Creation: Book 3 Complete!

Holy Scripture #1

There are no strict rules within this Holy Scripture. The words written prior to this are the inane and thoughtless moments of a lesser being pushed to accept becoming something greater than themselves. If rules must be applied, or if the reader decides that they must place strict adherence to something derived from this writing, let it be this: Don't be an asshole.

My name is Walker, sometimes called Dante or the Creator of Symphony, and I am the one writing this. I. Am. A. Mortal. I'm no greater than any other being or entity, and I feel that is important and should be understood well. I am not a divine being, or a God with a capital G. The word holy as applied to this writing is a requirement for the document itself and not something I would apply to a description of myself. It is a part of a process that allows me to found a religion. I plan to use the power of this religion, and the associated system, to build a better Symphony for all, and thus here we are.

To start, I find myself wondering what should my religion be called? My focus in life, and the road I walk upon, is based upon an oath that I've lived by and explicitly stated not all that long ago. This spoken vow, to my friend and confidant Virgil and the future residents of Symphony, stated that each day and each moment, I will try to be better than I was the day and moment before. That each step should be taken with a goal of improvement for not only oneself, but for all. That the step itself is what matters, and should not have a focus on, and I quote, "The Greater Good." The greater good and the lies that follow it, can lead a world down a path of darkness and progressively expanding retribution which tears itself apart. I won't allow that to happen. I want, and we need, a path of progressive improvement that follows a basic outline of life. One that opens up and permits its followers to have a clearly defined goal, providing a roadmap for how to get there. That is the purpose of this Scripture. For now, let's call this roadmap, and the religion of its founding, the Unending Summit. Those who climb toward the Summit, the word meaning the top or peak, will be called Horizon Chasers, or Chasers for short.

The name has meaning, as all do. There is no end goal to growth. There is no top of the mountain. It is about progression, not for the sake of progression, but for the sake of others so that they may too know the road upon which they walk. Our followers will guide those who come after us, and provide help as it is needed. However, assistance and dogmatic following of the past can lead to a lack of innovation and creation. A strict grip on what is allowed, and what is foolhardy. The greatest achievements in the history of my former world were performed by the foolhardy, those who dared to dream of a different way, and thus even help must be tempered for those who chase the top. Help must be earned. Assistance must be focused. Read the below and place it in your hearts.

Each decision has to be weighed and tempered in the experiences found on Symphony. Each thought has to follow a moral code by the Chaser who holds it.

It is not enough to be the strongest, you must find a way to be stronger still.

It is not enough to touch upon the unknown, as paths wander deepest within the darkness.

Be better than you were yesterday, so that tomorrow shines all the brighter.

Chase the horizon, and place a finger upon the Unending Summit. It awaits only those who are willing to climb the steepest steps.

Those five sentences should hold a clear meaning to each Chaser.

Take on those who need you, who are following a path similar to yours, and provide guidance. Learn about them, find their zone of understanding, and give them small words of advice that allow for individual thought. In the end, it is about building a better world for all who live on it.

Now, there are some important things you need to know if you're going to do well in Symphony. A basic education is the birthright of all Sapients in our world. The first thing you need to know is, commas. Comma, comma, comma. They're useful in writing.....

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.