Counterattack [Interstellar]

Chapter 110

Chapter 111:

After Pei Yao was exiled, Alan was like a different person, and he was obsessed with politics all the time. After becoming the youngest emperor in the history of the empire, Alan was again known as the most diligent emperor in the history of the empire.

In the first year after Pei Yao left, Allen dominated the news headlines for almost a whole year.

In chronological order, in the first half of the year, Allen first focused on the issue of guides. Thanks to Allen’s intention to permanently abolish the guide sentry’s private combination of exile regulations, there were 120,000 hidden in the first month of Alan’s accession to the throne. The guide acknowledged the attributes of his supernatural powers, and under the protection regulations of the new emperor, he safely registered with the statistics department as a marked guide. Since then, they have enjoyed all the benefits and protections of the combined guide of the empire.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not. After Allen announced the abolition of the exile regulations, he has not set any other punishment regulations. The House frequently protested, but Allen kept the matter aside. During that time, the House sent to Oman every day. The handwritten documents of the Thrall Hall almost collapsed the large desk in Allen’s study, but Allen stood up to the pressure of the House and waited for the criticism from the cusp of public opinion. It took five months to hide the guides. .

During the five-month legal gap, a total of more than 72 million people have disclosed their identities in conjunction with the guides, obtained legal status, and walked openly with their lover.

After seven consecutive days of no new hidden guides appeared, Allen finally let go, and filled the previous “departure exile for ten years” with the modest punishment of “exile together for three years and pay a fine.” In the five months before this, no penalty was imposed because there was no clear stipulation.

By now, everyone understood the profound meaning of the first will that Allen announced before the entire empire when he was enthroned.

It was also at this time that the House and the royal family really learned the toughness of the guide emperor’s wrist.

This change in the regulations obviously violated the rights of many nobles and soldiers-they had worked so hard for many years to obtain the right of blind date, and it was simply outrageous that the sentries could obtain a guide without any loss just because of good luck.

At a dance party, a drunk distant relative of Allen publicly expressed his dissatisfaction. Many people were scared into a cold sweat at the time, but Allen’s face remained unchanged, and he asked, “Excuse me. After the guide is registered, has the ratio of guides and sentries among the imperial powers increased in the new census results? How much has it increased?”

The drunk nobleman was already confused, his eyes were muddy and his face flushed, and he kept shaking his head. A cousin of Allen whispered: “It has risen to one to nine hundred and seven.”

“Every guide will be protected by the empire in every possible way when he is awakened. The empire will provide him with the most comfortable medical environment. One of these is to conduct a thorough physical examination on every member of his family to judge the guide. Whether there is a possibility of hereditary disease, if his father or mother is a hidden guide, he will definitely be checked out at this time.” Allen changed the conversation and said coldly, “These hidden guides often spend their lives in order to protect themselves and their lovers. Don’t dare to have a child, for fear that he will awaken as a guide and bring disaster to the family! The abolished ordinance that you are thinking of has been threatening hidden guides all the time over the years, and how many guides have been killed in invisibility, do you know? ?!”

“The proportion of guides and sentries among the supernaturalists has been declining year by year. The reasons are complicated, but this is indeed one of the important reasons.” Allen paused in a timely manner and sneered, “And you, in the end, are you pregnant?” Why do you want me to reconvict the hidden guides?”

The nobleman woke up half of his wine in an instant, and said tremblingly: “During the reign of Emperor Auston…”

“Oh, it turns out that you miss your father, and I am willing to fulfill your wish.” On the spot, Allen gifted the nobleman to leave the court and go to the Cadbury Star, now cultivated by Auston, to accompany the king. By the way, Allen’ Temporarily’recovering his military power, Alan looked at the earth-colored nobleman with a toast and smiled gracefully, “I wish you a happy life in that small town.”

Since then, no one has dared to challenge Allen’s decision.

The House began to feel anxious about the new emperor’s iron-blooded wrists, but before they could come up with a countermeasure, Allen, who had initially solved the problem of hidden guides, had begun to attack them.

