Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 96

【Corruption exists no matter what era it is in, especially in the medieval society that was not perfect in all aspects in the past.】

【Chivalry was prevalent in King Arthur’s time, hence the legends of the Knights of the Round Table and the King of Knights. But at the same time, there are more nobles and lords, and most of them are selfish】

【”The King of Knights you know is just a ridiculous little girl, an innocent person who is honest and honest for her ideals.”】

【The black King Arthur criticized the saint-like”self” unceremoniously. In this regard, the others did not comment or refute aloud, because they could hear that the other party had something to say.】

【”A fair and sincere knight will not judge others without evidence, even if they all know what evil things those corrupt and selfish nobles have done.”】

【”The same goes for the King of Knights. She wants to implement policies that benefit the people, wants to concentrate her military power to defeat the invading enemies, and wants to defeat the rebels. There are many things she wants to do, but few can be accomplished because of the perfunctory and delaying efforts of the nobles and lords.”】

【”The King of Knights wants to punish them, but she has no evidence, because those nobles and lords are very ‘smart’ in this regard and will never expose their flaws, so the just King of Knights cannot get rid of the cancer in these countries.”】.

【”The nobles and lords laughed at the so-called Knight King, and even sang praises for him, because they also ‘admire’ such a Knight King, and then they happily exploited their own people.”】

【After hearing this, many people present probably understood what the other party was going to say next.】

【The black King Arthur sneered and repeatedly pointed out the words”The Just King of Knights”. And she, King Arthur, who claims to be a tyrant, is obviously not the so-called”just knight king”.”】

【Hearing this, most of the people present looked at you with clothes in their eyes. Because, if there are no accidents, your previous guess is completely correct.】

【”I used to be naive, thinking that as a knight, I should listen to everyone’s advice, and I shouldn’t take down evil nobles without evidence. However, my temper seems not as good as that of the ‘just knight king’’”】

【”After repelling the invaders on a certain occasion, I passed a town when I led the army back to the court and found a group of people starving to death near the town. So I led the army into the town to question the lord. He was holding a banquet, and all the nobles in the town were there. They ate sumptuously and even prepared to throw away all the remaining food after the banquet.”】

【”I asked what happened to the people starving to death outside the city. He said that in order to support the country, he requisitioned the people’s food to the army. If there was no food, they could only sell their property to buy food. After finishing speaking, he told me calmly that there was nothing that could be done about it. After all, the people had to pay a price for the country.”】

【”I ask again, what about you? Why didn’t your food support go to the army? What have you paid for the country? Then he looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. Didn’t I pay for those people and then support you with their food?”】

【Having said this, the black King Arthur sneered, and the others either frowned slightly or showed disdain.】

【”Rider, Archer, Assassin, and Lancer, I don’t know what your attitude is towards your people. But in my opinion, I am fighting for my country, not to protect this group of trash who only exploit people.”】

【”If it’s the ‘just knight king’, she can’t do anything to that lord, because the people are the lord’s wealth, and what he does is ‘legal’. Even though, I have enacted new laws before that don’t allow this to happen, he obviously doesn’t care because he has many ways to make it continue to be ‘legal’’”】

【”But I said, my temper is obviously not as good as that of the King of Knights. So, I killed all the nobles at that banquet. Well, regardless of the so-called evidence, nor the so-called legality”】

【There is no need to say more about what happened after that. Once this kind of thing starts, it will get out of hand. That day, King Arthur, who killed all the nobles with the holy sword, directly became a”tyrant””】

【”After that day, I killed all the nobles or ministers who dared to deal with me or oppose me, and then re-promulgated new policies. After that, I can’t guarantee that all people will stop dying of hunger, but I can guarantee that it won’t happen again.”】

【”Look at the people who have enough to eat, don’t have to worry about being harmed by invaders, can live a stable life, and show real smiles. I fully realized it, and then moved forward more firmly in this way.”】

【”After that, I chose to protect my country from a bird’s-eye view. Instead of winning everyone’s admiration and becoming the so-called ‘Knight King’, I chose the path of a tyrant that everyone admired and even feared.”】

【”If this can truly protect the people, then why not stain your hands with blood? After all, my original purpose when I pulled out the sword in the stone was to protect the country and its people. Therefore, even if I become a tyrant that everyone fears, even if the Holy Sword becomes such an ominous posture, it will not shake my determination.”】

“It’s more admirable than I imagined. Sure enough, I guessed it right. The girl named Artoria Pendragon, no matter what form she takes, her inner essence is the same.

Kamijouha admired this kind of King Arthur very much.

If he had wine at hand, he would also like to raise a toast.

In the simulation, the reason why he could roughly guess the truth behind the”tyrant” was actually because he played before traveling through time.

I have played a game.

In the introduction about Heidi, there is a sentence like this – the black tyrant with a cold and ruthless personality is completely different from the original Artoria.

However, as long as you contact her carefully, you will definitely You can find that its”essence is still the same”.

The girl who pulled out the sword from the stone, what is her essence, let alone the”King Chef”, almost all the moon chefs know it – to protect the country and the people And fight!

As Artoria Pendragon Alter herself said, she was not like this at the beginning.

Presumably her past historical trajectory is the same as that of the original King of Knights. She also believes that everything must be Everything should be done according to the knight’s code. Correct management and correct rule are the king’s long-cherished wish!

However, the reality is cruel. She acts according to the knight’s code, dedicating herself like a saint and being honest for her ideals. But she Her enemies obviously regard her as a weakness and target her, whether they are invaders or noble ministers.

Faced with such a dilemma, if Arturia Pendragon still insists on her policy, even if the people If she still acts according to her knightly code even though she is in trouble, she will become a fair and honest knight king in history.

