Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

The Rise of Evil!


The world continued to be on high alert as the object or person who destroyed the satellites in space has still not been identified and a majority of the countries were desperately trying to build more satellites to replace the ones that were destroyed while at the same time sending in spies and using other methods to try and see which one of their enemies or even allies were responsible for the MSA. The MSA event caused a huge rise in criminal activity all across the world except in a few places.

On the other hand, Japan was currently suffering from a rise in criminals, vigilantes, and Survivors. Criminals were using this chance while the military was distracted and confused to do whatever nefarious activities they wanted, depending on how organized or strong they were against the local heroes and police. Certain vigilante groups were rising due to the popularity of the mysterious Apex group. They either took a stand against the police for trying to constantly capture the group or took a stand against villains and criminals who they suspected Apex was trying to get rid of. Survivors have somewhat gone a different route from their first appearance and origins. At first they were simply a group that was making fun of the satellite situation by saying it was done by aliens and we should accept our new alien rulers with open arms. Then the group somehow started devolving into a group of radical terrorists. Of course, the many reasonable people stopped supporting the group right away once it started to not be just a joke anymore but there was still a lot that stayed once the leader of the Survivors started his campaign.

He was known as the Liberator. He took a stance against the world leaders trying to send more satellites into space and wanted the world to understand that space isn’t human domain. Earth is. And we as humans should try and fix the hellhole they live in now. He resonated with the many people around the world that felt dissatisfied with their current life and way of living and promised them paradise. Some said he was mad, some said he was delusional, naïve, insane, a criminal, a terrorist, and many more. But he ignored them all and continued to build his group full of people wanting their own paradise. People wanting to find a place they belong and be free.

From above a news helicopter could be seen flying above a city. Distraught, worry, and sadness was present on the passenger’s faces as they looked down at their city.

“I can’t believe this is happening…”

“It’s like a bunch of inmates were released from a maximum-security prison… I thought the Survivors were just a joke…”

“What are the heroes and police doing?! We need their help now!”

“They stand no chance… Not against them…..”

“KIKIKIKIK! YOU LIKE THAT YOU CHEATING WHORE!?” An angry madman yelled as he stood over a terrified and crying young woman with a prominent mark on the side of her cheek. The man had wild orange messy hair, a skinny body but rather tall in height, and wore a student’s school uniform despite looking like a middle-aged man beginning to bald.

The man was wildly waving around a gun as he continued to scream and shout at the woman before finally taking aim at her. The woman started crying before begging the man to spare her.


“IM SORRY EISUKE!!!!!” She begged with a scream as she hugged his legs in pure desperation and fear.

Before the man could fire off his gun aimed at his ex’s head, the look on his face suddenly changed. The previous maniac look on his face changed to a more serious and focused one as he turned around.

“I’ll have to warn the others. That’s a dangerous son of a bitch coming in…” He said with his quirk fully active. The whites of his eyes were glossed over as if he was blind. He kicked the woman off of him and managed to roll out the way as an invisible energy just blasted through a wall where he previously stood.

“A little hero bitch huh…” Eisuke muttered.

He started running around as more and more impacts blasted the place where he was until he jumped backwards and avoided a blast that was aimed where he was going to be.

‘How can he know where I’m going to attack?’ The invisible hero asked as she used her quirk and dragged the woman away to safety.

The man’s eyes were still glossed over as he looked directly where she was and quickly let off a round of bullets in her direction. She athletically avoided them with her amazing physique and skills while running towards him. He was reloading and she sent a punch straight towards his jaw. He effortlessly dodged her punch as he continued reloading his gun. A surprised look appeared on her face after seeing him dodge her punch.

She was completely invisible right now along with her hero costume that was upgraded by Antoine to absorb sound and make most if not all of her actions silent. Not to mention the perfume made by Antoine that got rid of her smell. So, this guy couldn’t just have enhanced senses… He has to have something else.

Eisuke finished reloading and evilly grinned as he fired right into her gut and knocked her away. She was sent sliding back and the bullet dropped in front of her.

“What kind of shit is that!? If I shoot you, you should bleed!” Eisuke yelled as he fired more bullets at her.

Toru was breathing was slightly heavy.

‘How scary… I have to be more careful. If it wasn’t for this outfit, I would’ve died for sure..’ Toru thought as she made herself an invisible baton made of solidified light and deflected the bullets into the nearby surrounding buildings and street.

Toru’s new costume was mixed together with a few other materials to allow comfort during use, but the most prominent material was the Vibranium mixed within suit. This allowed the hero costume to be durable and handle most impacts and other dangerous attacks.

“What the hell is that? Some sort of stick?! Ahahaha what are you some sort of cavegirl!? Just die already you dumb bitch!” He said while continuing to shoot at her.

