Chapter : power level system
Tiering System
Important pages for profile scaling
Tiering System | Higher Tiers Made Simple | Standards For Tiers | Dimensional Tiering | Attack Potency | Speed | Lifting Strength | Striking Strength | Durability | Stamina | Intelligence
Hierarchical structure of the Tiering System
Welcome to the Power Scaling Wiki's Tiering System page. This hierarchical system is designed to classify fictional characters within various conceptual frameworks, providing a flexible alternative to other wikis that often limit scaling to a singular approach.
Before proceeding, we highly recommend familiarizing yourself with our criteria and standards by reading the resources provided by the wiki to help users build a solid understanding of our classification methods:
To understand how we incorporate higher dimensions into character scaling, along with the requirements for dimensional scaling across different fictional verses, refer to the 'Dimensional Tiering Standards' page.
For insights into the criteria that characters must meet to attain the highest tiers within our system, see the 'Tiering System Standards' and 'Higher Tiers Made Simple' pages.
The next section of the blog provides a brief list of common terms frequently used in this wiki to scale characters, as some of these terms may be confusing for those less familiar with the hobby.
Battleboarding Terminology
Destructive Capacity (DC)
Destructive Capacity is the term used to determine the amount of damage a character can produce. It is normally the deciding factor of VS matches along with Speed. It is measured in units of energy.
Attack Potency (AP)
Attack Potency is the measure of the Destructive Capacity of an attack.
It's worth noting that Attack Potency is the equivalent energy output of an attack, not the visible scale of destruction, so a character with any level of Attack Potency doesn't need to show feats of destruction on that scale, as they can scale to it by damaging opponents who are able to withstand forces of the same magnitude. So, in resume, just because a character's attack does very little visible damage doesn't mean their Attack Potency is low.
Even though this is technically a violation of the law of energy conservation in our universe, fiction isn't bound by our laws. So, if a fictional universe explicitly invalidates this idea, it doesn't apply, and the concept stands. Of course, each case is to be judged on its merit, for there is no hard-and-fast rule for the way in which fiction handles such matters, and it can vary greatly.
It's also worth noting that Attack Potency refers to the energy released in a single attack, not the number of targets it can affect nor the area of effect of said attack.
For concrete values given to each tier, check this page.
Powerscaling (PS)
Powerscaling is a method of determining a character's power by comparing them to other characters in their series. The logic of powerscaling works much like that of transitive relation: if A > B and B > C, then A > C. As such, if Character A is more powerful than Character B, and Character B is more powerful than Character C, logically, Character A would be more powerful than Character C.
Key Words
1) Possible Worlds
In metaphysics, a possible world contrasts with the actual world. Possible worlds represent how the external world, as we know it, could have been. A set of laws should be outlined to govern the modality of all possible worlds in metaphysics, whether they be axioms or rules of a given metaphysical system. These rules would then act as an underlying quantifier for what is 'possible', 'impossible', and 'necessary'. Contemporary accounts of the term 'possible world' refer to alethic modality. A possible world in this sense is characterize insofar as if possible, then is possible if and only if it doesn't contradict the laws of metaphysics, also known in formal logic as the laws of thought or logic. A set of such possibilities is tiered as 1-T.
At times, an impossible world can be considered a possible world as long as it follows the laws or rules of a given formal system, whether classical or non-classical. A set of possible worlds defined by alethic modality, plus at least one possible world that doesn't conform to alethic modality, underpins the tier 1-T+. While ontologically minutia to High 1-T, below the process of self-determinacy, 1-T+ extends indefinitely.
2) Logical Space
Not to be confused with topological nor geometrical spaces, a logical space is a space of all logical possibilities, possibilities in this case being true necessarily true propositions[that which is true for the entire space], or 'possibly' true [that which is true for atleast one possible world].
3) Being
Being is a concept of ontology and metaphysics, wholly regarded as difficult to define, as it is one of the simplest notions of all notions, insofar as it being the first of all notions in the process of rational thought and discourse; in which whatever is said within discourse and rational thought presupposes 'being' itself, for Neoplatonic authors and writers, it is merely anything that which is 'intelligible'.
4) Essence and Accidents
Essence (οὐσία, essentia, τὸ τί ἐστι) simply means, by which that thing is, what it is and by that which without, the object of discourses loses its identity, any property that's not essential is then said to be an accident; common examples being the spirit and body in substance duality, of which the former is surmised to be essential for one's identity and the latter is said to be an accident.
