Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎Ryan's Pov▪︎]

It's been a month since my father took over this country.

Now everything is not...okay. Just yesterday when I managed to run from Vought Tower which my father now owns, I accidentally bumped into one of the Neo-Supes and it wasn't pretty.

Since he didn't know at the time that I'm the "prince", he tried to kidnap me for reasons I still don't know off but unfortunately for him, I was stronger so I cut off his arms and broke his leg.

It was because of this that those who were tasked to watch over me found me and took me back home. 

That night, he beat me up like a piñata and I could swear that from the look on his face that he wanted to kill me but I didn't cry or even flinch and this made him smile.

It's funny how I've changed, those days when he hit me I would cry for everyone to hear but now it's just something normal. I don't know if it's because of my powers or not but I'm glad I'm now who I am today.

The fact that in the past, I couldn't even find it within me to harm anyone but now even if I hurt someone like really bad and they bleed a lot I don't hate it...sometimes I really enjoy it and this makes me want to puke when I think that I'm becoming like him.

Right now, I'm all alone in a large decorated room filled with a Television that's broadcasting the news, bookshelves, large comfy couches that surround each other in a semi-circle, and lots of gadgets and toys laying around.

This is my room, and surprisingly it used to be Aunt Maeve's room. Sometimes I feel sad when I think about her and all of Mama's friends who tried to help me and died because of that. 

I don't know why my father left Aunt Maeve alone but I'm happy knowing that she's alive even if I don't where my father put her.

..... I miss Uncle Virgil. No one knows where he is right now, I've heard people say my father killed him but I don't believe it. 

Ashley said he's a coward who is hiding and she said he's abandoned me. I... don't know what to believe, maybe it's true that he has abandoned me or maybe it's true that he's a coward.

I just...want him to come back and take me away, no matter what, in my heart he's my dad and I want to be beside him wherever he is.

I want him to read me stories, make me fly, teach me cool things and play with me like he used to. 

"I've missed you, Uncle V, please come back for me."

I mutter as I hug my knees with tears streaming down my face. 

I just hope he one day comes back for me.


Suddenly, the floor-to-ceiling windows break and blast away, scattering the glass shards to every corner of the room with some of them even hitting me.

"U-U-Uncle V-Virgil?"

I stutter with wide eyes as I turn and see a smiling Uncle V wearing his usual black clothes standing in the room near the windows.

"It's me, Ryan, I'm back."

He says with a smile on his face.

The next moment, I fly and crash into his arms and start crying but this time it is happy tears.

"Mama is dead."

I cry as he tightens the hug and pat my head which is buried in his chest warmly.

"I know and I'm sorry for not being there for you."

He says in a sad tone as he caresses my back and this makes my tears rain down more.

After all this time he's now back. I want to be angry at him for knowing Mama was dead but he didn't do anything but I can't because I can tell he's very sad about it too.

"Hey it's alright, I'm here now and nothing is going to happen to you again."

He says as I remove my head from his chest and look at his face.


I sniffle as I look at his grey eyes.

"Yeah, now onwards no one is going to harm you again I promise."

He promises with a smile that makes me stop crying. 

I guess he's still the same Uncle V I know even if his body has changed a bit. Still cool, awesome, and way more handsome than before. 

"I've missed you very much."

" Me too."

He replies as I use my sleeves to clean my eyes with a smile.

My body moves on it's own and hug him again, taking in his familiar scent that makes me calm down as he starts stroking my hair.

....This is nice, I wish we can be like this for hours.


The door is kicked open as Shockwave and some other supes enter the room with serious looks on their faces.

"Ryan, what happen---"

Shockwave wanted to ask but he and the supes freeze when they see Uncle Virgil who is now standing beside me with a weird smile on his face.

Oh-oh, I think we are in trouble.


I can't help but smile when I see Shockwave and the supes freeze at the sight of me.

I can sense their fear and surprise without even looking at their faces. This confirms it, I have [Empathy] now. 

When I came in and hugged Ryan, I could feel his sadness and pain and this made me also feel a little bit sad and sorry.

I thought I was getting emotional or something but now I've seen that it's just a side effect of my new power and with a thought, I cut it off. 

Later on, I will make sure I master it but right now it's better to keep it on hold.

"What's the matter, have you seen a ghost?"

I ask with a smirk on my face that makes Shockwave shake away his fear and surprise.

"I don't know what you are doing here but since you've trespassed into his Majesty's room you are under arrest."

He announces in a serious and righteous tone as he subtly positions himself in a manner that will make him dash more efficiently.

"Pfft, his Majesty? Do you even hear yourself right now? This is fucking hilarious, do you suck his dick too by any chance?"

I laughed in a mocking tone.

Hearing this, the other unimportant supes chuckle and this pisses Shockwave off as his face morphs into a frown.

"You can either come quietly or by force, either way, Homelander will reward me for bringing you in even if you're not in one piece."

He threatens with a confident smirk on his face as he crouches slightly.

Hoh? I've been gone for one month and now a fucking B-lister thinks he can hurt me? Hmm, this is interesting. Let's see how this goes.

"Show me what you've got."

I taunt him with a nonchalant look on my face that makes him angry.

The next second he dashes towards me at speeds that make him blur but I can see him moving towards me perfectly as everything slows down in my eyes and when he reaches me I calmly stretch forth my left hand and grab his neck.

The moment I do so, my perception becomes normal again as I start to choke him with everyone in the room having looks of disbelief.


He chokes as he desperately claws my fingers around his neck. His eyes reddening when I tighten my ironclad grip.

"I'm built different."

I calmly say and with a thought, his body explodes into pieces, tainting the floor, the other supes, and basically everywhere except me and Ryan with his blood and guts.

My gaze immediately shifts to the other supes that are horror-striken as their bodies begin to shake.

"Let's continue."

I say with a smile that sends shivers down their spine.

This is going to be fun.


The prelude to Mcs conquest of the planet is in p.a.t.r.e.o.n chapters and the arc is about to end so if you can't wait for next week consider  joining P.a.t.r.e.o.n /KingSeyer.

Thank you and I wish you all a lovely weekend.

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