Chapter 37: Between Secrets and Ties
I was still in Honami's room, but the atmosphere was much calmer now. We were sitting across from each other, and although the silence between us wasn't uncomfortable, there was something I needed to say. I wanted to ask her about the rumor; our previous conversation hadn't left room for it.
Kayden: "Honami, what are you going to do about the rumor that's circulating about you?" – I asked, watching how her face changed for a moment, a shadow of doubt passing through her eyes.
Honami: "The truth... I don't know. My mind has been so occupied with other things that I haven't been able to think of a solution for this." – She said, looking down at the floor, her voice soft and filled with weariness.
Kayden: "Really? But your mood has changed since the rumor started." – I replied, somewhat skeptically. I had noticed her erratic behavior since that rumor spread.
Honami: "I know... It has affected me more than I thought. The looks from people, as if they were judging everything I did, the uncomfortable questions... It's been exhausting." – Her voice cracked a bit, and I saw her struggle to maintain her composure.
Kayden: "It must be frustrating dealing with false rumors again." – I said, emphasizing the word "false," trying to see if there was something more behind all this. Her behavior gave me signals that she was hiding something.
Honami: "Well... they're actually not false." – She whispered, diverting her gaze towards the window, her tone barely audible.
Kayden: "Huh? What do you mean?" – I asked, feeling an unease beginning to form inside me. I didn't understand where this was going, but her sudden seriousness alarmed me.
Honami: "I... made a mistake in the past." – Her voice trembled, and after a moment of doubt, she finally exhaled and looked me in the eyes, as if she had made a decision. – "Kayden, I committed a crime before entering this school."
I fell silent, waiting for her to continue. I noticed the fear in her eyes, as if every word she spoke brought her closer to a truth she had hidden for too long.
Honami: "I was a thief. I stole something when I was in my third year of middle school." – She confessed, and immediately began to tell the story.
Honami came from a family with economic difficulties. At that time, they were going through a particularly tough period, and her younger sister's birthday was approaching. Her sister had seen a beautiful necklace in a magazine and desired it with all her heart. However, when she asked her mother for it, the painful answer was a "no," as the necklace was too expensive for their family.
Although her sister understood, being just a teenager, she had a little tantrum. For Honami, seeing her sister sad was heartbreaking. She was a good girl who never asked for anything, but this time it was different. Honami felt responsible, as if, being the older sister, she should do something for her. But she didn't know what. She couldn't work because she was too young, and her mother wouldn't let her, plus none of her belongings would be enough to pay for that necklace.
Days went by, and with them, her sister's birthday was getting closer. Honami used to pass by the store where the necklace was displayed, and every time she saw it, the desperation inside her grew. It was that desperation that, in a moment of impulse, led her to steal it.
At first, everything went well. She gifted the necklace to her sister, and the joy on her little face made everything seem worth it. But things began to crumble after that. Her mother, upon seeing her daughter with that expensive gift, started asking questions. She knew something was off, because if she couldn't afford it, how had Honami gotten it?
That same night, her mother confronted her. Honami tried to deny what had happened, but the pressure was too much. Finally, she confessed what she had done.
Her mother was devastated. She couldn't believe her daughter had stolen, that she had crossed that line. The next day, they both went to the store to return the necklace. Honami's mother forced her to apologize on her knees in front of the store owner. She didn't do it to humiliate her, but to make her understand the weight of her actions, that stealing from someone was not only a crime but also a disrespect to the effort and work of others.
Honami looked at me with tears held back, waiting for my reaction, as if every word she had uttered had cost her a piece of her soul.
I observed Honami in silence, giving her time to compose herself. I could see the mix of guilt and relief in her eyes, as if by sharing her story she had finally released a weight she had carried for years. I wanted to say something, but for a moment I didn't know how to respond. That image of the always strong and perfect girl was crumbling before me, revealing her humanity in a way I had never imagined.
Kayden: "Honami..." – I started slowly, choosing my words carefully – "I understand why you did it. I know it wasn't easy, but what matters is that you learned from it."
She blinked in surprise, probably expecting another reaction. Perhaps a reproach or some comforting words that would minimize what she had done, but I had no intention of lying to her. The truth was that, at that moment, I wasn't judging her; on the contrary, I found it incredible the pressure she must have faced and how, despite everything, she had tried to do something good in her own wrong way.
Honami: "I don't know, Kayden..." – she murmured, her shoulders slightly hunched – "I've spent all this time thinking that maybe that action defines who I am. That, no matter how hard I try to be better, there will always be a shadow following me, reminding me of that mistake."
