Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 136

Chapter 132 Demon God Realm (4)

The wind lifted by the sword blew out the candles, and the dim lights in the narrow space created two sharp shadows.

Chi Yu let go of all his scruples, and his actions were much fiercer than before. Every attack brought unstoppable strength, but his own defense became weaker because of this, and he was cut a few **** mouths by the sword.

Odin didn’t know how to inform his believers, many anomalous creatures poured in one after another from outside the door. Lin Yan was shocked when she saw it, and she kept silent in front of Chi Yu, completely separating the boy from more enemies.

These monsters are obviously Odin’s minions. Although there are a large number of them, fortunately, the individual’s combat effectiveness is not too strong. Lin Hao can barely survive the crowded tactics for a while. She moves lightly and swiftly, and sometimes she can even turn her head sideways within a second or two to take a look at Chi Yu’s situation.

The offensive came to a stalemate. Odin hadn’t experienced such a long battle for a long time, and temporarily lost patience, he sank and sneered. It was also at this time that he finally found a trace of the flaw that the other party accidentally exposed——

The kid is offensive and defensive properly, it is difficult to find a breakthrough, but the prolonged fight must have greatly consumed his will and physical strength, even if he fights desperately, he will have to fall into the wind because of fatigue.

The man inevitably raised the corners of his lips, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and slammed into Chi Yu’s chest. Unexpectedly, the young man did not dodge, but his eyes fell slightly, and he gave a slightly mocking chuckle.

The heart suddenly paused, Odin seemed to understand something.

——This is a desperate bet.

As a leader among alien creatures, Odin has thousands of years of rich combat experience. The man’s unpredictable offense was like a gust of wind and rain, pouring down densely, and there was no opportunity to counterattack at all. If you want to defeat him, you can’t go head-to-head through a head-on collision. Chi Yu is a wise man and naturally understands this simple truth.

So he deliberately exposed his flaws and tempted the enemy to swing his sword. When attacking towards a certain position with full concentration, Odin’s movements were the sharpest, but he lacked the most defense, subconsciously exposing all the trajectories of his movements to Chi Yu’s eyes. Only at this time can he find the gap of the other party——

Then he exchanged his life for his life. At the moment the sword penetrated his chest, he bent over and pierced the dagger into Odin’s heart.

In an instant, blood splashed all over.

The devil pierced the sharp blade into the heart of the god.

Odin widened his eyes in disbelief, and watched the dagger deeper and deeper. He hadn’t experienced such a piercing pain for hundreds of years, and for a moment he roared with cracking eyes, and pushed away the same pale youth before him.

Lin Hao turned her head hastily in the fight, and at a glance she saw the blood blossoms blooming in the air, falling precariously to the ground, terribly hideous.

She choked and couldn’t make a sound, tears filled her eyes in the blood mist.

“No… I am a god, I won’t die, I won’t die!”

People imagined that the aloof **** crawled on the ground, coughing up a puddle of blood from his throat. He has lost most of his blood, struggling to cover his chest, and laughed madly at the end: “What if I have been hit hard? All my believers will be here soon, and you both have to die here!”

He was right.

More and more enemies are pouring in from outside the door. The so-called “A Thousand Miles Levee is collapsed in an ant’s nest.” If you are alone, Lin Hao’s strength will definitely surpass them, but if the opponent swarms like this Coming up, under the continuous heavy offensive, I am afraid that even Odin himself has no choice.

She couldn’t hold on to the enemy’s stomach and back.

——Is it destined to be buried here today?

“Come on, give it to me! As long as this trouble is resolved, the entire world of humanity will become our slave!”

Odin trembled with excitement, with golden light in his eyes, and coughed up blood: “They will treat me as a miracle, the great king of gods——”

The old hoarse voice echoed in the dark room, but before he could finish saying this, his expression suddenly stagnated and he looked towards the entrance of the dark room with wide-eyed eyes and shocked face——

In the flickering light, in the shadow of the turbulent figure, Odin saw a pair of blood-red eyes.

It was the wolf pupil full of hatred, squinting slightly at the moment when his eyes were facing each other, and surging blood glowed.

A name hidden deep in his heart and regarded as a taboo by him slowly floated up, and the man remembered the prophecy many years ago, as well as the strange and dark cold light of the crystal ball.

“You will die by the mouth of a giant wolf. The beast will bite your throat, in the twilight when all the gods fall.”