Tiering System
Tier 11: Infinitesimal
This macro level refers to characters or objects whose power is expressed in terms of lower dimensional level or lower narrative levels compared to an average human. By the nature of their existence, these characters are usually impossible to perceive or interact with. Worth noticing is that the mere conditions of existing as a drawing on some surface or being constituted of data and information does not make an entity deserve this level since these entities still operate within the three-dimensional scale, but just in a very limited fashion.
This level is divided into the following sub-levels:
11-C: Low-Hypoversal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans 3 or more 'lower-dimensional levels,' as defined by our dimensional system, relative to any Tier from 3 [Cosmic] to 10 [Human]. Alternatively, this level may also be achieved through 3 or more 'lower narrative levels,' commonly depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction inferiority.
This subtier is geometrically represented by the concept of a point, which is characterized by the complete absence of magnitude, including volume, area, and length.
11-B: Hypoversal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans 2 'lower-dimensional levels,' as defined by our dimensional system, relative to any Tier from 3 [Cosmic] to 10 [Human]. Alternatively, this level may also be achieved through 2 'lower narrative levels,' commonly depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction inferiority.
This subtier is geometrically represented by the concept of a line, which possesses length but lacks volume and area.
11-A: High-Hypoversal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans 1 'lower-dimensional levels,' as defined by our dimensional system, relative to any Tier from 3 [Cosmic] to 10 [Human]. Alternatively, this level may also be achieved through 1 'lower narrative levels,' commonly depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction inferiority.
This subtier is geometrically represented by the concept of a plane, which possesses length and an area but no volume.
Tier 10: Human
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects which fall in a power range comparable to that of a human, ranging from levels below those of an average everyday person, such as small animals, progressing through the standard human level, like an ordinary individual, and reaching an athletic level typical of those who do physical activity to enhance their strength, such as regular gym-goers.
This level is divided into the following sub-levels:
10-C: Below Average Human level
Characters or objects able to exert forces equal to, or even less than, those of human beings below the average norm in strength. This would include small children, infirm individuals, and even certain animals, such as cats and dogs.
10-B: Human level
Characters or objects able to exert forces equal to that of an average human. This would include teenagers or unathletic adults.
10-A: Athlete level
Characters or objects able to exert forces equivalent to that of a more athletic human. This would include trained fighters or generally athletic individuals.
Tier 9: Superhuman
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects that start to transcend the peak of what is humanly possible: from elite Olympic athletes, progressing to a level where a character can destroy walls, and finally peaking at the well-defined category necessary to destroy small structures and ordinary houses. This level of power is often associated with different types of real-life weapons: from bludgeoning instruments, fire arms, and even to some types of explosives.
This level is divided into the following sub-levels:
9-C: Street level
Characters or objects at this tier are considered the peak of human strength. This would include Olympic-class athletes, highly trained martial artists, and large animals. Note that despite the name, this tier is not called 'Street Level' because one in this tier can affect an entire street. The name refers to the fact that said characters are typically 'street fighters', as depicted in martial arts movies and similar media.
9-B: Wall level
Characters or objects capable of destroying or significantly damaging ultra-durable materials such as stone, metal, or steel as well as similarly resistant portions of structures, including structural boulders and walls, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
9-A: Small Building level
Characters or objects capable of destroying rooms or small structures, such as average houses or modest buildings, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Tier 8: Urban
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects whose attack potency is quantified within the range spanning from the ability to destroy buildings the size of supermarkets in a single blow, progressing up the scale through skyscrapers and city blocks, and reaching the peak of this tier with power capable of devastating multiple city blocks. Note that such destruction must be complete and not achieved through an effect or chain reaction. This level of energy magnitude corresponds to military equipment, like war tanks and some thermobaric weapons.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
8-C: Building level
Characters or objects capable of destroying medium-sized buildings and structures, such as large factories or sizable complexes like supermarkets, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
High 8-C: Large Building level
Characters or objects capable of destroying large structures, such as skyscrapers, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
8-B: City Block level
Characters or objects capable of destroying extensive areas equivalent to urban city blocks or similar regions of space, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
8-A: Multi-City Block level
Characters or objects capable of destroying large areas equivalent to multiple urban city blocks or similar expanses of space, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Tier 7: Nuclear
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects whose attack potency is quantified within the range spanning from the ability to destroy a small town, progressing through town and city levels, and finally reaching the ability to completely obliterate massive mountains with a single attack. This level generally consists of heavy nuclear weaponry, including even the most powerful bomb ever created by humanity: the Tsar Bomba.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
Low 7-C: Small Town level
Characters or objects capable of destroying a small town or settlement, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
7-C: Town level
Characters or objects capable of destroying a town, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
High 7-C: Large Town level
Characters or objects capable of destroying a large town, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Low 7-B: Small City level
Characters or objects capable of destroying a small city, or those who can easily harm characters with small city level durability.