Kayden: "You're not the same person who made that decision. What you did doesn't define you; it's what you choose to do after that." – I said, leaning slightly forward so she could see the sincerity in my words. – "We all make mistakes, some bigger than others. What matters is how we choose to face them and what we do to be better."
She lowered her gaze again, as if processing my words. The silence that followed wasn't uncomfortable; rather, it felt like we were reaching a mutual understanding.
Honami: "It's hard, you know?" – she finally confessed, in a low voice – "Living with the constant fear that this past will come to light, that people will see me as a thief and not as the person I'm trying to be now. That's why the rumors affected me so much. Not because of what they say, but because of what could turn out to be true."
Her words hit me with unexpected force. Now I understood why she had been so nervous, why her behavior had changed so much since those rumors arose. It wasn't just the fear of being misunderstood or judged; it was the fear that her worst secret would come to light and ruin everything she had built until now.
Kayden: "Honami, no one is perfect. We all carry scars we'd rather not show, but that doesn't mean those scars determine who we are." – I said, with a softer tone this time – "And if someone can't see beyond that mistake, then they're not worth having in your life."
She looked at me, and although she didn't say anything, I could see a faint smile beginning to form on her lips. Maybe it wasn't a magical solution to all her problems, but I felt that, at least, I had managed to lighten her burden a little.
The atmosphere in the room had changed. Although there was still a slight weight in the air, it was no longer oppressive. Maybe it was because, by sharing her story, Honami had released some of the pain that consumed her. Or perhaps it was because I now understood more about her, comprehending her internal struggles and creating a deeper bond between us.
Kayden: —Honami… have you told anyone else about this? Or was the rumor just a coincidence? Although, to be honest, I don't believe much in coincidences—.
My words came out calm, but suspicion was beginning to take root in my mind. Something didn't add up, and I needed to know more.
Honami: —Well… apart from you, only one other person knows—.
Her voice faded slightly, as if she feared what she was about to say.
Kayden: —Who could it be?— I asked, although I could already feel that the answer would bring more problems than I imagined.
Honami: —Nagumo-senpai—.
Hearing his name, a flash of surprise and confusion crossed my mind. Nagumo? It didn't make much sense for her to trust him, especially with something so delicate.
Kayden: —Nagumo? I don't want to question you, but… why did you tell him something so personal?— My voice clearly showed my bewilderment. Something in that revelation didn't fit.
Honami sighed, as if gathering strength to explain the situation was harder than she expected. Her eyes searched mine, filled with a mix of embarrassment and determination.
Honami: —I mentioned wanting to join the Student Council, right?—.
I nodded, recalling that conversation. —Yes, and if I remember correctly, the president rejected your request, right?— I never understood why Horikita had rejected her; after all, Honami is talented and excels at almost everything she does.
Honami: —Exactly. After that, I gave up for a while. I decided to wait until Horikita-senpai's term ended to try again. That's how I ended up talking to Nagumo-senpai. He said he would accept me, but I had to be completely honest with him. I had to tell him why I wanted to join the council and what my true goals were in school—.
Kayden: —And then?— I asked, trying to follow the thread of her words while something in my stomach began to twist. How far had Nagumo gone?
Honami: —The conversation... was more personal than I realized. We started talking about my family and... without knowing how, we got onto the subject of the robbery. I didn't want to mention it, but I felt that if I didn't, he would never accept me. And I wanted so much to join... One of my greatest dreams is to be president of the Student Council—. Her words became a whisper at the end, as if she were reliving every decision that led her to that point.
Suddenly, everything began to click into place. Nagumo didn't need any first-year student to spread the rumor. He had been responsible from the start. But why? What did he gain from ruining Honami's reputation?
Kayden: —I see… So, is that your goal? You want to be president with that much passion?— My tone softened, almost admiring the intensity of her convictions, but I couldn't ignore the shadow that now enveloped that ambition.
Honami: —Yes—. The strength in her voice had returned, her vulnerability fading, leaving in its place an unyielding resolve. —And I'm going to give it my all to achieve it—. Her determination was palpable, almost tangible in the air.
Kayden: —Well, at least now we know who is responsible for the rumor—. I said, knowing that this truth wouldn't make things easier, but at least we were no longer navigating in the dark.
Honami: —I didn't want to believe it was Nagumo-senpai... but thinking back to our last meeting…— Her voice faltered, a shadow of doubt crossing her face.
Kayden: —What happened at that meeting?— I asked, knowing that the answer would be crucial.
Honami: —Nagumo-senpai confessed to me—. The words seemed difficult to say, as if they were a weight she had been carrying for weeks.
