Count of Wizards

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 Raul the Great (Part 2)

“Although a steam engine was produced three hundred years ago, the steam engine at that time was expensive and low in efficiency. In that era, the steam engine before it was improved, according to the emperor, was like a tasteless existence, tasteless and discarded. It is a pity. But after the improvement of the genius general emperor, the shortcomings of steam engine consumption and low efficiency have been completely improved. The work that could only be done by one ton of coal in the past can be completed by improving the steam engine by a quarter ton of coal! What is rare is that Emperor Raul couldn’t help being great and extremely humble. He did not name the improved steam engine after his own name, but named it Watt Steam Engine!”

“Watt steam engine? Really hammered, real hammered! Emperor Raul must be the predecessor of the Crosser!” The improved steam engine was named after Watt. This incident instantly confirmed Connor Ferguson’s bold conjecture just now.

I didn’t notice Connor’s mental activity. The skinny Professor Ferdinand continued to eloquently tell his lessons.

After improving the steam engine, Raul the Great also historically created a musket that changed the traditional method of warfare. Under the impact of the musket, the strength of the noble lords who were mainly knights was greatly damaged. Then Raul the Great used the musket and The knights organically combined to form a new army, and led this army that has never appeared in history, marching south and north, fighting the Odin barbarians on the Sexson Plain in three years, and making the storm ocean big and small in five years. Thousands of pirates lowered their unruly heads and learned to obey the laws set by the empire.

Supported by aristocratic merchants, peasants, and all social strata, the humble Emperor Raul rejected the Florentino family’s request for a renunciation nine times, and only then did the tenth renunciation, reluctantly in the 100th of the Fourth Era. For sixty years, be crowned emperor!

After proclaiming the emperor, Raul the Great began a series of political and economic reforms. The history of these reforms is called “Raul Reform”. In politics, Raul’s reform broke the tradition of the king’s strengthening of his own power for the first time. The constitution of the Kaman Empire restricted its royal power and established a parliamentary party system. The aristocratic class entered the upper house and the lower house was democratically elected. In this way, power was further enclosed in a cage.

Economically, Emperor Raul first measured the entire land of the Kaman Empire and severely cracked down on land mergers. Secondly, he vigorously supported the development of industry and commerce and ocean trade in the form of tax deductions. Now our empire’s modern city construction, railways A series of infrastructures, including construction, were laid during that period.

Listening to the podium, Professor Ferdinand brags frantically to Raul the Great, and Connor Ferguson sitting below has a wry smile on his face.

“There is no doubt that this senior traverser named Raul is definitely a member of the celestial dynasty! Otherwise, how to imitate Zhu Zhongba’s method of nine withdrawals and nine yields to show, prove the legitimacy of his rights, pity these alien world People really think this is humility!”

Suddenly, Professor Ferdinand’s voice became low and deepened. In the 217th year of the Fourth Age, the great Kaman Empire, the founder of the Thorn Flower Dynasty, the conqueror of Odin, the godfather of the party, Lao Emperor Er fell in the Emperor Dan Palace at the age of fifty-three.

“Fuck, such an awesome character, just hang up like this?” Connor felt a little weird.

Professor Ferdinand seemed to be still immersed in his own world, and did not notice the doubts of Connor, who was sitting close at hand, in the first row. He also only mentioned the death of Emperor Raul and did not say much. In his lecture, Ferdinand mainly focused his explanation on the political reform of Raul the Great.

“Chip, retrieve the content about Raul the Great from memory!” Connor said silently in his heart:

“Drip! Mission begins…”

Ten seconds later, everything about Emperor Raul in his memory suddenly appeared in Connor’s mind.

These materials are almost the same as what Ferdinand said just now. They are basically the same. However, in the memory of Emperor Raul the Great’s death, Connor knew of a gossip that went viral among the nobles, that is, Raul the Great. In fact, he didn’t die, but in that way, he gave up the throne and pursued extraordinary power!


Connor, who was thinking about Emperor Raul’s affairs, suddenly felt someone appear next to him. He immediately recovered from checking his memory. Only then did he discover that the class had already ended, and only himself and sitting in the classroom were left. George standing nearby.

“Huh? My dear friend George, you asked me to wait. You won’t find me as your wingman again. Go to the bar to soak up the socialites?” Connor looked at the well-dressed face in a playful manner. George who looks like a dog.

“Cough cough cough, what do you say!” With a soft cough, George gave Connor a big eye, then found an invitation card from his arms and handed it to Connor.

“My father will have his birthday on the 15th of next month. We will hold a birthday party at home. As my friend, Connor, I hope you can come and celebrate this moment together!” George said solemnly:

“My uncle’s birthday? This is a happy event. Mr. Harvey is an elder I admire very much. Don’t worry! I will be there by then!” Connor smiled and took the invitation with both hands.

Seeing that Connor did not refuse, he accepted the invitation very readily. George also showed a happy smile on his face. “Because there are a lot of things in the family for a birthday party, I want to go back and help. Believe that I will attend the birthday party Connor, you will definitely not Disappointed, there will be a super beauty coming that day…”

Listening to George’s words, Connor laughed blankly, but he nodded and said, “I’m looking forward to it.”

Saying goodbye to George, returning to his apartment, Connor’s eyes flashed with excitement. Today is the seventh day he returned from the castle!

“My progress is faster than I thought. Yesterday I already touched the mental barrier of the junior apprentice. Today, I can definitely break through and become a junior apprentice!”

Sitting cross-legged on the soft bed, Connor began today’s meditation.

In the luxuriously decorated apartment, only the sound of clocks can be heard. Connor is like a statue, surprisingly quiet. Only the slightly agitated temple still proves that Connor is still alive.


Along with the sound of the clock hung on the wall, a strange wave appeared on Connor’s body.

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