Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Interlude—The Homelander


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[ ▪︎1st December, 1999▪︎]

[▪︎Homelander/ John's Pov▪︎]

Time sure has passed. It was just seven years ago I was defeated by Virgil, ever since that fight I wanted to be better. 

It's because of him that I steeled myself to endure all that torture in order to become stronger than him since he is the only person I consider to be on the same level as me.

I will never forget the day i made up my mind to become the best.




It was a week after my fight with Virgil. I was inside my room watching Soldier Boy cartoons and documentaries when I decided to randomly change the channel.

I was searching for something interesting to watch since I got bored of watching Soldier Boy. I searched till I came across a news channel that showed Virgil being interviewed live.

I was surprised and curious so I watched the interview. 

It was through that interview that I got to know that he is a genius and that he had submitted a paper that will save lives and advance medicine and because of that he was getting everyone's attention thus, making him famous.

Intense jealousy and anger flooded my mind, ever since I was defeated the cold and silent treatment become worse making me lonely and angry all the time. But there he was becoming famous and getting everyone's attention.

I wanted to be in his shoes, I wanted to be the one in the spotlight. 

But the truth was that he was smarter and stronger than me in terms of our abilities, and this made me realize that if I wanted to catch up to him and take his spot I need to become better than him.

So I left my room and went towards Dad's lab. When I got there, I entered and interrupted what he was doing.

"Dad, please make me stronger."

I exclaimed.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me with an intrigued look on his face.

"That's not a problem John, but why do you want to be stronger all of a sudden? You are already the strongest person alive."

He said with a small smile.

"..... I want to be better than Virgil."

I replied after a few moments of silence.

"Hmmm, that's quite a goal you have John. I can make you stronger but can you handle the cost? It will be more painful than the tests you go through. Are you sure you are ready to experience that?"

He asked with a devilish smile.

At the mention of the cost, my mind went to all the painful and torturous experiments and tests I went through.

He said it was going to be more painful, imagining it alone made me shiver which didn't go unnoticed by him.

But when I thought of the benefits, my mind was made up.

"I will do it, just make me stronger and better."

I said with resolve.

Doctor Vogelbaum smirked when he heard this and said:

"I like your confidence John, don't disappoint me."

[▪︎Flashback End▪︎]



After that day, I went through literal hell. I even had nightmares about the experiments and pains I went through but the benefits were worth it.

Currently, I was in the sky wearing a skintight blue and red suit that exposed my monstrous muscles with a cape designed with the American Flag. 

Today is my debut day, after eighteen good years of torture today is the day people will see me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the stage the latest and....."

I heard Mr Edgard say with my enhanced hearing as the dome that covered the venue started opening.

I guess that's my cue. I immediately floated towards the stage below me as he continued.

"Might I say, the greatest addition to Vought's crime fighting family... The Homelander."

Mr Edgard finished as I landed on the stage.

The reporters immediately started flashing their cameras on me.

They were standing in front of the stage with Madelyn and Mr Edgar, The CEO of Vought standing a few meters away from me on the stage.

"Not since Soldier Boy And Deva has Vought been so excited to work with someone of The Homelander's caliber."

Madelyn said as the crowd continued to take pictures of me.


I said with a nervous smile.

"Mr Homelander, why did you decide to join in with Vought?"

A dark skinned male reporter asked.


I fumbled nervously. The whole place got drenched in silence as everybody was waiting for what I was going to say.

I glanced through the crowd and saw a tall person dressed in heavy clothing with a face mask standing at the back of the crowd.

No one noticed him, but I did since I could see his face using my X-ray vision.

I don't know why he is here when he should be busy managing Vought Tech.

I instantly got confident when I saw him since I didn't want him to see me make a mistake.

"Say, you guys ever heard of the 'White Hawk Tigers'? What no? Arrh that's okay, that was my team. Back then I wanted to do two things, play baseball and play baseball. Every night on the farm playing catch with my dad I dreamed of the big leagues, hitting a homerun at Yankees stadium. Heck I would've settled for warming the bench at the Yankees."

I said confidently with the crowd laughing and continued.

"All I'm saying is that, my baseball career didn't work out. But Vought... Vought is the big leagues for someone like me. A chance to use my gifts to make the world a better place."

I finished confidently.

"New York is a lot tougher than White hawk baseball. How are you getting ready for what the city is going to throw at you?"


A reporter wearing Muslim attire asked.

"That's a good question. Voughts teamed me up with someone I've idolized my entire life, my friend and yours..... Black Noir."

I exclaimed as the spotlight shined on him.

The moment it did, the crowd cheered with them taking pictures enthusiastically.

He took all the attention away from me as I stood behind him clapping.

As I saw the way the crowd practically worshipped him, I couldn't help but frown in annoyance.

Today was my day but he has taken all the attention that I was supposed to get. If it was someone like Virgil I wouldn't be that annoyed since I consider him to be my equal.

But Black Noir? Oh please, he didn't even deserve to take my spotlight. 

When I looked passed Black Noir who was posing for the crowd and focused on one particular spot. 

I saw my rival nodding and leaving the room with no one even noticing him.

Just you wait Virgil, I will show you that I'm better than you now and that I've surpassed you.

I clenched my fist and turned towards Madelyn who also had a frown on her face.

A few moments later, the press conference ended.

I left the room with Madelyn following me as I thought of all the glory that will come my way sooner or later.

No one can prevent me from achieving my goals, not Virgil and certainly not Black Noir.

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