Confinement Constitution Guide

30. Warning! Gully 300m Ahead (4)


Warning! Gully 300m Ahead (4)

After finishing lunch with his fellow researchers, Nam In-cheol moved his stiff neck from side to side as he headed to his personal break room. Then he spotted a figure standing blankly in front of the break room door and let out a deep sigh. Anyone could see, even from a distance, even without looking closely, that it was An Jong-hyeok.

“Sigh… That leech-like bastard.”

At least real leeches can be removed, but how do you get rid of this persistent human leech? Hearing Nam In-cheol’s sigh, An Jong-hyeok, who had been standing still, strode towards him as if he’d been waiting. Before An Jong-hyeok could open his mouth, Nam In-cheol waved his hand.

“Ah, stop. Shh, quiet. This looks like it’ll be long, so let’s not do this here. Come inside and talk. You can ramble on as much as you want in there.”

An Jong-hyeok, who had been staring down at Nam In-cheol, who used surprisingly coarse language for a researcher, nodded and followed him into the break room. After closing the break room door tightly and thoroughly checking it, Nam In-cheol let out a deep sigh and put water in the coffee pot. He nodded to An Jong-hyeok, who was quietly making eye contact as if seeking permission.

“Alright. Go ahead and talk.”

“It’s about Shin Woo-jun.”

“I already expected that topic, so just get to the main point you like.”

Despite Nam In-cheol’s gruff response, An Jong-hyeok continued undeterred.

“The guy who’s been openly flaunting his presence has been unusually quiet for the past few days. Given Shin Woo-jun’s personality, he should have stirred things up more by now.”

“Isn’t it good if he’s quiet? We’re already busy enough with the S-class dungeon. I’m just glad that bastard is laying low on his own.”

“It’s not that simple, Nam In-cheol. His actions are suspiciously vague.”

“Oh, is that so?”

An Jong-hyeok clenched his fist. For the past three days, he had been quietly tracking Shin Woo-jun’s movements behind the scenes. But he soon hit a wall. Shin Woo-jun, who had been proudly displaying his presence, had suddenly vanished as if he’d sunk into the ground or soared into the sky. Even the faint presence that could be felt near the places where he had caused a stir had long since disappeared.

Feeling frustrated as if he had encountered an illusion that didn’t exist in this world, An Jong-hyeok couldn’t just sit and wait for traces left by the guy. This wouldn’t lead to a conclusion. An Jong-hyeok hated anything inconclusive. That’s why he came to seek advice from Nam In-cheol. But Nam In-cheol didn’t seem particularly interested in Shin Woo-jun’s affairs.

Despite this serious conversation, he was just stirring instant coffee with a bored expression, far from being surprised. An Jong-hyeok didn’t feel disappointed or let down. Nam In-cheol must be busy with the research center’s work and his own tasks. An Jong-hyeok hadn’t come seeking empathy for his feelings or situation, but to get his help.

“So what’s your conclusion?”

“Help me.”

Nam In-cheol placed a paper cup of instant coffee in front of An Jong-hyeok and let out a deep sigh.

“Listen, Jong-hyeok. I don’t have the energy, capacity, or time to spare for that kind of thing right now. You know what that means? It means I’m fucking, fucking busy. I can listen to your concerns, but I can’t help you this time. So just drink your coffee and leave quietly.”

Though his words were harsh, Nam In-cheol wasn’t unaware of An Jong-hyeok’s frustrating and desperate feelings. He knew, but just couldn’t help. Nam In-cheol shook his head at An Jong-hyeok. No matter how certain An Jong-hyeok was that Shin Woo-jun was behind the whirlwind incident, it was really just An Jong-hyeok’s opinion.

The Ability Department, which would normally issue an official document to take action or rectify the situation, is currently preoccupied with the S-class dungeon. That very Ability Department, which would have issued a document before even the slow An Jong-hyeok could notice. This meant that the Ability Department was focusing all its efforts on the S-class dungeon, and at the same time, their response was so slow that it wouldn’t be strange if illegal groups appeared en masse.

“I just need 5 minutes. The research center must have something like an ability user tracker. You must have collected Shin Woo-jun’s ability sample last time, so I’ll just borrow the tracker for a moment.”

“Hey, talk sense. Why would I hand over something that expensive to you? Besides, that’s beyond my authority. Do you think it’s some kind of toy?”

“So there’s really no way?”

