Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 94

“Although not many days have passed, it feels like it has been a long time since I acted as an emperor.”

Watching the banquet of the Five Kings turning into the Banquet of the Six Kings, Kamijouha was a little surprised and emotional.

Although the simulation was a simulation, everything in it was too real. After the simulation ended and the synchronized memory was over, he felt the same way. Therefore, after he had been an emperor, Finally, even if he does not have the talent of [True Dragon Emperor], he still has some imperial power, and of course he has the temperament of a king.

However, as the King of Heroes and others said, there is no real king in modern times, so there is not much of this stuff. Of course, Kamijou Ha would not act as a king. If the Conqueror hadn’t pointed it out specifically, he would have almost forgotten about it. The

Godslayers seem to be”modern kings”? In fact, they are not. They are just because They are known as kings only because of their strength and status, but almost no god-slayer has the appearance of an emperor. At least, Kamijouha’s impression does not exist..

“However, it’s just not in my impression. Who knows if there is such a God-killer that I don’t know about in this mixed comic world.”

Kamijoha doesn’t know this either. After all, he has never seen any God-killers, and he doesn’t even know how many God-killers there are in the world.

“Since we have already cooperated with Saya and the others, let’s ask about it later. This level of information should not be classified.”

This is a part of intelligence collection. Although those God-killers may not be his enemies, that’s only now. It’s hard to say about the future. If you collect the information now, you will be prepared. If you don’t know them, that’s it. If there are, then If he fights with him in the future, it will definitely increase his chances of winning.

Of course, this will happen later. Now, looking at”himself” who was able to participate in the banquet, Kamijouha just smiled softly, and then – continued watch carefully

【”Ha ha ha ha! This wine is indeed delicious, Archer, this is the so-called divine wine!”】

【After you bluntly stated that the banquet would continue, the Conqueror King was the first to speak again. And his statement was recognized by everyone. This wine is really delicious】

【Seeing this, the King of Heroes raised the corners of his mouth slightly and chuckled.】

【”You still know how to appreciate it, that’s right! Whether it’s wine or weapons, I have the best in my treasure house! In this way, you should be able to determine which of the king’s structures is higher or lower, right?”】

【The King of Heroes is very proud, and he does have the capital. After all, his treasure house does have almost everything.】

【However, the kings recognized the first half of what he said, but no one recognized the last sentence. Or the King of Conquerors, he bluntly said】

【”That won’t work! Archer, we admit that your wine is indeed the best, worthy of the Holy Grail. However, the Holy Grail is not a wine glass, and it does not belong to you just because you have wine. Why are you pursuing the Holy Grail? This must be explained clearly first.”】

【”Stop gesticulating here, Zaxiu, your premise is wrong.”】

【Tonight’s King of Heroes is indeed very peaceful. Even if he refutes or scolds, he is calm. Although he is still arrogant, he obviously does not get angry easily. Perhaps in his opinion, the battlefield and the banquet are two different occasions. It would be unworthy of a king to get angry when speaking freely.】

【”The Holy Grail is my king’s thing, and all the treasures in this world come from my king’s treasure house. You are all robbers and thieves. I am just taking back my belongings and punishing the guilty by the way.”】

【This sentence contains a lot of information, but except for Weber who showed distrust in his eyes, everyone else looked indifferent.】

【Without him, because you have told everyone on your side about the King of Heroes, you naturally know that the other party may actually have the Holy Grail in their treasure house, so you will not refute anything.】

【Needless to say, the Empress of Assyria is in the same group as the King of Heroes. How could she not know the identity of the latter? The Conqueror King had already somewhat guessed about the Hero King’s identity, so he believed what he said and even looked very interested.】

【”So, you once had the Holy Grail, right? So tell me, what exactly is the Holy Grail?”】

【The Holy Grail is a universal wishing machine, but this is only what the Yusan family said, and the ritual of the Holy Grail War has not been successful in the past. Therefore, let alone participants in the Holy Grail War, none of the servants summoned here have seen the Holy Grail.】

