Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 4 Jungle Fight

Su Nian rushed out of the cave. It was night outside.

The wind was freezing, dark clouds were gathering in the distance, and a heavy rain was brewing.

The moon tiredly hid in the clouds, and everything was dark, leaving only a few stars standing guard outside.

The vision of dragons is somewhat similar to that of night vision devices, except that the imaging background is red, which can help Su Nian clearly capture the living creatures moving in the dark night.

Night is when the hunters come out.

In this ordinary forest, Su Nian is undoubtedly the more deadly one.

There were some blood stains and scales scattered at the entrance of the cave. These were his and made him more vigilant.

Su Nian's dragon face wrinkled together.

He said in his heart that he couldn't stay in this cave for much longer, and that he would have to move to another place after his body recovered, to prevent the human army from following his bloodstains and finding him.

In modern times, it is possible to accurately track a person without magic. Not to mention that in a world with extraordinary power, perhaps tracking a person will only become easier.

And to be honest, he didn't like his dark and damp lair now.

The movement must speed up.

With this thought in mind, Su Nian controlled his dragon body and quickly jumped into the jungle with a "whoosh" sound.

Relying on his clear vision and keen sense of smell, he quickly discovered a lone elk.

This was not a dinner for little Anna, but for himself.

His ideas are very clear.

He will fall into weakness in half an hour, and if he does not add enough food, he may starve to death while he is weak.

So he had to fill his stomach first, and then find some berries for Anna to satisfy his hunger.

The power of the dragon naturally spreads out, without any feeling of unfamiliarity. Su Nian has become more and more familiar with his new body.

The dragon's power is one of the dragon's sharp weapons. For creatures of a lower level than itself, the dragon's power will make them extremely frightened, as if they have encountered a natural enemy.

For creatures with weak willpower, Longwei can even have a suppressive effect similar to immobilization.

The elk seemed to be injured. It was already very weak and fell to the ground directly under Su Nian's power.

Su Nian didn't think much. He swung the dragon's tail behind him, crawled up to the elk with all four legs and bit it on its neck.

Warm blood flowed out, warming Su Nian's stomach, which had been thirsty for a long time.

The pungent smell of blood filled the mouth, which made me feel a little nauseous at first, but I soon got used to it.

Su Nian gradually realized the delicious taste of fresh meat, and the blood in his mouth became extremely sweet.

He began to bite the elk's throat and sucked the elk's blood.

At this time, there was a rustling sound behind Su Nian, followed closely by the sound of a wolf howling.

The branches and leaves of the bush were knocked open, and three giant silver-gray wolves jumped out. They looked at Su Nian with fearful eyes, and their eyes glanced back and forth between the elk and Su Nian.

Su Nian held the elk's throat in his mouth without letting go.


Looking at the three giant wolves with malicious intentions, a violent emotion filled his mind, causing him to let out a low roar.

This reminded Su Nian of the dog in his grandfather's house when he was a child.

Good guy, is he protecting his food? !

However, Su Nian himself knew that he was protecting his food. The key was that it was difficult for him to control this emotion!

Su Nian's dragon power undoubtedly had an effect. These giant wolves were obviously very hungry, with green light in their eyes and saliva dripping from their mouths to the ground.

If it were any other creature, they would have pounced on them with all their might, but Su Nian gave them a sense of oppression at the bloodline level.

So even though they are extremely hungry, they still hesitate to move forward.

【Ding! The system sub-function is turned on, and now the host can see the digitized basic information of the organism]

[Silver Moon Wolf: Level 25 (Level 3 Warcraft 21-30)]

No wonder he dared to come up to provoke. It turned out that he was not only a clique, but also quite powerful.

But Su Nian is a giant dragon.

Even the black dragon, which is the second-to-last in strength, is far from being provocative by these ordinary monsters.

Before the group of silver moon wolves came forward to attack, Su Nian had already put down the elk in his mouth, his throat bulged slightly, and a strong acidic breath was sprayed at them.

The black dragon's acidic breath is dark green in color and is not only highly corrosive but also somewhat toxic.

It is usually stored in a liquid state in a special sac-like organ in the throat.

When it is needed, the sac-like organ will contract violently under the control of muscles to pump out the acidic liquid.

In fact, Su Nian didn't like his acidic breath.

There's nothing impressive about it. As a dragon, it has to breathe fire, right?


Although Su Nian looked down upon his breath, its effect was very obvious.

All the flowers and plants covered by the breath were quickly charred, withered, and emitted traces of green smoke, exuding an unpleasant sour smell.

The dragon's breath covers a wide area, and the three Silver Moon Wolves are the first to bear the brunt. Although they have tried their best to avoid it, they are still contaminated with some acidic dragon's breath.

Their skin and flesh were quickly corroded, and their originally shiny fur became pitted. The continuous severe pain on their bodies made them howl miserably.

It was at this time that Su Nian moved.

After spraying the dragon's breath, it takes time to recharge. Now that the enemy has been weakened, all Su Nian has to do is go up and fight in melee.

His four sharp dragon claws gripped the ground tightly and crawled forward. The dragon tail behind him swung from side to side to maintain the balance of his body. His slender neck was drawn back and he was ready to go. There was no need to fly at such a close distance.

In just one or two breaths, Su Nian had already rushed in front of a silver moon wolf.

His two front paws hooked the Silver Moon Wolf's flesh fiercely, and he twisted his slender neck to avoid the Silver Moon Wolf's bite quickly, and then opened his dragon's kiss to bite the Silver Moon Wolf's neck fiercely.

"Chewchi-" with a sound, the sharp hook teeth tore the Silver Moon Wolf's throat with heavy bite force.

The first time he did this, he used too much force and actually tore off most of the Silver Moon Wolf's neck.

This series of movements has almost been integrated into the muscle memory of Su Nian's dragon body, and he did it subconsciously.

After killing one Silver Moon Wolf, the remaining two Silver Moon Wolves are nothing to be afraid of.

They saw Su Nian's ferocity and actually wanted to escape, but no matter how fast they were, could they be faster than the black dragon with wings?

Soon they were caught up by Su Nian and bitten to death one after another.

After doing all this, the surrounding bushes were in a mess.

Su Nian followed the dragon's instinct and dragged the bodies of the elk and a silver moon wolf to a tall tree.

After devouring some food, he finally felt a sense of fullness in his empty stomach.

There is not much time left.

Su Nian paid no attention to the two wolf corpses on the grass.

He quickly shuttled through the woods, relying on the memory in his blood and the system's information prompts to find some berries that humans could eat.

Then he ran and rolled in a stream to wash away the smell of blood, then got into the grass and rolled up with the scent of grass leaves, and then carefully returned to his lair.

Su Nian certainly didn't do this for his own image.

This is what the black dragon's memory taught him, a way to make his lair safer.

The berries were brought back, but new problems arose.

Su Nian discovered that Anna, who was in good condition when he left, was now curled up in the corner of the rock wall and fell into a coma. Her little hands were spread out weakly on the cold ground. She was still covered with the bear skin, but Already dying.

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