“Please don’t forget, ‘Fenrir’, this is its name.”

The fearsome wolf howl instantly swept across the dark room, and the scarred giant wolf stretched out its front paws and overturned the wall with one palm. In the dust flying all over the sky, the monsters fighting Lin Hao stopped their movements and turned their heads in amazement.

The wolf that had been imprisoned by them for many years broke free for some reason, and was staring fiercely at every figure in the room just a few steps away. Its stature is terribly large, and when it growls and opens its mouth, it can see the sharp fangs inside.

what happened? Shouldn’t it be locked next to the boulder? Why does it appear here inexplicably?

Almost all the believers present have insulted this trapped beast that can be slaughtered by others. The answers to these questions are unknown. They only know that what is waiting for them will be an extremely cruel revenge.

Fenrir took a leap, stepped to Lin Lin, firmly guarding the little girl behind him, and the rest of them took a few steps back in shock, trying to keep a certain safe distance from it.


Lin Hao’s heart beating wildly, she reached out her hand to caress her almost broken hind leg. She had never thought that it would come, let alone that this giant wolf with only one side would stand in front of her with its scarred body, blocking all the surging murderous intent and malice.

“What are we afraid of? It’s just a lame rubbish!” I don’t know who shouted, “Kill this beast together!”

Seeing the hustle and bustle of people rushing forward again, the pain and humiliation that had been suppressed for hundreds of years began to emerge at this moment. Fenrir roared fiercely, and then stretched out his blood-stained paws, and when he waved his claws, a sharp cold wind was set off.

The scene almost turned into a unilateral crush, and Lin Yu was able to temporarily leave the battlefield and ran towards Chi Yu, who was unconscious in the corner.

The long sword pierced the thin chest of the young man, and a large blood stain appeared from the chest, dyeing the whole dress crimson. His breathing almost stagnated, and his long eyelashes cast two death-like shadows on the bottom of his eyes, like broken butterfly wings.

It’s like falling asleep.

Obviously, after chasing each other for so long, it is clear that all the truth is finally known. Chi Yu had suffered so much, but she didn’t have time to give him any candy.

They have already experienced a miss, how can they endure losing again.

“Chi Yu, you must hold on, and I will take you away.”

Tears kept falling down uncontrollably, Lin Yu hurriedly took out the bandage from her bag for emergency bandaging, and the man’s hoarse sneer sounded in her ears, like a broken bellows that is about to be scrapped: “It’s useless, this is for special use. The sword that comes to slay the evil demon, no monster can survive under the sword. The devil is killed by the gods, isn’t this a story that has been established from ancient times to the present?”

Lin Yan glanced at him coldly, only to find it ridiculous and sad.

“Gods” never existed from beginning to end, and some were just a group of ambitious alien creatures who wanted to occupy the world. This fact can’t be more obvious, but Odin lives in a dream woven by humans, and firmly believes in his false identity as a god.

The gems in the center of the dark room are much dimmer than before, presumably because Odin was badly injured and couldn’t provide enough energy. The outer glass cover had disappeared. She held it in her hand without much effort. When her fingertips touched the surface of the gem, a familiar black channel appeared in the corner of the room.

The looming blue light of the gem is getting weaker and weaker, and the energy supply is lost, and the channel must not be able to last for too long. Lin Hao put it in her bag, set up Chi Yu’s body with one hand, and after a one-second pause, she lifted the skeleton of Jiang Zhaonian not far away with her other hand.

“Don’t go, don’t go! Return the gems to me, I… After I am ordained, I will reward you with the territory of the entire country!”

Odin’s eyes were red, and his cheeks were already dead, and every word was extremely difficult to say, as if exhausted all his energy: “What do you want? I will give it to you!”

“You are dying.”

Concubine Lin just looked at him coldly, with a very soft voice: “You have never been a god, don’t dream.”

After she said she stopped looking at him, but turned her head to look to the other side, and called out the name that seemed like a nightmare to Odin: “Fenrir!”

She shouted against the wind: “Do you want to leave with me?”

The besieging monsters had long since collapsed, and in the endless wailing and **** color, the giant wolf’s figure paused slightly and looked sideways at her.

The broken wall was filled with cold wind, blowing the needle-like hard wolf hair, Fenrir lifted his head calmly, and the undisguised chic rippling under his eyes. Such eyes should belong to mountains, rivers, vegetation, and flowers, and have nothing to do with the same copper and iron walls.