【Therefore, the King of Conqueror has a curious look on his face. In fact, he is not the only one who is curious. Everyone present except you is also curious. And you, at this time, just drank the wine indifferently, one step ahead of the King of Heroes】

【”It’s useless to ask Archer. I don’t even know how many treasures I have. Can you know it yourself? Why don’t you recall how many treasures you have in your treasure house? Of course, if you remember clearly, it only means that your treasures are too few.”】

【You’re not lying. When you became the emperor of the empire and almost conquered the entire world, you had at least hundreds of imperial weapons, ministers, and even other magical weapons in your treasure trove. Even you can only remember the strongest and most useful ones, and the rest will naturally not know their functions.】

【As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their faces showed surprise.】

【”Not bad, Lancer’s royal……”】

【”My name is Kamijou Yu, Kamijou or Emperor Yu, whatever you want to call me”】

【The King of Heroes was interrupted by you before he finished speaking. You have your own name, and you don’t like being called by other people. Even if you don’t attend the banquet as the emperor, you will correct other people’s opinions.】

【The King of Heroes seemed a little dissatisfied with being interrupted, and looked at you with a very sharp look, but you were not afraid at all and returned the same sharp, even warlike look.】

【”……snort! Okay, Kamijou, you are qualified to let me remember your name.”】

【Even if a mere human dared to look at him with such eyes, even if he really had the temperament of a king, the King of Heroes still felt offended.】

【However, he also had to recognize your courage, as well as your obvious desire to fight with stronger people. He can see that you not only have the temperament of a king, but also have the potential to become a hero.】

【It is really incredible that such a person appears in modern times. Therefore, the King of Heroes, who is obviously more and more interested in you, tentatively recognizes you.】

【”Kamijou is right, if you can remember all your treasures, it can only mean that your treasures are too few. The wealth of this king is far beyond your knowledge. Even I cannot recognize them all. But since it is a treasure, it must belong to me!”】

【The King of Heroes has an inhuman expression on his face. Doesn’t it mean that all the people here are poor? How dare a poor man call himself a king?】

【”snort! Putting aside the fact that your argument is unconvincing, let’s just say that even if you really own the Holy Grail, why would you participate in the Holy Grail War? When and how did you lose the Holy Grail?”】

【This time it was King Arthur who spoke. She looked at the King of Heroes with a sneer, and said with disdain in a very mocking tone.】

【”You think that all the treasures in the world belong to you, but you don’t even know when you lost your own treasures. As a king who can’t even guard his own treasure, what are you proud of? Or are you out of your mind? Are you sober?”】

【King Arthur actually knew that what the King of Heroes said was probably true, but she couldn’t bear to see the other party being so arrogant. What’s more, her sarcasm was correct. She couldn’t even see her own treasure, so what was there to be proud of?】

【Regarding King Arthur’s words, not to mention the King of Conqueror and the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows also agreed. Even the Assyrian Empress, the opponent’s ally, nodded. Although they are from the same camp, the Hero King looks down on the Assyrian Empress. Naturally, the latter has also been unhappy with the Hero King for a long time.】

【”Ridiculous! You bunch of miscellaneous cultivators still don’t understand what I mean.”】

【The King of Heroes wasn’t angry, he just felt ridiculous. In his opinion, among the kings in front of him, you seem to be the only one who understands what he means, and the rest are superficial.】

【”Not to mention that the king is not the guardian of the treasure house, it is not that the king does not care about the loss of the treasure, but that he does not know that the treasure is lost. Just like this glass of wine, if this glass of wine ‘loses’ a few drops of wine, let alone me, do you recognize this?”】

【This metaphor is used very well, because even if the king is present, if the drink really loses a few drops, it is really difficult for them to notice this. And this statement does not fail to show that the number of treasures possessed by the King of Heroes is unbelievable.】

【Although this also shows that the hero king did not guard the treasure, but as the other party said, the king is indeed not the guardian of the treasure house. And if this kind of thing happened to them, they would also not be able to recognize it.】

【”From what you said, you don’t really care about the Holy Grail, so why are you still participating in the Holy Grail War?”】