7-B: City level
Characters or objects capable of destroying a city, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
7-A: Mountain level
Characters or objects that capable of destroying a mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
High 7-A: Large Mountain level
Characters or objects that capable of destroying a large mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Tier 6: Tectonic
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects whose attack potency is quantified within the range spanning from the ability to destroy a standard island to the capacity to cause destruction on what is classified as a multi-continental scale with a single attack. To date, no human-made weapon has achieved this level. From this point onward, only large-scale natural phenomena or entirely fictional weapons, characters, and other elements are included.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
6-C: Island level
Characters or objects that can destroy an island, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
High 6-C: Large Island level
Characters or objects that can destroy a large island, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Low 6-B: Small Country level
Characters or objects that can destroy a small country, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
6-B: Country level
Characters or objects that can destroy a country, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
High 6-B: Large Country level
Characters or objects that can destroy a large country, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
6-A: Continent level
Characters or objects that can destroy a continent, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
High 6-A: Multi-Continent level
Characters or objects that can destroy multiple continents, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Tier 5: Planetary
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects whose attack potency is quantified within the range spanning from the ability to destroy our moon to the capacity to cause destruction on what is classified as a dwarf star scale with a single attack.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
5-C: Moon level
Characters or objects that can destroy a moon, or an astrological object of similar proportion, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Low 5-B: Small Planet level
Characters or objects that can destroy a small planet , or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
5-B: Planet level
Characters or objects that can create/destroy a planet, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
5-A: Large Planet level
Characters or objects that can create/destroy large gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
High 5-A: Dwarf Star level
Characters or objects that can create/destroy very small stars, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Tier 4: Stellar
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects whose Attack Potency is quantified within the range spanning from the ability to destroy small stars to the capacity to cause destruction on what is classified as a multi-solar system scale with a single attack.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
Low 4-C: Small Star level
Characters or objects that can create/destroy small stars, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
4-C: Star level
Characters or objects that can create/destroy a star, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
High 4-C: Large Star level
Characters or objects that can create/destroy a large star, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
4-B: Solar System level
Characters or objects that can create/destroy a solar system, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
4-A: Multi-Solar System level
Characters or objects that can create/destroy multiple solar systems, or those who can easily harm characters with the same level of durability.
Tier 3: Cosmic
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects whose attack potency is quantified within the range spanning from the ability to destroy a galaxy to the capacity to completely annihilate an infinite three-dimensional space with a single attack, reaching truly infinite power on conventional scales.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
3-C: Galaxy level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures of a magnitude or durability level encompassing the size of a galaxy, including the vast space between celestial bodies.
High 3-C: Multi-Galaxy level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures of a magnitude or durability level encompassing the size of multiple galaxies, including the vast space between celestial bodies.
3-B: Universal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans a three-dimensional space at least equivalent in size to our observable universe (880 yottameters) and extending up to any finite size. For simplicity, it is generally assumed that a fictional universe is at least as large as the observable universe when its dimensions are not explicitly specified.
3-A: Discrete Universal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability level spans from 1 to any finite number of discrete space-times (an example being the space-time described in quantum gravity theory). It should be added that space-times in fiction, even if not openly declared as discrete, would also belong to this level, provided they share some of the features listed above, i.e., they are finite in size, meaning without hinting at a continuous nature or infinite extent, they have a center, they lack homogeneity, and/or they are bounded with edges. For more information about this level, please consult this page.
High 3-A: Infinite Universal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability level spans an infinite 3-dimensional space, commonly defined in friction
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability level spans from 1 to any finite number of discrete space-times (an example being the space-time described in quantum gravity theory). It should be added that space-times in fiction, even if not openly declared as discrete, would also belong to this level, provided they share some of the features listed above, i.e., they are finite in size, meaning without hinting at a continuous nature or infinite extent, they have a center, they lack homogeneity, and/or they are bounded with edges. For more information about this level, please consult this page.
