Count of Wizards

Chapter 59

Chapter 57 Overheard

Although he will continue to refine other enchanted items, this time Connor does not plan to buy raw materials from the “Mihalovich Mining Company” that George introduced him, although that might save him some Gold pounds, but after a brief contact with that company’s store manager, Mr. Simone, Connor felt that the store manager was really too smart. If he wants to buy raw materials from him for a long time, he is likely to be there. This method of placing other raw materials in the list of materials is also beyond his eyes.

In addition, this time I learned about the black market from Vallejo, which also made Connor more interested in the existence of the black market. He desperately wants to know about the Wizarding World. All his sources of information about the Wizarding World come from Reyes. This is definitely not a good thing, no doubt! Connor wants to broaden his sources of information!



once again saw the brand “Papa Morgan’s Bistro”, although it hasn’t been too long, but it really made Connor feel like a world away, as if the day he faced the death threats of Vidal and Rebecca was yesterday.

pushed open the door of the tavern, Connor walked in grandiosely, ignoring that he was in this room and stabbed a **** named “Hedira”. The reason why Connor dared to be so arrogant was that he believed in his disguise, and no one could recognize him.

A middle-aged man with rough skin, full face and beard, full of alcohol and a linen cloak would never make people think of a decent heir to an earl.

In order to be more in line with his current personality and not to be noticed, Connor took out eight pennies from his arms, lined them up on the bar, and yelled: “Waiter! Waiter! Give me a piece of charcoal quickly. Grilled pork chops!”

The waiter behind the bar glanced at the eight pennies discharged by Connor, and said angrily: “Charcoal grilled pork chops, ten pennies!”

“What? Ten pence! Why don’t you grab it? It costs three pence for a pork chop on Levante Avenue!” Connor muttered angrily, and slowly took out two more from his pocket. The penny was thrown on the bar.

Knowing that the “poor ghost” in front of him couldn’t get any tips, the waiter rolled his eyes and picked up the penny on the counter, put it in the cash box, and screamed lazily, “Wait. !”

Connor, who was disguised, kept muttering in his mouth, while observing all kinds of people in the bar, the spiritual power far surpassing the junior apprentices of ordinary wizards also quietly dissipated.

“A price! Two shillings is one penny less, and you don’t want to sleep in my old lady’s bed!”

“Marquis, a bald guy, dare to steal my wife. Go and help me teach him a lesson. I will give you a golden pound after it’s done!”

“We will make Courtois this guy tonight. The hardware pound in his house belongs to our brother!”



Dozens of conversations rushed directly into Connor’s ears, which made Connor’s mouth a smile that was not a smile. The more he learns the secret of the abyss, the more Connor can feel the power and magic of his spiritual power. After letting go of his spiritual power, as long as the creature with lower spiritual power is covered by his spiritual power, every move will be invisible, and this Everything is silent, leaving no trace

Listening to dozens of conversations in his ear, Connor carefully distinguished whether there were words like “black market” and “crazy horse” in the content of these conversations.

Connor’s luck is not bad, only ten minutes have passed before he has overheard a conversation that interests him very much.

“That batch of goods is worth at least fifty gold pounds, can it be whitewashed? This ticket is dry, I will divide you three points!” On the remote sofa in the northwest corner of the bar, a young man wearing a peaked cap stood up. With three fingers, while smoking a cigar in front of him, combing his back, the stylish old man whispered:

The old man breathed out a cloud of smoke, a disdainful smile appeared on his face, and said faintly: “Twenty points!”

“Twenty points? I got this batch of goods only after my five brothers died. You only need twenty points for the whitewash?” The young man couldn’t accept the old man’s condition, so he got off the couch all at once. He stood up and said angrily: But it seemed that he still maintained his sanity, his voice was suppressed very low, and he was not dazzled by anger.

“Haha, does young Pablo know what monopoly is? Here, besides me, see who else has a way to wash your goods?” He didn’t care about the anger of young people www. The old man smoked another cigar and said quite contentedly:

Hearing what the old man in front of him said, the young man called “Pablo” clenched his fists tightly and stood still, but after holding on for about half a minute, Pablo sat back on the sofa. He asked in an almost begging tone: “Can you take less? You know, with this sum of money, I have to deal with the death of my brother and buy supplies. You took 20 points. After that, the remaining money is not enough!”

“Pablo would like to know how many points I have drawn from the Cyclops of Quadrado? Twenty-five points! Pablo is not worth as much as his goods. If it weren’t for you, you’re a very promising guy. Young people, can be my long-term partner. The point I want to smoke today is 30 points!” After smoking the remaining cigars in his hand in one breath, the old man said solemnly:

From the conversation between these two people, I heard the words “Quadrado”, and Connor, who was mechanically swallowing the grilled black pork chops on the bar, immediately burst into light in his eyes. If he didn’t think wrong, the “Quadrado” in this conversation between the old and the young should be the pirate with a reward of 100 gold pounds from the Imperial Admiralty!

Connor first noticed these two people from these dozens of conversations, which originated from the first “whitewashing” among the young population called “Pablo”. Why do you want to wash the goods? Naturally, the goods need to be whitewashed because they are dirty! And what kind of channels will be used for laundering goods like this? Could it be the black market I was looking for?

While Connor was thinking about it, Pablo over there after listening to what the old man said, took a breath and said helplessly: “As you wish, but I demand that the remaining thirty gold pounds must be cash. , And it will be handed to me within three days!”

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