Conquering The Omni-Verse!

The Truth


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎Main Pov▪︎]

"Ugh... where the hell am I?"

I muttered as I stood up from the black floor and examined my surroundings.

The whole place is eerie pitch black with icey cold grayish-silver mist swaying all over the place. 

A small speck of red light slightly illuminated the place at a very far distance, giving me the opportunity to see even if it's limited. 

Thankfully, [ESP] still works so I can fully sense my surroundings.

The ground, if I can even call it that is basically water. 

Strangely enough, I'm standing on it like a hard surface with tiny ripples being created each time I move my leg, it seems in this place surface tension also applies to me.

This whole situation is very weird and unnerving, I'm supposed to be in the lab undergoing the procedure but here I am in wherever this place is naked and with no knowledge on how I even got here.

Is this an attack from a supe? Very unlikely since Seraph is constantly monitoring the whole island so the moment an intruder arrives, he/she won't get to survive the next second given as I heavily invested in the security of this island with numerous armed drones covering it's perimeter.

Sigh, I hope this is what I think it is.

Okay, first order of business is to find out where I am. I need to know where I actually am to gain enough data to plan accordingly, I guess I have to follow the red light.

With that thought in mind, I slowly trekked towards the red light, silently using my powers to try to navigate through this place but it was all for naught since my senses were heavily suppressed here.

After hours of walking with no feeling of hunger or thirst, I could finally see the light getting closer and closer, the faint outline of a something becoming clearer as I moved closer.

Thirty minutes later, I arrived a few meters in front of it, the light came from the top of a massive towering dark figure. The red light on it's back gradually illuminating its face, giving me the opportunity to have a look at what this is.


I held my head and screamed in pain as I saw its face covered filled with thousands of huge eyeballs the size of small houses.

My brain constantly throbbed with a burning and stabbing sensation as I thought of what I just saw and this only increased my pain. 

It's like my brain couldn't comprehend what I just saw and the annoying part about it is that I couldn't stop thinking about it, each thought only increased the pain to a point where I had to kneel on the ground with my hands tightly clutching my head.

Suddenly, the pain just stopped, making everything seem like an illusion but it was all real since I could still sense the Eldritch Being in front of me.

Shit, I almost died. I've experienced loads of torture through the hands of numerous researchers in order to get me used to pain but this... is just something else. 

"Look up."

A masculine ethereal voice commanded in a nonchalant tone that made my head raise without me even wanting to.


I subconsciously muttered with wide eyes as I saw the body again, only this time I could fully observe it with no harm.

It is now in a humanoid shape with pale skin, long arms and legs, no genitalia, a head covered with long thick hair that defied gravity and wiggled as if alive, an androgynous face with normal human features like ears, mouth and nose with the only different thing being the third vertical eye on its forehead.

"It's good your psyche was able to last a few seconds after witnessing my second form, I would've been disappointed otherwise. Now then, Virgil or Reyesmar whatever you prefer let's talk."

He said in the same ethereal voice with no expression on his face, looking at me like how humans see stone.

It seems my theory was right, I've finally been summoned by whatever brought me into this universe. 

Honestly, I'm fucking terrified. I mean his presence alone is making the whole place feel... wrong. 

I nearly died just by looking at his face, the only reason I'm alive right now is because it wants me to be, my life is entirely in his hands.

Oh well, it's time to get some answers. My fear and fascination can wait another time.

"Yes, please do so."

I politely replied. I don't want to die just because he doesn't like how I spoke.

"Very well, let's start from the beginning. 

You've been wondering why you were brought into this reality after your death and for what purpose, it's time you know why.

You see, I'm what you'll refer to as a Cosmic Entity. Basically, I'm a multi-dimensional entity. I'm also someone who pursues the truth and everything related to that, in other words I'm the equivalent of a researcher or scientist. 

Due to my eternal lust and hunger for knowledge, I created a way to leave my reality sphere and explored the Omniverse, absorbing every kind of knowledge I could find in the vast and infinite cosmos.

By condensing and applying everything I knew about the Omniverse, I created a device called 'The Omnispark'.

