know if he could still walk under the tall acacia tree alive, and the grass pole in his hand lost its original function of detecting the danger of the grass, and he just kept walking forward persistently.

A Ze used his maximum speed to rush to Chen Qi, and hugged him firmly in his arms. Chen Qi’s body was very cold, and A Ze felt like he was holding a huge popsicle. He hoped that he would The body temperature can be slightly warm to this frozen male.

Chen Qi, who was suddenly hugged by a huge heat source, was stunned. He felt that his brain was frozen and confused, and he couldn’t react to the current situation at all. He just felt that he was in a fluffy and warm place. He buried himself in it as far as he could, and raised his head when he was drowsy surrounded by this warmth, he was looking at a handsome and cold face, but the worried look softened the cold and hard lines. a few points.

In the confusion, Chen Qi felt that he was taken away from the cold snow field. Although the surrounding is still cold, at least there will be no more winds constantly drilling into your body from all directions.

I don’t know how long it took, there seemed to be another heat source around him, and the burning dry feeling in his throat made him just want to pour a few bottles of water into it to moisturize.

Just as he was thinking of a hard object approaching his lips, Chen Qi could smell a bit of meat, opened his lips and took a sip. There was a smell of sheep, with a bit of saltiness and astringency. I can no longer care about the taste, and after swallowing it, I feel my body is slowly warmed from the inside to the outside.

Someone was talking about something. It was a strange language. Chen Qi couldn’t understand it. After drinking the water, he lazily nestled into the soft and warm cushions behind him and continued to fall asleep.

Chen Qi opened his eyes again and was awakened by the unpleasant hunger in his stomach. Looking around, he saw a dark mountain wall in front of him, next to a pile of burning firewood, and his body was covered with the fur of some animal. There was a small piece of animal skin on the ground not far away, and there were several bright red fruits on it. It looked a bit like an apple, but the color really didn’t look like any kind of apple I had seen in the supermarket. I was really hungry, and Chen Qi didn’t dare to just pick it up and eat it.

Apart from the hunger in his stomach, Chen Qi felt that his body had not suffered from the coldness before. If he had to use one word to describe it, it would be “Beautiful”, which undoubtedly surprised him.

The cave is not big, and the entrance of the cave is surrounded by a circle of dry branches as a barrier.

Chen Qi carefully bypassed the barrier and went outside, but he saw the boundless grassland, but no snow flakes could be seen on the grassland, as if the snow field that was several feet thick had disappeared overnight, withered and yellow. The colorful wild grass swaying in the wind, a white sphere five or six times bigger than the moon hangs on the blue sky, and there is a lilac sphere next to it that resembles the moon, and the sun in the middle is shining with warm light. , the temperature is the same as the temperature in G City before Chen Qi came here, warm and cool.

Well, Chen Qi knows that he has traveled, and he may have traveled to other planets. At least there would not be two moons hanging on the planet where he had lived for almost thirty years in broad daylight, and of course there would not be two moons.

Before falling asleep, Chen Qi had a headache from the annoying mosquito-like sounds in his head. Now he wakes up and realizes that those sounds are a piece of information, some basic information about the planet.

The name of the planet was not mentioned in the information, but the place where Chen Qi was now was the largest plain on the planet, the Dora Plain.

The Dora Plain and the adjacent Loya Forest divide the continent of this planet into two almost symmetrical parts. Their area is very large. No one has ever been able to pass through the Loya Forest. The forest is surrounded by a huge number of swords. Dragons take hold, and anyone who tries to traverse the forest will be pierced by their hard, sharp horns.

Humans living in this place are called orcs. They have no difference between men and women. They have the same physical characteristics. Those who can be animalized are called female sons. Those who cannot be animalized are called males. They are smaller in size than females, but have low survival and are responsible for collecting and raising children.

There are no four seasons on this planet, only winter and summer. The summer is not bad. The temperature is similar to the summer temperature in the place where Chen Qi lived before. Although it is hot, it will not be exaggerated. But winter is different. In the coldest time, it can even breathe into ice. In a place where there is no heating at all and only animal skins are used for thermal clothing, even the strongest orcs cannot go out in such weather at will.