If it didn’t speak, Lin Hui knew the answer.

“Then I’m leaving.”

She took a deep breath and threw a small piece to it, still crying in her voice: “For you, this is the last piece-goodbye!”

Or to say goodbye after just two meetings.

In a world occupied by death and fighting, this behemoth that will make everyone feel terrified in the future quietly lowered its eyes, with hunger and murder in its eyes, but it was unexpectedly gentle and gentle.

The candlelight reflected its stern face, and also illuminated the little thing that Fenrir was holding up carefully in his palm.

It is exquisite and elegant, with a faint beautiful pink, enveloped in the center by a leisurely fragrance.

A small Napoleon cake.

When Lin Lin returned to the abandoned building covered in blood, everyone present was startled.

According to their original words, she was covered with wet blood at the time, the bloodshot eyes in her eyes were like dense spider webs, and her eyes were flushed, she looked quite like a vengeful ghost—not to mention. She also supported a skeleton in her hand.

Although the chance of survival was slim, Chi Yu was sent to the emergency ward as quickly as possible. After the incident was over, a routine report was inevitable. Lin Yu was taken to the living room to rest in a dazed manner. After roughly describing the incident to everyone, she hurried to the medical department under many dumbfounded gazes.

It happened that the “in operation” indicator light turned off at the same time, and several doctors and nurses came out together.

“You are Captain Lin?”

The chief surgeon at the head looked at her wanting to say something, and seemed to frown with some worry: “What I will tell you next, please be mentally prepared…We have done our best.”

Although she had guessed the ending a long time ago, Lin Lin’s eyes were still red.

“He was seriously injured, and I don’t know why. The devil’s physique is completely unable to heal the wound on its own. Anyone whose heart is pierced with a sword like that can’t save his life.”

The smell of blood floated from the operating room, like a continuous cut ribbon wrapped around the tip of the nose. The doctor’s voice continued: “–but fortunately, the sword did not hit the heart.”


Lin Yan’s brain was in a daze, and her heart began to beat wildly uncontrollably.

A vague voice appeared in the ear, along with the sound of blood boiling: “The sword is staggered from the heart, and you have taken emergency treatment measures, so that the child barely saved his life. The most important thing is the following. At this point, you first slow down and listen carefully. It seems that some unknown power has been injected into his body. He fights against the remnant demon bloodline, and finally merges and cancels each other-that is, although the sword is not Killing him, but killing the power of the devil residing in the child’s body.”


Odin said that his sword is dedicated to kill evil spirits, and that evil spirits can never survive under the sword. He only regarded Chi Yu as a pure anomalous creature, but he would never think that the other party was a human in the final analysis.

The weakest and most unobtrusive strand of power that belonged to human beings protected him.

Concubine Lin shed tears: “So, Chi Yu is no different from ordinary people now?”

The attending doctor was startled, and comforted with helplessness. The little nurse behind him also rushed up and approached: “Captain Lin, don’t be sad, isn’t he all right? I said it early. After the medical team tried their best to rescue, there is no way. Who can’t save it-eh eh, how come the crying gets worse?”

“Because, because in the TV series,” Ms. Lin’s tears flowed out of her head, and she responded as she sobbed, “Isn’t it all in the TV series, do people say that when they die?”

She was really frightened.

She choked with words, and was reaching out her hand to wipe tears indiscriminately. Suddenly she heard a series of footsteps behind her, and the familiar “Captain Lin”.

Lin Hui looked back and saw the slender and calm shadow of the director.

He was probably startled by the little girl’s red and swollen eyes like walnuts. He lowered his voice and comforted him gently: “Why are you crying? How is Chi Yu?”

Concubine Lin was speechless and nodded desperately.

“That’s good.”

He smiled slightly, and handed a folded white paper: “This was discovered by the technical department in… Jiang Zhaonian’s clothes.”

Lin Yan’s heart shook, she bit her lower lip to take it, and saw a line of words at the top of the folds.

That is Jiang Zhaonian’s handwriting. Long Feifengwu is not in shape, and his personality is exactly the same: “If anyone can find this letter, please forward it to Lin Yu at Villa 23, Taoyuan Road, Qichuan City. Thank you.”

It is a letter left to her.

The director seemed to sigh lightly: “Look slowly, and calm down for a while. We will take care of the things in the asylum, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Concubine Lin nodded and thanked him, but did not open it directly. Instead, she hurriedly held the letter in her hand, her knuckles turning white.

