Couldn’t My Reincarnation have been more Cliche!

Chapter 32 (Debts Repaid) Part One

Hi, it's me again, sorry for the long break, but I'm finally happy to write again! I'm not sure how many of you will still read this, but thank you for sticking with me, expect a lot more chapters coming soon, for both of my series.

It's been awhile since I wrote, so I'm sorry if the tone is different, or if there's more mistakes, I may need some time to get back into the swing of things.

I hope you enjoy, and thank you for reading!

The old man walked out of the shop, his playful smile shifting to a serious grimace as he strolled down the quiet street, mumbling to himself, his cane tapping rhythmically along the broken concrete walkways. His eyes absentmindedly glanced at the large tear in the sky, almost longingly. Today had been a long day,  taking him out of his thoughts. A small ping of energy came from the direction of a puppet he had sent out to watch the place, he smiled with a half-dejected sigh. It seemed like it was only going to get longer. Well, no rest for an old-timer like him.


He arrived at a small alley behind the coffee shop. A woman in an all-black hoodie was being picked up by a doll, its cracked mask tilted mockingly in her face as her body hung limp in its hands. Luckily there wasn’t any noticeable sign of a struggle on the woman. It would have been a pain if she was hurt too badly.  This doll was a little different from the one that stood cleanly at the man's side. It was missing the misleading maid attire; instead, its smooth body and features were prominently on display. Its mask seemed more expressive and detailed compared to the other one, the cracks on it almost smirking as it held out its trophy to the man in front of it. The strings holding its body swayed lightly in a nonexistent breeze, sticking straight up in the air.


The woman in its grasp let out a small groan shaking with her eyes closed like in a nightmare she couldn’t wake from.  A weak voice slipped unconsciously from her lip. 

[Dreaming lady]  “I’m, I'm whole  now, we’ll never be apart again….” she slowly rambled on “I swore once I was better we would live so sweetly my love ah ah yes I did as I was asked…”


.As if satisfied, the doll loosened its grip. The man came closer, leaning over, his face twisted into a relaxed expression as he motioned to the two dolls with him. He began to speak, cupping his chin as he continued to look over the woman.


[Elric] “See, Sophia? I told you there was a rat after my granddaughter, and you were saying we didn’t need to come back for house cleaning. Ahaha, didn’t I tell you not to doubt me? My old age hasn’t dulled anything up here.

Cutting off the old man, the doll next to him spoke blankly 


[Sophia] “This Maid does not remember any such conversation, Maker.”

The old man gave an unamused nod towards the puppet, and he and Sophia started to walk away. Sophia quickly faded into a shimmering mirage, disappearing once more next to the man. Looking around a little jokingly, the doll tossed the woman in a heap as she skipped after the man, jokingly beginning to talk.


[Unknown second doll] “Sooo, Maker, want to know what I learned from her, or do you have some guesses of your own? It’s not fair, you know, always leaving this doll out of everything. This doll understands—you just don’t love it as much, Mak...”


Cutting off the doll’s over-the-top antics, the old man waved his hand as the doll began to fade into shimmering light next to him, much to the doll's protest. Its cracked mask clearly displayed a frown as its body seemed to be pulled away by some unseen force. As it faded away, the old man began to mumble to himself.


“If it was really that important, Sophia would have just told me. Besides, I already have a guess who she worked for.”


A smug smile spread across his face as he took one last look at the shop. His eyes followed the strange black-haired girl talking with his granddaughter, her face cutely contorted in confusion. As the rain swallowed the shop, he began to walk towards his car, a sigh escaping his lips as he got into the seat and began to drive down the broken concrete road.


 The red glow of the evening sky mixed with the red scar in the sky, the shape of it casted a blood-red light down on the streets, entering the defense sector of the city the silhouettes of soldiers keeping watch over the dark streets slowly passed through the car’s window. Softly rolling along, the car pulled through the rain, marking the window with a small sound. Finally, after some time of driving through the dreary streets, he stopped outside a large office building, an ornate sign reading “Roaring flame office (request available at reception).”


Walking into the building, there was a woman in front of him, her appearance slightly seductive, clearly meant to entice those who entered the place. She sat behind a high-class wooden desk. Looking up from her computer, her movements froze. Her eyes grew wide before she quickly stood up and bowed her head—a perfect example of service, if not for her earlier reaction. 


Elric sat down inside the lobby of the building, watching as the woman's back disappeared through a side door. 


“Quite the nice place the kid’s got here, looks like our deal has been just as profitable for him as me, ah such a shame it’ll have to end…” his words were interrupted as the receptionist 

seeming out of breath briskly walked back over to him motioning with a slight unsteady wave for him to follow. Their eyes  never met as she led him down the hall clearly surprised to see him in person despite his clear mention of him coming..

The women led him only a little further stopping at a solid pair of wooden doors, the woman speaking when she did. 


[Hurried Secretary] “The Leader is waiting for you. Please enter as you wish, Forge-Master.”


Opening the door with little effort, He walked in, The room was thick with the stench of cigars, a popular though expensive brand from Domica, a favorite of generals and crime lords. As for which one the man in front of him was... sighing, he unfortunately had to acknowledge him as a bit of both. The man had dark grey hair, his feet propped arrogantly on the table as he puffed on his cigar. His clothing was a high class suit, barely buttoned to conceal his chest. He had the feel of both a wild beast and a distinguished gentleman, creating an undeniably charismatic visage—though, of course, the old man was not the type to be attracted. 


The man didn’t wait for Elric to speak. He propped his feet up higher, snuffing out his cigar with a smirk. Raising his hand in welcome, a smile overtook his face as he finally uncrossed his legs under Elric’s unimpressed expression. His face fell into a less distinct frown as he spoke.


[ Roaring Flame Guild ]  “So, old friend, assuming you come as my friend, of course—ahahaha—what brings you here to my humble office? I didn’t think you’d be done with forging what I asked for so soon, I guess I can only expect as much from someone like you.”   The room fell silent for a moment after the arrogant young man finished speaking. Elric sat down heavily in the chair, taking a moment to light up a cigar of his own. Though he never found the act enjoyable, but  for what he was about to do, it might be needed.

The other man's face tightened into a frown. Letting out a grunt he spoke slowly
[ Roaring Flame Guild ]  “Judging by your face, it’s nothing good. Come, senior, you intruded this far, might as well say what's on your mind huh?”


Speaking in a friendly tone, Elric produced a few weapons and set them on the table gently, hardly making a sound as a collection of swords, bows, and daggers built a small pile between the two men.


[Elric] “I see your temper is the same as ever, friend, but I’m only here to discuss our business dealings. I won’t be needing any favors. I’ve made good on the order early, and thought I might deliver them in person while I was in town”

 After staring for a moment, The man sat back, his frown forming back into a smile, as he clapped his hand on the desk and seemed to relax.


[ Roaring Flame Guild ] “Ahahaha, it’s about that, is it? I see. Well, you know things have been dangerous lately with all the commotion and rifts, so I thought something might have happened to my favorite old man. And hey, how’s that granddaughter of yours doing? Safe, isn’t she? You know, if she needs any protection, you could always rely on my guild—for a price, of course. You never know what sort of trouble she might run into alone, do you? Not even you can prevent everything, old man.”

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