Toru could easily see the speed and trajectory of the bullets with her strength now. The training that Antoine put them through for months has definitely made them much better than before. The healing serum that reformed their muscles, bones, blood, nerves, and more after training has transformed their bodies into something greater. Toru used her weapon and batted away the bullets as she closed in on the villain.

Eisuke knew he stood no chance against this hero bitch if he continued to stick around. He turned around and ran while calling for backup on his phone. The hero bitch was running behind him shooting more invisible shits to try and break his phone as he continued to run away. Using his quirk, he dodged the attacks as best as he could.

“Yeah I need some help over here! I got a hero on my tail and I can’t deal with them alone!” He yelled into his phone as Toru was catching up to him with her much superior physique. He clicked his tongue as he started firing behind him, each bullet somehow perfectly finding their way to Toru or where she was planning to go, but with her baton she could deal with them without a problem. The delay between each fired bullet was long enough so that she didn’t have to deal with more than 2 at a time.

Eisuke suddenly stopped dead in his track as the street suddenly erupted in holes. Toru created numerous pink tentacles made of light and forced them all to attack the villain. His face scrunched up in as he clumsily but somehow perfectly avoided all the capture attempts of Toru’s light constructs. He made multiple very awkward stances and dodges to avoid the tentacles. It was as if he was playing twister with his life on the line as he dodged the appendages. His breathing was rapid and he was sweating all over before madly grinning.

“HAHAHAHA! YOU SHOULD’VE TAKEN ME OUT WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE! IT’S ALL OVER NOW YOU DUMB BITCH!” He laughed while looking up on one of the rooftops.

Atop of the rooftop was a calm stern looking woman. She wore a business suit and had her eyes focused on Toru’s position, who was completely invisible. The woman looked like a CEO of a huge company.

‘She can see me too?! I guess staying invisible is useless now.’ She thought as she revealed herself to the two villains.

“What’s so troublesome about her Eisuke?” She asked.

“The bitch can create things with her mind and shrug off bullets and turn invisible! I want her dead Hanako!” He told her.

She looked at Eisuke and then back at Toru. She took her hands off her hips as she sat on the edge of the building and crossed her legs. From behind her a group of 6 people appeared.

“Get her associates.” She ordered as the 6 strangely moving people took off down the side of the building towards Toru like a pack of wolves.

Toru strengthened her resolve and stood towards the group of villains with a grim look on her face. She pulled out a metal baton on her waist and clicked a button as it popped out into a staff.

‘I hope this staff is as great as you advertised it to be Antoine…’ Toru thought as she dashed towards the incoming villains.

“This world shall know change.” A beautiful young teenaged girl said. She wore a rather revealing outfit that highlighted her curvy and slim figure. Her light blue eyes with pinkish hues and symmetrical black and white hair that was evenly divided on each side.

“YOU’RE CRAZY!!! YOU PSYCHOPATHS WILL GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!” A man yelled at her on the ground trying to crawl away.

She looked towards him with a blank expression on her face as a black portal appeared above the man. The man’s eyes widened in fright and despair once he saw the object coming from the portal. He impulsively held up his hands to catch the object but knew that he stood no chance of surviving. The last thought he had was at least he died at the hands of a beautiful girl.


A gory and disgusting shower of human innards exploded from the deceased victim once the large piece of rubble descended upon him from the portal. The look on the young murderer’s face didn’t change in the slightest after witnessing the scene. Up ahead she saw barricade of police riot shields and started walking towards it. She created a white portal underneath the large concrete she used the kill the man with, making the piece of rubble and the bloody remains of the man fall inside.

“Resistance is futile. The Survivors will claim all and change all.” She said dully as she created a second portal that was black in front of her and in front of the police barricade.


The large piece of rubble shot out from her portal at insane speeds towards the police force. The piece of rock was coming so fast that even if the policemen wanted to use their quirks to defend themselves, they wouldn’t make it in time. They dropped their heads in resignation to their incoming fate.

“NOT ON MY WATCH!!!!” An incoming sparkling figure shot towards the concrete and punched it into pieces.

The pieces shot into the riot shields and the newcomer’s jumpsuit hero costume, bouncing off harmlessly. He stared at the blank expression villain who looked around the same age as him with anger in his eyes.

“Thank you young man!” The police officers shouted in relief and joy.

The shining boxer hero focused his eyes on the villain in front of him.

“You’re welcome but try to get some distance away. This might get bad in a couple of seconds.” He told them.

“What’s your name!?” They asked after heeding his words.

“I’m the Sparkling Boxer! Now get to safety please!” Yuga told them as he fired off a laser beam towards the cold beauty.

A white portal appeared in front of her before the laser could reach her and sucked it in.

‘What kind of quirk is that…?’ Yuga thought before quickly leaping to the side after seeing a black portal manifest in front of the girl.