And in such extreme weather, assuming that ten children are born this year, five females and five males, then even if they are stocked, as long as they do not encounter fatal attacks, these five females will live to adulthood. But even if the five males are carefully protected, if one survives to adulthood, it is considered a high survival rate. Therefore, males are extremely rare here. All orcs, no matter which tribe they belong to, protect males. The most important piece of information in a gene.

As long as the males survive, the orcs will not be eliminated by nature.

The snow that Chen Qi saw before was the first snow on this planet. This is a rather peculiar phenomenon. Before winter comes, there will be a first snowfall. This snow will only last for three days. After three days, it will melt overnight and seep into the ground as if it had never appeared, and then it will remain cool for a month. The temperature is high, and snow falls again after a month, indicating that winter is entering.

If this month is divided into four seasons, then the month after the first snow belongs to autumn. Many fruits will ripen one after another during this month, and the activities of various animals will become more frequent, and they will begin to prepare for long-distance migration. At this time, all the orcs were dispatched to carry out food storage work for the long months of winter.

Chen Qi was extremely glad that he came here at the beginning of the snow, at least he still had a month to prepare how to live in this strange place, such as finding a tribe of orcs to take refuge in.

Reminiscing about his past civilization years, Chen Qi was attracted by a gradually approaching figure.

It was a tall and sturdy man, wearing an animal skin coat. Even though the thick layer of white fur was no longer on his body, Chen Qi still recognized that this was the man he had seen before he passed out on the snowy field. It seems that this person saved himself and moved himself into this cave.

The man carried a slaughtered lamb on his shoulders, holding the prey in one hand, and holding the completely peeled sheepskin in the other hand, and two turquoise fruits the size of coconuts were wrapped in the sheepskin.

“Are you awake?” The man’s voice was a little hoarse, as if he wasn’t used to talking to people, he seemed a little hesitant, and a little flattering, which was a bit out of tune with his icy face.

Chen Qi needed to raise his head slightly to see the man’s face clearly. The other party was at least half a head taller than him. It was impossible to imagine that such a strong person would be the one who gave birth to children.

“Did you save me?” Chen Qi has been able to understand the other party’s words since he woke up. He remembered that the other party seemed to have spoken to him while he was in a coma, but the pronunciation of that language was too mysterious. I don’t understand, but now this language can communicate with his mother tongue without any sense of incongruity. This is as inexplicable as the information that inexplicably poured into his mind. Chen Qi can only treat it as his golden finger, at least there is no need to communicate with the native creatures of this planet.

The man nodded, pushed aside the barrier at the entrance of the cave, and walked into the cave with long, slender legs. Chen Qi paused and followed.

The man put the sheepskin in his hand on the ground and laid it on the ground before putting the prey on it. Picking up one of the cyan fruits, long fingernails suddenly appeared on the slender fingers, the nails scratched the top of the fruit, and the milky white liquid flowing inside could be seen instantly.

The man handed the opened fruit to Chen Qi, and Chen Qi took it. The fruit’s shell was very hard, and it felt a cold touch in his hand.

“Drink.” The man motioned to Chen Qi to drink the juice inside.

Chen Qi took a sip, and the entrance was cold. Although it was milky white, it had no milky taste at all. The taste was very light, more like sweetened water.

When the man saw that Chen Qi had drank it, he opened the remaining fruit in the same way. The fruit was relatively large. After opening it, the man walked to the fire and pulled out a few smaller pieces of wood that were still burning. A simple shelf was set up on the thicker tree trunk next to it, the fruit in his hand was placed on the newly set fire, and then a few pieces of meat were cut from the prey next to him with his fingernails and put into the fruit. After everything was done, I started to build a simple rack on the fire next to it, and put the whole lamb on the fire for grilling.

Chen Qi watched the man busy in stunned, and then sighed with emotion that the other party’s nails were really not easy to use. Looking at his manicured bald nails, he quickly took a sip of juice to suppress his shock.

He’s just an ordinary person who can’t be envied.

The man was very silent. After finishing his work, he sat in front of the fire and stared at the slowly changing color of the lamb being roasted in a daze.

Chen Qi stared at the other party’s side face for a few minutes, and after confirming that the other party didn’t keep silent because he was bored with him, he decided to break the awkward atmosphere.