High 3-A: Infinite Universal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability level spans an infinite 3-dimensional space, commonly defined in fiction as 'infinite universes' or simply 'infinite spaces.' Alternatively, this level can be reached with an infinite number of 3-B structures (finite observable universes) and/or 3-A (discrete space-times). Being 'infinitely' stronger than this level, unless mathematically uncountably so, does not qualify for any higher tier.
Tier 2: Multiversal
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects whose attack potency is quantified within the range spanning from the ability to destroy a space-time continuum to the capacity to completely annihilate an infinite collections of infinite multiverses and beyond with a single attack.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
2-C: Universal Continuum level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability level spans the entirety of a space-time continuum where the temporal dimension is proven to function as an eternalist Minkowskian space-time, meaning it records a uncountably infinite number of snapshots of the universe, with the 3-dimensional space being any size, finite or infinite. For more information regarding the requirements to reach this level, please consult this page.
2-B/+: Multiversal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability level spans from 2 to any finite number of 2-C structures (separate space-time continuums).
The '+' is added to the tier when the number of 2-C structures reaches an infinite value, commonly referred to in fiction simply as an 'infinite multiverse.'
2-A/+: High Multiversal level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability level spans from 2 to any number of 2-B structures (infinite multiverses of separate space-time continuums).
The '+' is added to the tier when the level reaches or exceeds an infinite number of 2-B structures.
Tier 1: Extradimensional
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects whose attack potency is quantified within the range spanning from the ability to destroy 5 to 6 higher-dimensional objects, rising massively to reach the capacity to completely affect a 'quantitative absolute infinity,' attaining the maximum mathematically quantifiable power within the system.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
Low 1-C: Low Complex Multiverse level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans 2 or 3 'higher-dimensional levels,' as defined by our dimensional system, relative to any Tier from 3 [Cosmic] to 10 [Human]. Alternatively, this level may also be achieved through 2 or 3 'higher narrative levels,' commonly depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction superiority.
This level is represented by 5- or 6-dimensional objects, mathematically expressed as R^5 - R^6.
1-C: Complex Multiverse level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans 4 to 6 'higher-dimensional levels,' as defined by our dimensional system, relative to any Tier from 3 [Cosmic] to 10 [Human]. Alternatively, this level may also be achieved through 4 to 6 'higher narrative levels,' commonly depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction superiority.
This level is represented by 7- up to 9-dimensional objects, mathematically expressed as R^7 - R^9.
High 1-C: High Complex Multiverse level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans 7 or 8 'higher-dimensional levels,' as defined by our dimensional system, relative to any Tier from 3 [Cosmic] to 10 [Human]. Alternatively, this level may also be achieved through 7 or 8 'higher narrative levels,' commonly depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction superiority.
This level is represented by 10- up to 11-dimensional objects, mathematically expressed as R^10 - R^11.
1-B: Hyperverse level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans 9 to any higher finite number of 'higher-dimensional levels,' as defined by our dimensional system, relative to any Tier from 3 [Cosmic] to 10 [Human]. Alternatively, this level may also be achieved through 9 to any higher finite number of 'higher narrative levels,' commonly depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction superiority.
This level is represented by 12-dimensional objects and beyond, mathematically expressed as {R^12, R^13......}.
High 1-B: High Hyperverse level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans a countably infinite number of 'higher-dimensional levels,' as defined by our dimensional system, relative to any Tier from 3 [Cosmic] to 10 [Human]. Alternatively, this level may also be achieved through a countably infinite number of 'higher narrative levels,' commonly depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction superiority.
This level is represented by countably infinite-dimensional objects, mathematically expressed as R^N.
Low 1-A: Low Outerverse level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans a set of all functions from R to itself, encompassing a collection of all possible space-times, geometric, and infinite-dimensional configurations, rendering it an abstract space.
1-A: Outerverse level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans Aleph-3 'Platonic extent'. These structures transcend physical topological and geometric configurations of space-time dimensions, typically existing as non-physical realms underpinned by platonic infinities. Alternatively, this tier can be achieved if the character wholly surpasses the concept of dimensionality, where such a character is said to predate and exceed all possible spatio-temporal extensions and spatio-temporal applications and perceives them as illusory, or through Aleph-3 'higher meta-conceptual levels,' often depicted in fiction using the concept of Reality>Fiction superiority.
