Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 56

“…Nice to meet you. I’m Yoo Jin-hyun. Would you like to sit down for a moment…?”

“Yes, hehe.”

The girl seemed to have bitten her tongue again, struggling with her pronunciation. She tried hard to manage her expression, but her earlobes remained bright red.

As I sat down on the sofa across from her, I quickly glanced at the business card she handed over with both hands. The golden lettering was embossed on a dark background, making the contents easily readable.

– S&C VIP Dedicated Room Team Leader Myo Sang-a

“…You look older than me, so you can just call me casually…”

“No, no!!”

My cautious suggestion was completely blocked by a fierce shaking her head that seemed to go back and forth dozens of times in a second.

“How could I dare…! Since the eldest young master has assigned me to handle the work for the younger young master, just let me know anything you need…!”

I barely swallowed a sigh that was about to escape. There was a hint of what was to come when she calmly responded after seeing the mask. It seemed she might have had a heads-up from the team leader beforehand.

– What’s with this guy? He should know that being treated like a prince means living the good life!

Suddenly, the words the team leader had said before flashed through my mind, and I felt a slight ache on my forehead where I had received a playful smack.

But no matter how much time passes, I can’t seem to get used to this treatment and the titles used to address me. Each and every bit of it feels incredibly burdensome.

Would others still regard me the same way even if they knew I was just a country bumpkin from the outskirts…?


Anyway, my discomfort isn’t that important right now. I don’t have much time if I want to return before Yeon Minha’s bedtime.

“Anyway, I’m looking to prepare some equipment for external commissions this time. I left behind everything regarded as supply items from the military, and the Standard Equipment isn’t really something I can get used to…”

I had to use only the certified equipment from Sewa’s family and Seongheon’s family at the Cradle, but for external commissions or festival tournaments that expose us outside, I was told that I could use equipment from personal sponsors.

I can’t express how relieved I felt when I first saw that regulation.

The equipment from Sewa’s family wasn’t necessarily bad, but it seemed they were made with supply considerations in mind, and there were significant differences from the gear used in the military.

I had broken the blade several times when catching a Tentacle Snake, and their Interdimensional Gear was too dull, definitely not aligning with my combat style at all.

“Well, the equipment from Sewa’s family isn’t bad, but there are definitely many shortcomings compared to ours at S&C. Indeed, the younger young master has excellent taste…!”

Team leader Myo Sang-a, having finally composed herself, nodded repeatedly with satisfaction.

The older girls had told me not to take sponsorship from shabby companies, but there was no need for that after all.

The owner family of S&C was the Heukryeon family, the main family of the team leader. I had been using their company’s equipment since I was in the military, so I never felt the need to switch.

“Everything else is fine, but I want to custom-fit the Interdimensional Gear and Blade first. I need to go on a commission within a few days—would it be possible before then?”

“Fufu, you don’t have to worry about that at all. Not in a few days, but we’ll have it ready for you in two days. Now, then…”

With a confident expression, Myo Sang-a took out a catalog from her bag and unfolded it with a whap. She then began passionately explaining.

“First, let’s take a look at the Interdimensional Gear. The flagship line of S&C would be the Odin series, right? I believe the eldest young master uses Odin as well.”

“Odin is too heavy for me. I used Heimdall in the military, but I felt the joint operation rate wasn’t very good…”

“Ah, then…”

She traced her finger over the catalog, flipping through several pages until she finally found something that caught her eye.

“What about this one?”

“This is the DA-1 Night Stalker. It has lower magical defense but excellent physical protection and agility, typically worn by law enforcement officers dealing with common criminals or mutants. It’s not a great fit for you, but…”

“I’ll take this one.”

“Excuse me?”

It’s exactly the spec I was looking for. Besides, magical defense isn’t a feature I need to consider; instead, predicted mobility and potential physical defense are far more important.

“No way! Absolutely not! If I provide something so cheap for the younger young master, my head will be…!”

Myo Sang-a strongly rejected me, but ultimately, the decision rests with the user. My persistent request finally made her raise her hands in surrender.


“Thank you. Also, please prepare the K-3 Marvelous for the Blade.”

I then additionally ordered the Blade model I had originally used. It had been put away in storage after being used by the team leader, but unexpectedly, it matched me perfectly, and I continued to use it.

According to the team leader, its Stellite alloy ratio has been increased to 50%, boasting mighty destructive power, but it requires a high input, making it a model that cannot be used by magicians with low conversion rates.

But the conversion rate has nothing to do with me…

“Marvelous? You’re quite skilled. As far as I know, there are probably less than ten magicians among the current active ones who can fully unleash its potential.”

“And could I purchase some drugs as well?”

“S&C doesn’t deal with pharmaceuticals, but if you want them, of course, we can get them for you. What do you need?”

