Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch24- Smart Mansion Mark I

"I present to you, state of art,  fully automated house, created by yours truly, Smart Mansion Mark I"  Mokami stood in front of the fence and looked at the beautiful  two-storied mansion and showed it to the girls behind him.

"Fences are created by the hardest alloys on earth and can take a  punch from All-Might. In case of any sign of an intruder, fences will  turn into spiky spears and will be covered with sticky and slippery  liquid that will mark anyone touching them for a week. It is nearly  impossible to wash them off, so even if the perpetrators try to escape,  they will be recognized by the same liquid.

The house itself is a safe house. Behind the concrete are the Carbon  nanotube pieces, which are virtually impossible to manufacture on Earth,  but Momo and I can create them. That is a big secret, as it is banned,  so we have to keep it to ourselves.

The wall itself is not regular cement but Ultra-High Performance  Concrete, together with Carbon nanotube, the house is nigh-impenetrable.  It is resistant to extreme cold and hot too.

There are 77 dimension stabilizer gravity devices placed in strategic  points around the house, so even the rare spatial Quirks cannot  penetrate the security. It is impossible to enter this house without the  permission of the admin. I initially thought of giving all of you  access to the system, but later I gave up on this idea due to safety  issues. There are some crazy Quirks that can control people, so if I  give you authorization, it might spell trouble for our family." Mokami  said with a guilty smile.

"No need to trouble yourself, Moka-chan. We all support your  decisions and know why you are worried." Mika said with a smile and  others nodded.

"Good, let's walk in then." He smiled back as he placed his hand on the door.

"The door itself is also a Carbon nanotube but covered with wood, so  it looks normal. There are pistons carrying most of the door's weight  when pushed by one of the authorized guests. If an unauthorized person  tries to push the door, they cannot even move it one inch even with the  strength Quirk.

The glasses are crystallized Carbon Nanotubes, so they are safe too...

Now that I summarized the security, let's talk about technology..."  Mokami smiled as the door scanned his fingerprint, eye, and brain-wave,  "The door scans your fingerprint, iris, and brain-wave to make sure it  is you who is trying to enter. I will later plant chips in your bones  and add that too, to required security checks, so even if a person with a  Quirk can copy you perfectly, they will fail to enter. It will also  allow us to find each other's locations in case something bad happens.

The house is fully automated, meaning everything works with robots.  The kitchen is one giant machine, and each AI that runs each room is  different. When you buy raw materials, you can place them into the mouth  of the machine over there, and the AI will sort them out by date and  will use them when required. From now on, we don't even need to cook, as  the robot in the kitchen is capable of cooking more than 5000 recipes.  She is also capable of learning the preferences of people.

If you need anything else, you can simply ask for it, and it will  deliver it to you. There are also built-in ducts where robots deliver  items to the rooms directly. If you need water in the middle of the  night, all you need to do is call for your assistant and it will be  delivered to you."

"Amazing!" Eire said as she looked at the kitchen, "Can I get a glass of tea with two spoonfuls of sugar, please." She asked.

"Coco-milk!" Nejire and Eri said at the same time.

"Coffee, black." Mika requested.

"A glass of milk." Momo lastly asked.

"As you wish, masters." A woman's voice answered, and soon, a robot left the wall and carried all the orders.

"Dolly!" The girls called at the same time.

"Masters!" Dolly bowed without shaking the tray she was carrying. Girls took their drinks, and Mokami continued with the tour.

"You can place dirty dishes anywhere in the house, and robots will  pick them up to wash. But for clothes, you have to place them in certain  spots to prevent confusion. After all, something that might be seen as  dirty, might be wanted to be used again. All the clothes will be branded  with unique codes of residents, so after cleaning, they can be  delivered to specific rooms. You can use that machine over there to  brand your clothes. Don't worry, the ink is invisible to the naked eye,  so it will not ruin your clothes.

You can also ask your personal assistants to remember your wardrobe  design, so after your clothes are cleaned, robots can place them in a  designated area folded." Mokami explained as he enjoyed the shock on the  girls' faces.

"The house is under the constant watch of AIs, so if there is  anything strange, they will notify me and depending on the situation,  police, and ambulance as well. They are checking heat, hormone levels,  and other essentials to watch our health.

You can also control the temperature of your rooms. The walls are  built with isolation and temperature control devices so without using  heating or cooling machines, rooms can be adjusted to any degree.

Robots will clean the house, so you don't need to do anything. In  this house, all we have to do is, live like Queens and King, and enjoy  our lives." Mokami smiled brightly as he finished his presentation.

"Amazing!" Momo looked at the house with her mouth wide open. "You are amazing, Onii-chan!"
"Hehe, I am just overprotective of the people I love." He cheekily said.

"That is why we love you." Mika laughed as the girls all came to hug him.

"So, the tour is over. Girls, this is your home, you can decorate it,  and change your rooms at will, as you please. I just hope you will call  me after you are done so I can see what you have done with it." He said  with a smile.

"Of course," Mika said as the girls nodded.

"There is one thing I want to ask you all." Mokami's face grew serious, "I want you all to promise me something."

"Yes, whatever it is" The girls answered.

"Okay, I want all of you to train your Quirks so that you can protect  yourselves. It is my job to protect you but I still want all of you to  have great control over your Quirks, so you can hold yourself together  in case I am delayed by something. I know some of you think your Quirks  are weak, "He gazed at Mika and Eire, "But you have to realize, there is  no weak Quirk only a weak user."

"Okay, I promise." Eire was too first to promise.

"Me too!" Mika said after a second.

"We, four." Nejire and Momo said at the same time. Mokami noticed Eri's sad face, so he went to hug her.

"Eri, you are just a child so don't worry. When you grow up a little more, I will train you myself, I promise."

"Yay! Nii-chan is the best!" Eri jumped onto his neck.

"Good, now let me show you your rooms."


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