Kayden: —What?— I couldn't hide my surprise. Sure, Honami is incredibly beautiful, there's no doubt about that, but Nagumo and she hadn't interacted enough for it to reach that point. What is it with teenagers liking someone so quickly?
Honami: —Yes… Two weeks ago. And, well, clearly I rejected him. After all, I like you—. Her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as her words floated in the air with a mix of shyness and sincerity.
Kayden: —I see… So, maybe he didn't like being rejected and that's why he spread the rumor—. Everything was starting to make sense. Nagumo was someone proud, and having someone like Honami reject him must have wounded his ego.
Kayden: —It's going to be difficult for you to become the new president now that Nagumo is in power. If he was able to spread a rumor about you just out of revenge, I doubt he will select you for the position. He is quite resentful—.
The truth hurt, but it needed to be said.
Honami: —I know... But still, I won't give up—. Her voice sounded firm, her eyes shining with determination. That spark was what I had always admired in her.
A small smile appeared on my face. That's the Honami I know: the one who doesn't bend in the face of adversity, no matter how difficult the path.
That determination I like, recognizing her fighting spirit. I knew that facing Nagumo wouldn't be easy, but if anyone could challenge him, it was her, of course with my support.
Nagumo, huh? I thought while analyzing the situation. With the move he had just made, Honami wouldn't have any chance of being elected as president of the student council in the future. Nagumo had control, and he would be the one to decide.
Of course, that could be solved with something quite simple. Expelling Nagumo.
He had crossed a line that he shouldn't have crossed. He not only messed with someone from my class but also with Honami. At first, I had planned just to play around with him. But now... now the goal was clear: his expulsion, perhaps by the middle of the second year.
And why not now? Well, I prefer to destroy someone little by little. Watching his world crumble slowly is, for me, much more satisfying. More rewarding.
I wish you luck, Nagumo. You're going to need it.
I slowly got up from the bed, deciding it was time to leave and process everything that had happened.
—Honami, I think it's time for me to go. I need to think a bit more about what we talked about —I told her as I stood up.
But before I could take a step, Honami grabbed my arm with a firmness I didn't expect.
—Go? You're not going anywhere —she said, getting closer with a determined look. Before I could react, she pushed me back onto the bed and straddled me, wearing a mischievous smile.
Here we go again... I sighed internally.
—Back in this position, Honami... I'm going to start thinking you like being dominant —I said with a cheeky smile.
Honami, far from getting upset, smiled even more.
—Maybe I do —she replied in a tone that made me doubt her next move—. Now, Kayden, could you close your eyes and put your hands behind your head?
Her words were soft, but that smile... I didn't trust that smile.
—Why do I have to do that? —I asked, raising an eyebrow, clearly suspicious of her intentions.
—Kayden, just do it, will you? —she said, her playful tone remained, but her gaze darkened slightly.
Something isn't right here.
—If you don't tell me why, I won't do it —I replied firmly.
Her expression changed instantly. Her gaze became more serious, almost threatening, and her voice dropped a tone.
—Kayden —she said in a more dangerous tone—, if you don't do it, I won't let you leave my room.
Honami, you're starting to remind me a lot of Kikyou with these personality changes.
I sighed, knowing I had no choice.
—Okay, okay —I said, raising my hands and putting them behind my head.
—There you go —I said, looking at her with a mix of curiosity and distrust.
But instead of relaxing, her smile widened even more, and her hand moved quickly. In seconds, I felt something cold wrapping around my wrists, and then I heard a soft "click."
I opened my eyes wide, surprised.
—Honami... —I said slowly, looking at the pink handcuffs now adorning my wrists.
—Yes, Kayden —she said, with that innocent smile that contrasted so much with what she had just done.
—What are these handcuffs on my wrists? —I asked, trying to stay calm.
—Aren't they pretty? —she replied in a sweet tone—. Do you like them?
I sighed, unable to help but smile at the absurdity of the situation.
—Yes, they're pretty, but... could you please take them off?
—What do you mean no? I did what you asked, wasn't that what you wanted so I could leave?
—Huh? When did I say I would let you go?
I frowned, trying to remember what she had said.
—You said that if I put my hands together, you would let me go...
—Oh, no. I meant that you wouldn't be able to leave my room until tomorrow.
I looked at her, incredulous.
—So, I can't leave now?
Honami settled next to me, resting her head on my chest as if this were the most natural thing in the world. As she did, I realized how surreal the situation was.
Handcuffed to the bed by Honami... what a way to end the day.
I was starting to worry a bit about her... But for some reason, I couldn't help but smile. This is how my day ends... good? Bad? I really didn't know.