Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 72

"Thank you very much for once again contributing to the stability of society, but if possible, can you control it next time? There are so many big potholes on the streets in the city center, and it’s very difficult to deal with the aftermath."

"You should tell your enemies about this kind of thing, I'm already very attentive anyway. Moreover, I think the damage I caused should be much worse than the God Killer."

"……You are right, but I feel that your destructive power is about to catch up with our king."

"Isn’t this why we haven’t caught up yet? I'll try... Well, I mean, I'll pay attention."

Actually, Kamijouha wants to say that he will work hard to become stronger than the God-Slayer, but not many people believe him. And saying this at this time gives people the impression that he is learning from the God-Slayer. , trying hard to give this official a sense of intensity in his work.

Saya had a dark look on her face. Although Kamijouha changed her words in time, she still guessed what he just wanted to say. At the same time, as the latter guessed, she thought of It’s about the aftermath.

When she thinks that there is an extraordinary being as destructive as the king in the area under her jurisdiction, Saya can’t be happy.

Fortunately, it’s thanks to her previous efforts to deal with this aspect. With their experience, they were able to quickly stabilize the situation and minimize the damage and impact caused by the final blow.

However, Saya was still worried. She was not respectful to Kamijouha just now. She really felt the other party. The destructive power is getting stronger and stronger. This time it can be controlled, but what about next time and the next time?

"Director Shaye, I just received good news.……"

At this time, Amakasu suddenly appeared. He seemed to be answering the phone on the other side, and now he came over with a smile on his face.

"Hope that's really good news, tell me."

Saya was very annoyed and tired by the events of the past few days, and she didn't know what good news could really make her happy.

However, Amakasu didn't say anything, and just looked at Kamijouha.

Well, although this The boy is not an enemy. There is still the possibility of becoming one of our own, but he is still an outsider now.

Everyone present is smart. Looking at Amakasu's small move, they immediately understood what he meant.

Kamijouha snorted softly, But Amakasu's behavior was not inappropriate, so he turned around and prepared to leave. The reason why he didn't leave immediately after this battle was because he was going to discuss something with these official people, but looking at the situation, let's wait until next time, anyway. He was not in a hurry.

However, just when Kamijou Yu was about to take out the [Shangri-La] and move away directly——

"To put it bluntly, Kamijou boy has revealed his identity directly, this is how people show their sincerity, so let’s not treat him like an outsider."

Saya's words made Kamijouha stop his movements as he was about to leave.

Yes, this time Kamijouha immediately took off his armor after the war and revealed his true identity in front of all of them.

He passed by it several times before Kamijouha thought that the Official History Compilation Committee could have friendly contact for the time being. Of course, he was also confident that he would be able to handle it even if he became an enemy in the future. In addition, he had something to talk to them, so he revealed his true identity to show his sincerity.

Of course, in the end, The key point is that Kamijou Ha did not hide it a few times before. The other party has most likely guessed and found it, and there is no point in hiding anything. At this time, Kamijou Ha, who was about to leave, because of Shaye This changed his mind. He looked at Saya, who was obviously only a few years older than him, and smiled.

"You seem to be only a year or two older than me, right? It's a bit inappropriate to call me a boy, it seems old-fashioned."

"……It seems like your focus is a bit subtle."

This guy doesn't play by the rules.

Saya raised her eyebrows. Her words were indeed a proactive show of kindness, but Kamijouha didn't accept the move and instead responded from another angle.

Are you still wary of official organizations in your heart? ? But these words also seem to be saying that she is in a high position at a young age. It is somewhat of a compliment

, right? She is vigilant but also expresses a certain degree of goodwill... This guy does not act like he should at his age. Is he really just a seventeen-year-old high school student?

Saya couldn't imagine it. Kamijou Ha has experienced a lot in the simulation. Except for his strength, all other aspects are not comparable to normal people.

Well, at least he has not left directly now. , this already explains his attitude, which is a good thing.

Saya, who can't figure it out, doesn't worry too much. She has already confirmed that Kamijouha has the potential to become a god-slayer. Now she just wants to make good friends with him, even if she can't win over him. The other party also needs to have a good relationship.

Amakasu looked left and right and saw that Chief Saya was serious. She really planned to make every effort to befriend Kamijou Ha. After confirming this, he stopped saying any more and just accepted the news. The good news has arrived

"The headquarters called and said that the project to prevent and predict arrivals from another world has been mostly completed, and during the research and development process, a certain by-product that was produced seemed to be quite useful, so a notice was sent to all branches to send people to the headquarters to collect it.."