“My name is Chen Qi, what’s your name?” Chen Qi handed the half-drinked fruit to the other party while talking. The man only brought back two of these fruits, one of which was being boiled in the fire. Chen Qi was also embarrassed to drink all of it in his hand, and after drinking a few sips of juice, his hunger became more obvious. There was a whole lamb roasting on the fire, and he didn’t want to eat water to satisfy his hunger.

Seeing Chen Qi’s actions, the man was obviously a little surprised, except for his younger brother, he never got any food handed over by a male.

Chen Qi maintained the action of handing over the fruit for a minute, and began to wonder if the other party disliked it as something he had drank, and it was impolite to hand over half-drinked food to a stranger. , the man reached out and took it.

“Aze.” The man didn’t drink the fruit after he took it. He only found these two milk fruits nearby. “My name is Azer.”

After opening the topic, Chen Qi will naturally not be silent any longer, “Aze, is your tribe near here?”

Aze’s body tensed. Although the population of the tribe has decreased a lot now, he still does not want to bring this newly-acquainted male back to the tribe. A male he rescued in the Luoya Forest two years ago was brought back to the tribe’s first male. He was snatched away by a strong female in the tribe two days later. Although Aze felt that it was nothing, he still reacted to this matter in his heart.

“I didn’t live in the tribe.” Aze lowered his head and rubbed the **** of the succulent fruit. He didn’t lie. He didn’t live in the tribe, but in a barren forest far away from the tribe. with several tall fig trees.

“Do you live alone?” Chen Qi Zou Zou Mei, what are the chances of a single orc surviving in such a place? But looking at the other party’s situation, it doesn’t look like it is difficult to survive. It should be that the other party is a powerful orc. I don’t know if this thigh can be held tightly. In the current situation, he has no other information to find the orc’s settlement.

Aze nodded, “Where is your tribe? I can take you back, you shouldn’t run to the plains alone.”

“Uh, I don’t have a tribe.”

A Ze was stunned for a moment, and said a little annoyed: “I’m sorry.”

Chen Qi smiled a little embarrassedly, looking at the other party’s appearance, he might think that his tribe was destroyed.

The tribes living on the Dora Plains not only deal with the bad weather every year, but also deal with the attacks of the Hyena Dragons. Every year, the Hyena Dragons will attack the Orc tribe. They live in the deepest part of the Loya Forest, and only come to the plains when winter comes. Up, even Stegosaurus can’t deal with the hordes of Hyena, in order to survive, many tribes can only seek shelter from larger tribes.

The tribe that Aze belonged to was also a middle-level tribe in the Dora Plain three years ago, but in the cold winter three years ago, a group of hyena dragons attacked the tribe. Although they resisted the attack, the tribe also paid a great price. The powerful female son was also killed in that attack. The patriarch at that time could only lead the tribe to the Lion and Wolf tribe closest to their tribe. Only some people who lived there for generations and did not want to leave stayed.

Chen Qi also knows the information about Hyena, not to mention Hyena, even ordinary hyenas on the plain are not something Chen Qi can handle. Now he only hopes to find a relatively safe place to survive the first winter. Knowing that he only had a month to prepare, he wasn’t able to go out hunting in that cold weather like an orc.

“Aze, how many tribes are there?”

Aze thought for a while and said: “I don’t know how many tribes there are on the Dora Plain. Most of the tribes were established along the Dosa River. The largest tribe nearby is the Lion and Wolf tribe. It is said that there are thousands of them. people.”

“How many people are in your tribe?”

Azer paused, he didn’t want the other party to go to his tribe. Their tribe was less than one-fifth of the previous number, and the rest were mostly old females, although the Hyena Dragon had not come back for the past two years. , but in winter, there is more than the threat of the Hyena Dragon. Under Chen Qi’s doubtful eyes, he still told the other party truthfully, “Our tribe was attacked by the Hyena Dragon before, and the patriarch took other people to join the Lion and Wolf tribe. to thirty people.”

Chen Qi thought about it and asked with a smile, “Aze, I have nowhere to go now, can I go back with you?”

A Ze raised his head and looked at Chen Qi, “You want to go back with me.”

Chen Qi nodded, “Well, I can build a small house next to your house, don’t you mind having one more person for company?”

“I don’t have stretch marks.”