【The Assyrian Empress spoke. This was just a question, not directed at the King of Heroes, so she asked straightforwardly. Of course, she doesn’t care even if she is criticizing the King of Heroes, after all, this is her character】

· ········Asking for flowers····· ···

【”snort! Indeed, a cup is just like these drops of wine. Why should I care? Even if you, a group of miscellaneous cultivators who can still tolerate me, surrender to me and make achievements for me. Why not reward you with just a cup?”】

【The King of Heroes didn’t pay attention to the Assyrian Empress’ question, which seemed to be directed at one of her own people. He responded with a sneer.】

【”However, I can reward my subordinates. But if there are thieves who steal my treasure, I will give them the punishment they deserve! This is a matter of principle, and it is also the reason why I participated in the Holy Grail War.”】

【This is the reason why the King of Heroes participated in the Holy Grail War】

【However, there is another reason that the King of Heroes did not mention. He believes that staying on the Heroic Soul Seat is too boring and has no fun and joy. Therefore, even if the summoned servant is just a clone, he can synchronize his memory and enjoy himself when the servant returns.】

“……Good guy, I can only say that he is worthy of being the King of Heroes.”

Seeing this, Kamijou Ha couldn’t help but smile.

This King of Heroes is very arrogant, but he is also really interesting in some aspects.

“However, in a sense, this situation is somewhat similar to mine. The difference is that unless I travel through another world, it’s all a simulation. What the followers experience is all true.”

……… 0…….

Although this discovery seems useless, Kamijou Haha always feels that he should remember this matter. Maybe in the future……

“Speaking of which, Matou Kariya and Mordred should still be on their way here, right?”

This king’s banquet was launched in advance, and it still had some impact. Fortunately, the impact was not big. After all, the banquet has just begun. When everyone is in place, and the banquet is over, it is time to deal with the King of Heroes.

“The King of Heroes was eliminated on the second night of the Holy Grail War. If successful, the evaluation will probably not be low.”

Although this simulation of the moon world is difficult to really affect the pattern of this world, the Holy Grail War is not a trivial matter. Many changes will definitely improve the evaluation.

“This is the first model moon simulation, and I don’t know what kind of evaluation it can get from the simulation, although I can’t expect too much from this first simulation. However, it is necessary to explore ways to give high evaluations as much as possible.”

Actually, Kamijouha himself doesn’t have much confidence as to whether his plan to kill the King of Heroes can succeed this time. But there are some things that must be done no matter how difficult they are. Thinking of this, Kamijouha once again withdrew his thoughts and looked at the simulation

【The conquering king had to be convinced. What the other party said was reasonable, but he had one last question for Archer.】

【”This statement is reasonable, but I have one more question – what kind of righteousness or rationale does your action have?”】

【”Nature is the law! As a king, I promulgate laws. If you break the law, if there is no enforcer, I will personally punish you. That’s all.”】

【The King of Heroes responded without thinking. This is actually his principle.】

【”Oh, for being able to implement the rules you set in this way, I have to admit that you are an excellent king. However, as a king, I do not want to submit to others, and I also want the Holy Grail. After all, Yu is the conquering king! If you want something, you will plunder and conquer it yourself! This is the rule set by this king!”】

【As he finished speaking, the King of Conquerors couldn’t help laughing, and looked at the King of Heroes with a fighting spirit on his face.】

【”Since the rules we have set are different, we can only meet on the battlefield!”】

【”snort! As long as you dare to offend, I will personally punish you!”】

【As soon as the words fell, the two kings, the King of Conquerors and the King of Heroes, raised their glasses and drank them both.】

【This is a declaration of war, and at the same time, it is also a recognition between the two kings.】

【As the Conqueror King said, a king who can implement his own rules is an excellent king. The King of Heroes also recognized this. Therefore, while the two kings declared war on each other, they also expressed their respect for each other.】

【”However, I don’t plan to fight tonight. It’s banquet time now, let’s drink and drink.”】

【”Of course, is it possible that you look down on my wine?”】

【”Just kidding, how can you not drink such a fine wine quickly? Look, that Kamijou guy keeps drinking, don’t let him finish it all by himself!”】Mo.

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