First, there were frequent secret accounts in the House, and then some people reported that the House veterans were raising private soldiers. Before the House was ready, Allen took advantage of this momentum to suspend the duties of hundreds of House elders in a swift manner and strictly ordered them. check.

Those with the shortest qualifications among the elders have also been in the House for more than a century. It is impossible for them to have never done anything in violation of the law in these years. Allen did not show any mercy. Appointment of the investigation team should be meticulous. The staff in the adjustment team are all Alan’s cronies. After a whole month of intensive inspections day and night, they presented Alan with an investigation report that was comparable to an imperial dictionary.

Allen was sent off in a thunderous manner, and the House veterans had no time to wipe out the evidence for themselves. In this way, Allen executed more than a dozen elders and dismissed thousands of members in one go.

The work of the congressmen should not be delayed. Allen has quickly commissioned many new congressmen. It is conceivable that these are all direct descendants of Allen’s direct line.

In just a few months, Allen gave the House a complete change of blood.

At this moment, many people understood how stupid the decision to force Pei Yao to leave was.

Although Allen’s action this time was famous for his teacher and didn’t wrong anyone, no one would believe that he was not venting his anger. The House must have Allen privately combined to give a statement, Allen gave it. But no one thought that after half a year, the new emperor would suddenly kill the House and return a carbine after solving the problem of hiding the guide and vacating his hands.

Everyone knows whether there is any reason for her Royal Highness the Queen.

And Prince Adair was blessed to understand Allen’s deeper intentions this time. When Mrs. Jeanne once again sighed with him that the Queen did not know when the Queen could come back, he couldn’t help spitting out to his wife: “Don’t worry, Your Majesty The Queen will really be exiled for ten years.”

Mrs. Jenny looked at her husband puzzledly: “How do you know? Did your Majesty tell you anything?”

Prince Adair shook his head: “No, it’s just my guess.”

Mrs. Jenny was very disappointed and couldn’t help complaining: “Are you making me happy?”

“How am I?” Prince Adair comforted his wife’s forehead and whispered, “If he would not pick up the queen in advance, why would Your Majesty be so anxious to exchange blood in the House?”

Mrs. Jenny was stunned and suddenly realized: “Your Majesty is worried…I am worried that the House will hinder him again in the future!”

Prince Adair was silent and said: “There may be other reasons. Your Majesty is not a man who can hold people back… You know the situation when your Majesty succeeded. It can be said that there are thorns and thorns. At that time, your Majesty decided to let the Queen. You probably took this into consideration when you left. If you think about this year for yourself, did your majesty relax one day?”

When I mentioned this, Mrs. Jenny felt distressed: “Of course I know, I also persuaded him before, but…”

Prince Adair gave a wry smile: “Where can your Majesty listen.”

As a guide, he succeeded in that situation, and a slight slack would be found flaws, but fortunately, Allen survived.

Mrs. Jenny was still very uncomfortable in her heart, and she whispered: “It has been a year. Your Majesty and the Queen have never contacted… I once reminded your Majesty that he can contact the Queen, or even find it for himself. An excuse to go to Tara, but His Majesty refused.”

This time even Prince Adair didn’t understand: “Why is this? Even if you listen to each other’s voices.”

Mrs. Jennie shook her head and said in a low voice: “Your Majesty said that he is not qualified to face the Queen.”

Prince Adair was deeply moved and said for a while: “Your Majesty has been desperately trying to get up on the spot this year and retrieve his due dignity.”

Time flies, and at Allen’s succession year ceremony, Allen agreed to receive questions from reporters for the first time.

Everyone has learned about Allen’s strength, and the reporters can’t help but feel a little uneasy, but fortunately, a lot of goods have been received this year, the questions to be asked are all positive, and the atmosphere is fairly relaxed.

At the end of the interview, a reporter had the courage to smile and asked a less formal question: “The people are very happy with the progress of this year. Now it is the time when you succeeded to the throne for a full year. Someone organized a’this year’ event and made a wish for the next year. I wonder if you are willing to participate and make a wish for the next year?”

Allen paused and nodded. The reporter was overjoyed. Allen looked at the camera and smiled after a long silence: “May Your Royal Highness be healthy and come back to me as soon as possible.”

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