“Stretch marks?” Chen Qi didn’t understand why the topic was suddenly diverted.

A Ze put down the water milk fruit in his hand, clenched his right wrist tightly, there was a piece of animal skin tied there, hesitated for a while, slowly untied the animal skin, and stretched out his hand in front of Chen Qi.

Chen Qi followed his movements and looked at it. Perhaps it was due to the lack of light for many years. The skin on his wrist was whiter than other places, so what Chen Qi saw was a piece of smooth and fair skin.

There was no emotion in Azer’s low voice, “Are you going to go back with me?”

It was only at this time that Chen Qi realized what A Ze said.

Pregnancy marks are a stripe that appears on the right wrist of all orc females on the Dora Plain after birth. The deeper the pregnancy marks, the higher the probability that the female is pregnant. A female without stretch marks will not get pregnant. There is also a saying that people without stretch marks are also abandoned by beast gods. This kind of special person can’t be loved by others no matter where he is. Chen Qi really didn’t expect that the reason why this tall orc chooses to live alone is not necessarily because he is strong enough to live alone on the Dora Plain. , more likely because he was not accepted by the tribe and was excluded from the tribe.

Chen Qi reached out and stroked A Zeguang’s bare wrist. This action was too ambiguous for an orc. At this moment, Chen Qi just wanted to appease the emotions of the first friend he met after he came to this strange place. A faint sadness emanated from his body after taking off the animal skin on his wrist.

Chen Qi didn’t understand the feelings of the beasts about stretch marks. He was unfamiliar with everything in this world, and all the information he knew about the world was a basic impression that suddenly flooded into his mind.

The person in front of him was the first of his kind he had encountered. Chen Qi never thought that he had a chick complex, but he still felt that Aze was a little special to him. It was this tall orc who appeared in front of him and pulled himself back from the **** of death. Chen Qi thanked the other party, so at this moment he didn’t want the other party to suddenly fall into his sad world.

“Of course, as long as you want, I want to go back with you.” Chen Qi looked directly into the other’s eyes and said slowly, “You know, I can’t live alone here, if you don’t take me away, I may have to Frozen alive here or starved to death.”

Azer paused, then said hesitantly: “Actually, I can take you to the Lion and Wolf tribe, you are a male, and they will be very willing to accept you.”


“The lion-wolf tribe is surrounded by mountains on three sides. It is the largest and safest place nearby. There are many powerful females guarding it.”

Chen Qi pondered for a while. At first, he thought about finding a tribe to live in. It was naturally safer to join a large tribe with a lot of people, but in this way, he would be separated from the tall man in front of him.

When Aze saw Chen Qi’s sudden silence, he silently moved his eyes away, took out a gray-white stone and smeared it on the lamb that had been roasted and discolored. Although he wanted to pretend to be indifferent, his eyes suddenly dimmed. After a few minutes of light, he still revealed a hint of helplessness. The male he rescued before was very alienated from himself after he knew that he had no stretch marks. After he brought it back to the tribe, he no longer wanted to contact him. The person in front of him will do the same, go with a person who was abandoned by the beast **** to a small tribe that even Hyena dragons can’t deal with, it is better to go to the big tribe, and the male can get preferential treatment no matter where he is.

Chen Qi watched the other party silently cut off a corner of the gray-white stone and put it into the boiling goat soup that had already been boiled, just like a pug waiting for his master’s sentence, with a pitiful look. It may not be appropriate to describe a tall and strong man like this, but the expression of the other party at the moment is really appropriate to describe the expression of a pug.

Forget it, considering that the other party has rescued him and brought him food, following the orcs in front of him is not necessarily worse than going to the big tribe. If you really can’t get along, then consider joining other tribes.

“Aze.” Hearing Chen Qi calling his name, Aze’s ears moved.

Chen Qi looked at him funny, “Can I go back with you?”

Aze turned his head to look at him, and Chen Qi continued: “Of course, if you think I’m a troublemaker, you can take me to other tribes, but I may be rejected by the tribe.”

“How is that possible? You are a male.” A Ze retorted without thinking.

Chen Qi choked, he was really uncomfortable with this title, should he be glad he didn’t dress like a female? “That’s why I’m here.”