The black portal shot back his own beam towards him with even faster speed than he sent it with, shocking Yuga greatly.

“What is your goal here?!” Yuga asked.

“The world is in need of a change. The Survivors will bring that change.” She answered.

“How is killing and terrorizing innocent people going to change anything!?”

“Some culling is always needed for true change in the world.”

‘This isn’t going to be easy… But I’ll have to do what I can to stop her. She’s too dangerous to be left alone.’ Yuga stated as he blasted towards the girl with his laser shooting out of his feet.

A brown-haired teenager with a broad muscular body could be seen battling 3 heroes. One flame-type, one physical-type, and a water-type. The teenager was seen tanking the brutish hero’s blows with ease. The physical hero was beating the teen with all he had, but no matter how hard he hit the boy, no signs of damage was appearing on the boy in the slightest. The boy grinned as the hero knocked him into the air with a powerful looking uppercut. The flame hero and water hero sent blasts of their prospective quirks towards the airborne boy while he was mid-air.

“It’s my turn now right?! Take this. Leg Shattering Blow of the Titans!!” The boy shouted as he whipped his right leg downward.


The area below him was warped and sunken in from the impact of his attack. The three heroes were crushed into paste and the boy landed down in the large hole with a satisfied smile before seeing a strange figure ahead of him. The figure had metal arms waving in the air that was attached to his back and had a scary grim look on his face. Although the boy was pretty strong himself and doubted there was much that could harm him, he didn’t want to test that on this guy in front of him. He pulled out his phone behind his back for his backup to get him out of here as quick as possible and he slowly stood up and faced the mysterious guy.

“The Survivors huh… You guys fucking grew famous pretty quick despite being based on a shitty meme.” The figure said.

“We’re a serious group! We got followers all over the world you know!? Japan isn’t the only place that’s going to be taken over by us and changed for the better! Now that the world leaders and their armies are distracted by those missing satellites and defending themselves from foreign enemies, we can finally make the world a better place!”

“A better place…. Are you fucking retarded? Causing riots, killing people, and destroying shit isn’t going to make anything better. If it was so simple to change the world that way, it would’ve been done already.”

“What do you know!? We’re going to make the world a better place. We won’t need heroes! We won’t need governments trying to restrict our god-given abilities! Everyone will live in peace once we got rid of the shitty people ruining it further.”

“A better place by killing everyone who disagrees with you? Sounds like the fucking greatest plan in the world.”

“Everyone who disagrees is just trying to ruin the world even further! Our leader will change the world! Even if we have to get rid of everyone who goes against us! There is no progress without sacrifice!”

“I’ve heard enough. Get ready to fucking die shithead.” Antoine flicked him off.

Antoine’s tentacles zoomed towards the boy who simply smiled as he let the tentacles smash into him. The first tentacle punched him into the air, the second tentacle appeared behind the boy and smacked him back down, the third tentacle punched him in the gut, and the fourth tentacle smashed him in the back. The tentacles continued to juggle and combo the boy in the air before finishing him off with a combined double punch towards the concrete street below.


The boy crashed harshly into the street and showed no signs of movement. Antoine grinned as he walked over to the boy with a smug look on his face. He used his tentacles to pick the boy up by the shirt.

“Got cha!” The boy suddenly opened his eyes with no damage on him whatsoever as he held his palm out at Antoine and released a huge destructive shockwave right in Antoine’s face.

The shockwave completely destroyed the street and buildings behind Antoine as he stood perfectly still and unharmed. The young man’s mouth dropped in sheer shock.

“Abo Ryuichi… Good try you little fucking brat. You’re lucky no people were back that way or I would’ve had to bury you 100 ft into the ground.” Antoine said as hand inched closer and closer to the entirely frightened boy.

“Impossible….. Not even the Sergeant could’ve stood up to that blast… Who… are you…?” He stuttered in fear.

“The Ultimate Craftsman. Your local grim reaper.” He answered before the Ryuichi was suddenly enveloped in white angelic feathers and vanished right in front of him.

An irritated look appeared on Antoine’s face.

“What the fuck!? Who the hell!?” Antoine shot high into the sky so he could get a better look over the entire city and still failed to spot Ryuichi or any white feathers.

He dropped back down into the city.

“These motherfuckers are a lot more fucking organized than I thought! No one fucking told me they had a teleporter!” Antoine shouted.

Antoine then sniffed the air and headed towards the most populated place in the city currently. With that one sniff he could almost map out the entire city in his head. This was only possible due to his INT stat being so high. If it wasn’t Antoine could’ve put himself in a coma from the insane amount of information he gained from that one sniff. His nose is so strong through the various skills he’s acquired, there is almost nothing he can’t sniff out.

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