Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 98

【Following Scathach’s words, everyone subconsciously looked at you.】

【They never expected that Scathach would be so optimistic about you. It is beyond the imagination of many people that you can have the temperament of a king, but no one expected that this legendary God Killer actually thought that you had the potential to kill her.】

【An excellent king may not be powerful, but to be evaluated like this by a god-slayer who has taught many heroes, then unless there is something wrong with her eyes, it is really impossible to make a mistake.】

【In other words, if you grow up smoothly in the future, you may become a strong man capable of killing top-level heroic spirits like Scathach!】

【”Kamijou, although I had a high opinion of your strength before, it seems that I still underestimate you now.”】

【Even the Conqueror King was shocked by Scathach’s information. He is the only person here who has truly seen your strength and even fought against you. He originally thought that you were only stronger than weaker heroic spirits at most, but he didn’t expect that you could be stronger, and maybe even grow to be stronger than him.】

【It is really shocking that a mere modern person can reach this level.】

【It was not just the King of Conquerors who thought this way, everyone else had similar expressions of surprise, even the King of Heroes was no exception. Although his expression is still arrogant, there is also a hint of surprise in his eyes when he looks at you.】

【”Is that so-called magic genius that powerful? do you know him?”】.

【At this time, the dark figure hiding in a certain shadow also looked surprised. After listening to the words of Scathach and the Conqueror, he realized that you seemed to be more powerful than he imagined. I couldn’t help but curiously asked about the unknown object in my hand.】

【He also observed the battle between you and the Conqueror King a few days ago. But just like the King of Conquerors, he thinks that although you are strong, your upper limit should be this, and you are still within the range that you can deal with. But now it seems that both he and the Conqueror have underestimated you, and are very suspicious that you may not have used all your strength at that time.】

【”How long have I been staying here? It’s okay in Fuyuki City, but how can we know what’s going on outside? Compared to me, don’t you somehow know a lot more?”】

【”Don’t mention it, I only know a few Servants in this Holy Grail War, and many things don’t match what I remember.……”】

【As he said that, the dark figure couldn’t help but sigh deeply. He originally thought that he controlled all the information and had a lot of combat power at his hands, so this was a situation that should be won. As a result, the current situation has far exceeded his expectations.】

【”This Fourth Holy Grail War is a mess! It’s completely different from what I had in mind!”】

【The dark figure was very irritable, but he had no choice but to take one step at a time.】

【”The plan changed, the target was to eliminate him, and focus on targeting the Rider or Saber Master.”】

【”That’s all it can do”】

“……I don’t even know who this is, but the two enemies who may be behind the scenes seem to have insufficient information, or are mistaken about something?”

For some reason, Kamijou Ha felt a little funny, because he felt that this guy was in the same state as he was when he was in inertial thinking, always being confused by unexpected situations.

Although this news and intelligence cannot affect What, but Kamijou Ha always feels that he seems to be getting closer to the truth.

Their identity, their purpose, and their seemingly chaotic situation. Kamijou Ha feels that he has some clues, and even feels that this situation It’s not just the Holy Grail War that’s involved this time, it’s probably also involved in many other things.

“There may not be much we can do with this simulation, but I feel like this information will be useful in the next simulation.……”

This is a hunch, and he can’t explain it more specifically. After all, he is just speculating now. For more clues, he has to simulate the next situation this time.

“Come on, give me more information. I’ve written it all down.”

Kamijoha took out his notebook. Although he thought he had a good memory, in the current situation, it is best to record all the clues so that there will be no omissions in the subsequent review and analysis.

However, when Kamijouha After recording the conversation between these two beings, the simulation was transferred back to the Six Kings Banquet.

【”My royal way, there is actually nothing to say. You have already guessed the people around me, so there is no need to say more. That is to get rid of all the unpleasant and suspicious guys, and then do whatever you want.”】

【Scathach had finished talking about his royal ways and wishes, and now it was the turn of the Assyrian Empress, but she was so lazy that she obviously didn’t care about it, so she just made a few perfunctory remarks about her past actions.】

【”I admit that I am a suspicious and ambitious person. Even if it is my own side,

I will do it if necessary or even if it is not necessary.”】

【As she spoke, the Assyrian Empress looked at the King of Heroes with a meaningful look. The latter snorted coldly and said with disdain】

【”If you weren’t working for me, I would kill you right now based on your rebellious words!”】