Aze Zou Mei, “You were ostracized in the previous tribe?”

Chen Qi snorted, “I don’t need you to take me in, you can find an empty house in your tribe to put me in. Since so many people have left in your tribe, there must be many empty houses, right? Of course. If you don’t mind, I’d prefer to build a house next to yours, so that we can be friends, and you can teach me how to hunt when you have time.”

“The male doesn’t need to hunt, I can feed two people, and I don’t need to worry about it in winter.” Aze played with the gray-white stone in his hand, “My house is enough for two people, of course, you can also build another house, I I’ll build it for you.”

“Then it’s settled.” Chen Qi patted Aze on the shoulder happily.

A Ze was staggered by him, of course he was frightened.

At this time, Chen Qicai was curious about what he had been caring about just now. He pointed to the white stone in Aze’s hand and asked, “What is this? Why put it in the food?”

“This?” Aze handed the stone over, “Lick and lick it.”

Chen Qi took it, turned it upside down and observed it for a while, then sniffed, there was nothing special about it, he put it on his lips and licked it, a little salty and a little bit astringent, his eyes lit up, “Salt?”

Aze nodded, “This is the salt stone, which was exchanged with the tribes in the central plains.”

Although this thing is salt, there are too many impurities in it, mixed with a bitter taste, can the gray part be eaten?

A Ze put the cooked mutton soup in a clean nut shell and handed it to Chen Qi, a faint smell of mutton rushed towards him, and Chen Qi’s stomach rang a few times in response. Chen Qi took it with a little embarrassment, thanked him, Aze smiled, and continued to play with the lamb that was almost roasted.

He blew lightly, and Chen Qi couldn’t wait to take a big sip. He was really hungry, maybe it was because the sheep soup was boiled with the juice of water and milk fruit. There is still a hint of astringency, although it is very mild. Chen Qi suspects that it is the problem of impurities doped in the salt stone. It seems that after determining the residence, we can consider refining these salt stones. Not harmful to the body.

After drinking a bowl of sheep soup, Chen Qi felt that his whole body was warm, and Aze took the empty bowl and continued to give him another bowl. The water milk fruit is not big. After two bowls, it basically bottomed out. Chen Qi was a little puzzled, “Aren’t you going to drink it?”

“I’ll just eat barbecue.”

Chen Qi was also welcome. He was starving. He took the mutton soup and stared at the roasted sheep, which had a strong meat aroma. Seeing this, A Ze stretched out his right hand, the nail of his index finger suddenly became longer, and neatly sliced ​​a piece of meat from the leg of lamb, wrapped it with a leaf on the side and handed it to Chen Qi.

Chen Qi glanced at A Ze’s index finger with bright eyes, and the nails that had completed the task had returned to normal length. “Your nails are so convenient.”

The tip of Azer’s ears was slightly red, and it was the first time he was praised by a male.

After the two had eaten and drank enough, Chen Qi stretched out comfortably, and Aze was wrapping the half-eaten sheep with clean leaves, “Aze, when are we going back?”

“Is your body okay?”

Chen Qi patted his chest, “Well, it can’t be better.”

“Then I’ll pack my things and leave in a while.”

Chen Qi stood up, “Do you need my help?”

Aze shook his head and handed over a red fruit. It was the fruit that Chen Qi had placed next to him when he woke up and looked a bit like an apple. “No, just sit next to it and eat a fruit and rest for a while.”

“What kind of fruit is this?”

“Red berries.”

“…berries?” Berries like apples? Chen Qi looked at the fruit in his hands with surprise, it seemed that the things here were very different from what he knew. I took a bite, and the first impression of the fruit is different. It is not as crisp as an apple, but as soft as a persimmon. The entrance is full of juice. It can only be described in one word, sweet, very sweet. , like sweetened fruit juice, but surprisingly delicious.

Looking at Chen Qichi’s smiling face, A Ze couldn’t help but feel fortunate. Fortunately, he was sent by his younger brother to look for red berries every year. Otherwise, he didn’t know that the males would like this sweet and greasy thing. Ask your brother more about Yuko’s preferences.

Aze’s speed is very fast, and after Chen Qi eats a fruit, Aze has already packed up. Of course, there were only a few hides and half a leftover roast lamb to take away.

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