She had imagined countless times whether she would receive a parting letter from Jiang Zhaonian one day, and tried to guess how he would organize the language, but now that she really got it, she has a kind of timid mood near hometown. Dare to find out.

Chi Yu was sent to the intensive care unit. She couldn’t go in to visit, so she could only watch the boy’s thin white face from the window. After a little time passed, his standing feet gradually became numb, and finally he looked away and sat on the bench nervously.

Then, with a beating heart, opened the crumpled note.


When I wrote this letter, I had already arrived at the entrance of the shrine. After I came to this place, my heart was always gloomy. This may be an unlucky omen. Just in case, I decided to leave you some words.

I don’t know if the letter might be delivered to you. If you receive it, you must already know all the ins and outs of the matter, including the news of my death. Be sure to remember and never cry.

I don’t want to be a bad man who makes girls cry.

Please forgive my leaving without saying goodbye and deliberately concealing it, and please forgive my powerlessness. If I can, I really want to punch the head of the so-called “god” and tell everyone upright: There is a little girl at home waiting for me to go back to eat. In order to see her again, I even have the gods all over the sky. Not afraid.

But I’m just an ordinary human, and I can only say goodbye to you with a clumsy lie like “missing”.

I’m sorry to make you feel sad.

The world we live in is perilous, and it is shrouded in unknowns and distortions everywhere. Most humans do not know this and live in the sun without any worries. I have to admit that the asylum is the only barrier to cut off the invasion of alien species. Once we take a step back, the line of defense for all mankind will collapse.

At this time, someone has to stand up and carry all the dark and desperate truth on their shoulders. We cannot hold back.

What’s more, there is still you in the world. If you change the previous line, it will not be to everyone, but to you quietly, in order to protect you, I am not afraid of death.

……Really, why should I say such nasty things.

Even if I really lost my life in this mission, you don’t need to feel sad. In my whole life, I have enough food and drink, enough fun, family harmony, and many friends. Although my desire to have a daughter was not fulfilled, I barely realized this dream after I met you—you must scold me for taking advantage of it again. But since I’m all dead, let me take advantage of it once, please, please.

All in all, I have enjoyed all the fun that should be enjoyed. I have not had too many regrets for a long time. It is actually a rare kind of luck to be able to do something for you before I die.

I can do my best to protect you and protect you, I am really really happy.

This world free from alien invasion, take it as my last gift to you.

Don’t be angry, don’t abandon it mercilessly. When you are unhappy, think about it, ah, this is something that the uncle is willing to exchange for his life, maybe it is not as annoying as imagined.

Concubine, you must keep in mind that there are so many things to like in the world, such as all kinds of small desserts, different scenery of mountains and lakes, people you treasure, and those green smiles. , Holding hands, kissing and hugging. If you feel it with your heart, you will find that even the first breath of fresh air you breathe in the morning is too cute——

Imagine that it is any unimportant morning in spring, summer, autumn and winter. You open your eyes in half asleep and half awake, and then take a breath. The morning air should be a little bit cool, and a little bit of the smell of the sun that has just risen, coming up with the birds on the balcony, the fragrance of the branches, and the thin moisture of dewdrops, wrapping you into a refreshing and refreshing atmosphere. Of the group.

Those are very beautiful things. From now on, with my wish, try to accept and love the whole world.

From: Very handsome and cool Uncle Jiang. ”

Even if he writes his suicide note, he has to use such an unconscionable tone. He is a complete fool.

What is the use of no matter how happy human beings live, and what use is no matter how beautiful the world is. In any case, the person who always smiled and touched her head and taught her kindness in a very gentle tone is no longer there.

He died silently and painfully, like a dandelion that was blown away, and would not attract anyone’s attention.

But he is obviously the most memorable and admired hero.

——What kind of mood does Jiang Zhaonian have to write this letter in such a relaxed tone?

Confused, Lin Yan didn’t notice anyone approaching quietly, and said leisurely above her head: “How about it, right?”

She didn’t react for a while, and nodded in tears. At the moment when I noticed something was wrong, I heard the man smile again, in a complacent tone: “Of course, I wrote it after all.”

Lin Jia was stunned for a while.

The little girl with red eyes finally realized something and looked up at the sound source in disbelief. In the blurred vision, she saw a translucent floating figure.

With a very familiar smiley face.

The author has something to say:

This must be a super invincible big HE sisters! ! !

The next chapter is the end!

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