Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 19 The Wizard's Gift

You should live here. This place is fairly hidden. You should know that your current identity is a witch and not the eldest lady of the Walker family. It is not good for you to appear in front of others.

Horn explained the things that Annie should pay attention to. He didn't want the preparatory companion who worked hard to save to be caught and burned to death by the church before he could figure out the acquaintance!

After all these matters were dealt with, Horn left Enoch's hut. Even if Annie passed Horn's preliminary test, it was not certain that Anne was suitable to be a companion, and it still needed to be observed for a few days.

Back at the Douglas carpenter's shop, I had a brief discussion with Enoch about Anne's problem.

The two of them made an agreement to go and observe Annie's situation in batches. If nothing happened after a few days, Horn decided to teach Annie to learn magic.

After talking with Enoch, Horn described Annie's situation in detail to old Douglas. Originally, old Douglas didn't want to talk to Horn, but Horn's interest was aroused when he talked.

According to what you said, I have a little guess about her ability. Old Douglas said with confidence.

What conjecture? Tell me. Horn handed old Douglas a glass of water, and sat there waiting for the teacher's instruction.

The ability of this little girl's awakening is not to summon monsters like we thought before. Old Douglas took a sip of water.

What's that? Horn felt very strange, instead of summoning monsters, where did those monsters come from?

In other words, it's not the little girl who summoned the monster, but the magic circle. What the little girl released was just a trick, and the function of this trick is to activate the magic circle.

Old Douglas drank the water in his glass in one gulp.

Why do you say that? Horn quickly filled the water again.

First of all, it is obvious that those monsters are all monsters from other worlds. If they are summoned by that little girl, then it is impossible for that little girl to be unable to control them. Secondly, she can cast spells without using a staff. If it is not a magic trick, she dead long ago.

But since it's completely uncontrollable, why don't those monsters hurt Annie? Horn asked another question.

I'm not sure about that, but it's nothing more than some rules we don't know when summoning or that little girl is the source of magic power for those monsters to move in the world.

said old Douglas, putting down his water glass.

Been taught a lesson.

Horn bowed respectfully to old Douglas and said.

If it is possible to draw a magic circle in the outside world through other means, will there be a thing in the future where powerful magic can be activated only through magic power at the magic level?

Doesn't even require magic to activate?

Horn thought with some expectation.


The death of a black-clothed deacon was a major event in the city of Len. Most of the people living in the northern district had seen the flames soaring into the sky in the northern district that night.

The promising Deacon Joseph, who might be promoted to Deacon in White Clothes in a year or two, died in this incident, and the daughter of the patriarch of the merchant family who had always respected the church also died that night.

The murderer who killed Deacon Joseph has been locked by the church. He is the villain who defeated Deacon Reeves in white some time ago!

But this evil-faced man hides so deeply that no one knows where he is and who he is!

The church once conducted a thorough search of the city of Len, but no one was found cursing the utensils, not even the object of suspicion.

The patriarch of the Walker family, Al, was crying with the deacons who came to investigate from the church, saying that his daughter and Deacon Joseph were in love, and the reason why Deacon Joseph came to their house that night was to be with his daughter When they met, Anne learned that after Joseph's death, he also set himself on fire, and he also showed a charred body to the people in the church.

A few days later, the church posted another notice. The wanted person was still a familiar villain, but there were two more crimes:

One is to brutally kill the respected and helpful Deacon Joseph and the innocent, kind and beautiful Miss Anne Walker;

The second is that the monsters that have been raging in the North District for a long time are all monsters recruited by the Evil Face from hell. His purpose is to make the people living in Lane City live in panic.

All of these things were not done by Horn except the fact that Joseph was killed. The church just likes to push irrelevant incidents to threatening targets. I remember that the last notice also said that Horn was cruel. Killed so and so...

After this incident, the relationship between the Walker family and the church became even closer. Now that everyone in Lane City knows that Miss Anne and Deacon Joseph were killed together, the church will naturally not treat the Walker family badly.

It wasn't long before Horn was the top priority in Leon City, and another big event happened in Leon City again!

This time it's a really big deal, different from the small troubles before, if this matter is not handled properly, it will really hurt the foundation of Len City... Everyone in the manor of the lord of Len City was slaughtered!

Except for the Earl's family who happened to be traveling, everyone in the entire manor was bloody slaughtered! Not a single one was left alive!

Even the chickens and dogs in the manor were not spared!

The relatives of the Leon family, down to the knights and gardener servants guarding the manor were brutally beheaded. The heads of more than 200 people in the manor were built into a pyramid of human heads in the center of the manor. The rings are placed around the pyramid.

This is a gift for the demons of the abyss, from the handwriting of wizards!

Even the officiant of Len City rushed out, many priests joined forces and seriously injured the wizard, but unfortunately they didn't kill the wizard, but let him escape.

More than 200 headless corpses were left at the scene of the appalling tragedy caused by the wizard, and each corpse was bred by this bug. When the church was relaxing because of the serious injury to the wizard, more than 200 bugs broke their bodies out!

Each of these bugs is bigger than an adult man, and there are more than thirty of them that have reached the first level! The weakest one was stronger than the one Annie summoned, and the strongest one even killed a deacon in white!

After an arduous battle, the Church of the North Wind God finally killed all these bugs! But they also paid a heavy price,

A white-clothed deacon and a full eighteen black-clothed deacons were killed!

They didn't have the joy of winning together, because they all understood that as long as the wizard survived, this kind of battle would definitely come again!


Corner of Black Street in Lane City,

The injured wizard was licking his wounds. The priest of this city was unexpectedly difficult and hurt him. He originally went to slaughter the city lord's mansion to heal his injuries and recover his strength because he was injured by a mysterious person last time, but now his The injury got worse.

But it doesn't matter, he got an important piece of information during this sacrifice!

Lord Demon God has his favorite sacrifice!

Just offer that sacrifice,

He will become stronger!

In the dark night, the wizard's leaky mouth is open, and he is happy now!

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