【”Oh, do something for you? if not……”】

【The Assyrian Empress suddenly stopped as she spoke, her face suddenly turned ugly because Kotomine Kirei was forcibly stopping her from saying unnecessary words. Although I didn’t use the Command Seal, I mean I’ll use the Command Seal if you talk nonsense again.】

【The arrogant empress could not accept such a situation, but now was not the time. She secretly accepted this small grudge, thinking of finding an opportunity to settle the score with Kotomine Kirei later. Then he snorted softly, no longer arguing with the King of Heroes, and no longer revealing any more information.】

【”In short, I am also a tyrant, but unlike you, I just get rid of everyone I dislike and then do whatever I want.”】

【A king who became a tyrant for various reasons other than serving the people, conquering, and maintaining his own rules. The Assyrian Empress is obviously much more”simple”. Even if she wants to do whatever she wants, she doesn’t seem to have many goals.】

【”As for the wish for the Holy Grail…eternal life, eternal domination. You see, making a wish to the Holy Grail is no big deal, right? My wishes are very small”】

【What a tiny piece of shit!】

【At this moment, both the servants and the masters, as well as all the beings observing here, are subconsciously complaining like this in their hearts.】

【I thought that this Assassin had no aspirations, after all, she also said that she only became a tyrant just to do whatever she wanted. But after hearing this wish, who doesn’t know how ambitious this empress is?】

【The purpose of conquering the capital is to gain a physical body, have a second life, and try to conquer again. It would be better for the Assyrian Empress to just ask for eternal life and eternal domination.】

【Perhaps it was precisely because she wanted to satisfy her own whims that she had such a wish. After all, if she is on the Heroic Soul Seat, she cannot do whatever she wants.】

【”……Forget it, she is the legendary empress after all, her achievements are genuine, and it is normal to have such ambitions. In other words, he is a ‘simple ambitious tyrant’, right?”】

【Scathach actually wanted to say the word poisonous woman, but as she said herself, the attack made by the other party was true. Although her wish was not looked down upon by everyone present, it could be regarded as the pure ambition of a tyrant.】

【This is not to say that the other kings present do not have ambitions, but they have already passed that period and do not care much about this kind of dominance and control.】

【The Conqueror King wants a second life, not for anything else, but for another grand conquest. This is due to his fun as a Conqueror King and regrets during his lifetime, rather than so-called ambition.】

【The Assyrian Empress saw the performance of the kings, and she didn’t care. Really, after all, she already knew that she and other kings were incompatible, so she didn’t care what other kings thought.】

【”Humph, four of the six kings are tyrants. It seems that there are not many benevolent kings.”】

【The opposite of a tyrant is a benevolent king, not a wise king. The opposite of a faint king is a wise king. Many kings in history were both tyrants and wise kings. The basis for judgment lies in the achievements of the king】

【The King of Conquerors did not mention Scathach or you. After all, Scathach is in a special situation, and you are not a king here. Scathach can still be called a wise king, but it is difficult to judge whether a tyrant or a benevolent king.】

【In your case, if you count the ‘Chairman’ as a king, then you have been both a tyrant and a benevolent king. However, this kind of thing is really not easy to explain, and even explaining your kingly way seems very troublesome. So you didn’t say much, just being a listener who could participate in the king’s banquet.】

【Of course, if you really want to talk about it, you think you are a tyrant and some people who are hindering development should be dealt with directly instead of listening to his nonsense.】

【However, conservatives are not obstructionists, and the two must be distinguished. Without conservatives, blindly advancing at high speed will eventually lead to car accidents. From this perspective, you are not a pure tyrant and you understand the limits. As for how far it can be achieved, the history of the red world has already explained a lot.】

【”I thought I could fight Renjun, but that’s all. We are all tyrants, and your achievements and royal ways are worthy of recognition. A quick battle with you is also a great pleasure on the road to conquest!”】

【The Conqueror King finished another drink and looked at everyone with a fighting spirit.】

【He was very excited today. After explaining their respective kingships, he was so excited that he could not wait to fight with the kings present. But tonight is the banquet, and he bluntly said that he doesn’t know how to fight, so he can only suppress the fighting spirit in his heart.】

【”Oh, by the way, Kamijou, even though you have never been a king, have you ever thought about your own way to be king?”】