"By-product? What is its specific function?"

"It is a space isolation device. When activated, a barrier can be deployed to isolate the space. With this device, you can not only trap the enemy, but also prevent the enemy from causing more and greater damage."

As soon as these words came out, not only Saya's eyes suddenly lit up, but Kamijou Ha and Tamamo Mae were also a little surprised.

This thing is really good. The effect is similar to [Shangri-La] that sends enemies to a different space, trapping them and killing them. A killing move that combines with the enemy.

Of course, from an official point of view, the biggest effect of this is to avoid the expansion of damage. The aftermath work will be much easier, and there is no need to spend a lot of money on reconstruction or anything like that.

"However, the headquarters said that this thing is just an unexpected by-product. The strength of the barrier at this stage is not too strong, and it cannot trap too strong enemies. However, after my detailed questioning, if they are enemies at the level of Shadow Servants, they should be able to trap them."

"That's enough. Will such strong enemies appear often? Besides, they also said that this was an initial by-product. If they continue to study it, they can definitely make better ones, right?"

Shaye is in a good mood now. This is indeed good news. Even if there are many incidents in a row in the future, they will not say that they are tired to the point of sudden death.

"……There are actually quite a few powerful enemies that have appeared recently."

As he said this, Amakasu looked at Kamijouha again.

Kamijouha didn't feel any malice or hostility from this guy, it was more like teasing, so he just shrugged and then pointed out a certain key point aloud.

"Enemies that are too strong cannot be trapped because they have the power to destroy the barrier. But there is a premise, that is, they have time and opportunity to destroy the barrier. If they are suppressed throughout the process, the barrier can still exert its due effect."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present understood instantly. Saya couldn't help but smile happily. Amakasu was stunned for a moment and nodded to express his admiration. Tamamo Mae looked at

Kamijouha with a twinkling look, thinking about this He has quick thinking and is a smart guy. Moreover, he doesn't seem to be a bad guy. Such a person wouldn't publicize her identity so much that she can't live a stable life...right? Okay,

Tamamo In fact, it was still unclear before. She didn't leave immediately after the battle. It was entirely because she saw Kamijou Ha and didn't leave, so she stayed and watched him. In fact, like Tamamo Cat, she had almost adapted to the world here. Yeah, I really don’t want this stable life to be disrupted.

"However, in my opinion, there don't seem to be many strong people in your branch, or the mobility is not strong enough, so you can't make it to the end of each incident. As a result, the situation of suppressing powerful enemies throughout the whole process that I just mentioned seems a bit difficult to achieve."

I don't know if it was intentional or not. Just after he pointed out a certain key point, Kamijouha immediately poured cold water on everyone, making Saya and Amakasu's faces slightly stiff.

However, the two reacted quickly and realized it instantly. What? The smile on Shaye’s face remained unchanged and her tone was gentle.

"So, Kamijou boy, you should have a solution to this problem, right? Can you give us some advice?"

"It's not just a suggestion, I just have a proposal for cooperation."


A little disappointment flashed in Shaye's eyes. She thought the other party wanted to join them. However, she soon thought that cooperation would be good. Now it is cooperation, but in the future it may not just be cooperation. They can go deeper. This is the first step to a good start.

Thinking of this, Saya smiled even more on her face and signaled Kamijouha to continue.

"If there is a strong enemy that you cannot handle, you can entrust me to deal with it. You have seen my strength many times, and my speed is also very fast. In addition, I have space props. I can definitely reach the scene faster than you and then defeat the powerful enemy."

It would be too inefficient to search for powerful enemies all over the world by yourself, even if you have Hassan Baimei as your subordinate to carry out spying work.

Therefore, Kamijouha is targeting the officials, and their intelligence capabilities need not be said. , plus they are responsible for suppressing extraordinary people who disrupt social order, so they have to deal with a lot of extraordinary people every day, and the chance of encountering powerful people is also extremely high.

Since they want to quickly deal with powerful enemies, but many times they cannot do it quickly If you don't want to deal with it, then it's better to leave these powerful enemies to him.

In this way, Saya and the others' pressure is instantly reduced by more than half, and Kamijou Ha does not need to worry about finding powerful enemies. He, Esdeath and others have A steady stream of opponents can keep fighting to improve themselves. This is a win-win situation.