“That’s right! Hey, it’s natural that someone who’s even escaped from prison would be hard to find if they decide to hide. If they were caught right after hiding, they’d be idiots. Anyway, I absolutely can’t help you, not at this time, and it’ll probably be the same for the Ability Department for the time being. You think the Ability Department wants to sit on their hands?”

An Jong-hyeok was looking down with a hardened expression. Seeing the usually cheerful and lively guy looking so gloomy felt suffocating to Nam In-cheol. Dealing with An Jong-hyeok, who would keep pushing and pushing like a madman until he was completely convinced, and if that didn’t work, push even harder, was difficult.

He was originally a person with the opposite compatibility to Nam In-cheol. Still, as a friend, he could offer some simple advice.

“Jong-hyeok, don’t just fixate on Shin Woo-jun, think about preparing for the S-class dungeon. The Ability Department is still maintaining an embargo, but what do you think will happen when that’s lifted?”

As expected, An Jong-hyeok’s jaw twitched at the mention of the S-class dungeon.

“Putting aside the chaos in the country, civilians will be scared even of low-grade dungeons and look for Espers. If you’re a bit late or there’s damage, you’ll get a lot of blame. You’ll be unimaginably busy without a break from now on, do you have the mind to spare for Shin Woo-jun?”


“I heard the frequency of dungeon occurrences has increased too, so go and handle dungeons. Train too. If you still have time after that, try to get information on Chae Do-min. Isn’t your team struggling without him?”

Nam In-cheol didn’t tell An Jong-hyeok to catch Shin Woo-jun or give any advice that would help catch him, and An Jong-hyeok stood with a hardened face before leaving the break room silently. But to Nam In-cheol, it seemed that An Jong-hyeok had understood his words sufficiently. So if he’s a guy with his head on straight, he should stop his foolish actions now and focus on the dungeons.

“Feels like I’ve saved one foolish soul.”

Nam In-cheol muttered as he cleared away the paper cup with coffee that hadn’t decreased at all, then squeezed toothpaste onto his toothbrush and put it in his mouth.

* * *

[189344] Hey Espers, all come in [784] (This post can only be viewed by registered G/E members.)

Author: Anonymous E

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Hey, don’t you guys think dungeons are appearing like crazy these days?

Am I the only one feeling this way? It’s fucking busy, really

Is something about to happen? Otherwise, it can’t be this busy, shit


Anonymous E. 1 – Oh shit, you felt that way too?


Anonymous E. 2 – Fucking useless department bastards, explain right now

⤷ Anonymous E. 5 – But isn’t this under the dungeon research center’s jurisdiction?

⤷ Anonymous E. 2 – I don’t know, that’s not my business, anyone just explain

Anonymous E. 3 – I’ve been doing 3 dungeons a day lately lolololol fuck..


Anonymous G. 1 – I’m admiring Chae Chae as naturally as breathing these days……………


Anonymous G. 2 – FuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuck


Anonymous G. 3 – Ah my stamina’s gone


Anonymous G. 4 – Hey, at least you guys can beat up monsters or wreck dungeons when you’re pissed. You get your energy back when you’re guided anyway. But who guides the guides? When we’re pissed, all we can do is lol

⤷ Anonymous G. 2 – For real, but we can’t even do that lolololol If we guide while pissed, the useless department sends instructions to treat Espers preciously like babies because it hurts^^

⤷ Anonymous G. 3 – Huh shit then should we hang a mobile in the tent

⤷ Anonymous G. 8 – Oh my god lolololololol mobile lolololololololol

Anonymous E. 4 – It’s so infuriating that guild members get incentives, but center members just get endlessly rolled. I feel like planting Hyuk-man’s head, then uprooting everything I planted and burning it all in front of that bastard

⤷ Anonymous G. 5 – Um, sorry…….. who’s Hyuk-man..?

⤷ Anonymous E. 7 – It’s the name of the useless department head

⤷ Anonymous G. 5 – Huh? Gasp; Really?;; Now I know;;;; That person had a normal name too;; Didn’t know..

⤷ Anonymous G. 11 – Lolololol it’s so funny, don’t most people in Korea have names? Lolololololololol




Anonymous E. 219 – I think this post will become a holy site lololololol Any Esper who’s worked a lot in the field should have noticed? Anyway, here’s my hint hehe If you’ve got years of experience but don’t know, you’re a dummy hehe Well, those with less than 5 years might not know?

⤷ Anonymous E. 223 – Your spelling is even dumber

⤷ Anonymous E. 219 – Why you;-_-

⤷ Anonymous G. 188 – It really is legendary in many ways..

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