【”I have thought about it a lot, and generally speaking, he should be a tyrant. Because I don’t like people who stand in the way, even if they are just simple conservatives, but I will directly get rid of those guys who have obviously bad intentions, disturb the stability of the people, and hinder the development of society.”】

【”What’s the purpose? If you were truly a king, what would you most want to do?”】

【”Do what a king should do, make the people stable, make the country strong, and let civilization develop as it should.”】

【”What you said is true, these things are what a king should do, but…if you really have the time to become a king, and you can really implement it like this, you may become a better king than us.”】

【Your idea seems to be what all kings should do, but in fact, few kings can actually do it like this, or they can’t do it at all. But for some reason, your tone is too natural, as if you have actually done this successfully.】

【This caused the Conquering King to say bluntly that if it really happened, you would be a better king than everyone present. The Conqueror King’s evaluation was recognized by others. Of course, in their view, this evaluation can only be accepted if you do it. Although you did do it, it is not convenient to mention it to them】

【But it doesn’t matter. You don’t care. After all, it’s in the past. You don’t feel the need to talk about it complacently.】

【Furthermore, you don’t feel the need to explain. Because if the people here are destined to follow you to your world, then they will know these things sooner or later, and there is no need to say anything at this time. If I have no chance to follow you, then there is no need to talk to people who have no chance to follow you.】

【”So, what is your wish? I’ve heard that a servant may have no desire, but as for a master, if he doesn’t have a strong desire in his heart, it’s difficult to become a master, right?”】

【This is what the Conqueror King heard from Weber. It is really difficult for a Master to be chosen if he has no desire. Of course, there are not exceptions. However, the Conqueror King believes that warriors like you probably have wishes.】

【”desire?…I want to say no, but if I think about it carefully, it’s wrong. I do have a wish.”】

【You know that the universal wishing machine is unreliable, but if it comes to wishes, then you do have them. Of course, it’s more of a goal than a wish.】

【”I want to become stronger”】

【”Become stronger?”】

【”Yes, just getting stronger”】

【As you said that, you glanced at all the servants present, even Scathach, with eyes full of fighting intent.】

【”Use the Holy Grail to become stronger? It can be considered a simple wish… Although I really want to say this, it seems wrong, right?”】

【This is not the first day that the King of Conqueror has come into contact with you. He has long discovered that you are a true war madman, and you also have the power to fight with servants. Then, in his understanding, Zhan Kuang’s desire to fight is mostly to become stronger.】

【”Did you guess it? If the Holy Grail is truly omnipotent, I would be happy to use it to become stronger. But if not, then fighting with all my strength against strong men like you is one of the ways for me to become stronger.”】

【No one denies this, because growing up in battle is a common way to become stronger. As for dying in battle? If Zhan Kuang is afraid of this, how can he become Zhan Kuang?】

【With that said, you finished the glass of wine, then stood up and looked at the King of Heroes】

【”Everyone has finished explaining the royal way and their views and wishes for the Holy Grail, and has almost finished drinking. Then, the king’s banquet comes to an end.”】

【”Zaxiu, do you want to challenge me?”】

【The King of Heroes also stood up. He was not angered, but still looked arrogant.】

【”Although I think you are interesting, don’t think you can offend me with this.”】

【”No offense, after all we all recognize your strength. And I, as you can see, am a fighting maniac. So, is it not a matter of course to challenge you who consider yourself the strongest?”】

【As soon as the word”strongest” came out, the King of Heroes could not help but curl his lips slightly and nodded.】

【”Indeed, since you aspire to become stronger warriors in battle, you should indeed challenge the strongest. The weak draw their swords at the weaker, and the strong wield their fists at the stronger. Well, you are more interesting than I thought. I accept your challenge!”】

【As soon as he finished speaking, a knight in gray armor appeared on the scene, and Scathach and King Arthur also stood up.】

【”Assassin, I challenge you. Do you dare to fight?”】

【King Arthur took out the dark holy sword and pointed it at the Assyrian Queen, while Scathach and Mordred stood beside you, confronting the King of Heroes.】

【”As the strongest person, you certainly don’t mind your enemies joining forces, right? After all, you are the hero king in the Epic of Gilgamesh. As powerful as you are, you won’t be afraid of too many enemies, right?”】

【Dual-wielding silver mercury spears, you looked at the King of Heroes in front of you with a fighting look on your face.】.

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