Count of Wizards

Chapter 62

Chapter 60 reward

Rand Street, East District, Ruen City.

Connor Ferguson, leaning on the sofa, wrapped in bandages, squinted with a faint smile on his face, casually playing with a lavender ring on his hand, and placed on the desk beside him. Wearing a pocket watch that is quite classical.

These two things are the trophies he found from Charles!

After killing Charles, in addition to feeling that people are not as good as the sky, Connor also immediately used the contemplation recorded in the abyss secret method to check Charlie’s memory, but this Mr. Charles seems to be a ruthless person, even in There are countless bans placed in his own soul. If you want to see his memory, you must break through and lift these bans. If there is any operation error in the process of lifting these bans, it will cause Mr. Charles’s head to be broken. “Bang!” like a bomb.

But fortunately, Connor has a powerful auxiliary chip with powerful computing capabilities, plus the contemplation recorded in the secret of the abyss that he practiced is strong enough, with the help of these two great help, Connor quickly cracked Charles. It is relatively easy to break a small part of the prohibition in the spirit, and obtain some memory information of Charles.

According to the chip’s sorting and analysis of the memory information, Connor got several pieces of very useful information.

The identity of the first Charles is the chairman of the Charles Fund, and Charles Fund owns shares in dozens of companies, while secretly Charles is a black market businessman who specializes in the company through which he owns shares. Wash the dirt, and Charles charges a high fee for this!

Second, Luen did not form a large-scale black market because it was in the traditional sphere of influence of the Storm Church, but there were many small-scale black markets, and Connor was overjoyed in Charles’ memory. It clearly records a black market under the cover of the “Men Hing Club” on the surface, and every so often it organizes a gathering among wizards in a very hidden way!

And the part of Charles’ memory that he cracked out records how to correctly contact the “Menxing Club”!

There are two enchanted items in the hands of the third Charles, namely the second-level enchanted item violet ring and the first-level enchanted item inspiration pocket watch! The violet ring is the enchanted item used by Charles to release the purple light shield during the fierce battle, and the inspiration pocket watch is an auxiliary enchanted item. This enchanted item can automatically warn others of your detection by mental power, but the use is quite restricted. Many, for example, it takes a period of time to store energy and cannot be used after warning.

According to Connor’s estimation, Charles was able to find his tracking, which should be the credit of the inspiration pocket watch. In the next battle, he did not find himself hiding behind the tombstone. It should be because the inspiration pocket watch entered after warning. The dormant period of stored energy.

Although there are still many questions about Charles Connor, it is undoubtedly a difficult project to break most of the remaining bans in his soul, even if Connor has the help of auxiliary chips and dementia, It also takes at least seven days to get it done, and the human spirit will completely disappear after twenty-four hours after death, so breaking all the prohibitions in the spirit is undoubtedly a false proposition!

Aware of this, Connor gave up decisively, not entangled with Charles’ memory, carefully processed the scene of the battle, and after removing his traces, immediately quietly escaped away.

Connor is quite satisfied with this harvest of the violet ring and inspiration pocket watch. The energy in the Gwendelin badge given to him by his mentor Reyes is almost exhausted. According to the chip’s estimate, the Gwendelin badge is on top. Too much means that it will be scrapped if it is used again.

Although the Gwendelin badge and the violet ring are both defensive second-level enchanted items, they are still very different. The Gwendelin badge is an enchanted item made by Connor’s mentor, Professor Reyes, when he was young. , Belongs to non-recyclable semi-finished products with limited use times.

The violet ring is a recyclable permanent enchanted item. Although Charles has consumed its own energy, once it falls into the hands of a wizard like Connor, theoretically speaking, as long as Connor can continue to do it. Provide a steady stream of mana support, and the purple light shield of the violet ring can be displayed forever.

Compared with the violet ring, the inspiration pocket watch is a bit tasteless to Connor. The inspiration pocket watch is a first-class magic item. According to the judgment of the auxiliary chip, the inspiration pocket watch can only warn the mental power detection within the range of the intermediate apprentice. is more like a demonized item specially prepared for mortals. Ordinary mortals have no way to manifest their spiritual power, so there is no way to detect the spiritual power of wizards.

And Connor is a wizard, and because of his spiritual talent and the practice of the abyss secret method, although his current realm has not reached the intermediate apprentice, his spiritual power is very close to the intermediate apprentice. Connor can detect the mental power detection that the inspiration pocket watch can warn of, and Connor can detect the mental power that Connor can’t detect, and the inspiration pocket watch can’t warn it.

“According to Charles’ memory, there are still three days left before the next party in the Munchen Club. It seems that I need to prepare well!” Connor leaned on the soft sofa and stroked his chin, thoughtfully, although it was not him who killed Charles. The original intention, but as a black market merchant who washes dirt, Charles is not a good man either. If he kills he simply kills, it’s no big deal.

Connor valued this clubhouse in Munxing very much, which he regarded as an opportunity, an opportunity to further help him enter the wizarding world. However, because of the information he obtained from Charles’s memory, apart from knowing that the Monchenglady is a place where some hidden wizards meet regularly and privately, and how to enter the Monchenglady, there is almost no other useful information, so Connor was also very cautious while he was interested.

God knows who are gathering in the Munxing Club. Are they the real evil black wizards who kill people like hemp, or the underground wizards struggling to keep warm under the high pressure of the Storm Church? Or both?

So in view of the unclear form of the Munxing Club and the consideration of being responsible for his personal safety, Connor felt that if he was going to attend the Munxing Club meeting three days later, it was necessary to make some preparations just in case.

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