This tier continues indefinitely with each higher level being represented by higher levels of infinity (E. G Aleph-3, Aleph-4, Aleph-5.....)
Notes: (1) A reality underpinned by Type 2 concepts, where it surpasses properties related to the particulars and objects it underlies, serves as extensive evidence for the transcendence of such ideation being sufficient to grant this Tier. (2) Alternatively, if a force or character is treated as a blank canvas, exceeding all extensions of reality, being completely removed from orders of reality and unreachable, typically such characters, being a temporal beginning such as formless nothingness, can be used as evidence to support the character or force qualifying for this Tier.
1-A+: Outerverse+ level
Characters or objects capable of significantly affecting or destroying beings or cosmological structures whose magnitude or durability spans inaccessible cardinals, or realms sharing the same ontological magnitude, represent entities of immense metaphysical significance. These characters transcend the confines of 1-A structures, which encompass frameworks limited by arithmetic operations or powersetting.
Inaccessible cardinals serve as foundational elements within set theory, representing levels of infinity that exceed the limitations of standard arithmetic operations or powersetting. Consequently, realms containing such cardinals exist beyond the constraints of conventional metaphysical frameworks, enabling the existence of entities that transcend the boundaries of 1-A structures.
This tier extends up to higher large cardinals, including those well-founded and formalized within the framework of ZF+Choice (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice). Examples of such large cardinals include Mahlo cardinals and beyond including structures containing cardinals beyond V=L, or 'Large' Large cardinals such as the measurable cardinal, epitomize entities of extraordinary metaphysical prowess. By wielding the power to affect realms containing such 'Large' Large cardinals.
High 1-A: High Outerversal
This tier is exclusively reserved for characters or objects that wield power extending to large cardinals beyond choice, such as Reinhardt cardinals, or alternatively possess the ability to scale to universes of sets (V) exceeding the known formalization of ZF+Choice cardinals. These characters operate on a level of quantitative 'absolute infinity.'
Metaphorically, one can grasp the significance of this tier through a generalized reflection principle. Just as fiction can operate with any describable set, including the Von Neumann Universe, these beings operate on a level beyond that, transcending even the most elaborate conceptual frameworks. While fictional constructs may explore vast worlds, they pale in comparison to the unfathomable complexity of reality itself. Similarly, no level of infinity within fiction can encapsulate the boundless expanses of the real world, and the real world, in turn, cannot be accurately represented within the confines of fictional infinities.
Tier 1-T: Transcendental
This macro level is reserved for characters or objects that can affect all that is intelligible, whether it be confined to logical intelligibility or extending beyond that. Characters of this scale are capable of influencing all possible worlds and can even go a step further by influencing worlds that are logically or metaphysically impossible.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
1-T: Transcendent
Characters or objects endowed with the ability to significantly influence, create, or destroy any and all logical spaces or logically possible worlds of Classical Logic. Within the discourse of modal ontology, these characters are often, though not always, conceived as necessary beings, possessing the inherent capacity to shape and mold all conceivable worlds within the framework of Classical Logic itself.
1-T+: Transcendent+
Characters or objects endowed with the ability to influence, create, or destroy not only the set of all logical possible worlds within classical logic, but also extend their impact to encompass atleast one or more possible world that conforms to Non-Classical Logic modalities. These characters transcend the constraints of modal realism, exerting their influence over the very fabric of existence across classical logical and non-classical conceivable modalities.
High 1-T/+: High Transcendent
Characters or structures that exist beyond all determinateness in reference to limited modes possess a transcendence that isn't merely achieved through otherness but through self-determinacy. This concept aligns with Hegelian philosophy, where transcendence is understood as a relational process that refers to itself—a relative ground that is partially absolute. In Hegelian terms, pure being and self-determinateness exist above, below, and equal to each other. This concept is illustrated by the interplay between pure being, pure nothing, and becoming, which are in constant flux, providing a unity of all categories of existence and nonexistence, negation and affirmation. This dynamic interplay is often referred to as True infinity in Hegelian philosophy.