“Stimulants and accelerants. I need both in high capacity. I’ve tried Eritin and Reksha when I was in the military, and they weren’t bad. If possible, I’d like those products…”

“What? No! Absolutely not!”

Unlike her previous response, the team leader shook her head quickly in shock and firm rejection.

“Absolutely not! Eritin and Reksha are emergency medications used only in life-threatening situations! Both have unbelievable side effects…! If I were to give you those, I’d be in serious trouble…!”

Her forcefulness seemed like she might start foaming at the mouth. But I had no other options. To see effects from meds designed for a magician’s body, the dosage would need to be high since I’m an insensitive person.

And it’s not like I have any intention of using it. I tried it just once, but I ended up suffering for days afterward. The first and last time I got scolded badly by the older girls was that time.

I’m only preparing for emergencies.

“You said you would do anything, right? I’ll keep this a secret for sure. And I’ll also speak positively about you to the team leader.”

“If that’s the case…?”

I lightly prodded her, suspecting she had somewhat of a materialistic nature, and fortunately, it seemed to have worked.

“Wow, you’re more stubborn than the eldest young master…”

Ultimately, the team leader, who accepted all my requests, let out a deep sigh while shaking her head. After a few light exchanges, as the sun began to set, I prepared to head back.

“This should be enough. But how did you become friends with the Jeokhwa lady? Even I think she’s quite… difficult.”

“…It just happened that way. But are things not going well these days?”

“Don’t even get me started. It’s a crisis because of those pigs from Paecheon, a crisis.”

Myo Sang-a frowned as if she had a headache.

“Last month, they passed a regulation of 25 trillion in the council, and it basically targets us, who monopolize the high-end Interdimensional Gear market. Man, the eldest young master should really be representing us at the supreme council at times like this…but he doesn’t even care about such issues…”

She sighed long and hard.

“Still, I’m glad that the younger young master is getting top marks at the Cradle. Your external activity records are good too. I don’t harbor any ill feelings toward that lady from Baekga, but thanks to you, her influence is…”


When I first heard from the team leader that the principal and the older girls might get hurt, to be honest, I didn’t grasp it properly. It was just an uncomfortable level of possibility.

But when I hear stories like this, it inevitably strikes closer to home.

I feel like my shoulders have become a little heavier, and on the other hand, I’m somewhat relieved that, in any case, the principal’s request is progressing satisfactorily.

“By the way, are you looking for students to sponsor at S&C?”

“Of course! We sponsor not just individuals but the Cradle as well. If we were to count accumulated sponsorship amounts, we would definitely be in the top 3.”

“Then could you check on the students Ha Yena and Shin Mu-young, and if they’re okay, could you make sponsorship offers to them? Both placed in the top 10% during their first practical, so their skills are guaranteed.”

“If the younger master’s recommendation comes, it’s assured! I’ll check on them personally.”

With her chest puffed out confidently, Myo Sang-a declared with a bold assurance. Yena didn’t know as much as me, and I was a bit worried about Mu-young due to his unique troublesome personality. But I thought it would be alright.

“And for the payment, just send me the bill…”

“You’re joking, right? Hurry up and leave!”

Myo Sang-a waved her hand to shoo me out of the café.


When I returned to the Cradle, the sun had already dipped below the horizon. However, it wasn’t too late compared to the scheduled time.

But right in front of the dormitory, yet again, an unfamiliar scene unfolded.

Yeon Minha was lingering in front of the entrance without going inside.

And at her feet sat Peanut, sprawled out…

“What are you doing?”

“Heh, heh…”

As I posed the question, Yeon Minha turned to me, startled as if shaking, her body quivering.

“Why, why did you come back so late…?”

“…I arrived earlier than I mentioned. Are you seeing anything strange again?”

“Well, it’s not that, but still…”

Yeon Minha still seemed very afraid of a recurrence of her symptoms.

When I opened the door to the dormitory, there was a sound of footsteps following me—one belonging to a person, and one to a four-legged beast…

Glancing down, I saw Peanut quite naturally trotting into the dormitory.

“…Isn’t that really your cat?”

Yeon Minha asked in a voice heavy with suspicion.



As I instantly denied it, I felt a light nip on my ankle along with a small mew.

Yeon Minha headed straight for the bedroom, and I moved to my own room next to hers.

Seeing Peanut follow in so naturally, I let out a sigh. Now, half resigned, I placed him on my lap and gently scratched his fur with one hand.

Listening to Peanut’s contented purring, I began writing a letter to my older sisters, looking for the familiar stationery.

Wonder how the team leader and the older girls are doing. The last letter I received from them was their latest news. They had taken a break and shifted to the east, saying they were living a heavily boring daily life and there’s no need to worry at all. And there was also a long letter advising to always be cautious.

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