Whether this ending is perfect or not is not mentioned, but she will eventually become King Arthur whose reputation is spread all over the world. The royal way of chivalry is also a tribute to future generations.

Of course, some people praise it, and some people criticize it. After all, there are no people and things in the world that everyone likes. But since later generations do not completely deny it, it is enough to prove that her way is not Wrong.

However, Artoria Pendragon did this, but Artoria Pendragon Alter could not do this. She saw the pain of the people and the sins of the nobles. In anger When the accumulation reaches the limit, it finally explodes uncontrollably.

“But I have to say, it broke out well. I admire the King of Knights who has always been able to control himself, but even more I admire the tyrant King Arthur who drew his sword in anger for the people.”

Kamijoha knew that the former approach was actually more difficult, but he considered himself a vulgar selfish person. If he saw something that made him angry, he would also draw his sword. In life, it is better to do whatever you want and feel more comfortable.

Of course, there is a limit to this kind of freedom. As for how to measure and define this degree, everyone has different opinions. However, Kamijouha knows that both he and the tyrant King Arthur can control their inner bottom line and principles.

“Although there were conspirators on the other side causing trouble, with such like-minded partners around me, I suddenly felt that those enemies were no big deal.”

Yes, Kamijouha at this time, although he also admired the black King Arthur before, did not deny that he had thoughts about her. But now, except for this, he thinks that she and he are like-minded partners, and he appreciates her more and more. A black tyrant.

Thinking of this, Kamijouha no longer worried about the unknown conspirators and continued to watch with admiration.

【”Although Great Britain was destroyed in the end, it would be a lie to say that I didn’t feel sad. But I will not regret it, because during my reign, I protected my people well. Although they believed in rumors and thought I was a tyrant, they also lived happily.”】

【”This is enough, because my ideal has actually been realized. What’s more, I also admit that I am a tyrant, and I don’t feel anything if they call me that.”】

【The black King Arthur did not lie. The moment she drew her sword and killed the nobles without any evidence, she actually considered herself a tyrant.】

【Although she was still a little enlightened at the time, and even worried about whether what she did was wrong. But after the policy was implemented smoothly and the people smiled, she was no longer confused. She called herself a tyrant and truly implemented the tyrant’s policies.】

【”This is my royal way. It is not the way of chivalry that thoroughly implements integrity, but the way of a tyrant who implements tyranny for the purpose.”】

【After saying that, the sneer on the black King Arthur’s face disappeared, and the soft but slightly white face like a goddess blossomed into a smile like a proud pure white flower.】

【She is proud that she believes that the tyrant implements tyranny just to protect the country and the people, and she has done this and is proud of it.】

【Facing Artoria Pendragon Alter, everyone had different expressions, but no one ridiculed them, only admired her.】

【”Ha ha ha ha! Saber, I wanted to say that as a king, you should not sacrifice your life for the people! It is only right that the country and its people should devote themselves to the king!”】

【”However! I cannot deny your kingly way, because you are also moving forward on the ideal road. Not only do you thoroughly implement your tyrant kingly way and realize your ideals, but you also have no regrets about your choice! As Yu said before, those who can implement their own goals and move forward are excellent kings!”】

【The Conqueror laughed loudly. He recognized King Arthur’s kingship and was delighted to see such an excellent king. ]


【A conquering king is a tyrant, a tyrant who conquers everything. King Arthur is also a tyrant, but she became a tyrant for the people. The two purposes are fundamentally different.】

【However, even though their starting points are almost completely opposite, they all go all the way for their own beliefs, implement the royal way, and have no regrets about their choices. Therefore, the Conqueror King not only found nothing to blame her for, but he also wanted to say that she was also an excellent king.】

【”Everyone! As mentioned in the previous article, Saber is an excellent king who deserves a toast! I don’t care whether you agree or not, but I do. Come, Saber, as a tyrant, I, the conquering king, respect you!”】

【As soon as he finished speaking, the King of Conqueror was the first to raise his wine glass, and then all the kings, including the King of Heroes, raised their wine glasses.】

【There may be some who do not agree with this approach, and there may be some who disdain the starting point of moving for the people. But no matter what, as the Conqueror King said, he who can carry out his royal way without regrets and realize his ideals in the end is an excellent king!】

【Therefore, be present���Some kings raised their glasses and paid tribute to the black tyrant in front of them.】

【The black King Arthur didn’t say much, she just raised the wine glass together, responded, and drank the wine together!】

【”She is undoubtedly a laconic, ruthless tyrant. But she always remembered her original ideal, and everything she did was for the people, and she did realize her ideal. And this is probably the ‘ideal king’ that King Arthur originally pursued.”】

【As you toast her again, you feel the same in your heart. At the same time, you also remembered that the profile of a certain game indeed introduced the Black Tyrant like this – she is the”ideal king” pursued by King Arthur.”】

【”Saber! We have understood and acknowledged your royal ways. So, what is your wish? What do you think of the Holy Grail?”】

【In this banquet, the King of Conquerors and the King of Heroes not only explained their kingly ways, but also pointed out their views and wishes for the Holy Grail.】

【The conquering king wants to live in this world again, obtain a body, and try to see if he can have another great conquest.】

【The King of Heroes believes that the Holy Grail is his own and has no wishes, but he wants to punish the thief and recover the cup.】

【Although the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows and the Assyrian Empress have yet to elaborate on their royal ways and views on the Holy Grail, everyone present is obviously more curious about what this black tyrant who has fulfilled his ideals thinks of the Holy Grail. There should be no regrets in her existence, right? Then why participate in the Holy Grail War? 】.

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