"Of course, this is not free, I don’t want money, I want some props or weapons. And one thing needs to be explained: I don’t accept all commissions, and I can’t guarantee when I will be available.……"

Kamijou Ha said that not only did he want official information from the White House, but he also wanted to receive payment. Although he is a war maniac and is happy to fight strong enemies, isn't this also helping the official deal with troublesome enemies? This must be paid

"good! On behalf of my branch, I would like to explain your cooperation proposal."

After Kamijouha finished speaking, Saya couldn't wait to accept it.

She had already planned to recruit the other party, and the position she gave him was a non-staff position like"consultant". But now, the other party's proposal and becoming a"consultant""Is there any difference? At most, the salary is higher than that of"consultants", and there is no other difference. There is no guarantee that you will be available at any time? Are you not accepting all commissions? Are these things the same as for"consultants"? Non-staff personnel are all so

"However, the props and weapons you require as reward should all be from the other world, right? Can we discuss this? Because these things are quite precious and cannot be mass-produced."

"Then replace it with some precious medicinal materials and potions. Well, based on enemy strength as a baseline. Those who are not too strong will be given some medicinal materials and potions, and those who are strong will have to choose props and weapons. How to calculate it specifically? Please draw up a suitable remuneration list."

Of course, if it's not suitable, then Kamijouha will definitely send it back and let them draft it again.

As for medicinal materials and potions, don't forget that he is a"master of medicine." If he has the medicinal materials, he can make strengthening potions, recovery potions, etc. Good stuff. I want the potion to see if I can crack the copy, or even make a better one.

Saya and Amakasu looked at each other, both nodded, and then she stretched out her hand to Kamijouha

"My name is Sayaka Miyazaki, the branch director of the Tokyo Official History Compilation Committee branch."

"Kamijouha, a second-year student at Toyozaki High School. Well, I’m still a novelist for now."

Kamijoha also stretched out his hand and took Saya Miyazhin's hand. This was not only a formal acquaintance between the two parties, but also a etiquette for their cooperation.

Amakasu on the side also reported his name, Amakasu Touma. As for Tamamo Mae, he only said that he was a foreigner. The name was Miko Kitsune. Tamamo

Mae was too lazy to complain about not even using a pseudonym. After Kamijouha and Saya Miyakarin exchanged contact information, agreed on a more specific discussion, they took out the [Shangri-La] and left.

Of course, In fact, he moved too far away, but went to a nearby cat cafe. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Have things been settled? Then let me cook a big meal for you now!"

Seeing Kamijouha's sudden appearance, Tamamo Cat was not too surprised, but was very enthusiastic. She already knew that Akhitomi and him were in the same group, and Kamijouha was a regular customer of this store, so naturally she was very fond of him ( Money? (Zhao) is friendly

"Chitong, if you want to stay, it's not impossible, but I have something else to do.……"

Kamijou Ha has not forgotten Kato Megumi and Yukinoshita Yukino, and the date is still going on. Although, after experiencing something like this, I don’t know if they are still in the mood to continue.

"Then I'll stay, there's nothing going on for the time being anyway. What about Esdeath?"

"I'll just wander around again, hoping to encounter such good things again."

A good thing? Is the situation just now a good thing?

No one answered Esdeath's words. Kamijouha rolled his eyes at her. At the same time, he was a little glad that he had just made the decision to cooperate with Sayaka Miyazaki.

After receiving the commission, not only could he personally take action , or you can let Esdeath and others handle it. This is free practical training, and there is basically no danger if you pay attention.

In short, the few people separated temporarily after that, and Chitong stayed to have a big meal. Esdeath continued to wander around, and Kamijouha returned to Kato Megumi and Yukinoshita Yukino.

It is worth mentioning that Kamijouha's excuse for leaving earlier was that he saw someone who fell and was injured and couldn't run away, so he rushed back to rescue him. Of course, he also left a clone to protect them secretly, so both of them are unscathed until now.

However, as Kamijou Ha guessed, the mood and nature of the two women were not very good because of this incident, so He sent the two of them back.

After that, Kamijou Haha, who was okay for the time being, also returned to his new home.

Since there was nothing to do for the time being, and it was still early before dinner time, then——

"I want to choose the moon world and start the simulation immediately"

【The simulation is started and talents are being extracted for you.】

【Ding! Extraction successful! 】

The moment he finished speaking, Kamijouha once again saw the dazzling golden light!


Kamen Rider Full Open Holy Blade Kamiyama Fei Yuzhen once said: I am just an ordinary novelist.[]

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