In essence, characters or structures that embody this Hegelian notion transcend conventional determinateness and limitations imposed by limited modes of existence. Their existence encompasses a fluidity and unity that transcends dualities and contradictions, reflecting the constant flux and interplay of pure being, pure nothing, and becoming. This conceptual framework provides a deeper understanding of transcendence and its implications for character classifications within philosophical and metaphysical contexts.
In this conceptualization, bad infinity is characterized by its codependence on finitude, constituting an infinite linear progression of finite entities that continually end and begin anew. Each finite element within this progression represents a limit and determination, marking the culmination of one stage and the commencement of the next. When viewed collectively, bad infinity comprises an infinite number of finite particulars. Despite finitude being an intrinsic property of infinity in this context, the definition of infinity itself is contingent upon the boundaries imposed by finitude. Thus, bad infinity is inherently determinate, featuring an unending process where one finite entity transitions into another, perpetuating the cycle of creation and dissolution that constitutes the entirety of infinity.
Note: Pure being is merged into High 1-T because from the principle of Hegel's absolute spirit, it's apart of the unifying process that create other determination, Pure being -> Self-determining being -> The "I"-> Other modes of being -> Pure nothing = Pure being. A kind of cyclical relationship, where self determined essence is the same as spirit. This flux of movement is also called Infinity, one that is not spurious.
Theosophical Background
"+" represents characters whose potency or ontic status, holds the highway degree of unity with Nigh-Apeiron, typically being portrayed as immediate emanations of Nigh-Apeiron entities or manifestations.
Tier 0: Ontological Perfection
For anything that exists bears accidental properties and essential ones, ontological perfection is the state in which the distinction between essence and accidents ceases to exist. It is a state of 'being' that surpasses all conceivable metaphysical and physical imperfections.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
Nigh-0: Nigh-Apeiron
Beings or ultimate realities that align with Hegelian Absolutus or ontological perfection represent a pinnacle of existence where every aspect transcends mere relativity and attains a state of Simple Absolute identity. This identity goes beyond comparative notions and encompasses a complete and unconditioned nature that is not contingent upon any external factors. Within this framework, concepts like Pure Being, Totality, and True Infinity are not separate entities but rather facets of the same Absolute Unity.
It is not merely a matter of fulfilling potentialities or achieving a predetermined state but rather the realization of the Absolute itself. This Absolute is characterized by its unchanging and timeless nature, where descriptions and distinctions such as existence and essence lose their significance in the face of its ineffable essence.
The concept of Actus Purus further elucidates this notion of perfection. Actus Purus signifies a state of pure actuality where all potentialities have been actualized, leaving no room for further change or progression. It stands as the ultimate actuality, devoid of any potentiality or contingency, and serves as the ground of all existence.
In the context of God or the Unmoved Mover, these beings exemplify the pinnacle of perfection, transcending any conceivable limitation imposed by finite beings. Their perfection lies not in the fulfillment of attributes or qualities but in their absolute and unchanging nature.
Within this state of perfection, all movement and flux cease to have relevance. The Absolute, being devoid of any parts or divisions, remains self-contained and self-sufficient. Any notion of contradiction or imperfection is rendered meaningless in the face of this absolute perfection.
Theosophical Background
Nigh-0+: Nigh-Apeiron+
To be the source of intellect, means to exceed intellect, to be the source of being, means to exceed being, they are the source of intellect and multiplicity and underpin the unity of both, being prior to and the source of all, such entities cannot be reducible to any and all participated entities; rather they unparticipated. Persisting as unparticipated relationally transcendent, ineffable and undifferentiated and thus ultimately simple generative force, which cannot be known without a point of reference to that which participates in them. They cannot be reducible to anything else but their pure existence, they cannot be attributed anything as it diminishes their existence, being the source of all being; they're capable of actualizing anything metaphysically conceivable.
0: Apeiron
When discussing an Unmanifested Pure Unity, we speak of the upper-limit of transcendence, wherein relational unparticipation merely reflects on its its generative manifestation of which it transcends, it is deprived of any distinction whatsoever, such ultimate realities exceed even that which is an unparticipated generative source, as it is herein, where the distinction between unparticipation and participation dissolves into unity, it is where all thought dissolves into complete and utter silence.
Theosophical Background
Note: Being simply said to be ineffable or indescribable is not nearly enough to reach this tier, without the ineffability thesis conceptualized in the standard for tiering section, such characters are defaulted to a tier beyond their cosmos or in extremely rare cases High 1-T+ with adequate context.