A device capable of giving the user the ability to travel through the Omniverse with no problem. 

Because of my creation I became so powerful that in my blind arrogance and stupidity, I went back to my home reality sphere and challenged my creator. 

I lost brutally and escaped the chase of my siblings with previous injuries. My injuries are purely conceptual thus, I can't heal from them, meaning I don't have much time to live.

As I passed through multiple Multiverses during my escape, I passed by your Multiveral cluster and noticed you. 

A mortal man willing to go anything for knowledge while also not a slave to his desires in a reality where other realities are merely stories and entertainment to the masses. 

You piqued my interest, so I grabbed your soul and threw you to a random universe to make you strong enough to at least wander through realities without dying from the pressure, thus bringing us to this situation. The space you see here is a fourth-dimensional space I conjured up to delay my inevitable death and wait for you."

He calmly explained in a neutral tone.

.... I see, so basically when I died a powerful nigh omnipotent being became interested in me and decided to casually throw me to a random universe to get strong enough to become his successor or something along the lines and I'm currently in a dimension outside the confines of time.

Not gonna lie, this is really trippy but understandable given my current circumstances. 

" What's the catch?"

I asked after thinking for a while.

I don't believe he did all that with no agenda, maybe he wants me to avenge him or something? I have to know.

"You are right, I didn't just do it. I don't have much time to live and I can't have true death without doing something meaningful.

Think of yourself as some form of investment, all you have to do is become strong enough to one day go to my Reality Sphere and kill my Creator. 

With your knowledge together with the full Omnispark, you will have a chance of doing so.You can decide to do it or not, all I really care about is that my Ultimate Creation won't die with me."

It explained in tone that showed how little he thought of death, something I don't think I will ever accept again.

"Count me in."

I replied with no hesitation. This is the opportunity of a lifetime and I would be the thing I hate the most if I didn't accept. Just thinking of going to other universes is making my blood boil, creating the serum was the best idea I've ever had.

"Good, take this as a gift."

It said and pointed an index finger at me, the next second I fell on the ground with my hands on my head as my brain received massive amounts of information.

It is like I'm living his life, just that I could only see from his eyes in a first perspective. I could see him devouring galaxies, erasing planets from existence with a thought, holding multiverses in his palm, manipulating space and time like it was nothing and finally changing the very laws of reality on a whim.

It felt like eternity as I drowned myself in the memories but only some seconds passed when the memories ended.

Looking up, I could see a faint trace of a grin on his face. 

I know what it just did, it isolated the important memories that will help me and rather sent me memories of his actions to entice greed and motivate me, frankly it worked.

T-This power, I must have it at all costs. Sigh, I dont think I can remain the same after what I've seen here today but that's a thought for another time.

"Now that you've had a feel of True power its time for this meeting to end. Due to my altercation with my Creator, the Omnispark split into two. 

One half is here and the other is in a distant but close Multiversal cluster. To obtain the full benefits of my ultimate creation you need to get the other half and add it to your own.

I don't have time to explain all its abilities to you but when you absorb it you will innately know how to use it."

It explained and suddenly, a huge black crystalline octahedral shard with a stars inside it flew out of him and came in front of me.

I could feel the amount of power it contained, it made me feel how small and minuscule I am in the grand scheme of things and honestly it isn't a bad feeling after all its true and there's nothing I can do about it, at least now anyways.

"Now then, it's time for me to rest. Remember me young mortal, for I am Volog-Sagath, The Nameless one, The Traveller From Beyond, The Devourer Of Knowledge and I hereby proclaim you as my herald. Travel, Explore and seek knowledge, make the Omniverse tremble at your name: Invictus Primus!."

It bellowed with a low voice that shook this seemingly endless space, a warm strange feeling enveloped me when he gave me that name, I can't explain it but I know something in me has changed and I can only hope it's for the better.

Suddenly, the shard shot inside me as the space began to crack and break with Volog's body breaking in tandem with it, no reaction on his androgynous face.

With a huge flash of light and a loud bang, I lost consciousness but not before catching a glimpse of he and the dimension shattering.

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